Marvel debt king, love to make friends

Chapter 203 Spider-Man Potential Discovery Plan

Chapter 203 Spider-Man Potential Discovery Plan

Of course, Li Ming and Li Jian's grandfather and grandson are not free, so they want Peter to pass the time.

In fact, before returning from Karma Taj, Li Ming talked about it with his grandpa during the meal.

Peter Parker, a classmate with extraordinary talent, who was bitten by a mutant spider, possesses dexterity and strength far superior to that of ordinary humans, and even has a spider sense that can sense the attacks of others. It can be said that he has quite amazing abilities.

And over the years, Peter's grasp of his abilities has actually been quite in place after fighting many super criminals, big and small.

But it is precisely because of this that his restraint on his own combat power has also reached a very high level.

Many times, because of suppressing himself, he could not release his due combat power, and fought relatively hard.

Seeing this, Li Ming already had the idea of ​​helping him change the situation.

This trip to New Mexico, the strength of the enemy also stimulated Li Ming, making him feel more urgent.

Let him have the idea of ​​improving the strength of himself and his partners as soon as possible.

And my grandfather is obviously a very good teacher role.

The old man was born in Kunlun, and he has practiced for decades by himself. He has profound experience and has already perfected his martial arts, so he can give Peter the best guidance.

Now that Peter has restrained his own strength, let the old man use teaching to help him make up for his fighting skills.

And try to go a step further in training, so that he can control his own abilities to the extent that he can send and receive freely, instead of blindly suppressing himself.

Only in this way can his powerful combat power be truly reflected in the battle.

Among other things, at least for now, it is necessary to face Peter who has fully released his own powerful strength.

Among Li Ming's current usable forms, only [Zhiyong Gamma Armed Forces] can surely surpass him in strength.

Whether or not they can win in the end is another matter.

After all, there is still a big gap in the dexterity of this form, and it might overturn.

And if Peter can make breakthroughs in fighting skills in the next time.

With his high mobility, Li Ming can also have more confidence in the face of an alien army invasion that may come at any time.

Of course, these thoughts are all Li Ming's own calculations in his mind.

When talking about it with grandpa, he just asked him to be a teacher for Peter to make up for his lack of skills.

Unexpectedly, the old man actually counted himself in!


"Both of you still have to practice!"

Listening to Li Jian's words, Li Ming nodded helplessly on his face, and was very happy in his heart.

But Peter was still dumbfounded.

He looked at Li Ming and cast a puzzled look: "Li, what's going on today?"

"It's nothing, I just want my grandpa to teach you..."

Li Ming said casually.

"What?! Can I learn those kung fu too?"

Peter was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body became excited.

"Except for Qigong and some secret techniques that cannot be passed on, all other techniques can be taught to you, provided that you can learn them..."

Mr. Li Jian said with a smile, "So, Peter, do you want to learn?"

"I do! Of course I do!"

Peter nodded without hesitation.

Although it was just a simple fight with Li Jian just now, it really gave Peter a lot of stimulation.

The speed and strength he was so proud of seemed like a child's play in front of the old man, completely unable to pose any threat to him.


Not to mention posing a threat, it's simply being played around by the old man!
If you can learn this trick, you will have more means to deal with enemies who come out to make trouble in the future.

In this way, the damage to the surrounding area can be reduced as much as possible, and casualties and property losses can be reduced.

"Then from tomorrow morning, here, you can start practicing martial arts with me."

Li Jian nodded, turned to look at Li Ming: "Do you have anything else to say?"

"No! It's a good arrangement for you!"

Li Ming nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

Although he can learn many combat skills from other card incarnations in the dream space, the old man's inheritance comes from Kunlun, which can be said to be the essence of Chinese martial arts. How could he not learn it!
"Well, even if you're a kid, you're still smart!"

Li Jian nodded in satisfaction, "Then let's go back first, and start formal teaching tomorrow morning."

"Huh? Is it that simple?"

Peter was stunned for a moment: "Didn't I see a movie where there was a big gift from a teacher..."

"The things in the movie are just for watching. These are trivial details. I don't count as an apprentice for teaching the two of you, just do whatever you want!"

Li Jian waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

This attitude stunned Peter again: "Huh? Is that so...well then..."

After finishing speaking, the young man suddenly froze, feeling somewhat disillusioned.

Damn it!What a sense of ceremony!

Li Ming on the side laughed wildly when he saw it, and was almost strangled to death by Peter who became angry from embarrassment.

And Li Jian looked at the two young people fighting happily, with nostalgia and sigh in his eyes.

To be honest, Li Jian was quite supportive of Li Ming's sudden idea.

In the past, he wanted to hide his identity and let himself live as an ordinary person. It would be fine if he didn't teach Li Ming everything he had learned.

Now that they are all open and honest, if this martial arts is not passed on, it will be a bit of a pity in my heart.

In this way, Li Ming's request has fulfilled his wishes, and it can be regarded as an end to some regrets in life.

Although there is no day to return to the holy city of Kunlun, those old friends may never see each other again.

But being able to pass on the martial arts acquired from Kunlun, the old man feels much more at ease.

After playing for a while, Li Ming called out the suspension ring, opened a portal, and the three of them returned to their home in Chinatown from the training ground.

"Okay, go get busy if you have anything to do, don't worry about me."

With a wave of his hand, Li Jian turned on the TV and watched the news.

And Li Ming and Peter looked at each other, after thinking for a while, Li Ming said: "Let's go, go to my room, I'll tell you about my experience in New Mexico this time, and about that portal."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

Peter, who was still a little ignorant, suddenly regained his spirits.

Although it's a pity that I couldn't be there for what happened in New Mexico this time, it would be great if I could hear the whole process from Li Ming himself!
Immediately, the two climbed upstairs.

After closing the door, I took out ice cubes and Coke from the small refrigerator, poured a glass each, and sat down to chat.

Suddenly Li Ming's phone rang.

Originally, he thought that Fang Li had asked him to report on work or something.

It turned out that the caller ID turned out to be Tony Stark!

(End of this chapter)

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