Wandao long distance

Chapter 1065: The End of the Law Begins

Chapter 1065: The End of the Law Begins

The vitality continued to erode.

Now, even the world will be destroyed.

Visible cracks appeared in the dome of the world, and the decaying vital energy caused all cultivation systems to begin to collapse from the bottom up.

Imagine that the shamans were unable to obtain "qi" through sacrifice and exchange to build their own inner world.

When the evil spirit and human spirit dissipate, humanity cannot gain strength through practice and the cohesion of the "people".

Martial arts have almost disappeared because the internal energy of martial arts has disappeared. The change of vital energy directly led to the change of the nature of chaotic energy, which in turn caused the foundation of internal energy of martial arts to no longer hold.

Martial arts techniques below the fourth level have completely become waste paper and cannot be practiced at all.

The grassroots of various sects are collapsing, and even the powerful ones cannot stop the spread of this situation, because the collapse of vital energy has been going on since the beginning of time, which means that all things that rely on the birth of the universe will be affected.

Now it’s just cultivation.

Soon, when the erosion of vital energy continues, all matter will begin to collapse. At that time, it will not be a matter of cultivation anymore, and all things will be destroyed.

Of course, at the current rate, it will probably take about four or five billion years.

In fact, it is still quite long. For ordinary people, their lives have hardly changed.

If we have to talk about the changes... probably, all the high-flying martial arts masters have disappeared, and all the powerful immortals seem to be dead.

The practitioners in the middle layer are almost completely unable to function, and the practice system is barely one in ten left, with most of them being directly destroyed because the younger generation simply has no way of "getting started".

Those who have already started practicing will also find that their own strength and the energy in their bodies will decrease as they are used. Even if they are not used, it will decrease. After it is finally exhausted, they will slowly fall back into the state of a mortal.

Some cultivation systems are still struggling to hold on using some special methods, but they can hardly resist this drastic change that has occurred since the beginning of the universe. I believe it is only a matter of time before their cultivation is completely annihilated.

This is the Dharma-ending era.

The spiritual energy was cut off and the path of cultivation was interrupted.

But this is only the most superficial and obvious thing. After four or five billion years, all matter will disintegrate and collapse, and mortals will not be able to survive.


Only those with real power can survive such a catastrophe.

As for the creatures in the world who have not reached the fourth level, they can only hope that they can be protected by the powerful.

A fourth-rank official can only barely protect himself, and only a third-rank official can protect others at the same time.

The family has a Taoist lineage of a third-rank powerful person, so it is not in danger of being destroyed at the moment, but who can tell what will happen in the future?

What is the world like now?

Shen Shuibi travels around the world.

She left Wushen Mountain and this time she was mainly going to Luofu Mountain to see the situation in Luofu Mountain.

But around Luofu Mountain, she saw clearly that the fairy air and strong winds that once surrounded Luofu Mountain were beginning to lose their strength.

When she reached the outskirts of Luofu Mountain, she saw skylarks flying up to welcome her.

Most of these little demons who practiced Taoism were of the ninth or eighth rank. They flew over one after another, transformed into the appearance of little Taoist children, and saluted one by one, saying, "Master!"

"Master! You're back?"

Shen Shuibi looked at these skylarks. A lot of their spiritual energy had dissipated, and they were only able to maintain it with the help of the power of Luofu Mountain.

After all, for them, it is almost impossible to obtain the spiritual energy they need from the outside world.

The Taoist practice method emphasizes absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and gathering the essence of the five spirits, but this is simply impossible now. The outside world is empty and there is nothing to pick.

Then, Shen Shuibi waved his sleeves and scattered dozens of elixirs.

Since it cannot be made up from the outside world, let’s rely on elixirs.

"You keep it. By the way, how is the Queen?" she asked.

