Wandao long distance

Chapter 1063 Haotian's Follow-up

Chapter 1063 Haotian's Follow-up

Taiyi and Haotian are fighting.

And Haotian even faced more than one first-grade master.

The Human Emperor and Taiyi attacked Haotian at the same time.


The one who was struggling was not Haotian, but Taiyi and Renhuang.

Haotian is called the Emperor of Heaven.

He is the master of everything. When facing Haotian's will, the nine lands in the world usually choose to give in.

  Why is that?

Is it because the nine lands under heaven respect the gods, or is it because they are reasonable enough?

Obviously none of them.

All this is because Haotian is too strong.

Humanity once challenged Haotian. The Three Dukes plus the Emperor of Humanity declared war on Haotian, calling it "Shooting the Sky".

In the end, the Human Emperor was killed by heaven's punishment.

Haotian once killed many gods, and many emperors died at the hands of Haotian. If someone challenges the majesty of the emperor because of Haotian's gentleness, he will realize that he has made a huge mistake.

The Emperor of Heaven, fighting one against four, easily suppressed them.

How many first-rank officials like the Three Dukes would it take, piled together, to stop Haotian?

do not know.

But at this moment, the world's only dual-first-grade human emperor, and Taiyi, one of the emperors, could only struggle to hold on in the face of Haotian.

It is not difficult to imagine how the agreement behind them was reached.

The gods and monsters led by Taiyi are brutal and want to destroy mortals. These are very different from human nature, and it can even be said that they are in conflict with human nature.

But in front of Haotian, they still chose to join forces.

Although...it seems like even if they join forces they won't be a match.

If there is a wise man who can see through everything, perhaps he will remind all other first-class people in this world and say to them: "Don't mistake Haotian's patience for your own strength, and don't provoke the Emperor of Heaven at will."

Haotian took a step forward.

All the 'qi' in the entire universe moved with him.

The basic component of this world is 'Qi'.

Qi constitutes everything. This infinitely divisible thing is the foundation of everything and the most basic consumable material.

No matter what it is, you always need "Chi" as a building material.

Supernatural powers, magic, matter, energy, everything, their essence is "Qi". "Qi" even exists in the spiritual world. For example, the most classic "demonic energy" is a kind of Qi in the spiritual world.

All different properties come from different mixtures of "Qi".

Mixing different Qi will produce new Qi.

For example, when weather and earth's air are mixed together, it becomes thunder energy.

Moreover, different production methods will also bring about differences. For example, wine comes from the specific proportion of water vapor and fire vapor, so it is called "fire in water". This fire vapor does not come from ignition, but is fermented through the "wood vapor" of grains or other plants.

The wood energy ferments in the water, the wood produces fire, and then it is transformed into 'fire in water', becoming wine.

If water vapor and fire vapor are simply mixed together, it will become "fog" and cannot become wine.

The combination of water and fire alone can produce so many changes, not to mention the various different kinds of qi.

Many people believe that the 'Five Elements Qi' is the basic Qi, which can be combined into all Qi.

But when they practice to a certain level, they will find that the Five Elements Qi is not actually the basis, because the Five Elements Qi not only has the parallel "demonic energy" and "spiritual energy" and other different concepts of Qi, but can even be integrated.

All the complicated energies, regardless of anything else, are directly compressed to the extreme, and eventually the 'Martial Arts Internal Energy' can be produced.

But the internal energy of martial arts is obviously not the ultimate, because it can continue to mix.

Take a portion of all the basic gases, mix them, compress them, and eventually the 'gas of chaos' will be born.

The chaotic energy is the thing that looked like a pot of thick soup at the beginning of the universe. As the energy level gradually decreases, the chaotic energy can differentiate into many other gases, such as the five elements of energy that can serve as the structure as mentioned earlier.

Generally speaking, civilizations that can come into contact with the energy of chaos have generally reached the fourth level.

But...the chaotic energy is not the true origin of energy.

We can go one step further.

