Marvel debt king, love to make friends

Chapter 215 The two-year period has passed

Chapter 215 The two-year period has passed
"The vampire, who hadn't been found for such a long time before, will appear at this time... I don't know if we are lucky or bad luck!"

Back in his house in the Cambridge area of ​​Boston, Li Ming complained casually.

When his eyes fell on the half-received salute in front of him, he felt even more helpless.

"Ah... Forget it, let's clean it up together when Peter comes back tomorrow!"

Li Ming, who was suffering from lazy cancer, simply sat down on the sofa, too lazy to move.

Although today's unexpected situation is not considered exhausting, it is still a trip to Europe to solve a vampire family, which is completely enough as a reason to be lazy.

It is now the end of 2011, more than two years have passed since Li Ming and Peter entered school.

They chose mechanical and biological majors respectively. After enrolling, they eagerly accumulated their own knowledge and completed all course credits at a speed that ordinary people could not match.

And with the help of the company's resources to carry out independent research projects, it convinced the school with excellent experimental results.

I completed my combined undergraduate and master's studies ahead of schedule, and got my master's degree certificate today, officially graduating.

Even, considering the size of evangelion technology today, MIT has the intention to further cooperate with Li Ming and Peter.

Having said that, the experience of the day was quite satisfactory.

Grandpa and Aunt May have not traveled thousands of miles. They put down their work and came to Boston from New York. They took a graduation photo with them and had a meal together.

But when Li Ming and Peter returned to the rented room, they were packing up and saluting, preparing to go back to New York with the old man and the others tomorrow.

Suddenly, Gwen, who was far away in Europe, called and said that he had encountered a humanoid monster that would open its mouth like a flower petal to attack others.

At that time, she happened to witness a person die in the mouth of the monster, while she panickedly asked Peter for help, and tried to stay away from the scene, but was followed by the monster.

Fortunately, Li Ming was staying with Peter at that time, and immediately opened a portal and appeared beside Gwen, saving her in time.

After that, things are simple.

Now that they have encountered such a monster, they cannot sit idly by.

Not to mention, they also discovered that the person who had just been bitten by a monster had mutated in a short time and became a new humanoid monster.

This scene was comparable to a zombie crisis, and Li Ming and Peter were taken aback on the spot!
Fortunately, after the experiment, they found that the ripples could effectively kill it, and the two breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, in such a world where demons dance wildly, if there is an unstoppable zombie virus, the consequences will be unimaginable!
And this situation also brought back some scenes in Li Ming's memory.

After they sent Gwen home safely, they followed the clues left by the monster all the way, and soon encountered the Blade Warrior who was also hunting them.

And from his mouth, learned the truth of the matter.

And this is also after Li Mingdi was almost killed by a vampire in the alley, he really came into contact with a living vampire again.

Moreover, through the conversation, I learned that the fact that the vampire disappeared in a short period of time had a great relationship with the blade.

Two years ago, it happened to be a day or two before and after Li Ming met the vampire.

A careerist among the vampires caused a turmoil, which led to the death of all the pure-blood elders of the twelve clans.

In the end, the careerist died at the hands of Blade as a vampire hunter.

Since then, the vampire's vitality has been seriously injured, Qi Qi restrained his whereabouts and hid.

That's why Li Ming's search at the beginning was half the result with twice the effort, and there were almost no results.

Correspondingly, this incident was also caused by vampires!

These monsters are the products of a vampire family in Europe through technological means in order to get rid of the disadvantages of vampires.

It's just that the experiment went wrong and they all lost control!

As for the blade, it was the patriarch of the vampire family who invited foreign aid to deal with these monsters.

Knowing this situation, Li Ming didn't hesitate. After cooperating with Daofeng to solve all the outflowing monsters, he and Peter directly found the residence of the family.

The next thing was to contact S.H.I.E.L.D. to clean up the ground, bombard the entire building with several shells, and kill all the vampires inside.

No matter what conspiracy you have, under the heavy artillery of his Destroyer, you can only be reduced to ashes on the spot!

And to be honest, Li Ming was not afraid at all that he would kill the wrong person.

Except for a unique existence like the blade, almost no vampire can restrain the desire to suck blood and not kill innocent people.

Whether it's a vampire or a Hagui, there's nothing good about it!
Directly kill the killer and kill them all, there is absolutely no problem!
As for this matter, Dao Feng didn't trust those vampires, and he also had a lot of killing intent towards them. He didn't have much resistance if he had a chance to solve them all at once.

Even the kindest Peter Parker would have no mercy for these creatures that hunted and killed humans for food.


However, the matter was resolved smoothly, but two people passed by, but now one came back.

This set off Li Ming somewhat sadly.

"People who fall in love are really troublesome..."

Li Ming, who was paralyzed for a while, sighed, "01, what do you think?"

"Boss, I'm just an artificial intelligence. It's hard for me to answer this question... Or, I think, it's time for you to find a girlfriend."

In the stereo, an emotionless magnetic male voice sounded, but what he said made the corners of Li Ming's mouth twitch: "You are an artificial intelligence, don't learn from my grandfather who said these things are not there!"

That's right!

Li Ming named the artificial intelligence he wrote 【01】.

Of course, this is not to pay tribute to a certain predecessor, but has his own considerations.

"Artificial intelligence is a life composed of 0 and 1. If this is the case, then you should be called 01!"

Li Ming thought so when he first started running 01.

The adoption of its voice is different from Tony Stark's choice of the voice of his deceased butler Jarvis as the basis for artificial intelligence voice.

Originally, when Li Ming finished writing the code of 01 and made it run, he planned to use only electronic sounds.

But when I think about it later, listening to this sound all day long is also weird. If 01 is further improved and the sound is still the same, I always feel that there is something wrong.

Then, he chose the voices of several Huajia Chinese male singers that he liked that still existed in the parallel universe.

After they are synthesized, they are used as the basic voice package of 01.

And after two years of self-evolutionary learning, the current 01 has gradually acquired a bit of Jarvis' demeanor from the initial artificial mental retardation.

Became Li Ming's powerful assistant!

(End of this chapter)

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