The skylarks happily collected the elixir and stuffed it into their mouths. The gray cloud patterns on their bodies began to dance, and they flapped their wings with strength. They chirped in gratitude, "Thank you, Immortal! The Queen is on the mountain. With the Queen's protection, the mountain is temporarily different from the outside. I heard that there are piles of seventh-grade people dying of old age outside, and in the mountain, from fifth to ninth-grade people, they all rely on the power of the Queen to survive."

"The Queen has opened a spiritual pool on the top of the mountain. If you can't hold on any longer, you can go and get some. But everyone knows that everyone on the mountain now depends on the Queen, so no one dares to take too much."

At this time, another skylark asked again: "Oh, oh, Master, my son-in-law is also a second-rank master——"

Before she could finish her words, she was dragged back by someone else's lark, which covered its mouth and flew away chirping.

Looking at these kids, Shen Shuibi shook her head and walked towards the mountain.

All I saw along the way was gloom, and the various consequences brought about by the exhaustion of vitality had begun to emerge.

Fortunately, there are still three rank creatures left in Luofu Mountain, so they can survive. But if the situation continues to develop in this way, when all the vitality is destroyed in the future, even the world will collapse, right?

If the world collapses, they will have no choice but to hide in the "heaven" created by Luofu Goddess. At that time...

They can survive, of course they can survive. As long as Empress Luofu doesn't die, they will be able to survive anyway.

But forget about it.

The severance of the path is almost inevitable. Although there is no necessary connection between following the path and practicing, if you cannot climb up the path of practice, you simply do not have enough technical means and abilities to verify your path.

Tao is a theory, but if your technical means can’t even conduct experiments, how can you verify the theory?

Without the technical system, all theories will eventually become nothing but empty talk.

The practice system and technical system were created for the purpose of better pursuing the Tao.

Techniques are the verification of Tao, and Tao in turn promotes the birth of techniques.

I just don’t know to what extent the destruction of vitality will reach this time.

Shen Shuibi even wanted to close her eyes and not face those difficult questions and horrifying scenes of decline, so as to try her best to escape into a false world of innocence.

Because she can already see the future, everything in the future will face death, terror, and pain.

There is no protection, and it is difficult to get comfort from the heart of Tao or seek advice from reason.

Because Shen Shuibi is very clear about the current situation, she knows a lot and has read many articles written by powerful people to analyze everything that is happening now.

Ordinary practitioners no longer have the time and energy to spend on self-strengthening. They are simply unable to fight against the terror and oppression of the outside world.

Now she could only live her life in fear and didn't believe there would be any tomorrow.


The real universe is like an old piano.

After so many years, the rumbling bass vibrations it emitted finally stopped, but it had already entered every aspect of the world. It can be seen that many schools, sects, organizations and gathering places are emitting a corrupt atmosphere.

These corrupt auras have already attacked many practitioners, causing them to become depressed or crazy.

One way to deal with this great atmosphere of decadence is with a cynical attitude. They drown their sorrows in dancing, singing and drinking, claiming that worrying about the future is a foolish thing for old people.

They talk about the destruction of the universe with a kind of suicidal enthusiasm, and they act cynically or indifferently, as if the declining universe cannot cause them any harm.

There are also some hopeful people who want to study the decaying vital energy, hoping to gain the ability to integrate themselves into the new cosmic order before the universe is destroyed.

Because according to history... this is not the first time this has happened. The universe was not like this originally, and they just need to integrate themselves into the vitality after decay.


Zombie Li Qi, watching all that.

But he didn't do anything because those things had nothing to do with him.

He is already at the second rank.

Even if his vital energy is polluted, he will be fine.

In fact, those who are powerful and above the third rank, at the very least, live in their own world, having lost their sanity and ability to think. They have reached the other side beyond all normality and uniqueness. The reason they are still taking action is only because they still need to strive to complete their flawless mission that transcends the individual.

Therefore, for the zombie Li Qi, there was no need for him to take action. In fact, he did not have the ability to take action.

Carrying Taichi's body on his back, he couldn't move.

Others did not dare to move Taiyi's body rashly. Even if Taiyi's real body was not there, this body could not be touched by beings below the first rank.

