Wandao long distance

Chapter 1071 Li Qi wakes up

The inner demon died.

Just when the inner demon tried to take over Li Qi's body, it was counterattacked.

He meets a man who deserves to be dead.

Li Qi.

That’s right, when his heart was wiped out by the devil, Li Qi’s soul was protected by the formless realm, and then hid in the myriad heavens of the three realms.

When he took over Li Qi's body as a demon in his heart, he found that Li Qi was still alive.

So, the inner demon died.

And Li Qi...during these countless billions of years of experience, he felt all the living beings in the universe.

There, he was put to the test.

He must find a way, a way to break through subjective cognition.

So, he stayed in the Wanbantian.

There, he sometimes respected others and sometimes was respected.

Sometimes a leader, sometimes a follower.

Sometimes he is a child, sometimes he is an elder.

Sometimes it is powerful, and sometimes it is a worm.

Sometimes it's a man, sometimes it's a woman.

Sometimes it is dark, sometimes it is light.

Sometimes a tyrant, sometimes a slave.

In this process of floating, alternating and changing, there would occasionally be a moment of merging two into one, where he was both a teacher and a student, changing and imparting knowledge to all living beings, and drawing new knowledge from them to perfect himself, before passing on this perfected knowledge to others.

Therefore, he even goes far beyond both, becoming a creator, explorer, driver and bystander in the changing cycle of old age and youth.

He went through this cycle and observed it, sometimes slowing down and sometimes speeding forward as his feelings changed.

New images one after another continue to emerge from this process.

These things, rather than being a symbol, are a kind of "confirmation", a kind of understanding rather than a picture, that is to say, rather than being a "feeling", it would be more appropriate to say that it is a kind of awakening.

During this process, Li Qi once again confirmed his previous answer.

He discovered that there is truth.

But there is no such 'complete theory' that those pursues, the kind of absolute, perfect theory that makes people full of wisdom after reading it.

Moreover, you should not desire a perfect doctrine, but rather desire to make yourself perfect.

Like everything else, this theory is not in any concept or book.

Truth, or 'Tao', is gained through experience. It cannot be taught or described.

But in this process, he gradually gained a wonderful experience.

Beyond subjective time.

  What is subjective time?

Imagine that a thing must have a logical order of events, regardless of whether this logical order can be changed, such as the timeline of ordinary people. But in any case, the timing of a thing is always certain.

From Li Qi's birth to now, can his own time sequence be torn apart?

He was created by the devil on the banks of the Lishui River, and then he experienced so much. Every single thing actually happened in sequence. If the sequence was reversed, Li Qi's experiences and thoughts would be confused.

Even for the sake of his own stability, he has to maintain these existence.

Otherwise, the existence of 'Li Qi' would completely collapse, and he would completely lose all the elements that could make him be called Li Qi.

So, how can we break free from this shackles and transcend subjective time?

The solution Li Qi thought of was actually very simple.

That is the devil’s way.

Look at yourself through the eyes of others.

As mentioned before, the devil is the evil thoughts themselves, and everyone has evil thoughts.

Demonic thoughts are actually everyone's thoughts themselves, and the heavenly demon is also demonic thoughts. Therefore, the heavenly demon is everyone's thoughts themselves. Therefore, the heavenly demon can see his own objectivity from the subjective perspective of others.

Li Qi's time sequence may not be in order for others.

It is normal that subjective time and objective time are inconsistent. Time itself is like this. It is just a description of the movement of things, not an absolute value.

Then, looking at Li Qi from the perspective of other things can help us break through Li Qi's own subjectivity.

Imagine that there are three perspectives in total: Li Qi's subjective perspective, objective perspective A, and objective perspective B.

The three run at different speeds, so the time sequences they see are also different, resulting in a "slow clock phenomenon", but this description is only correct in the observer's reference frame.

And Li Qi, at this moment, with the help of evil thoughts, has three reference systems.

