Wandao long distance

Chapter 1072 The truth of everything

The battle between the first-class fighters was quickly divided into their respective battle zones.

No matter what, there are many first-grade people who support Tianmo, which is why the plan can be advanced to this extent. If Tianmo alone is relied upon, it will definitely not be accomplished.

But now, the appearance of Li Qi and Pratyekabuddha Shangzhu has put the demon's plan on hold.

And Li Qi finally did what he had always dreamed of.

Confrontation with the devil.

A one-on-one head-on battle with the devil.

This was the final result of his long-standing struggle for freedom.

This is a war without time, a war that breaks free from slavery and enters the realm of eternal freedom.

Tianmo denied Li Qi: "Li Qi, you can't transcend history. You have to know that even for the first rank, the only content of the history they experienced was their selfishness and endless struggle. They always overestimate such struggles and exaggerate them. In fact, what they pursue is only power, the power to interpret the world."

"This is not the ideal world for people like you, is it? You have mastered the devil's thoughts, and you should also understand that the history of all things is nothing more than an endless long list of boring records."

The words of the devil began to guide Li Qi's evil thoughts.

However, Li Qi has now found his answer.

The first-grade people are not too afraid of the influence of the evil thoughts of the Heavenly Demon. Their Tao has reached this level, so before the start of this "End of the Dharma" action, no one has noticed the huge destructive power of the Heavenly Demon.

Li Qi did not respond to the demon's disturbance.

Because he knew that history was not that simple.

He had experienced all kinds of days, and he knew that all the most flawless gems in history had gone through endless journeys, been washed away by the waves, and had all traces of human strife washed away.

Being able to possess these gems is a great happiness for every Taoist seeker. These things keep appearing, constantly appearing in front of the Taoist seekers as "information", providing them with a constant source of motivation and ideas, allowing them to keep moving forward and pursuing the Tao.

Through the continuous in-depth abstraction and generalization of this information and history, the works of saints and powerful men were born. If you look closely, you will find that these great works can be broken down into their original components.

And all the components come from all the events and the history behind them.

The powerful ones sublimate these mundane meanings, and then dissect and analyze them, assembling them into a more perfect shape like building blocks.

However, if we look closely at its root, we will find that everything is one.

Just like the Tao that Li Qi understood.

Reality is not unique to the Almighty, but the reality of the Almighty is more distinct.

Objective reality also exists completely, and subjective cognition also exists completely, and the difference between the two is also wiped out by the absolute reference system.

Li Qi's answer was enough to make Tianmo feel the state of harmony and perfection.

In addition, the existence of the formless realm makes it impossible for the devil to observe Li Qi's subjective thoughts.

In other words...

The current Li Qi is a specialized version of the demon.

Tianmo's unparalleled "speed of thought" is slower than Li Qi's.

The devil observes the thoughts of all things through his evil thoughts and makes advance plans, but at this moment he cannot see Li Qi's evil thoughts, as the formless realm obscures Li Qi.

Li Qiyipin's answer was to reject the evil path.

The death of Amitabha Buddha and the decline of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss made Li Qi's Ten Thousand Heavens come true.

And in the end, everything constitutes the current specialized demon killer version of Li Qi.

However, although the demon looked a little tricky, he was not that scared.

He didn't even have the intention of escaping, but continued to fight with Li Qi.

The battle continues.

Such a battle itself is like a conversation between a chicken and a duck.

Li Qi and Tianmo's paths are almost completely contradictory.

It's like people of different nationalities and speaking different languages ​​are talking to each other, and no one can understand what they are saying.

Even if one of them tries their best to learn the other's language, it is still impossible for them to communicate as smoothly as people with the same native language.

Moreover, if ordinary people cannot understand, they can use "body language" as a last resort.

But for Yipin, they don’t even have body language, the conversation between them is the Tao.

If for a race, language itself means 'war', then how can one say 'peace' from their mouths?

The incompatible paths are destined to lead to an endless struggle between the two.

But there is one good thing.

Li Qi is now in an advantageous position.

In the middle of the battlefield—

"So, why should I trust you?" The emperor of a great empire looked at Li Qi in front of him and asked.

This was a great change in history, where many divergences occurred.

Li Qi will guide history in a specific direction.

Facing the emperor's doubts, Li Qi's Dharma body said: "You don't need to believe me, but these technologies are already here. Your craftsmen invented them. As for whether they can be used, it depends on you, Your Majesty."

After he finished speaking, Li Qi’s Dharma body disappeared.

At the same time, a black shadow was repelled in front of the world's number one craftsman.

The original "inspiration" in the craftsman's mind also came to an abrupt end.

"Huh? I had a good idea just now, why can't I remember it all of a sudden?" The craftsman scratched his head, a little confused.

But it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the initial design has already been thought out and fortunately I have written it down.


In a small dark room, there are many rented standard optical fibers, and a "hacker" is hiding here.

These optical fibers are connected to a nearby private data communications company, a small company that is only responsible for network operations in a few cities.

However, these paths are enough for the hacker to connect to any receiving processor on the earth, with almost no possibility of being detected. In a few minutes, he had tried and changed three lines, and found a blank domain name on the Internet for modulation calculation. Here, this company rented processor time at an extremely low price, as low as the price of terrestrial communication lines, and also accepted automatic transfer.

Through several anonymous accounts, hackers gain exclusive control of a large block of data space in the form of anonymous payments, which can be used within milliseconds after a request is made.

This time, the hacker plans to quietly enter the Federation's most confidential information storage disk to see what the decisions that dominate civilization are like. If he is not satisfied with anything, he can even change it.

There is no special purpose, the hacker just likes it.

People like him, content to live in cheap apartment buildings, spending all their money on processing systems and life support systems, staying online for days at a time, never moving from their physical bodies in the real world.

As their skills become more sophisticated and their knowledge more extensive, their bodies gradually wear out and shrink, but this only makes them appear more terrifying on the Internet.

Relying on many optical fibers, they are like a spider sitting motionless in the center of a web, taking all the computers in civilization as their prey.

The hacker was browsing the confidential information and suddenly saw a folder with the words "Anti-Ballistic Missile Control System" written on it.

He took a look and it was obvious that this thing had not been successfully researched yet.

The people in the Federation are all idiots. They are still programming this system in the most primitive language. It will take thousands of years to complete this thing.

It’s better to have a hair of your own.

At this moment, inspiration suddenly came to him and he began typing rapidly on the keyboard.

Soon, the system was perfected.

Hacking is full of a sense of accomplishment.

Without me, the anti-ballistic missile system would not have been successful, millions of people would have died, and many cities might have been bombed into pieces of glass by now.

It feels so good to change the world.

History was changed to a different ending by an unknown hacker who didn't even leave his name.


On a fairy mountain floating in the sky, the ancestor of this immortal cultivation sect is undergoing a tribulation.

He longed to become an immortal and hoped to go to the fairyland.

Even though he was completely unfamiliar with the world outside, he still wanted to go because he had already tasted most of the things in the mortal world.

He has lived to a ripe old age and hopes to go to a bigger place.

Of course, most people have had similar desires, yearning for something empty, yearning for something that cannot be described, something they don’t quite understand, but they just yearn for it.

