Wandao long distance

Chapter 1043 Restart

Chapter 1043 Restart

The Demon Prince looked at Li Qi. What on earth did this guy want to do?

It seems that since his resurrection, this person has become much more proactive and wants to do many things.

Seeing that the Demon Prince was finally impatient, Li Qi finally spoke up and stated his purpose: "Then I'll be frank. Those real things in the Demonic Path should die."

"Oh?" The demon prince closed the Buddhist scriptures and said, "Aren't you afraid that the demon will take action?"

"The demon will not take action." Li Qizhe said: "The Buddha has passed away, and the Buddhist sect does not seem to be on the rise. He will not care about these trivial matters. For him, the life and death of the second rank, or even the survival of the entire demon path, he does not care."

"That's true, but in his eyes, the two of us are the Buddha's backup, so he will still pay attention to us. We try to exterminate all the second and third level demons. Perhaps it will become the fuse of an event and make the devil think that we are planning something big." The Demon Prince reminded.

Hearing the Demon Prince's reminder, Li Qi laughed: "Haha, have you noticed that now, you are more like me, and I am beginning to be like you."

Li Qi chose to move forward aggressively, but the Demon Prince began to carefully consider the possible consequences.

really interesting.

"Being brave is not being reckless. I only knew my own strength before, but you seem to be unable to tell your own strength now," said the Demon Prince.

"No, I just know more. Look at this." Li Qi stretched out his hand and took out the Desire Realm.

The desire realm is still in a damaged state, but it has recovered about half. This is the self-healing ability of this thing.

"The Desire Realm is broken? What broke it? You? Impossible, you don't have that ability." The Demon Prince was stunned for a moment, then stared at Li Qi, hoping to get an answer.

"It was chopped into pieces by the Human Emperor Sword." Li Qi replied.

The Demon Prince's expression calmed down.

"After the Desire Realm was shattered, I saw some of the laws governing the operation of the real universe. From these laws, I saw the contradictory attitude of the Heavenly Demon." Li Qi handed the Desire Realm to the Demon Prince.

The Demon Prince probed his thoughts into it.

He seemed to notice it too.

This reveals a principle, a law, or a truth.

They were written by Tianmo in a unique style so that the readers can understand the meaning and read all the contents. If one knows how to apply the principles in it, then he can do whatever he wants and have everything he wants, because... everything is in it.

It’s just that the feeling is not very clear, as if there is a layer of glass blocking the feeling.

This is because there is not enough stimulation. The Desire Realm will hide the existence of this law. If you want to see the hidden things, you need some stimulation, such as throwing something like the remains of the Human Emperor in to directly oppress the Desire Realm, forcing it to reveal its core while being damaged, so that you can see it clearly.

But there is no need, the Demon Prince has no interest in the laws that govern the real world.

Even if it was placed in front of him, he was too lazy to look at it.

Just like what was said before, the Demon Prince only cares about his own world and not the outside world. The laws of the outside world are not what he pursues.

His way is different from Li Qi's.

But by feeling the situation in the Desire Realm, the Demon Prince could also clearly perceive one thing...what Li Qi wanted to tell him.

The Heavenly Demon should be the same as the Demon Prince.

The devil should be the one who doesn't care about the outside world at all. As one of the pinnacles of the devil, the devil is absolutely idealistic. In his view, everything in the external world is just an illusion of the devil himself.

There are no external things at all. All external things are just manifestations of the devil’s own body.

  Then, how could the laws of the external world appear in the Desire Realm of the Devil? Wasn't that something created by the Devil?

After the Demon Prince noticed this, he looked at Li Qi, knowing that he must have the answer.

Li Qi did not hide anything and said, "I learned from Cang Tian that the Desire Realm is the remains of the Heavenly Demon. It is the 'eggshell' of the Heavenly Demon, and the interior is full of this kind of rules. It can be seen that the existence of the Desire Realm is actually unnecessary for the Heavenly Demon, so he can use the Desire Realm to carry out those plans. He actually doesn't care about the Desire Realm at all."