It is already very powerful that Zombie Li Qi can rely on the Three Realms and the Sun and Moon to maintain his own stability. There is nothing else he can do.

The Zombie Demon Prince is also missing, because the zombies are fully sane, and everything about them is normal except that they have no minds.

But...it just makes people feel a little awkward.

Zombie Li Qi is a being with high intelligence but no self-awareness.

They can think, understand and speak, but they cannot feel.

They have no pain, no sight, and no hearing.

What is this like? Like a gamer.

When playing a survival game, if the character is injured, the player can clearly see a "severe pain" sign on his character, see bleeding, and see his character limping.

  But...are the players in pain?

Players can understand that the character is in pain, but they cannot experience this pain.

Similarly, players can observe everything that happens in the game, but they don't know what the character sees.

Players can clearly see their character's strength, agility, physique and other attributes, but they cannot feel the character's "strength", "speed" or "health".

For players, strength is just an attribute, not the feel of their muscles or the ease with which they move.

As long as the strength is sufficient, it's fine; your own subjective feelings are completely meaningless.

The same is true for 'eating and drinking' in the game.

  Unpalatable? Delicious?

These are actually not important at all, because you can't eat them at all. If food can't bring you various buffs, then you will probably completely ignore food, after all, you can't feel it.

The same goes for accommodation and medical care.

Medical treatment does not need to care about whether it hurts or whether the treatment is comfortable or not, because all the player sees is the health bar. As for the pain of radiotherapy and chemotherapy, it is just a buff in the status bar and does not matter at all.

Does the player see any difference in accommodation, whether it is a thatched cottage or a palace? Even the scenery is the same.

No matter what the scenery is, the player sees similar things. He cannot feel the wind of the snow-capped mountains, the heat of the desert, or the saltiness of the sea.

To him, everything was just a status on the status bar, and he had no feelings at all.

The point of self-awareness is to realize that this is me.

But for zombie Li Qi, with his current advanced intelligence, he cannot hang "I" on his body.

From the beginning to the end, he was just an 'AI' that acted according to the status bar, without 'my feelings' in his heart.

No, he doesn't have a 'heart' at all, so naturally he can't have any 'my feelings'.

If the location is placed in the realm of 'desire realm' or 'pure spirit', it will be found that zombie Li Qi has no way to enter.

He has no spiritual powers and no heart.

So…what exactly is the mind?

do not know.

No one can understand where 'mind' and 'consciousness' come from.

Some people believe that the mind itself is actually a manifestation of "matter", and so-called thoughts are essentially rooted in the movement of matter, but the existence of philosophical zombies like Li Qi has separated wisdom and thought.

Life can have wisdom, the ability to think, and perception of the outside world, just like Paramecium.

Paramecium can respond to the outside world. In a sense, it also has a certain degree of thinking ability and "wisdom". So... does Paramecium have a "self"?

Being intelligent and able to think is not a necessary condition for 'self' and 'mind'.

Zombie Li Qi has intelligence and can think, but he has no heart.

So...where is Li Qi's 'heart'?

  Where did the stolen 'heart' go?

Zombie Li Qi doesn't care. Of course, he doesn't have the feeling of "not caring", but the way he behaves shows that he doesn't want to get his heart back.

So the situation remained at a stalemate.

Where exactly can one store one's soul?

The mind is invisible and intangible, difficult to observe, and can only be felt by "other minds". But even other minds can always feel the existence of that high wall.

High walls prevent people from understanding each other. People can only feel their own feelings and find it difficult to understand other people's feelings.

It seems that the only thing we can feel is our own heart.

Even if you can feel other people's feelings through mechanisms such as "sympathy" and "empathy", it is just an illusion that you are talking to yourself.

It’s like, you saw the zombie Li Qi getting beheaded, would you feel the zombie Li Qi was in pain?

There might be phantom pain, but in reality zombie Li Qi didn't feel anything.

So, how can we feel Li Qi's heart?

Is there anything that can accommodate subjectivity?

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