As for the tribulations, one of them is called the 'tribulations of the heart'. After being struck by lightning, one must examine one's own heart. If one's faith in the Tao is not firm enough, then all one's cultivation will collapse.

He felt that there was nothing wrong with him. His faith in the Tao had withstood countless tests in his ten thousand years of life and had never wavered.

To be honest, the probability of him successfully surviving the tribulation is basically 100%.

For him, it was just a piece of cake.

But this time...

The calamity came with exceptional force.

His evil thoughts continued to boil, trying to corrode his heart of Taoism, to destroy his many desires, and to devour his possibility of becoming an immortal.

Not right.

Why was the heavenly tribulation so severe? He had watched other people go through the tribulation before, and no one had ever experienced such a severe heavenly tribulation.

Not right, not right.

However, what was even more wrong was that the natural disaster in the sky began to become erratic.

Sometimes big, sometimes small.

What exactly is going on?

Until he was struck to death by lightning, he felt that the heavenly tribulation was strange.

However... once the ancestor dies, the entire sect will be in turmoil, and the world of immortal cultivation will once again face a catastrophe.

The wheel of history began to turn at this moment.


Amidst various possibilities, two figures constantly travel through history.

The vitality is resurrected in new strength and new changes.

Li Qi's battle tore open a path to the future amidst the decaying vitality.

The traces left by fate, the things that make you you and belong to you, are revealed one by one.

The universe has all kinds of scenery.

Crystal clear night.

Floating clouds and starry nebula.

The light, cool air of an autumn evening.

The sky is full of floating clouds, covering land, sea and sky.

There are also various civilizations.

Behind all this scenery, in the deepest part of it all, in the most subtle wonders of the universe, two patterns are interweaving, constantly cultivating, changing, and overturning everything.

They created the horror and abyss of reality, and wove an orderly world composed purely of forms and formulas, abstract concepts and exquisite elegance.

Their flickering figures can be seen in both worlds.

Every race will eventually develop. After thousands or hundreds of thousands of years, whether this race is enslaved or prosperous, they will find that their future will ultimately depend on one or two people, and these one or two people have determined the direction of development of the entire civilization many years ago.

Everything they did, like the flapping of a butterfly's wings, affected the entire course of civilization history, and in turn affected bigger and more things in the future.


In this war, Li Qiying was thorough.

The speed of the demon was suppressed, its characteristics were suppressed, and even the demonic thoughts themselves were restrained.

The demonic tide swept by the Heavenly Demon was suppressed by the Three Realms, among which the Formless Realm perfectly offset the influence of all demonic thoughts, so that the Heavenly Demon's influence on the outside world was completely zero.

Li Qi had a direct fierce battle with Tianmo, but before he made a move, Li Qi had already arrived at an earlier time node than Tianmo. When Tianmo reacted and went to trace back, Li Qi had already arrived at an earlier time node faster than him.

This cycle continued until both sides reached the end of time. Tianmo had already discovered that from the beginning of time to the end of time, Li Qi had taken the initiative everywhere, and Tianmo was doomed to fail everywhere.

No, it's not destined, but it has already failed.

Everything happened at the same time. From the very beginning, all the interference of the demons was stopped by Li Qi. This usually means the end of the war among the first-class people.

Such battles are reflected in history and reality, and that is... history is beginning to revive.

From the very beginning of the birth of everything, history was rewritten by Li Qi, and the process of Yuan Qi decay was curbed.

When the devil tried to advance further, Li Qi would always appear before him to change history and respond to the devil, forcing him to go to the next point in time in a rage.

Some of the other first-rank ones helped Tianmo, but some also helped Li Qi. With the two new forces of Li Qi and the Demon Prince, the power they brought had overwhelmed the balance.

The demon was not just facing Li Qi, but was also facing the siege of many first-grade masters.


not enough.

Even if Li Qi suppressed the demon in all possibilities at all times, the demon itself remained unharmed.

"It's like this, but you still don't want to die?" Li Qi finally spoke.

Not quite right.

The battle has turned out like this. If it were any other top-rank warrior, he would be seriously injured if not killed.

"Death? Are you kidding me?" Tian Mo said in a relaxed tone, "Shang Fan can resist death, so you don't think I can't, do you?"


After Li Qi woke up, he completely suppressed the demon, joined forces with other first-grade warriors to encircle and suppress the demon, and even blocked his possibility in all timelines.

For the second and third rank, this is enough to die ten thousand times.

Even for a first-grade demon, this would be a fatal injury. After all... this actually meant that the demon could no longer interfere with the real world.

Li Qi acknowledged this world with an extraordinary attitude and the will of a great power, and thereby rejected all the evil ways.

This is the most profound understanding and great love, the affirmation and confirmation of all things, the clarity maintained when facing the abyss of nothingness, and a virtue of saints.

He acknowledged that reality is indestructible, that reality and sentient beings are the secret of everything, and the basic essence of all Tao. It is sentient beings that give birth to Tao, rather than Tao that gives rise to sentient beings.

He declared reality with countless brilliant techniques, and praised the magnificence and horror of all things in the history and legends of creation.

If we look at it from the perspective of God, then Li Qi has made pure reality resonate in his music. He stood firmly at the door of reality and endured all the tears and pain.

All of this is to completely prevent the arrival of nothingness.

No matter if it is the absolute nothingness represented by the Death Demon.

Or it could be the forced nothingness of all things brought about by the subjective idealism of the devil.

Or is it the emptiness in the feelings brought about by the five aggregates that distort the feelings of subjective will.

In other words, the demon of affliction takes "suffering" as its core, and guides sentient beings to accept nothingness and give up reality.

The path of evil, in essence, is to acknowledge the nothingness of this world.

Li Qi still remembers the oath he made.

We must prevent all living beings from being disturbed by demons.

The essence is that this is to resist nothingness, to resist everything that denies the meaning of existence of everything.

This world, countless time and space, just as shown in the history written by Li Qi, began with a beautiful reality, which was both sacred and beautiful, and extremely glorious. It was truly a golden age.

But after beings above the third rank were able to erase history, the world became sick, and the condition worsened with the constant restarts by the powerful. It declined day by day, and even gave birth to the "evil thought" of doubt.

After countless restarts, they fell into decadence, filled with fear and the cruel changes in world history. They were unable to escape from the eternal rotation of desire and painful reincarnation.

At last, the time had come to destroy it.

Because the devil appeared.

He laughed, danced, and trampled the reality of the world under his feet.

He saw and understood the fragility of the reality of all things, saw the desires and animality in endless time and space, and the strong pursuit of purity and harmony that coexisted at the same time.

The devil looked down upon them and smiled happily.

A powerful demon, he sang and danced as he trampled the fallen world into ruins, and then, with a smile, playfully created a new world from his dreams.

This new world is the end of the Dharma.

However, the world did not perish after all.

From the ruins, from the seeds sown by the devil, a being like Li Qi grew up, firmly defending the things he thought were important.

Thus, the world was reborn again and revived under Li Qi's persistence. With his skillful hands, he created a young, beautiful and brilliant new world, and protected it in his arms with the utmost respect.

But... that's all.

The Demon Prince was also participating in the battle. He witnessed the entire battle and participated in it.

He was jubilant and felt that he had already won.

However, only at this point in the battle did the Demon Prince realize that Li Qi had indeed protected the world in his arms, but... apart from that, Li Qi could do nothing else.

