Wandao long distance

Chapter 1064 The End of the Dharma!

Chapter 1064 The End of the Dharma!

The battle continues.

The battle continues.

The battle continues.

The battle is over.

The sound of something breaking could be heard.

The violence continued to pour out until the bloody body lay lying in the universe.

The Human Emperor died.

Yes, this generation’s Human Emperor lived such a short life.

He was not beaten to death, but died of exhaustion.

After he died of exhaustion, his body was crushed.

Haotian did not destroy it deliberately, but he shattered all things naturally with his move.

The Human Emperor used his own lifespan as fuel when he attacked, and the burning rate in the battle with Haotian was much higher than in the battles with other first-rank warriors. This resulted in the newly appointed Human Emperor not living long at all, and he died in the battle with Haotian.

And Haotian is still a little fresh.

He looked at his hands. It was really interesting. The colors of the real world were distorted when he actually experienced them. They were not as real as when he saw them hanging in the sky on the screen.

Haotian's body continued to expand.

Not only did it fill the entire real universe, it was still continuing, covering Taiyi and other first-grade battlefields, and even the area where the Heavenly Demon and Huaguang Buddha were fighting.

Then it became the whole world and everything in it. It was like an ocean, washing away everything that had been created and even imagined by living beings.

Then, Taiyi was also defeated.

Then, the devil and Huaguang Buddha were also crushed.

Wu Xian, Huang Tian, ​​Cang Tian, ​​and Da Tu were all crushed.

The first-class war stopped.

Because Haotian stopped all the first-grade ones.

The gentle Emperor of Heaven is actually very domineering.

"Let's stop here." said the Emperor of Heaven.

Silence filled all time and space. Apart from the declaration of the Emperor of Heaven, everything else seemed to cease to exist.

The high vital energy all around cast a huge shadow in time and space. The universe was compressed into a point, and everyone felt that the moon and stars around them were within reach.

Because they are compressed into everything.

The whole world is like a huge cellar.

"I know." Haotian's voice came.

"Wisdom is always repetitive. I created the higher wisdom, but I also understand that the higher wisdom, that is, the things that make you who you are, is incredibly complex."

"This cannot be done through simulation, because people not only have external performance, but also an inner heart, which is what you are fighting for. So I don't know what you will do. Advanced wisdom and consciousness are too complex to exhaust all the activities involved. Therefore, quantification through Qi is the best way."

"I didn't want to tell you this because I was worried that you would lose your ability to create. I know that you have the same wisdom as me. I am the most complex and advanced wisdom in the world, and you...are the result of my copying of myself."

Haotian told all this.

The greatest thing created by the Emperor of Heaven, who created everything, is himself.

Are all living beings imitating Haotian?

Wrong wrong wrong.

It was Haotian who created all living beings using himself as a template.

This template is not a physical body, nor an inner world, but a 'higher intelligence'.

Haotian used his own wisdom as a template to create other wisdom.

Therefore, 'thinking' appears consistent and wisdom has the ability to understand each other because they all use the same set of protocols and the same socket.

Once Haotian was too lazy to say it.

If he doesn't tell it, no one will know, because Haotian is earlier than all higher intelligences, and the secrets he created are unknown to others.

If you want to know this, unless you can explore Haotian’s memory, this piece of history would have disappeared without a trace in countless flashbacks.

However, Haotian has now made the secret public.

Because Haotian wants to stop all the first-grade chaos.

The secret being made public did indeed bring the battle to a standstill.

The first-class officials are digesting this information.

However, at this time, a first-rank official spoke.

The demon said, "Haotian, do you know a metaphor? A mortal once copied a program and threw it into the Internet, letting it grow without knowing anything about it."

"Won't you forget? You all have evil thoughts. I know all your secrets."

"You are a higher intelligence, yes."

"But, so am I. They all, even every mortal, are of high intelligence. That is why I can see your thoughts."

After Tian Mo finished saying these words...

All this happened in a trillionth of a second, and then the energy left the world, the sky, and the face staring at me from above, and I left too, only to return to the illusion, to the darkness, illuminated by a strange dream that was neither a dream nor a dream.

Haotian's body fell apart, as if someone had discovered his weakness.

Haotian was a little surprised.

However, he smiled happily.

"New possibilities, eh? Good."

