Under Xiaozhi, what are you doing?

Chapter 274 Chapter 271 was played through

Chapter 274 Chapter 270 was played through
"I can learn, but you can't control me. I have to rest when I want to rest."

"Also, not only the spicy strips, but also the milk tea, you know!"

You are not afraid of high cholesterol and death from cerebral hemorrhage.

Xiaozhi never doubted that Ladias would suffer from various diseases one day and die.

He nodded: "No problem."

He promised to ignore Latias.

But in fact this is impossible.

Xiaozhi sneered in his heart.

When it's under my hands, you can do whatever you want.

Your fat body should have been gone long ago.

"Well, the attitude is good, but I can't practice today. Today is my rest day."

At some point, Latias took out a small notebook and sketched.

"off day?"

"One, three, five and seven are rest days, two and four are free enjoyment days, and Saturday is a weight loss day."

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Co-authoring can't do fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, so I use the 996 rest system.

He snapped back.

"No, you must persevere in Bird's practice, and you need to practice every day from now on."

Latias blushed: "Ah~ then I give up."

Hurry up if you tm give up!

"Then take half a day off every week."

"How about three days?"

"No, at most one day."

"Two days, I'm just a baby, I can't suffer too much."

"That's two days, Saturday and Sunday off."

Latias thumped.

Xiaozhi agreed too quickly, which caught her off guard.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that she seemed...to have been fooled again.

"Or, three days..."

Xiaozhi gave her a stir-fried chestnut.


"Damn! It hurts."

"If you agree for two days, you will not be allowed to go back on your word for two days."

"Woo~ bastard."

Latias put his head in his hands and pouted tearfully.

Xiaozhi smiled slightly: "Then practice starts now."


Ladias shook his head.

"Why, do you want to go back on your word again?"

"Of course not, because today is Sunday, hee hee!"

Bring back a city.


The sea breeze blows the wind goblin's cotton.

Under the haze, the weather in Lichong City is much warmer than that in Feiyun.

"Passengers, please take your luggage with you when you disembark, and don't miss any valuables."

In the sound of the broadcast, two women and a man stepped on the ground of Liyong City.

"There's a foul smell in the air."

"Isn't this the case in all big cities~"

For Sonia's words, Xiaozhi helplessly spread his hands.

The taste of Magic City is no better than that of Lichong City.

Just the millions of car exhausts are enough to compare with those big chimneys in Lichong City.

Alice sniffed her nose: "The air in Qibao City smells better."

Sonia continued: "The air in Galar Wood Town is also good."

"Hey? Really! Let me tell you..."

Not long after, the two girls began to chat enthusiastically.

Xiaozhi scratched his hair.

He doesn't quite understand why women can always start discussions with inexplicable topics when they are together.

If it is a man, it is probably "playing games?" "What rank are you?" "King."

In this regard, there is still a big difference between men and women.

Because Sonia and Alice were chatting arm in arm, Xiaozhi could only be forced to pass on.

After coming to a city, the first point must be to find a place to rest.

If it is a tourist city, you can also read travel guides and food recommendations.

However, Lichong City does not seem to meet this condition.

Unless the big chimneys standing on the edge of the city are also counted as tourist attractions.

"Little boss, the ticket needs to be cut."

Suddenly, a cold palm patted Xiaozhi's shoulder from behind.

His whole body trembled with fright.

Roundhouse kick!

There was a piercing sound.

Sonia and Alice, who were walking in front, turned their heads one after another, not knowing what happened.

Xiaozhi, who moved his feet, was also very confused.

Behind him, a man wearing a black hat and two mustaches was lying on the ground, clutching his waist and moaning.

"Little boss, I'm just selling a ticket, and I'm not trying to rob you, so I can't be so ruthless!"

"Uncle, sorry, sorry, you just scared me."

Xiaozhi helped the man guiltily, and apologized.

"That's still my fault!"

"Eh~ I didn't mean that."

It can only be said that Xiaozhi had already kept his hand just now. If he used the waveguide, this man would probably spend the rest of his life in bed.

At this moment, Alice came over and asked, "Uncle, why are you following us?"

The black-hat uncle covered his waist and argued with staring eyes: "The thing about selling tickets is not called tailgating, but the thing about selling tickets can be called tailgating?"

"Selling tickets? What tickets?" Sonia discovered the blind spot.

"A ticket to the concert, a ticket to the concert of the Band of Violence."

Poison my life... What a good name.

Xiaozhi asked: "Is it the band of Homiga, the owner of Lichong Gymnasium?"

If it's Homi's band, Xiaozhi doesn't mind listening to it. He quite likes this little girl from the second grade.

Prefer the venomous badge in her hand.

"Oh! That's great! The kid has a lot of knowledge! It's that very popular band's concert, and now it's hard to get a ticket!"

The black-hat uncle leaned close to Xiaozhi's ear, and said mysteriously: "It is said that the famous movie star Xiao Ju'er will come to assist in this concert, and she has a very good figure!"

"How much is the ticket?"

"Five thousand."

Xiaozhi shook his head, and said to Sonia and Alice, "Let's go."

"Young man, don't go, four thousand, what about four thousand!"

Xiaozhi didn't look back.

The black hat uncle hastily changed his words: "Three thousand... no, five thousand and three!"

Xiaozhi decisively scanned the QR code to pay.

In just a moment, he had already checked the ticket price on the Internet, and it probably ranged from [-] to [-].

Five thousand and three tickets, the price is pretty fair for scalpers.


On the way to book a hotel, Sonia asked Xiaozhi curiously, "Do you like listening to music?"

No, I do enjoy watching big nainai.

It is impossible for Xiaozhi to say such words.

So he nodded and said, "Poison Play My Life has always been a band I like very much. I listen to their songs all the time."

"Ho~ really?"

Alice saw a clue from the change in Xiaozhi's attitude after the uncle whispered in Xiaozhi's ear.

She squinted her eyes and said teasingly, "It can't be that there are other plans!"

"how is this possible!"

Alice quickly hit a deadly combo: "When was the band Vixen founded? Which is the famous song of Vixen? How many albums has Vixen released so far?"

Ash: ()
"Can I think about it?"

"Mobile phone searches are not allowed!"

Xiaozhi: "..."

Was played through.

(End of this chapter)

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