The Demon Prince said, "So, you think that for the same reason, he wouldn't care about all the second-grade demons and wouldn't take action for them?"

Li Qi put away the Desire Realm and replied, "We already have evidence, don't we? Even if the Heart Demon and the Karma Demon died, even if the Desire Realm was in my hands, he still didn't move, so why should we be so timid?"

"Although it's a bit far-fetched, it can be used as evidence. So, what does our doing have to do with the gods' plan? If you start to exterminate the second-grade demons, will the gods stop targeting you?" the Demon Prince asked again.

"Of course it matters. These gods will not intervene in our fight against the demons. If they intervene in the fight between us and the demons, the situation will no longer be under their control." Li Qi said, "They can only wait for us to kill all the second and third level demons."

Before Li Qi could continue, the Demon Prince said, "After we kill all the second- and third-grade demons, our plan will move to the next step. These gods will not have enough power to interfere with us, so you have to fight with them to make up for the time and information gap."

"Yes, that's it." Li Qi nodded.

The Demon Prince closed his eyes and began to deduce.

Li Qi waited quietly, but in fact he already knew the result.

The Demon Prince's deductive ability is not much stronger than Li Qi's. If Li Qi's own deduction is fine, then there is probably no problem with the Demon Prince's deduction either.

So, in the end, the Demon Prince stood up and put away the Buddhist scriptures: "Well, it seems that you have made a lot of progress. Let me try my current situation."

After he finished speaking, the black jade tiger pendant on his waist twisted and came to life, transforming into a black tiger.

He rode on Mo Hu's waist and rushed out.

Li Qi also followed him out.

There is no need to look for other second-grade items this time because there is no need. This is part of their plan.

Killing all the second-grade and third-grade demons will be an important step in their plan. What they had before was just preparation, and it has always been in a state of "just lacking the east wind".

  In this case, why should we wait for the east wind?

East wind, can’t you just blow on your own?

The two of them were extremely fast.

Almost instantly they arrived at a demonic kingdom, which was the lair of a second-grade demon.

Don’t ask how I know this is the place. Actually… this is Li Qi’s current ability. The Eye of the Devil on his forehead is still open.

In front of the complete Eye of the Heavenly Demon, it is really difficult for a second-grade cultivator to hide.

However, finding it somewhere does not necessarily mean it can be destroyed, but this is also a great advantage.

The Demon Prince and Li Qi entered and walked inside.

Although it is called the Demonic Kingdom, the scenery here is actually quite nice.

This place is still as warm as spring, but after all, it is in the mountains, so there is still a slight chilly wind, but not biting.

You can see that there are many academies here. From the academies comes the smell of burning incense, the stench of burning corpses, and the fragrance of resin in the woods on the mountain, all mixed together and wafting through the valley.

There are many people here, and most of them are studying seriously. Li Qi and Prince Mo came to this place and saw a young man who failed in his practice but was still in a peaceful state of mind. He was squatting on the side of the road and summing up his failure.

Li Qi stepped forward and asked him, "You seem to have failed in your cultivation. Why are you still like this? From the way you look, it seems that you need to break down your inner world and rebuild it, right? This is second only to rebuilding from scratch. Isn't this kind of failure enough to make you depressed?"

The young man looked at Li Qi and said, "The master has already said that you should not worry about success or failure. A person who has never failed must be a person who has never tried anything."

As he said this, Li Qi could clearly see his inner fluctuations.

He was thinking... the master would definitely be satisfied with him and would be proud of him because he did not give up halfway and return in failure.

It took 50,000 years to explore a failed road, which led to reconstruction. It took a little longer, but he knew in his heart that if he could fail after 50,000 years of exploration, he could learn the method for 40,000 years, and then 20,000 years, 10,000 years... 1,000 years, 100 years.