The demon...has the same nature as he once was.

No, it’s Tiangang instead.

It should be said that the Demon Prince, as a demon son, inherited this nature of the Heavenly Demon.

As we all know, the Demon Prince once showed two natures.

The first one is to resist the reality that he doesn't want. As long as he firmly doesn't want it, then this thing will really not happen. However, this is also limited, and the limit is his "heart".

As long as his heart is strong enough, he can resist everything, including death.

  When he was at the seventh level, he had already shown this trait in the battle with the Little Heavenly Master. As long as he didn't want to die, he wouldn't die. (See Chapter 519 for details)

The second type is the secondary demon prince.

Like the Heavenly Demon, the Demon Prince's thoughts will also transform into physical demon heads. These demon heads will exist and maintain themselves to execute the thoughts that transformed them, and the fight will not stop until they die. (For details, see Chapter 863)

To the Heavenly Demon, this kind of thought is a secondary Heavenly Demon, and to the Demon Prince, it is a secondary Demon Prince.

These were all inherited by the Demon Prince from the Heavenly Demon.

Therefore, for the demons, these characteristics will only become stronger.

Even with the possibility of so many first-grade masters wiping out the demon at the same time, he didn't seem to be that upset.

The Demon Prince became anxious.

He himself knew very well how terrible this trait was.

Many times he faced invincible enemies and finally defeated them, all thanks to this trick.

As long as his heart doesn't collapse, he won't die, and no matter how serious the injury is, it can't defeat him.

Therefore, if you want to defeat the Demon Prince, you must defeat the Demon Prince's heart. This can usually only be done by someone much stronger than the Demon Prince using special magical powers.

It's just like the scene with the little Taoist priest. The little Taoist priest was stronger than the Demon Prince, but couldn't kill him. Finally, it was the third-grade Taoist priests who took action. A glare from the Taoist priests broke the Demon Prince's will. If the third-grade Taoist priests hadn't taken action, the Demon Prince would have really died there.

Well, the problem is coming.

The Demon Prince was of the seventh rank at that time, and it only took a look from a third rank to shatter his heart of Taoism and cause his mind to collapse.

The current demon is of the first grade, and is a particularly strong type among the first grade.

Who can break the devil's determination through violence?

Or, who can grasp the 'answer' that will be the final word and enough to shatter the heart of the Heavenly Demon?

If there is no other way, then can we achieve the level of the Tathagata? That is, to seal the demon.

"Can you do it?" The Demon Prince asked the many first-grade people.

As a 'Pratyekabuddha', he is actually weaker than an ordinary first-grade one. Although he can participate in this battle, he cannot play a decisive role.

After all, Pratyekabuddhas are not truly Buddhas.

However, in fact, the road has been paved. As long as they continue to practice the Bodhisattva Path, they will eventually become Buddhas of perfect enlightenment, but that takes time, and what they lack most now is time.

“It’s difficult.” Hua Guang Buddha sighed: “The formless realm that can restrain the demons has played its full role, but without the Buddha’s righteous Dharma, it will be difficult to seal it after all.”


Yes, even Hua Guang Buddha wanted to seal rather than kill.

The devil is too difficult to kill.

As long as sentient beings have desires, as long as higher wisdom has longings, the devil will always exist.

As long as there is even a trace of "heart" in this universe, it will be difficult to kill the demon.

"Is there nothing we can do but watch like this?" The Demon Prince felt a headache.

During the communication, other levels of the demonic path had already attacked.

They were forced to separate and start their respective first-class wars.

The battle once again turned into a solo between Li Qi and Tianmo.

The demon also noticed this.

Then, his body spread out, swept by demonic energy.

Li Qi stopped the actions of the demon and continued to use the Three Realms to firmly suppress the demon, but... he could not kill the demon.

The devil then let out a giggle.

Obviously, he was very confident that Li Qi could not do anything to him.

The devil has done too many things in this world. Except for the Buddha Tathagata who sealed him, no one else can do anything to him, so he is very willful.

To put it in a more cute way, it is a naughty boy who is playful, clever, cunning, loves to play magic games, and is very good at hiding himself.

Of course, in Li Qi's view, Tianmo is an extremely vicious executioner and arrogant game player.

He appears and disappears, full of malice towards the world. His viciousness is far beyond people's imagination, although he himself feels that it is not malice, he is just simply playing with the world.

Because he did not recognize the reality of the world, the world was nothing but an illusion to him, and she was too lazy to pay any attention to the destruction and pain he brought.

Including Li Qi and the Demon Prince.

At this moment, because of Tianmo's attitude, Li Qi began to think.

He was thinking about how to defeat the demon. If he couldn't kill him, then at least he had to destroy the demon's power of external interference and seal it.

  What should I do?

So, if you want to understand this, you need to clarify one issue, which is the purpose of the devil.

Judging from the current situation, the demon's purpose seems to have been revealed, but... Li Qi always feels that something is wrong.

The devil had appeared in front of Li Qi a long time ago with a kind and polite attitude, creating and weaving a web that soothed his soul.

Tianmo often exerts influence on Li Qi in his own way. He wants to awaken Li Qi and transform Li Qi. At least he has tried his best to win Li Qi from the beginning.

Why did he do this? Why did he want to win me over? Li Qi really didn't know why.

Li Qi once felt that he was very important.

Later, he found that he was not important at all.

Then now, looking back, he discovered... In fact, many of the things that the devil did to him were not just to destroy the Buddha.

He also did a lot of things to himself.

These idle hands are of no use in destroying the Buddha.

For example, your own memory.

Why was it that I was given memories from Earth while the Demon Prince had none?

Obviously, his memory did not play any significant role in the Buddha's plan of Nirvana.

  If both demons set traps for the Buddha, where does the difference between them come from?

Judging from past situations, Li Qi felt that beings like the demon probably did this out of a conditioned reflex, out of an instinctive interest, rather than a conscious action.

However, even if it was just a first-rate interest, there must be a deeper meaning behind it.

what happened?

"Hey, Li Qi, have you given up?" The demon stopped fighting with Li Qi and floated in front of Li Qi.

Its true form came to Li Qi and transformed into the appearance of a young girl.

The devil always likes this.

They temporarily ceased fighting. After all, it was obvious to the naked eye that they could not determine the winner here.

Li Qi looked at the girl in front of him.

This was the first appearance of the demon that appeared before him.

This must be based on Li Qi's "nostalgic" idea. When Li Qi sees things that happened a long time ago, he usually feels a little emotional.

Even these are part of the devil's subconscious actions.

Li Qi looked at the girl, who had an almost sacred and mysterious aura. She stood in front of Li Qi with a hearty smile.

It’s the person in front of you.

It is the source of all the suffering for Li Qi and the Demon Prince.

"Why are you standing in front of me? Aren't you going to find Shang Fan?" Li Qi waved his hand, and a chair appeared behind him, so he sat down.

"Shang Fan is not as good as you." Tianmo also sat down, but she sat cross-legged in the void. Her posture looked delicate and cute, and her hair fell naturally on her legs.

She was like a high school girl, with her hands placed between her crossed legs, leaning forward, and said to Li Qi: "To be honest, I really didn't expect you to succeed in achieving enlightenment in the end. So many second-grade masters died at Chen Ji, but you succeeded."