That is 'vitality'.

It has been said that Yuan originally meant "human head". The word Yuan evolved from the shape of the head, meaning "first", "the beginning".

Because of this, there is the term "Yuanshi", which means the first cause of the creation of the world and the promoter of all the "results" of all things.

  Therefore, there are sayings like "Yuan means the beginning of Qi", "Qian Yuan means the beginning and prosperity", and "Those who call one the Yuan are looking at the great beginning and want to correct the origin." (For details, see Chapter 164)

did you see it?

This is the secret written in the scriptures.

Everything recorded in the Zhushu or similar books of inheritance of the great Dao is knowledge that many civilizations cannot acquire in their entire lives.

It's just placed here.

Yuan Qi is the beginning of everything.

The so-called Haotian God is the one whose primordial energy is vast and vast, so he is called Haotian. No one is more respected than the Emperor, and he is entrusted to the heaven, so he is called God.

Haotian God comes from this.

Haotian is all the "vital energy" and the embodiment of the original energy.

The basic Qi of all things, the "origin" of all building materials that make up all things, and the most basic component of all spiritual or material worlds.

So far, there is nothing that can be established without "Qi", that is to say, there is no existence that can be completely independent of Haotian.

The devil may think that he can rely on his evil thoughts to observe all living beings, but for Haotian, there is no need to be so troublesome.

As long as all living beings are still unable to get rid of "qi" and must rely on spirit or matter or similar things composed of "qi", then all living beings will always be under his sight.

This is the true appearance of the Emperor of Heaven.

After this world was born from nothing, there was only one kind of "qi" at first, and that was the primordial qi.

This original vital energy gave birth to spiritual intelligence and was born as a god. This god had no name, and he did not name himself either.

Then, the primordial energy gave birth to "chaos". From chaos, emperors were born, and many gods began to differentiate and separate, one by one splitting off power from chaos.

Therefore, there are the gods of the five elements, namely Zhurong, Xuanming and others, who are the power of the five elements.

For example, there is the existence of 'Emperor Chaos', which is transformed from the chaotic energy.

The energy level of chaos gradually decreased, more and more energy was differentiated from it, and more and more gods began to be born. These gods were the 'original gods'.

The god of water, the god of fire, the god of thunder, and the god of wind are all natural gods that evolved directly from chaos and are the earliest personifications of natural phenomena.

The strongest among them is Haotian, the original god who divided everything.

With the first gods, they began to use their power to create all kinds of things in the void, and then there were mortals. The things they created and the spiritual wisdom they developed were the earth gods.

This is Haotian’s status.

This is the power represented by the Emperor of Heaven.

When the Emperor of Heaven moves, all relative motion stops.

Because...Haotian's vital energy stirs up almost all things. Relative to Haotian, all things are still. He realizes his own absolute movement, which in turn sets off the absolute stillness of all things.

Taiyi could only barely hold on in the face of such great power. Even though the Human Emperor was holding the Human Emperor Sword, he only felt that his own existence was seriously shaken.

All the "qi" is under the control of Haotian.

The Emperor of Heaven rules over nothing, yet he controls all energy.

No one can defeat the Emperor of Heaven.


Even if multiple first-grade warriors besieged them, they could not be a match for Haotian.

Haotian passed by the Human Emperor.

The status of the Human Emperor was shattered, and even the Human Emperor's body and the position of General Tiance were creaking.

He looked up at Haotian.

The former emperor called himself the 'Emperor'.

But later on, he was no longer like that and later he called himself the "Human Emperor".

Because the word "Emperor" cannot be hung on it.

As long as Haotian God exists, the title of Emperor will never be given to a human being.

So... we must subvert Haotian.

  Subvert your own Creator!

The Human Emperor consolidated his cultivation and attacked again, regardless of the burning of his life.

Taiyi next to him also followed.

Although Taiyi's overall strength became weaker after he left his body, he gained complete freedom and his ability to exert strength increased.