Five seconds have passed in Li Qi's subjective time, three seconds have passed in objective perspective A, and one hundred years have passed in objective perspective B.

It’s like a person traveling at the speed of light. From his perspective, he reaches his destination in an instant, but from the perspective of other people, it takes him as many years as expected.

The trajectory drawn by a moving particle in the four-dimensional space over the real number field is called the world line of this particle. Each point on the trajectory is called an event of this particle, and different world lines may contradict each other.

For beings above the third rank, this paradox is easy to break. They do not follow the law of cause and effect of the outside world at all, and everything is based only on their own subjective time.

This is also a major proof of the evil thoughts of the devil.

Time and space are relative, which means that time and space are subjective.

This proves that objective, absolute time and space do not exist, and therefore it is natural for one to interpret the world according to one's own will.

But the problem came again.

Even if Li Qi used the method of evil thoughts and viewed things from other perspectives, Li Qi even borrowed some of the devil's views for this purpose, but if he forced himself to use many objective perspectives to observe his own subjective time, he would die.

When he looks at his subjective perspective from the perspective of objective perspective A, he will find that his subjective perspective is misplaced, and there will be a "difference" between the two.

What I saw was not consistent with what actually happened to you.

If you only focus on your own subjective time, then this inconsistency will not have any consequences. Everyone has their own subjective time and will not interfere with or affect each other.

But if we must link the two together, and observe our own subjectivity with the objectivity of others, then 'cognition' will be torn apart by the 'difference'.

This difference can even tear Li Qi's time sequence into pieces, making his subjective perspective fragmented and unable to operate self-consistently.

This may even lead to the closure of his possibilities.

Because, if the sequence of events collapsed, when should he do what?

For example, in the next second, Li Qi is ready to make a move, and in this second, he begins to think about making a move, but because of the collapse of time, he will never be able to make a move in the next second, because... the next second may not even come.

Thinking about a move and preparing to make a move might even be reversed, so that he is preparing to make a move without even thinking, and can never actually make the move.

Even reality itself will be pulled around by the chaotic time sequence, not knowing where to go or what to do. After all, when the time sequence is messed up, you want to pick up a glass of water.

But the next event jumped to the time when the water had been drunk long ago, or to some other strange point in time.

At every moment, the scenery in front of you is completely unfamiliar, every action has no consequences, and every event has no cause. This is the result of time disorder.

  Endless events flash alternately in a chaotic time sequence. Everything is independent of each other, and it is impossible to form a complete timeline and logical order. Therefore, it is impossible to take any action. After all, everything has no cause and effect. How to solve it?

Li Qi couldn’t find it before, but now, Li Qi finally found a solution.

It's simple and ridiculous.

That is the 'absolute reference frame'.

In other words, Yang Zhenqian risked his life to send it to Li Qi...

The sun and the moon are moving.

The root of movement, absolute space.

By its nature and its independence from external things, it is always the same and immovable.

A place of absolute stillness around which all the heavens revolve.

This is 'Chen Ji'.

A first-class Taoist foundation that exists now.

Obviously, in ordinary space and time, in spatial dimensions, there is no way to prove the absoluteness of a reference system.

But what if it is a mysterious space-time that is static from its very existence?

Admittedly, it is difficult to prove Chen Ji's absoluteness.

Many second-grade masters did this, and Wu Dao even wanted to use this to prove his Dao, but all the second-grade masters died, and they were unable to fully prove the absoluteness of Chen Ji.

If you don't prove this, you won't be able to achieve enlightenment through it.

  So how does Li Qi prove this?

Very simple.

put all one's eggs in one basket.

Just gamble your life.

He directly tore his own subjectivity apart and fell into the difference tearing of subjective time.

Then, if Chen Ji can solve his current situation, it will prove Chen Ji's absoluteness.

If Chen Ji can't solve it.

Then he would die on the road to enlightenment just like those second-grade wizards who fell before.