He did not stop the vital energy from dissipating because there was no need, he already knew what caused the dissipation.

Yao Ji.

Part of his body.

The primordial energy was polluted, and out of it a new primordial energy was born.

Is Yao Ji going to replace Yuan Qi?

That's not a bad idea.

Haotian thought so.

Wu Xian seemed to have sensed something, and he shouted loudly: "Haotian! No!"

"Why not?" Haotian asked.

"What the devil is going to do--" Wu Xian seemed to have discovered something.

"I know what he is going to do. He can't kill me, but this is also a possibility, isn't it?" Haotian said: "Aren't you curious? A new kind of Qi, a Qi that is comparable to Yuan Qi."

"Haotian, the price of your curiosity is very high!" Wu Xian was a little anxious.

Yes, Haotian will not die. Even if his vitality decays, Haotian is still Haotian.


"Is it big?" Haotian tilted his head.

Wu Xian explained eagerly: "The collapse and reshaping of the vitality will reshuffle everything!"

"Then just wash it, so what?" Haotian gave his own answer.

"As long as the types of qi still exist, it is only a matter of time before you are redeveloped. Maybe there will be ten lands in the world in the future." Haotian said in a relaxed tone.

After he finished speaking, Wu Xian was bounced away by Haotian and couldn’t utter a word.

Haotian is gentle, but also domineering.

The Emperor of Heaven is like this.

The real universe, the place that is the sum of all knowledge, noble thoughts and paths, where all academic research is produced and the spiritual wealth they are transformed into, is nothing more than the content of Haotian's game.

The controller of this real universe plays with this huge material that gathers all spiritual values, just like a musician playing a piece of elegant music.

If we use Haotian's favorite music as an analogy, then the real universe is a musical instrument that is perfect to an unimaginable degree. Its strings and pedals explore the entire spiritual universe, and its number of stops is incalculable. From a theoretical point of view, this instrument can reproduce the spiritual connotation of the entire universe during its performance.

Now that its strings, pedals and stops are fixed, changing its numbers and programs, or trying to make it absolutely perfect, is probably only possible in theory.

Even if other first-grade masters can modify reality, it is difficult for their Tao to escape from the existing reality and create a new vitality.

A new vitality is not such a simple thing. It represents a complete reshaping of everything and a subversion of these first-class things themselves.

And now, a theoretical possibility has emerged.

Yao Ji, the remains of Haotian, and the actions of the demon, at this moment, a second kind of vitality appeared.

Haotian was very happy.

Finally someone did it. Just like when the second first-class appeared, I was as happy.

At that time, he was thinking, 'Finally someone has done it.'

Perhaps some people think this is an usurpation of power, and the gods will wonder why Haotian did not stop those people.

But it doesn’t matter. Haotian doesn’t care about these so-called transgressions. He just wants to see more.

Haotian made his choice.

Haotian wanted to see if Yao Ji could create something equal to herself.

  As for the things that were destroyed as a result?

that's not important.

Perhaps, there is no difference between him and the brutal gods, except that he stands at a higher position than them. Therefore, in his eyes, even gods can be abandoned at will like mortals.

Haotian is neither happy nor angry, and treats all things equally.

Of course...it is also the destruction of equality.

Then, Haotian quietly watched his body gradually disintegrate.

  What kind of energy is this?

really interesting.


If Haotian doesn't want to, then no one can defeat him now.

However, when Haotian took the initiative to choose to let his vitality be infected, the situation changed.

The erosion of vitality brought about a chain reaction.

All the 'qi', including chaos, collapsed.

The foundation of the thing called 'Qi' has been cut off.

In all time and space, in all possibilities, the Qi began to change, and this change was devastating.

The universe begins to unravel.

The past and the future are gone.

Because... the basic units are disappearing.

It's like a mathematician studying mathematics, where there are only laws and formulas, but no reality, no good or evil, no era, no yesterday or tomorrow, only an eternal, superficial, mathematical present.

What remains is the history of spirit and thought, but there is no flesh and blood or reality in this history.

Indeed, Haotian will not die.

But others will die.

Hehe, hehe... woohoo... hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!

The sounds of "crackling, crackling, clacking, clacking" and "da-da-da-da-da" were heard in the universe.

That was the laughter of the devil.

In the current situation, what else can we expect?

You can't count on anyone.