It has been said before that the star officials are not very good at fighting because of their huge bodies. (See Chapter 576 for details)

Taiyi, as the lord of the stars, also possesses this nature. He is responsible for all living beings, and his body is the manifestation of the real universe. Only the heavens are independent.

In this state, Taiyi is unable to exert his full strength.

However, now that his body has been entrusted to the zombie Li Qi, he can attack with all his strength.

Taiyi's power is not as strong as Haotian's.

But it is also far superior to ordinary first-grade.

Gods are like this, they are born more powerful than other things, that's why they are called 'Gods'.

Even now, most of the mortals’ practice is just to imitate Haotian’s body.

Only a few sects, such as the magic sect and the spiritual sect, did not imitate Haotian.

The chakras of Buddhism, Taoism, the inner world of witches and shamans, the transformation of monsters and the like, all these cultivation methods are imitations of Haotian.

This is how Haotian maintains diversity.

Therefore, Taiyi launched a rebellion and at the same time, he also questioned: "Emperor of Heaven, what exactly is the diversity you are talking about? In the world you control, I have only seen the time of annihilation."

Haotian blocked Taiyi's attack.

In the collision between the two, some things were burned. No one knew what turned into smoke and dust, floating for hundreds of thousands of light years over the battlefield.

However, these tiny dust particles caused an explosion with astonishing intensity. If a second-grade cultivator were here, he would probably need to resist with all his strength to survive.

What are these particles? They don’t occupy a large area, but their strength is extremely terrifying. They still float in the possibilities of the universe, and from time to time they burst out with bright light like the birth and death of the universe, proving their existence.

Haotian didn't care about these dust particles, and just said: "The so-called possibility is nothing more than the amount of 'qi'."

"When people create things, they ultimately need qi. The more types of qi they use, the more things they can create."

“Ordinary people can create wonderful things that we have never imagined, but they need some help, they need more materials, they need different bricks to build a building, and I am just maintaining the existence of more bricks.”

“This is diversity. What I maintain is not a certain development or a certain future, but more of a ‘qi’.”

Haotian said this, his voice still so calm.

He stated his purpose.

As the entity of 'energy', he gave his own answer.

The types of qi are indicators of ‘diversity’.

The more Qi there is, the more possibilities there are. This is an obvious thing. Even the so-called living beings are just made up of Qi.

Even space and time itself cannot be separated from "qi", because the basic unit of space and time is also completely composed of qi.

Life itself is made up of Qi, and they can combine into new Qi. Therefore, as long as the prosperity of life is maintained, life can spontaneously extend more Qi, and then promote the development of more life.

Thus, a colorful world was born.

Life itself is like a self-iterating intelligent entity that can create the next generation of intelligent entities that are more complex than itself.

A1 intelligence can create A2 intelligence that is stronger than itself.

A2 intelligence can create A3 intelligence, and so on. With continuous iterations, more and more qi and things can be created, and the world will become more and more prosperous.

For Haotian himself, he only needs to create A1 intelligence, then press the start button, and then a gorgeous world will explode in front of him.

Life will create itself and iterate itself, and it won't take long for them to accomplish all of this.

You see, Haotian didn’t take care of anything, but his life had already reached the first level.

This is the power of strong intelligence.

However... the Human Emperor standing by just felt a chill in his teeth.

What Haotian meant by this was actually very simple.

'Higher wisdom' itself is Haotian's tool.

The original 'higher intelligence' was created by Haotian, and higher intelligence itself can create the next generation of higher intelligence.

Therefore, to Haotian, all living beings are an automatic machine designed by him, which constantly iterates itself to create what Haotian wants.

Higher wisdom, the most precious treasure in the universe, the ultimate value recognized by all sects, was created by Haotian.

This is really...secret.

However, at this time, Taiyi replied: "You have never explained so much to anyone before."

"Yeah, I was too lazy to explain before, but now that things have gotten to this point, I feel like I need to explain. Of course... I know you won't stop."

"So, I can't do it either." Haotian said.

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