"Three first-rank masters risked their lives to pave the way for me. If it doesn't work out, it's my problem. Three brand new first-rank masters were born in the universe recently, but six have fallen." Li Qi replied.

As he said this, Li Qi lowered his head and looked at Chen Ji and the Three Realms.

Chen Ji and the Three Realms are the key to Li Qi becoming a first-class talent.

Among them, the three realms allowed Li Qi to obtain the same observation ability as the demon.

That is the power that comes from the realm of desire, the power that controls evil thoughts and is driven by the mind.

At the same time, the formless realm also gave Li Qi the ability to curb the desire realm and evil thoughts.

The realm of desire gave Li Qi endless experience of possibilities and was the key to his ability to control the three realms, because the realm of desire itself was Li Qi's inner world, and it also absorbed Amitabha's Pure Land of Bliss, and used Taiyi's body as a carrier.

But the difference between the three realms is enough to tear Li Qi to pieces. If Li Qi simply relies on the three realms to be promoted to the first rank, he will die without a burial, just like the other second-rank ones.

However, with Chen Ji, he can overcome this difference.

In order to get these...

The body of Taiyi after his fall, and the nirvana of Amitabha Buddha and Tathagata.

The deaths of the three first-rank officials paved the way for Li Qi to become a first-rank official.

If Li Qi were to do it on his own, he would probably never reach the first rank.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. You already know it, right? You can't hurt me, so why don't you stop? Let's not fight for now. We can decide the winner when there are new variables later." Tianmo suggested.

"Stop?" Li Qi even suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Well, stop." The demon nodded.

The demon actually went to Li Qi and asked him to stop.

Li Qidu suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"It's normal. Look, everyone is ready to stop, except you and the Demon Prince." The demon pointed outside.

Li Qi looked back.

Destiny is right.

The first-class people who were fighting for their lives just now are now packing up and preparing to go home.

The battle is over.

The first-rank officials who had previously sang heroic songs and even volunteered to die, after the battle, seemed to have no ties with each other and returned home one by one.

Everyone knows clearly where to divide and what spoils to take.

There was almost no quarrel and no judgment other than rationality.

There is a saying that goes, "If there were no accidents in this world, everyone would put out their weapon lists and compare their strengths, and the losing side would just surrender, and there would be no need to fight at all."

This sentence was originally meant as a mockery, meaning that strength cannot really determine the outcome of a battle.

However, in front of the first-class officials at this moment, this sentence is true.

The rationality of the first-class officials was also fully demonstrated at this moment.

Before the battle, everyone has a hidden card, something that can be revealed and cannot be revealed, various plans, calculations, various private connections, and various hidden purposes, so everyone needs to fight seriously.

At this time, the first-rank officials will not hold back at all. They will kill those who deserve to be killed and die those who deserve to die.

Every first-rank person is like the cruelest chess player, who is willing to sacrifice even himself. As long as the goal can be achieved and the great wish can be fulfilled, all sacrifices are worth it.

The Death Demon is willing to self-destruct to promote the exhaustion of its vitality.

Amitabha and Medicine King Buddha will also take the initiative to enter Nirvana and advance to the "future world" to complete the great cause of no Buddha and redeem their mistakes.

Are the means vicious? Of course they are vicious. Even people like Wu Xian use amazing schemes, not to mention the Death Demon who intends to destroy the entire universe.

But... at this moment, they all seemed so innocent.

Once they find that the situation has stabilized and they need to wait for the next change, they will immediately pack up their things and wait quietly for the next opportunity.

At this time, it is very clear who occupies what place and how many steps to take back. There is no need to fight anymore. Everyone knows what place can be defended.

In other words, everyone has already felt that this time's changes, this time's restart of the universe, has ended here.

Next, we need to continue to accumulate variables quietly and wait for the next time.

Li Qi recalled the last time the universe restarted.

The last time the universe was restarted was because of the war between humans and witches. At that time, the first-class people restarted the universe nineteen times. Li Qi actually did not participate in those nineteen times. He hid in his own timeline and hid after the war.

And this time, he personally participated in the battle.

The universe... restarted sixteen times this time? Probably. He didn't spend too much energy counting. After all, the battle had been going on for a while before he woke up.

Every time the universe restarts, something like this will happen, right?

The commotion this time may be a little bigger, after all, it affects the whole world, but it didn’t affect the whole world last time.

So, in places that my former self has not seen, this universe is upside down, and various paths have done all kinds of things.

No wonder even the five elements could be snatched away by one party.

  Is this the war among the nine lands of the world?

Thinking of this, Li Qi looked at the demon.

Tianmo faced Li Qi's gaze, tilted his head and chuckled. His smile was like the time in autumn when you had just woken up from a nap, and the girl sitting at the same table had also just woken up. She rubbed her eyes and then smiled at you.

However, Li Qi did not make any move at all. He looked at Tian Mo's expression and said, "So, most first-grade wars are like this?"

The demon replied, "What else? Who among us doesn't have some means to save his life? For example, you tried everything, and almost all your magical powers were aimed at me, but could you kill me?"

"Since you can't kill me, then wait for an opportunity. Wait until I have a chance to kill you, or you think you have a chance to kill me. Then, the next First-Rank War will start again. All First-Rank battles are like this."

Li Qi nodded.

He had just become a first-grade cultivator, although according to subjective time, he had already been fighting with the Heavenly Demon for a nearly uncountable amount of time, because they had experienced a short period of time on all timelines, and the number of timelines was too large, so this battle would also last a long time.

If we calculate it by 'years', it would be about 10 to the power of billion.

For mortals, this is an unimaginable number, and it is difficult to understand how huge this number is just by saying it.

However, this does not prevent him from being a 'young' first-class player.

Because time means nothing to them.

Li Qi has experienced too little "change".

  Just this time of restarting the universe has caused such a big thing as the decay of vital energy. Who knows what happened in the previous first-level war?

Just last time, when humans and wizards fought each other, the five elements were restored to their original positions, the silver controlled by humanity was spit out, and there were other changes. Even the structure of the world disappeared, and the universe became composed of planets and nebulae.

I think it will be a big battle.

Li Qi had experienced too little of this kind of battle.

"So, that's enough. You can't do anything to me, so you should find a way to target me first." Tianmo reached out and touched Li Qi's head.

Li Qi, in a trance, recalled the questions he asked himself before he became a first-rank official.

At that time, Li Qi asked himself: "How long do I have to wait?"

"Will it be called 'Ancient Times' by future generations at this moment?" (For details, see Chapter 1046)

Because Li Qi knew that humanity was still "waiting for the opportunity", from the ancient times to the present, but was still waiting for the opportunity to destroy Haotian.

How far is it from ancient times to now?

  How many times has a first-class battle like this happened?

When will we be able to wait for the opportunity that the demon mentioned?

"Hey, hey, hey, what do you want to achieve with that expression? Wake up, fighting now will only waste our time. Why don't you contact them and ask them." Tianmo pinched Li Qi's face and persuaded him.

But in fact, Li Qi doesn't need to contact other people to know the answer.

After all, everyone has dispersed now, and anyone with a little common sense would know that it is better to retreat now.

Even the Demon Prince retreated.

It's no longer possible to tell who's winning.

That’s all for this time.