There will come a day when he will be able to find many methods within an hour. At that time, he will have truly achieved success in his practice.

He now understood why other people were unwilling to take this path, but he still firmly believed that he would be blessed with good fortune tomorrow.

Whenever he encountered failure, he would remember that others had advised him that there was no way out. However, his master had said that failure was also part of success.

He closed his eyes and recalled the countless rejections, setbacks and insults he had encountered, treating them as just tests.

Li Qi shifted his gaze away from the young man and looked at everyone in the entire Demon Kingdom.

The people here are tenacious and not afraid of failure.

This is really... very good nourishment.

"Is this what a meal for the Good Knowledge Demon is like?" the Demon Prince spoke first.

Yes, this entire demon kingdom is a meal for the good knowledge demon.

He was brewing failure here, using the tenacity of these people to brew himself a pot of good wine.

Everyone here believes that the path they have chosen is full of opportunities, even though there will be bitterness and despair, and even though there are countless failed companions ahead of them, stacked up like a mountain.

However, I will not fail like them, because I have the knowledge in my heart to guide the way, to lead me across the turbulent sea, the desolate desert, the dangerous wilderness, and finally reach the other side of my dream.

Don't fall into the abyss of ignorance and self-pity, and don't believe in other people's so-called experience, because the value of experience is often overestimated, and when people get old, they mostly speak nonsense.

To be honest, experience can indeed teach us a lot, but it takes too long. By the time people gain wisdom, its value has diminished with the passage of time. The result is often like this: people have more experience but less time left in their lives. Experience is also related to the times. Behavior that is suitable for a certain era does not mean it is still feasible today.

These are what the good knowledge demon conveyed to these young people.

Is it wrong?

Not bad.

But these young people believed it.

Therefore, out of their failure, evil thoughts that the good knowledge demon likes will be born.

But it doesn't matter.

This place will be destroyed.

"Let's start." Li Qi said.

"Okay." The Demon Prince took out his bamboo stick.

He still had a crippled body, but as a second-grade cultivator, he no longer felt that this was a crippling thing, but he still retained his most commonly used bamboo stick.

Then, the two demons attacked at the same time.

In the eyes of the young man next to him, in just a moment, the surroundings sank into cold darkness.

He didn't know what was happening, he just knew that everything around him was getting dark.

The darkness was so complete that the young man who had practiced for 50,000 years found that he seemed to be moving backwards at a rapid speed. However, due to the darkness, he could not see any reference objects, which almost made him think that he was not moving at all.

Until, in the dark night, a lonely ray of light appeared.

Later, a small bright spot appeared in the distance and became much larger within a few seconds. The young man then realized that there was something approaching him at a very high speed.

  No, no!

Not approaching him!

  Something is expanding!

The speed of expansion was even much faster than the speed of retreat, so one could only see that thing getting bigger while one was retreating rapidly!

  There's something wrong with the speed of light!

He shouldn't have seen it from such a distance!

The speed of light now... is close to infinity!

He really wanted to figure out what was expanding in front of him, but after staring for a long time, the young man still couldn't see any clear outline.

However, suddenly, he took a sharp breath.

He had already realized that the relative speed between himself and the light spot was incredibly large.

And that spot of light was actually a hole in a wall.

He flew out backwards from this hole.

For a moment he felt dizzy with shock.

Just now, he crossed the open space at an astonishing speed, leaving the wall behind, and the light spot was just an invisible hole in the wall.

That wall...

That wall denies all imagination——

Because it is so incredibly large! Even if the speed of light is infinite, he still cannot see the top, bottom, and sides of the wall. In fact, he can only see a small hole in the wall.

This size is almost impossible to capture with the naked eye. The dizzying shock when facing it is enough to kill people, and it is still expanding.

This size even gave the young man an illusion, as if he had discovered what infinity was like and had a clear concept of it.

Although, in reality this is not infinite.

It's just very, very big, so big that it feels infinite, even bigger than infinity itself.

What on earth is that?

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