Wandao long distance

Chapter 1042 Preparation

Li Qi returned to the planet.

Buddhism was located on this planet before, and it was invaded by other civilizations. It was Li Qi who helped them repel the invasion.

After that, Li Qi promoted "Read the Great Tripitaka at will" throughout the universe, helping the lost Buddhist sect to regain some popularity.

It’s just… it’s a bit too much to recover.

Today, this pagoda that stores the Tripitaka has become one of the most visited places in the universe.

It has even reached a point where some are concerned about the gradual erosion caused by the hundreds of billions of tourists each day.

So finally a rule was introduced that states that when visiting this planet, you need to weigh your body and the weight of your luggage before entering, and then when you leave, you cannot weigh a gram more or less. The net difference in weight must be removed from your weight through magic when you leave the planet. If there is less, you will be required to make up the difference.

If we don't do this, the mass of the planet will be exhausted just by everyone walking on the mud. And if everyone brings a little more stuff, it won't be long before the planet collapses due to the expansion of its mass.

Even so, the material replacement of this planet is also very terrifying. It is said that every six years, all the materials on this planet will be replaced. This is the real "stardust".

This is also normal. This is the teaching of a first-class master. Even if it does not conform to your own path, there is no harm in listening to it. If you can understand something, you will make a lot of money.

That’s what everyone thought at first.

They wanted to come here to acquire technology, or even certain specific techniques, such as Maudgalyayana's magical powers. If they could learn even a little bit of them, it would be a huge help to civilization.

However... most people who came with this mentality were disappointed.

The entire Tripitaka, the three hundred million trillion statues of the Buddha in the pagoda, that is, three hundred million trillion layers, and all the scriptures, do not have a single word that contains specific technical details or specific magical powers.

These talks are all about Buddhism and do not involve any practical aspects.

As for specific techniques and magical powers, you can only develop and study them slowly on your own after you have mastered these Buddhist teachings.

Perhaps this is also what the Buddha Tathagata expected.

From these places, Li Qi could also vaguely sense the Buddha's thoughts.

Buddha will die and the world will perish. This is natural.

And in all of this, what you get is the retribution for what you have done, which is called "karma".

Even the Buddha himself could not change any of the rules of cause and effect - he just discovered these rules and tried his best to educate others with the wisdom and rules he realized.

Buddha is an enlightened one, not a savior. He only hopes to spread his wisdom. As long as all living beings can have enough wisdom to see through the fog, to correctly understand and deal with everything, then what can make us feel painful?

It is like the Buddha, before he attained enlightenment, sat under a huge Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya and began to think, with the moon rising and setting, and the tides ebbing and flowing.

This is probably what he saw in the universe when he looked up.

Therefore, Li Qi could almost understand why the other party chose to enter Nirvana.

After those things happened, it was inevitable that the Buddha was deified and made into various huge and solemn statues, and his various incredible powers were also praised.

Therefore, he is going to die.

When he dies, when the "Buddha" also "enters Nirvana", perhaps all living beings will understand that the Buddha is not some extraordinary existence, who cannot keep himself alive, cannot destroy demons, and cannot even influence the various causes and conditions in this world.

Buddha is just a wise man who has realized the law of cause and effect. The greatest meaning of his existence is to bring this wisdom to others, and this is the last thing he leaves to the world.

However, in Li Qi's opinion, this idea seems too pretentious.

Li Qi didn't think this attitude was a good thing.

Now that we have power and supernatural powers, we can naturally change the world. Isn't this great power born for changing the world?

Instead of expecting everyone in the world to become enlightened, it is better to create a world where people cannot survive without enlightenment, and then naturally everyone will become enlightened.

Buddha is still too merciful.

The other Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are too compassionate. They would rather "guide" people to think than put any pressure on them. They are too soft-hearted.

But Li Qi is not that extreme. He is not going to criticize other people's teachings. He just feels that if the Buddha is unwilling to change the world in the end, it is a bit... too conservative.