Wait and expect new variables to emerge.

Or you can take the initiative to cultivate variables yourself.

All in all, that's the end of the matter.

So, Li Qi grabbed Tianmo's hand that was pinching his face and said to her: "Tianmo, you once said that you wanted Shang Fan and I to become great." (For details, see Chapter 1056)

"In other words, you still have tricks and plans, right?"

Facing Li Qi's question, Tian Mo nodded frankly and said without disguising: "Yes, it is true, but it is not enough this time, let's talk about it next time~."

The next second, the battle started again.

Li Qi pounced on the demon.

The demon's pupils shrank, and his disguised body disappeared, revealing his true form.

There was a collision, and destructive aftermath spread out.

The aftermath revealed a savagery so jubilant, so madly hateful, and so fanatical that it was beyond description.

"Li Qi, you are really reckless." Tianmo said, with joy flashing in his eyes.

Yes, joy.

"...I don't want to wait." Li Qi said.

"I don't want to be called 'Tai Gu' even after waiting till now, so let's end it now." The wait is really too long.

  Time is running out, how many ancient times are left?

Li Qi...only wants to fight for the day! !

As Li Qi spoke, the corners of Tianmo's mouth cracked to an exaggerated degree.

"Look at you, look at you, look at what you look like now."

"I have already sensed your evil thoughts."

Indeed, there is no need to wait any longer.

Because, for the demon, the variables have already arrived.

Even the formless realm could not suppress Li Qi's violent evil thoughts.

  The demon felt Li Qi's heart again!

This is the 'flaw'!

With a loud bang, during the war between the two of them, the world originally protected by Li Qi was distorted again.

You know... Li Qi now actually controls the body of 'Taiyi'.

Li Qi's own physical body is still there, but if he wants to engage in a first-class battle, he must enter Taiyi's body and fight with Taiyi's body. Therefore, every time he fights, he will inevitably involve all the star officials and all the living beings in Taiyi's body, that is, those living beings in the entire real universe.

They will all follow Li Qi to join the battle.

Purely instinctive history unfolds again, it is greed, lust, desire for power, murder, violence, destruction and war, it is ambitious emperors, generals bought by money, and destroyed civilizations.

There is fighting everywhere, between young and old, between conservatives and radicals, between those who support the heart and those who support reality—

As the two first-class entities fought, the two possibilities and timelines also fought each other frantically.

Such a battle line has completely broken through the boundaries of countries, civilizations, and even blood ties.

In such a war, most of the fighters, or even including Li Qi and Tianmo, all believed that their side possessed the supreme truth.

This is actually undeniable, both Li Qi and Tian Mo actually have a certain degree of idealism, and even though the battle has resulted in battlefields and destruction everywhere, both sides emphasize that they are the ones who are truly right.

All this is just one of many aspects of history.

Li Qi and Tianmo also knew that even though they were of the first rank and even though they were transcendent beings, they were actually a part of history and a product of historical growth. Therefore, once they lost the ability to continue to develop and change, they were doomed to suffer destruction.

The powerful ones are both the creators of history and part of it, and of course they also have to share the responsibilities in world history.

Their battles constantly gave birth to eras of violence and barbarity, eras of chaos, and eras of strife and mutual misunderstanding.

Only when enough blood has been shed, will this era come to an end and this battle be over.

But the longer this war lasts, the more excited the demon becomes.

Yes, that's right, that's it.

Li Qi's evil thoughts have flourished and are about to burst out! The first-grade evil thoughts are so intense that even the colorless world can no longer suppress them.

Of course, the same is true for the evil thoughts of the devil!

But it doesn’t matter. The evil thoughts of the demon are his strength, but the evil thoughts of Li Qi are his Achilles’ heel.

Keep fighting, keep fighting.

As long as the fight continues, Li Qi will dig his own grave with his own hands.

Doesn’t Li Qi know it himself?

Tianmo had already sensed it, and Li Qi himself actually knew it.

But even if he knew, he would still do it.

This is something I have said countless times...

The most terrifying thing about evil thoughts is that they have never used any low-level means such as concealment or guidance. Those are useless to the powerful. Their self-control and wisdom are not afraid of any evil thoughts at all. If they want, they can just reach out and extinguish most of the evil thoughts, making their minds clear and empty.

The most terrifying thing about evil thoughts is "voluntary".

  Li Qi, can you bear it? Are you willing to wait? Are you willing to continue watching the demon run rampant?

You're not completely without a chance of winning, right? Look, you're better than me now.

  After all, all of your places have specialized means to target the devil. Now that it’s like this, even if you keep fighting with the devil and suppress him so that he can’t move, isn’t that good?

Even if this would cause the history that Li Qi had just protected to fall back into conflict, and cause the mortals he was protecting at the moment to fall into an endless "War of Demons".

  The war between humans and witches is no different from this, right?

Anyway, there will be countless people below, doing exactly the same thing as in the war between humans and witches.


Come on, continue.

It will continue until... the formless realm can no longer suppress your evil thoughts.

The two first-rank officials continued even though the others had already begun to retreat.

Undoubtedly, Li Qi also received questions from the first-rank officials who supported him.

Wu Xian sent him a message: "What are you doing? There will be no results if you take action now, and it will also affect the next step of the layout. Come back, we will discuss these matters separately."

The Demon Prince also sent a message to Li Qi: "If you want to fight me, I don't care about you. Don't expose your trump card. Don't die there. It will affect many things. However... I advise you to come back and make a long-term plan. With you here, we can plan the next time."

Daozu didn't send any message, but Li Qi could feel the other party's gaze, as if he was looking at something.

Cang Tian also said to Li Qi: "Be careful, if your evil thoughts expand to a certain extent, you will never be able to go back."

Li Qize ignored all this. He controlled Taiyi's body and all the star officials and launched another attack.

He couldn't accept continuing to wait, even waiting to make peace with the devil.

It was at this time that the demon caught Li Qi's overflowing evil thoughts.


Li Qi lost.

Li Qi's gushing evil thoughts finally broke through the suppression of the formless realm, allowing the devil to capture these evil thoughts.

With this, the demon naturally entered Li Qi's body.

How reckless.

Originally, with the protection of the formless realm, the devil could not observe Li Qi's inner thoughts, and could not use his evil thoughts to influence Li Qi's actions. This was like the devil had his hands and feet tied and had to fight Li Qi, which was why he was suppressed by Li Qi.

And now, because Li Qi was unwilling to wait and did not want the matter between himself and the Demonic Path to become an "ancient grudge", he chose to take forceful action at this time.

Doing so caused his first-grade evil thoughts to reveal a flaw.

You know, there is a huge problem with Li Qi's background.

That is, Li Qi is very dependent on 'Taiyi'.

Taiyi's body is an important way for him to maintain his own stability. Without Taiyi's body, the Three Realms cannot maintain stable contact with Chenji.

As long as Taiyi's body is taken away, Li Qi's foundation of Taoism will be affected.

If he could usurp Taiyi's body, he might be able to seal Li Qi and make Li Qi's "possibility sealed". Of course, Li Qi would not die.

A first-class person will never truly die.

However, in this case, the condition for resurrecting Li Qi is to find Taiyi's body, just like the condition for resurrecting the devil of death is to let the world enter death and advance to the "end of the law".

