Marvel debt king, love to make friends

Chapter 202 Still need to practice!

Chapter 202 Still need to practice!

Glancing at Li Ming's posture, the old man nodded.

"Well, it still looks good, come on!"

"Hey, then I'm welcome!"

Li Ming grinned, didn't talk nonsense, and bullied him.

With a fist, it hit the old man's face straight.

It's not that I want grandpa to hang dots, it's a good joke for him, the main reason is for safety.

His current fighting skills are basically learned from Altaïr and Killer 47.

These two teachers, one is a master assassin and the other is a master killer.

It can be said that with the means learned from them, every blow is only for efficient killing.

Although Li Ming has not yet formed that kind of physical instinct, all subconscious attacks have a similar tendency.

Although he has confidence in the old man's skills, who can guarantee that he will not be negligent?

Moreover, Li Ming's physical fitness has been increasing now.

He just woke up from a deep sleep, and he has not yet mastered his physical attributes such as strength and speed, which have increased significantly, and he can't even send and receive freely.

If the old man's deadly parts were really touched, then Li Ming would regret it too late.

It's still safer to slap in the face!
But obviously, Li Ming overestimated himself and underestimated his grandfather.

He still has concerns.

The fist he swung was slapped away by the old man's palm, and the next blow that followed was also resolved.

Then, Li Ming himself took a solid slap from the old man, and he backed up a few steps with a muffled grunt.

With his current eyesight, he could clearly see the old man's attack, but at that moment, he was restrained with both hands, but it was too late to return to defense.

He could only watch helplessly as the old man's palm landed on his chest.

"Don't try to stop with your few skills, but to be honest, your level is indeed better than the situation where Peter only fights by instinct..."

Li Jian commented casually, still with a relaxed expression.

When he said this, Li Ming didn't say anything, but Peter, who had stepped back to watch the play happily, blushed.

Ever since he was bitten by the mutant radiation spider, although he has discovered his own abilities well, his ability to use spider silk can be regarded as ever-changing.

But in terms of hand-to-hand combat skills, he is really at the level of a street gangster who fights by instinct.

No way, the physical potential is too high!
Even if he doesn't learn those fighting skills, just relying on talent is actually enough!
However, due to the kindness in his heart, Peter has always consciously restrained most of his strength when dealing with most super villains.

Otherwise, with his strength, one punch would be enough to blow most of the enemy's heads on the spot!
It is the kind of explosion in the true sense, where red and white things collapse and fly!
But this is obviously not what he wants to see, so he always suppresses himself, basically never releasing his full strength.

It is also like this, lack of skills, and has been restraining the use of his own strength, which causes Peter to often encounter troubles of varying degrees no matter which super villain he faces.

It's okay for him to have a headache, but now that Mr. Li Jian directly pointed it out, he feels a little embarrassed.

Li Ming didn't notice Peter's inner reaction.

He received a firm slap on his chest, rubbed it in pain, and let go of his heart when he heard the old man's words.

Li Ming finally came to his senses, he really thought too much, at his level, he still thought about what to do if he hurt the old man.

It's not bad if I don't get beaten too badly!

Unless he transforms directly on the spot, with his current skill, he is definitely not a match for Grandpa.

"I'm not concerned about chaos, come again!"

Li Ming knew it in his heart, but he still couldn't help but refute.

With that said, he went forward again.

This time, he didn't keep his hands back, but brought the two teachers' killing and fighting methods to the extreme.

Every punch, every kick is directed at the vital points of the human body.

But they were all blocked by the old man who seemed dangerous and dangerous, but in fact just right.

Not only did he not cause any harm to him, but he was seized by his grandfather several times and countered with one hand, and suffered a lot of blows.

Finally, after another move was blocked by the old man, Li Ming's eyes lit up instead.

He had planned this flaw for a long time and sold it on purpose.

The old man blocked his punch, and there was a gap in front of him.

Without hesitation, Li Ming immediately punched him in the face of his grandfather.

Although this was not his original intention, it seems that the old man will inevitably have a bad face today!

Still thinking wickedly in his heart, Li Ming saw his grandfather smiled at him, and then suddenly a layer of "Qi" rose from his body.

It looks as thin as yarn, but it actually implies great power.

The sudden explosion sent the unprepared Li Ming flying far away, and landed heavily on the solid floor outside the cushion.

"Oh shit..."

He bumped into Li Ming, got up and yelled at his grandfather: "You are not reasonable, what you agreed is only better than fists and kicks? Why are you still using qigong!"

"Hmph! Don't think I don't know that your kid also used your ripple, do you really think I can't find it if it's a little bit more secret?"

The old man snorted coldly, and walked towards Li Ming: "Besides, we didn't say it was a fist fight!"

"is it?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at Peter.

"Of course it is. There was no restriction on this duel from the beginning!"

Peter smiled gloatingly.

"It's alright, you boy, you are still afraid of this little pain with your rough skin and thick flesh?"

Li Jian didn't like Li Ming's tricks at all, and asked seriously, "Your fighting method is to directly attack the vital points. It is a technique for killing people. Who and where did you learn it from?"

"You mean this?"

Li Ming scratched his head and called out the Light Knight driver.

Pull out [Altaïr] and [Killer 47] from the card slot, and gesture to the old man.

"These two are characters from another world. One is a master assassin and the other is a master killer. I learned my fighting skills from them."

While talking, Li Ming felt a little helpless: "But here, they seem to be just fictional characters in the game... There are also some cards from other worlds, but here they are characters from manga and anime."

"Is that so... You have a good chance!"

Li Jian carefully looked at the two cards in Li Ming's hand, and accepted them without much hesitation.

Coming from Kunlun, he has an unprecedented ability to accept these mysterious things.

"Fine, as long as your skills are not learned from those messy organizations!"

The old man relaxed, and began to summarize: "Your foundation is slightly better than Peter's, and your skills are better than him, but you don't have enough control over your body..."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Li Ming and Peter: "You two still need to practice!"

 Something happened suddenly, I'm late, sorry

(End of this chapter)

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