This is what it means to attain enlightenment. Even the entire process is difficult to describe, because all of this can only be thought of on the basis of one's own cognition, which is the sum of all experiences from birth to the present. People cannot understand things that are beyond their own cognition. If you understand, you understand, and if you don't understand, no matter how you explain it, it cannot be explained clearly.

But regardless, the result is obvious.

He succeeded.

He destroyed his inner demon, and... he successfully supported Taiyi's body.

  How many opportunities for first-class status does Li Qi have?

The "Three Realms" are composed of Amitabha's Pure Land, the Desire Realm, the Myriad Heavens, and the Formless Realm.

'Chen Ji' from the Sun and Moon.

And Taichi's body.

There are exactly three of them, and they complement each other and together create Li Qi's current strength.

A newly born first-grade person has three first-grade opportunities. His strength is naturally beyond that of an ordinary first-grade person.

The Three Realms are the eggshell desire realm of the devil, the formless realm created by the Buddha Tathagata, and the realm of form created by Li Qi with his own second-grade path and using Taiyi as inspiration and reference. The combination of the three created something similar to the fairyland.

Chen Ji is the result of Yang Zhenqian's life. All his accumulation is for the purpose of discovering Chen Ji, which is everything for a top second-grade master, even beyond his life.

There is also Taiyi's body, the collection of all the star officials.

And all of this makes up the present Li Qi.

Li Qi stretched his body.

Taichi's body stretched out.

At this moment, the situation of the battle was reversed!

The battle situation among the first-rank officials was originally a delicate balance, and it was broken.

"Are you surprised? Demon, can't you see my heart? Of course not, because the formless realm is here with me now." Li Qi said.

"Wu Xian fought so hard to seize the Formless Realm, just for this?" The demon looked at Li Qi and asked.

The battle has begun.

However, the battle of the first rank is somewhat beyond imagination.

Li Qi felt that he was not fighting with anyone, because time and space itself had collapsed in such a battle, and all possibilities were mixed together, so there was no need to search.

What they were doing was not fighting itself, but more like hard work like planting trees and reclaiming land.

The battle did not break out head-on, but it was more terrifying and fierce than any head-on battle.

However, the situation has shifted towards Li Qi.

Now Li Qi can keep up with Tianmo.

All things have evil thoughts, so the devil can appear in front of everyone at the same time without any hesitation. This is the speed of "thought", which is faster than that of quite a few first-grade ones.

But Li Qi could keep up.

No matter what possibility Tianmo jumps to, Li Qi will not be affected by the time difference. His reality is perfect and can jump with Li Qi from any perspective.

There is a saying that likes to call the observer's perspective the 'God's perspective'.

This perspective, like that of an omniscient God, can observe everything without restriction in an unrealistic way, unfolding the narrative at different points in time in the same place, with the voices of multiple characters appearing alternately.

  What is the God’s perspective?

Is there really a God's perspective that can observe all perspectives at the same time?

In fact, there is. That is, having the ability to switch to all perspectives at the same time can be regarded as obtaining a God's perspective.

This perspective is possessed by the demons.

Now, Li Qi, a first-rank official, also has one.

Moreover, Tianmo is even worse than Li Qi here, because Tianmo still needs to follow his own subjective time, although he can switch perspectives anytime and anywhere and appear at any time in any perspective.

But Li Qi is one step ahead of him because Li Qi does not need the 'switch' step.

With an absolute reference system, he has all perspectives at the same time and will not be affected by the time difference.

Just this point, Li Qi is faster than Tianmo.

In the possible war, Li Qi suppressed the demon!

In this fight, Li Qi sighed: "Wow... No wonder you are so calm. If you have this speed, my struggles during the second-grade period are just a child's play in your eyes. It seems like I am struggling, but in fact I am just your toy."

"But it's different now. Why don't you speak?" Li Qi asked.

Tianmo did not reply because Li Qi's speed indeed surpassed his.


That's it.

Winning is not that easy.

The battle between the first rank is not that simple, Li Qi. (End of this chapter)

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