A person of the first rank cannot die, but it is not easy to be resurrected.

Once Li Qi's possibilities are blocked, Tianmo will have plenty of time to continue promoting the Dharma Ending Age.

You know, if Li Qi hadn't suddenly appeared, he might have already completed it and it wouldn't have taken so long.


The devil entered Taiyi through the guidance of Li Qi's evil thoughts.

Take over Taiyi's body?

Come on, try it.

Let Li Qi and Tianmo compete to see who has better skills in possessing other people's bodies.

In fact, there is no need to compare, even a fool can see that...

Li Qi is doomed to lose.

So, almost instantly, the devil had entered Taiyi's body.

Since the inner demon and the demon prince are useless, he will just do it himself.

Taiyi's body began to move.

At the same time, other first-class warriors were also forced to join the war.

The Demon Prince arrived first.

If the devil really takes control of Taiyi's body, it will be a big trouble.

  What is Li Qi doing?

But it's too late.

The demon took advantage of the flaw revealed by Li Qi, a flaw that should never appear in Yipin, and went straight in and successfully took over Taiyi's body.

"Li Qi——!" The Demon Prince growled.

What are you doing! ?

  The situation had already become balanced, but Li Qi insisted on having his own way, causing the situation to become what it is now!

The demon sighed, "I thought the war was really going to stop, but in the end, didn't I still win?"

As he said this, the demon stretched his body.

At the same time, Taiyi's body also stretched out his limbs.

The universe was in turmoil, the galaxies were shattered, the nebulae were stirred into whirlpools, and the stable gravitational structure formed by countless stars was torn apart in an instant.

The first-class people who were hostile to the Heavenly Demon responded immediately. They immediately protected the reality they wanted to protect and stopped the Heavenly Demon from invading!

Taiyi's body is of no use to the Heavenly Demon, it is just a burden to him, so he wants the Demon Prince or the Inner Demon to deal with this thing.

But if Li Qi lost Taiyi's body, it would be the end of his life.

But now that things have come to this, there is nothing we can do. We thought the war had ceased, but we never expected Li Qi to do such a thing.

Maybe... he really has some plans. After all, he is a first-rank official and he wouldn't do something completely unreasonable.

But everyone knows that there is another possibility.

That is Li Qi's way, and he is not allowed to retreat.

Dying for the Tao is not something that is difficult to understand.

But no matter what, the situation has suddenly developed like this, and we must be prepared.

The first-class officials who had originally packed up their things and gone back arrived again, but this time, the situation seemed a little serious.

The demon quickly took away Taiyi's body and rushed towards Li Qi's heart.

The demon is as usual "Hey, Li——"

But before he could finish, he was interrupted by Li Qi.

Li Qi's physical body abandoned Taiyi's body, pounced forward forcefully, and grabbed the demon.

"This is the first time I'm so close to you, demon."

"Wasn't it this close before?" Tian Mo smiled and touched Li Qi: "What do you mean? Do you have any backup plan that you haven't used? You only have to take advantage of now. After that, you will have no chance."

Li Qizhe held Tianmo tightly and said to him: "The reason why I let you in is because only in this way can I really get close to you."

"Why are you getting so close to me? Do you want to hug me?" The demon tilted his head.

Li Qi nodded: "Maybe that's it. By the way, I knew that leaking the evil thoughts would reveal a flaw, allowing you to seize the opportunity to come in, but I still did it."

The demon replied, "Yes, your path does not allow you to retreat. You did not retreat when you were at the second level, and you will not retreat now. Li Qi, I understand you best in this world."

Li Qi looked at Tian Mo coldly: "This is one reason, and there is another reason, I have to be so close to you."

"Another reason is...I wanted to ask your name."

"My name? Po Xun?"

Tianmo had a smile on his face and looked at Li Qi with interest.

how to say……

  In this battle, how many times did Li Qi take out his 'trump card'?

How many people can really pose a threat to him?

  Stop being so funny. The devil is running around the world, but how many people can actually punish him?

Keep performing, Li Qi, this is your last chance, because after this time, Taiyi's body will be completely stripped off, and you will be completely sealed off. No one can save you, because no one will ever be able to find Taiyi's body again.

"Of course not, your name is Li Qi." Li Qi said.

Before he finished speaking, the demon's body shook violently.

In an instant, boundless malice poured out!!!

Even when the Buddha Tathagata passed away, the devil never erupted with such intense malice!

  The world of everything that cannot be described bursts apart!

Evil intentions and malice surged in, blocking the ordinary laws. The evil shadow covering everything swallowed up all possibilities, and the infinitely accelerating darkness and malice surrounded time and space!

It is because he sees all things as being like dreams and bubbles, that he displays the power of the endless demon lord. The evil karma that comes with his roar is enough to cause the heavens to fall!

The shadows of sentient beings, the dancing demonic energy, all kinds of sounds, all kinds of karma, all kinds of attachments, all kinds of arrangements, all kinds of combinations, all kinds of flows, all will fall into the devil!

They commit evil deeds and incur severe sufferings. Because of these obstacles, they prevent sentient beings from seeing the Buddha, hearing the Dharma, and recognizing the Sangha!

The five heinous crimes and the ten grave sins are the Avici Hells in the ten directions, with immeasurable suffering and countless eons. However, on his body, there are countless sentient beings’ hearts circulating, as numerous as the sands of dust. These sentient beings wail and roar continuously, playing a song of silence and extinction, which turns into a perpetual cycle of beginning and end.

The great sin treasure that brings pain and despair, the true and complete form of the devil, the sin of Tathagata, the sin of all living beings, and the opposite of all material entities have all descended here!

This is the devil who has gone completely mad, the sin-eating worm that covers all causal minds!

The posture of the demon was extremely terrifying and horrifying. Even its mere existence made Li Qi feel a tingling pain all over his body. There was no doubt that after losing Taiyi's body, Li Qi would be unable to resist this posture.

However, facing such a demon, Li Qi laughed instead.

"It's just a dream. The reason why it's like this is because... you really think all this is your dream, right?"

To the devil, the world is nothing but an illusion.

The devil only believes that his own heart is real, and other existences are just his accessories.

When he closed his eyes, the world ceased to exist.

This is the answer brought by the 'Tao' of the Heavenly Demon.

Well, the problem is coming.

Extraordinary answers require extraordinary evidence.

Your Tao can lead to any answer, but the prerequisite is that you have a complete chain of proof.

Whether it is a self-proving 'logical chain' or a 'chain of evidence' that relies on other things to prove something, you always need an argument that can fully support your conclusion. Otherwise, if you can't even convince yourself, how can you form a path?

So, what evidence supports Tianmo's unusual answer?

  It is true that absolutely subjective views cannot be refuted, but... the world is an illusion, which is obvious but difficult to prove. What kind of answer can prove the devil's point of view and extend all of his power?

Li Qi has been thinking about this problem.

Now, he guessed the answer.

"Sure enough... Although I find it absurd myself, it seems that I guessed it right." Li Qi said.

Tianmo thinks that this world is an illusion, and the evidence is that he really is an illusion.

Obviously, Li Qi's memory contains many memories about this world.

These memories once made him think that he was a time traveler.

In the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an, there are even grapes.