The Tao is within, and it regulates one's own behavior.

Tao is outside of it and is the law that governs the operation of the world.

The two are completely interchangeable.

The Tao in the outside world will naturally affect one's attitude toward the outside world. This is a typical example of the external Tao affecting the Tao within a person's body.

But by the same token, a person's own Tao can also influence the Tao of the outside world, modify physical constants, and even reshape the entire space and time, or create the world on his own.

But the Tathagata is too compassionate, or rather... too weak, and he is unwilling to influence the external Tao.

Or maybe he was too arrogant. He believed that there was no point in changing the external "Tao". Even if it changed, it would be of no use. All the joys and sorrows in this world were, in essence, the result of a momentary gathering and separation of causes and conditions. They would disappear in the blink of an eye, and then a new one would appear. There was no need to change.

"All conditioned phenomena are like dreams, illusions, bubbles, and shadows." Li Qi sighed as he walked in front of the pagoda.

Yes, perhaps in the eyes of the Buddha, the 'external way' is nothing but a dream and illusion. Only the way in one's heart can last for a long time.

Li Qi walked on this planet. Although it was crowded, it was not noisy. There were many people around him who were quietly discussing the Buddhist teachings they could see.

Therefore, Li Qi's sigh did not attract any attention. Everyone here was translating the words of the Buddha in various languages.

Finally, Li Qi shook his head and shook off these thoughts.

After coming to this place, it seems that my thoughts have moved a little closer to Buddhism.

He had come to the pagoda where the Tripitaka was stored.

This place was also packed with people. Li Qi lined up and prepared to enter the pagoda.

Waiting in line here is really a torture for mortals, because there are too many people, enough to circle half the planet, so even if they are released at the fastest speed, it will take more than ten days to get in.

But fortunately, we are all practitioners, and it will be over after a dozen days of endurance.

As for Li Qi...

He didn't queue. Normally, he would have queued with the others, but now it was urgent and there was no time, so he just walked in.

However, there were no riots or protests because other people couldn't see him.

Li Qi walked straight in. Inside the pagoda was also crowded with people... No, it wasn't people crowded with people. It was all kinds of different creatures crowded together. Among them were humanoid creatures, but there were also a lot of not so humanoid creatures. However, everyone sat there obediently and no one dared to make trouble here.

Among so many people, the Demon Prince was sitting among them, blending in with the crowd, and it was almost impossible to tell the difference between him and ordinary people.

This surprised Li Qi a little.

Because the Demon Prince is not an approachable person. Unlike people like me who usually don't like to show off, he is extremely self-centered and basically doesn't consider other people's feelings.

Sitting together with ordinary people...is it because of Buddhism?

Li Qi didn't know, but he just walked towards the Demon Prince.

When he walked to the side of the Demon Prince, the Demon Prince put down the Buddhist scriptures in his hand and looked at Li Qi: "Got any clues?"

"The clues are not clear, but it seems that the gods are going to make some big moves." Li Qi said.

Then, he told them what the gods were going to do and his own entanglement with them.

Even as he was speaking, the number of people around him gradually decreased, as if their cognition was disturbed and they left the place unknowingly.

Li Qi noticed this, but didn't say anything.

This is what the Demon Prince should do.

  He was crowded with many people before, and some even touched his shoulders and stepped on his cloak, but he didn't react at all. This is not like the Demon Prince at all.

If the Demon Prince was in a normal state, these people should have disappeared.

Just after Li Qi finished talking about the gods, the Demon Prince thought for a moment and said to Li Qi: "So, the gods want you to die. If you help destroy Haotian, then they will help you deal with the demons? Isn't this a good deal? Don't you agree?"

"Why should we agree? I think Haotian did a good job. If Yao Ji and Di Jun were allowed to take power, it's hard to say what the universe would become." Li Qi shook his head.