In a war of this level, no one can control their fate except Haotian.

It’s so close, be patient…be patient.

Haotian took the initiative to withdraw, and Yao Ji, who had already been persuaded by the devil, replaced his original vitality.

When did Yao Ji hook up with the devil?

Perhaps... at the beginning, when Li Qi was rebuilding and entering the reincarnation, Yao Ji took the initiative to follow Li Qi's fragments, which might have demonstrated the alliance between the evil ways and the brutal gods.

Tianmo knew what Haotian was pursuing, so he was able to make Haotian choose to give in.

This is what the demon always talks about...

The so-called "evil thoughts" do not really mean that there are dark thoughts in your mind, but your "voluntary" action.

Yes, these are all voluntary.

But once Haotian "volunteers", no one can stop him.

The demon could no longer hold back his laughter.

Use the Buddha, use Yao Ji, use Wu Xian, and even make Haotian give in in the end.

Everything is linked together, leading the world to the ending he wants.

The end of the Dharma era is coming.

In the Dharma-Ending Age, sentient beings are stubborn and ignorant and will inevitably become demons. When they encounter such causes and conditions, they will be confused and unaware and will claim to have attained sainthood. This is a great lie and they will fall into the Avici Hell.

As the saying goes, the Dharma of the Dharma Ending Age is when there is no Dharma at all.

It will drown all things in the poisonous sea, causing their vision to become distorted and their wisdom to flow, and all the sinful and suffering beings in Jambuvipa and those in the future Dharma-Ending Age will be annihilated.

When the Dharma Ending Age comes, all the magical powers and techniques of other sects will become ineffective.

Their 'Tao' will also be distorted.

I really want to see that time when everything is heading towards irreversible, inevitable destruction.

Perhaps there will be some heroes among them, and many sacrifices who can turn the tide and prevent the world from entering the Dharma Ending Age, but the most they can do is burn themselves and delay the arrival of death, but they cannot stop the predetermined fate.

This is the age of the Dharma Ending Age.

There, all righteous laws and orthodox doctrines will be severed, and the entire universe will completely become the manifestation of the will of the devil.

An uncontrolled war would be the beginning of the end of the Dharma.

  Imagine what the universe would look like when all the first-class beings wantonly exert their power in the universe?

It's hard to imagine.

Once upon a time, the preaching to the world brought about the first-ever chaos in the universe. The entire universe was directly reduced to ruins and became what it is today.

The once prosperous practice has directly turned into what it is now.

The end of the Dharma era is coming soon.

When all the traditions of this world are cut off, and when the evil thoughts of the devil cannot find a parasite, the truth of the whole world will come to light.

As the Death Demon watched all this, his mood gradually calmed down.

Sure enough, what Tianmo said was right.

You can't kill them all by killing.

It would be better to lead to the arrival of the Dharma Ending Age. In that case, the destruction of everything will come soon.

in this way……

The Death Demon disintegrates itself on its own initiative.

A first-rank warrior took the initiative to join this carnival of death. The Death Demon did not care about life or death. His self-destructive tendencies were fully displayed at this moment.

With the death of the Death Demon, the erosion of vitality accelerated.

Many first-class people began to join forces to stop the erosion of their vitality.

But it is obvious that this only had a delaying effect.

Just as the demon said.

The best they can do is burn themselves and delay the arrival of death, but they cannot stop their predetermined fate.

Because this is what Haotian wants to see.

The brutal gods seemed to see Haotian transformed into the horrible, bloody emperor who crushed all the emperors at this moment.

They cheered.

It turns out that the Emperor of Heaven is still like this. They have misunderstood him.

Therefore, gods like Tai Sui and Di Hundun immediately chose to leave Tai Yi.

  Since the Emperor of Heaven has decided to exterminate all mortals, then of course they have to help!

So, a new round of fighting began.

This time, people hope that the Dharma Ending Age will come, and they also want to prevent the Dharma Ending Age from coming.

The already chaotic battlefield was once again divided into two camps.

The humans, wizards, and demon dragons who were originally fighting each other now began to resist the devils and gods.

The brutal gods and the gods who supported Haotian united together.

It's so confusing that it's hard to explain.

Mortals can only wait to die.

The mighty ones are still fighting.

Only one person remained calm.

That is... Zombie Li Qi.

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