Various schools of thought, ancient witches and shamans, dragons and phoenixes, and even various familiar names, such as Tathagata Buddha, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Amitabha, and so on.

Wuxian, Haotian, and even many ancient books, even the characters are exactly the same, and they all use Chinese characters.

Although there are many different civilizations, all of them are manipulated by the nine regions of the world.

This world is full of fantasy, but the background comes from the memories of another world.

There are so many similarities, yet in some places they seem not so similar.

But it was later proved that these memories were instilled into Li Qi by the devil.

The question lies here. Where do these memories of the demon come from?

Facing the howling demon, Li Qi continued, "I have long suspected that when the demon took over the body of the immortal, the observer who appeared was you, but what was the judgment standard? Is it necessary for you to do this? Does the demon's death have any meaning to you?" (For details, see Chapter 1022 to Chapter 1024)

"Now I understand that the observation you made that time was not for the inner demon, but to confirm the existence of another mental entity, right?"

"So, the real Li Qi is you!"

"I am just a clay figure that you made based on yourself, or rather, you think you are a clay figure."

"I will never get answers to these questions, so I choose to reveal my evil thoughts and let you in here. In this way, I can also feel your evil thoughts."

Li Qi's body had been destroyed. Facing the full power of the Heavenly Demon, he was completely unable to resist having lost Taiyi's body. He only saw Li Qi's existence being constantly erased, and his mind being constantly eroded by the evil thoughts, but he still said those words with full confidence.

Real time travelers do exist.

But it was not Li Qi, but the devil!

Or, we should call the devil by his name, but that name is not Marun, but "Li Qi".

  The real time traveler is Li Qi, the celestial demon!

This is the proof!

It is precisely because Tianmo had those memories when he was born that he doubts what this world is like.

It was precisely because he was born from the Desire Realm that he discovered that the world he came to was extremely and terrifyingly similar to his previous life.

  The purpose of creating the demon named 'Li Qi' is to verify the answers to Tianmo's conjectures!

The births of Li Qi and Tianmo are actually very similar.

They all carry 'memories of past lives'.

They are all facing the 'similar but completely different world' without knowing anything.

The devil also deliberately manipulated Li Qi, and he began to come into contact with "evil thoughts" and "subjectivity" when he was at the ninth level.

All of this is to make Li Qi get closer to Tianmo and verify many of Tianmo's conjectures.

But what Tianmo didn't expect was that Li Qi had experienced so much, from the monk Chanzhi, to the five elements of demonic blood, to the later demonic clone, to the pure spirit in the battle between humans and witches, and finally walking step by step to the end, the final Li Qi... but he firmly believed that this world was real.


He had so much evidence of falsehood, but in the end he still chose the truth.

Even... pointed out what the devil was thinking.

"Is that Tathagata? Are you here to wake me up?" After hearing what Li Qi said, the crazy demon calmed down instead.

The Buddha Tathagata is the second entity mind, so Li Qi, who said all this, is undoubtedly the Tathagata's secondary mind, right?


  Right? ! ! ?

"No, it wasn't Tathagata who woke you up. I am Li Qi, the puppet you created. Moreover, I am a puppet with my own mind, a puppet that recognizes reality!"

"Demon, my answer will dispel your fantasy! Can you answer it? Can you ignore this answer?!"

The devil once caused the Buddha to die with just one answer.

Similarly, it only takes one answer to make the devil lose his transcendence, his "foundation of all things" and "the only true mind".

The transcendence of Deva comes from his unique nature, his 'absolutely subjective' status.

When this is denied, how will he respond?

The demon who had been calm and composed all this time suddenly erupted with incredible oppressive force.

This is the biggest secret hidden in the heart of the demon.

After the plane crash, Tianmo lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found this world that was similar yet different in every way.

It has everything that is common to demons, and yet it has nothing that is common to demons.

He was terrified. He felt like he was immersed in a vegetative dream, and was trembling with fear and disbelief.

This world, this world with so many similarities, was it a dream that he created when he was seriously injured and unconscious, lying on the hospital bed?

  Or is it that this world is real, and he just traveled to a primitive world?

Can he tell the difference?

He can't tell the difference.

This is also... the reason why Tianmo once asked Li Qi a question.

At that time, the devil asked: "Can you imagine things that you have never seen?" (See Chapter 332 and Chapter 333 for details).

Li Qi once thought that he was the answer.

But really, he is the problem.

What Li Qi possesses are the memories of the demon, and his identity as a time traveler comes from the demon.

Everything he experienced was what the devil experienced, and he faced the same problems as the devil.

Is this world a dream or reality?

Just like how the devil used the "Retribution for Black Karma" on the Demon Prince and Li Qi, the Retribution for Black Karma will bring about many lives, each of which is exactly the same as the real one.

  In the endless cycle of life, which one is the true reality?

Is the devil suffering the consequences of his own evil deeds?

The devil finally chose Huanmeng.

Li Qi finally chose the truth.

So it was here that Li Qi proposed the answer.

  Is this world a dream or reality?

Can one's own subjective will interpret the world? Is all of this, all of the things, all of the stories, all of the civilizations, the last wild dream of a dying person in a hospital bed or in a ruin, or is it a truly existing, undoubted, magnificent reality?

At this moment, the thing called 'Li Qi' finally accomplished his designed purpose.

The path of the devil was shaken.

  Is this world a dream?

This reminded both Li Qi and Tianmo of what Tianmo had said to Li Qi in the Report of Black Karma.

"If you are reading this, you have been in a coma for twenty years. We are using the latest treatment methods. We don't know where this sentence will appear in your dream, but if you see it..." (See Chapter 1057 for details)

Li Qi looked at the changes of the demon and felt powerless all over.

He has truly lost the power to fight against the demons.

But that doesn't matter.

The answer has already been given.

Li Qi actually didn’t know whether it was right or not.

But just like when he didn't know whether Chen Ji could solve his problem, it was all a gamble, and it only mattered whether he won or lost.

Facing Li Qi's answer, Tian Mo gave up other actions, looked at Li Qi, and said jokingly: "You... this really makes me unable to see through you, but you still can't do anything to me."

Li Qi nodded.

Indeed, even if this point was pointed out, he still could not do anything to the devil, just like the devil was helpless against the Buddha.


"Yes, I really can't do anything to you, but, Tianmo, why don't you take a gamble? Don't you just want to verify whether you are the only one with the mind? I can make you wake up, do you believe it?"

"What if I don't want to wake up?" asked the demon.

"You really don't want to wake up?" Li Qi asked back.

The demon was silent.

Whether it is to prove or disprove.

Even the devil wants to know the answer.

Guiding the Buddha into Nirvana and planning the Dharma Ending Age were all for this purpose.

But...if I agree to Li Qi, I'll be gambling with my life.

But...the most terrifying thing about evil thoughts is that they are voluntary.

Then, the demon smiled in relief: "However, your answer can indeed lead me to death, but... after I die, what will happen to this world, that's unclear."

The devil is the root of the world, and the world is an illusion of the devil.

If the devil dies or wakes up, will the world still exist?

Close your eyes, the flowers are silent.

"It will exist." Li Qi said firmly.

"Really? Then give it a try. This time we are betting our lives." The demon finally laughed.

In front of the Demon Prince, Wu Xian and many other first-class masters, the demon disappeared.

Li Qi also disappeared along with the demon.