"So, compared to the Heavenly Demon, you are more concerned about what the universe itself will become?" the Demon Prince asked back.

"You've missed the point. The reason why I want to deal with the demons and the evil ways is to prevent all time and space in this universe from being disturbed by the demons." Li Qi emphasized: "I never want to target the demons. I have always cared about this universe."

"You really have a broad mind." The Demon Prince smiled but said nothing.

Li Qi and his Tao are different.

In the eyes of the Demon Prince, there have never been any "living beings", only himself.

He doesn't care what the universe looks like, because to him, the external environment is meaningless, and what the world looks like has no impact on him.

He is free, eternal and ever-present. Everything in the outside world is nothing but clouds to him. All he sees are his own goals and the obstacles around them.

To the Demon Prince, there is no scenery in the outside world.

If Li Qi was admiring the beauty of the universe, walking around, hoping to see more beautiful things, and doing some tasks from time to time, then in the eyes of the Demon Prince, this universe only had "mission goals".

There is no scenery to speak of, only things like 'go where, kill a few'. If possible, he would even read the code directly and would not bother to look at any aspects about art and textures.

"So, you are not going to help the gods. Do you think the gods will let it go? They personally invited you, it must not be a spur of the moment idea. There must be something behind it that only you can do." said the Demon Prince.

Li Qi heard this and nodded.

Yes, that's what he was worried about too.

If they simply wanted to have another second-rank combat force, they would not have come to Li Qi, nor would they have offered such a generous price, or even revealed their plan to replace Haotian.

This shows that their plan requires Li Qi to do something that only Li Qi can complete perfectly, otherwise, Li Qi is not worthy.

The gods would not do such a big thing on a whim.

Li Qi's one refusal obviously could not stop them from making moves. They might even resort to coercion or even more control to force Li Qi to make arrangements.

This arrangement may not be direct, it may also be guided by some conspiracy, so that Li Qi will unknowingly do what they want.

But Li Qi is not a child anymore, even a first-rank official may not be able to arrange Li Qi silently. But no matter what, it is better to be careful when dealing with these brutal gods.

"So let me ask you, how long will it take to finish reading the Great Tripitaka and the Great Sho Tripitaka? How long do we have to wait? I feel that given the current situation, if we continue to wait, there will be many variables." Li Qi said.

This universe is constantly developing, and both Li Qi and the Demon Prince are well aware of this.

During the time when Li Qi and the Demon Prince were silent, countless major events happened. The three events that could involve the First Rank alone included the civil war among the gods, the demons wreaking havoc in the universe, and the death of the Human Emperor.

The intensity of each incident was second only to that of the Nine Earth Tunnel Fight, and was about the same level as the Demon-Slaying War initiated by Li Qi, which also involved the fall of a second-grade warrior.

Among them, the death of the Human Emperor was even more serious than the demon-killing war started by Li Qi. Li Qi only lost two second-grade people at the beginning, but the death of the Human Emperor involved the deaths of many second-grade people.

Every time this happens, the real universe disappears in a terrifying way.

The time and space of the universe are like various illusions flashing quietly, the original light bursts out, like sticking pieces of jelly on the space, time expands, matter contracts, and the largest prime number quietly hides in the corner, hidden forever.

Then, everything appeared, everything appeared again.

During this change, Li Qi and the Demon Prince have been preparing their own affairs.

Many second-rank officials are similar to Li Qi. Many of them do not participate in these matters. They will only intervene when it involves their own affairs.

And now, it seems that I have to participate.

Li Qi is ready, but what about the Demon Prince?

Hearing Li Qi's questions, the Demon Prince glanced at the Buddhist scriptures in his hand.

"Are we going to attack the demon now?"

"How is that possible? If we attack the demon now, we will both die." Li Qi smiled: "But, we can't really let the gods involve me, right?"

"So, what do you want to do?" (End of this chapter)

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