Marvel debt king, love to make friends

Chapter 216 The Days Li Ming Left New York

Chapter 216 The Days Li Ming Left New York

It can be said that after getting used to it, Li Ming couldn't do without 01's assistance to him.

But even so, in daily life, 01 often had moments where Li Ming was so choked that he wished he could open a portal and go back to New York immediately, smashing this guy's server in the basement of Evangelion Technology to a pulp.

Just like just now, this guy is so useless as an artificial intelligence.

He also imitated the old man and urged him to find a girlfriend!
This has been at least a dozen times!

However, every time Li Ming asked him not to meddle in other people's business, he could still respond seriously.

Then continue to complain next time!

If it wasn't for his grandfather's lack of technical skills, Li Ming would have wondered if the old man secretly changed the code of 01 while he was not in New York!

This is outrageous!

"Okay, boss!"

Sure enough, 01 seriously agreed again, and said without being silent for too long: "Blade has logged into the platform and sent you two messages, please check them in time."

"After logging into that software so quickly, does he actually trust me so much?"

Li Ming raised his eyebrows, quite surprised, quickly took out his phone and clicked on the familiar APP.

Skip the scattered messages in the general communication group, and look at the content sent by the blade who just registered and logged in.

Hmm... this guy even changed his avatar!
"This app works better than I thought, and I'll keep it on my phone."

"In addition, your heavy artillery is also very good, can it be mass-produced or sold?"

Looking at these two pieces of news, the former one is okay, but the latter one, um... I can only say that Dao Feng is thinking too much.

After thinking for a while, Li Ming pressed the virtual keyboard on his phone and began to reply.

"This software was developed for the convenience of people like us to communicate and exchange information. You can use it if you think it's easy to use, and you can contact us anytime if you need anything! (Thumbs up)"

Replying the last sentence quite politely, Li Ming then typed: "You have seen the power of that heavy cannon. If that kind of thing was produced with energy, the world would have been in chaos long ago... Sorry, then It is an exclusive weapon bound to me and cannot be sold outside!"

"Well, it's the first time I've seen such an easy-to-use weapon. If you can't sell it, that's fine. If there is any information about vampires, I will share it with you."

When Dao Feng said this, Li Ming saw his face darken, and he turned off the software directly.

"This guy is really resolute. If he asks clearly, he will go offline directly, and he won't talk too much."

Li Ming shook his head, shared the graduation photo taken today with Tony, and put away his phone.

Originally, Dao Feng took the initiative to chat with him, and he also wanted to make more friends so that he could borrow strength from Dao Feng when we meet again next time!
In the end, this buddy acted so straightforwardly, it was like deducting money for saying a word, and Li Ming was numb.

Despite two years of hard training in martial arts under the guidance of the old man, the perfection of his light knight power has reached more than 90.00%, and it is not far from 100% complete perfection.

At this level, Li Ming's current body has evolved to a level that he himself finds incredible.

And all kinds of power cards have almost no effect on promoting the power of the light knight.

Under normal circumstances, even if the level of power brought by the blade's daywalker status can be combined into a new form, it will probably have only a negligible effect on the perfection of the light knight's power.

It can be said that the attractiveness is already very low.

But after mastering the different abilities brought by each form, Li Ming decided that no matter how strong or weak, he would not give up collecting any power with different nature easily.

Maybe those seemingly weak forces can play a unique role at an unknown time, and maybe they can help him.


Having said that, I have to mention it.

Li Ming and Peter seem to have been in Boston, a city far away from New York, for two years.

But in fact, after receiving the hanging ring from Gu Yi, Li Ming, who can open a portal to go to all over the world at any time, will not be bound by this space at all.

Although he and Peter came to Boston, they went to Karma Taj's library to read books whenever they had free time.

Every morning, they still had to go to the training ground in New York on time, and together with Miles who was later pulled over, they received the teachings of their grandfather and practiced martial arts.

And if they have time at night, they will also normally carry out some patrol activities in the night of New York as Light Knight and Spider-Man.

Although even if they are not there, Miles who has grown up can do a good job.

But in this way, some gossip media directly exposed the public opinion formed by linking Li Ming with the Light Knight, Peter Parker and Spiderman with some pretentious and fabricated content.

Originally, when Li Ming and Peter just started school two years ago, there were some good things in the third-rate media that stirred up public opinion.

Said that if Li Ming and Peter went to MIT to go to college, and at the same time, Light Knight and Spider-Man didn't continue to be active.

That's almost 100% sure, the two of them are the Light Knight and Spider-Man.

The content released by the unscrupulous media at that time did not actually have much basis.

But during that time, Li Ming and Peter happened to be Li Ming and Peter, as well as Light Knight and Spiderman, among the few people who became famous in New York.

In fact, they were just fooling around, but they just happened to get the correct answer.

And this statement is indeed quite popular, and it aroused a lot of public opinion at the time.

If Li Ming didn't master the portal to travel around the world at will, he would really fall into this pit for no reason.

Neither Li Ming nor Peter thought of this situation at first, but after being active, they kept their identities secret, which saved him a lot of trouble.

It's not that Li Ming is really afraid of being revealed.

It's that he doesn't think it's really necessary.

Neither he nor Peter is the flamboyant personality of Tony Stark, and keeping their identities a secret is more conducive to the comfort of their lives.

Unless there is a day when Li Ming thinks that revealing his identity will be more beneficial to the situation, maybe he will consider voluntarily revealing his identity at that time.

But until then, any attempt to reveal his identity and disrupt his normal and comfortable life, he will use action to contain it.

In the past two years, despite the booming technology of evangelism, the volume has become more and more amazing.

However, Li Ming, the helm of the company, and Peter, the shareholder, showed up less and less frequently, and their sense of presence also decreased a lot.

Coupled with the occasional activity of Light Knight and Spider-Man, it also completely broke the speculation of the previous third-rate media.

People pay less attention to them now than before.

In this regard, Li Ming himself fully agrees with both hands, wishing that the media would stop bothering him!
(End of this chapter)

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