"perish together?"

"perish together."

"perish together!"

"perish together……"

The first-class officials each made different voices, but they all pointed to the same fact.

That means Tianmo and Li Qi no longer exist in the world.

From now on, the evil insects entrenched in the hearts and thoughts of all beings will disappear.

From now on, all living beings will no longer be disturbed by demons.

"How did you do that..." The Demon Prince stood there in a daze.

He didn't understand, and he couldn't figure it out.

Li Qi finally fulfilled his lifelong wish.

If it were his old self, he might be upset and in pain because the demon was not killed by him personally. He would regret it for the rest of his life and even hate Li Qi because of it.

But not now.

So, one thing is certain.

He really let it go.

"Namo Amitabha, Namo Mahavairocana Buddha." Shang Fan clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name.

I don’t have any other intentions, and I don’t want to be rescued and go to the Pure Land.

Just a thank you and a commemoration, that's all.

The passing of the two Buddhas created this opportunity.

At the same time, in the center of the battlefield, everyone noticed the arrival of a mere fourth-grade cultivator.

That's Shen Shuibi.

The Demon Prince prepared to turn around and leave.

But Wu Xian set off at this time.

Wu Xian appeared in front of Shen Shuibi.

"Witch God." Shen Shuibi immediately bowed, her voice a little hoarse: "Can you... tell me what happened? I know that everything about the first rank is secret, but... for Li Qi's sake..."

"Don't worry, I won't hide this from you, and I have a good news to tell you." Wu Xian said.

"What good news?" Shen Shuibi looked up immediately.

"Li Qi is right." Wu Xian said this with some emotion in his tone.

Yes, Li Qi is right.

After the devil disappeared, the world did not disappear.

This has proved that Li Qi was right and the devil was not the root of the world.

The death of many first-class people, a great chaos that swept all living beings, and the restart of the universe many, many times. The price of all this proved that one answer was wrong and pointed out a wrong path on the road to success.

For Wu Xian, it was worth it, and many answers were obtained in this way.

Even if it was Wu Xian himself who died, he would not hesitate and still feel it was worth it.

When Shen Shuibi heard this, her face darkened. She shook her head and said, "Is this good news? Wushen, is Li Qi still alive?"

"He should be dead, but before he died, he must have known that he was right. This ending is good enough. As for the demon, he will never know whether his answer is right or not. This is really miserable for him." Wu Xian replied.

Yes, in Wu Xian’s opinion, Li Qi is lucky and Tianmo is an unlucky guy.

But Shen Shuibi didn't think so, but she couldn't directly refute the witch god, so she just said: "I don't want any path... I just want them to live..."

Wu Xian saw her like this and shook his head: "Your heart is not stable, and your pursuit of the Tao is not firm, so you are only a fourth-grade one now, and I'm afraid it will be like this in the future. I'm afraid you can't understand Li Qi. To be honest, you are no longer worthy of him. As for Yang Zhenqian, he can see the first-grade Sun and Moon Road, which is enough to comfort him."

"But don't worry. Even though you don't understand, Li Qi is already a witch god. Even though he has fallen, he has paved a way for witchcraft. As a family, you have everything you need. Wushen Mountain will protect you. I believe Li Qi will do the same."

Hearing what Wu Xian said, Shen Shuibi raised her head abruptly: "Wu Shen, I don't want to tell you this. I only know that Li Qi and the headmaster are dead. Stop making sarcastic remarks."

"The first and second ranks will not die." Wu Xian said bluntly.

All of Shen Shuibi's words and resentment were suppressed by this sentence.

She stared at Wu Xian blankly.

"Just wait, one day will come."

"When this moment will be called 'Ancient Times' by future generations, maybe I can come back."

After saying this, Wu Xian floated away.

He still has a lot of things to do. There are still a lot of things after the war that need to be sorted out slowly, and the new pattern of the nine regions of the world will also be formed.

The road continues, and many people will die one after another, paving this road of corpses forward until it reaches the end.

The ninth grade and the first grade are just roadbeds.

But if we continue to fill the roadbed, one day we will reach the end of the road.

Looking at the powerful people leaving, only Shen Shuibi, who was left in the void, was left here alone.

Shen Shuibi wiped her face with her sleeve.

All right.

It's time to go back and find the kids.

She will survive.

Living to... this moment will be called "ancient times" by future generations.


Li Qi felt groggy.

Li Qi felt like he was having trouble breathing.

He felt as if he were dreaming.

In his dreams, he can do anything.

He can easily read minds, travel through endless time, manipulate countless people, and explore countless observable universes with just the movement of his fingers.

But, he was very scared.

In the dream, he was terribly scared.

Finally, after much effort, he woke up.

Wake up...come here.

"Hu——!" Li Qi suddenly turned over.

He found himself lying on the bed, wearing a hospital gown.

Oh yeah…my plane crashed.

Are you still alive?

The memories in my head...are so confusing.

This doesn't seem to be a hospital, but some kind of 'sanatorium'.

Is it because I have been in a coma for too long and my family doesn’t want to keep me in the hospital anymore, so they moved me out, put me in this place, and hired a caregiver?


Oh, how did I become smarter? I definitely wouldn't have noticed these things before.

Did the experience in the dream make your brain faster?

The caregiver didn't seem to be very responsible. He had bedsores on his body, and when he woke up, there was no one next to him.

Yes, even my son can’t stand being bedridden for a long time, let alone the caregiver.

It's pretty good that he can help clean up the mess himself and get a room in a sanatorium.

Li Qi thought about this and looked out the window.

Outside was the sanatorium square that reflected the sunlight, dazzling the eyes. Many green plants cast shadows in the midday sun, making it look a little cool.

He began to move.

As they walked, Li Qi suddenly laughed.

Sure enough, he said he was right.

That world is nothing but a dream.

Li Qi's loud laughter attracted the attention of many people around him, and soon a nurse came to remind him not to make loud noises.

He stopped talking and continued walking in the nursing home.

That's enough.

He didn't know why he was so happy. It just proved that a dream was just a dream, which was perfectly normal. But he was incredibly happy, as if he had finally gotten rid of the strange torture in his dreams.

That’s right, torture.

Li Qi always felt that dreaming was a torture, the pain was indescribable.

Soon, his awakening was discovered by the nurse.

The caregiver immediately contacted the family.

Li Qi was given leave that evening and was picked up by his family who were crying with joy.

He has been in a coma for four years.

After returning, Li Qi cleaned himself up and was sent to the hospital for many examinations, which confirmed that he was indeed fine.

Then, like a normal person, he rested at home for a while, and then started working.

More than a year later, one day, he was playing games at home.

Then there was a knock on the door.

  Is the takeaway here?

Li Qi stood up, wearing slippers, and shouted, "Coming!", then opened the door.

The moment he opened the door, Li Qi's pupils shrank and he stood there in a daze.

There is a person standing outside the door.

He performed a very ancient etiquette and looked gentle and humble.

He said softly to Li Qi, "Li Qi, nice to see you again. Do you still remember me?"

"By the way, if you don't remember, let me introduce myself."

"My name is also 'Li Qi'."


Don’t be impatient, the book is not finished yet. There is a chapter of epilogue and ending remarks at the end.

The post-mortem is a free chapter. (End of this chapter)

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