Marvel debt king, love to make friends

Chapter 222 Find Your Goal To Live In This Era

Chapter 222 Find Your Goal To Live In This Era


Following Li Ming's low shout, he leaned close to his body, bursting out with turbulent force, and Steve Rogers, who crossed his arms back to defend, couldn't bear the tremendous force.

Caught off guard, a burly figure flew directly down the ring and fell heavily to the ground.

The next moment, he quickly got up, while rubbing his aching arms and chest, he looked at Li Ming with an expression of disbelief.

"How is it possible... With your physical fitness, there should be no super soldier serum in the world!"

"Do you think that your loss to me is just a matter of physical fitness?"

Li Ming smiled, walked to the side of the ring and looked at him, "Besides, my ability has nothing to do with the super soldier serum, I hope you don't get it wrong."

In the past two years, due to his extraordinary physique, under the guidance of the old man, Li Ming's martial arts can be considered to have reached the point of entering the room.

Coupled with the physical strengthening brought about by the constantly stimulating and perfecting of the power of the light knight during the training, Li Ming's combat power is already quite amazing even if he does not transform himself.

However, there is one thing that makes Li Ming feel very strange.

Logically speaking, based on his current perfection of the light knight's power, his physical fitness should have reached an astonishing level.

However, although he himself can feel that there is quite a powerful force in his body, most of these forces are usually in a dormant state, and there is always only a small part of the power that can be used.

Only after transforming, can the full power of the Light Knight be aroused, and the full strength of oneself can be displayed wantonly.

Is it really the same as Ultraman, the power is basically sealed in the human body state, and a specific medium must be activated to transform into a giant of light again and be able to exert its full strength?

In this case, Li Ming himself is still figuring it out, and he can't figure out the reason for it.

However, even if his strength is limited under normal conditions and cannot be fully exerted, Li Ming's current physical condition is by no means comparable to that of Steve Rogers.

With such a foundation, let's play a few tricks with this person, seize the opportunity when the opponent's fighting skills are not enough to respond to martial arts, and knock him into the air with a single blow.

Not a problem at all!

"Well, it seems that I am indeed behind the times."

Steve Rogers shook his head. Although he was speaking dejectedly, he had a smile on his face, and his mood obviously improved a lot.

Even though Li Ming was kicked out of the ring just now because of his inferior skills, the long-lost sense of fighting still gave him a rare experience of being alive.

The mood became more active, and now this guy finally seemed to be able to communicate.

Li Ming jumped off the ring, walked up to Steve Rogers and held out his hand to him: "Get to know him, Sunright Lee, that's Peter Parker... Well, strictly speaking, it can only be regarded as Aegis Bureau's non-staff adviser."

"Steve Rogers."

The blond man shook hands with Li Ming, introduced himself seriously, and then asked doubtfully, "Such a young non-staff consultant? What kind of consultants are you?"

"Well...Normally speaking, it's the kind that will cooperate with enemies that can't be solved. However, from time to time, we will also provide some information assistance to Nick Fury."

Li Ming said casually, Peter also came over, took out a pen and paper at some point in his hand, shook hands with the other party and said: "Well... Hello Captain, I grew up watching your cartoons, Can you sign it for me?"

"of course can."

Steve Rogers readily agreed, took the pen and paper, and while signing, he couldn't help muttering: "I grew up watching my cartoons...that's a strange way of saying it!"

"thank you very much!"

Peter happily put away the pen and paper, and then took out his mobile phone, as if he was about to start recording or something.

Judging by his posture, star chasing is only secondary, the most important thing is to figure out why such a miraculous situation happened to this man.

"Cough...then can I ask you how you felt when you were frozen, and did your body change after you woke up?"

"I have also read some information about super soldier serum, it can indeed make the human body reach or even exceed the peak level of human beings..."

"But that thing shouldn't have the effect of keeping a person frozen for more than 70 years, not only not aging during the whole process, but even maintaining the peak of the body after waking up! After all, maintaining the vital signs of the human body requires intake of energy! "

When he asked here, Steve Rogers frowned: "Have you read the information about the super soldier serum?"

He didn't quite understand the string of words that Peter said, but he could still understand this key word.

Li Ming saw that Peter was asking about other people's taboos, and immediately said: "I'm sorry, let me explain to him, after you, many companies and forces have never given up on the development of super soldier serum, but they made it They are all incomplete versions..."

"It can be said that the only successful product is you, so Peter will be so surprised by what happened to you."

"That's right, that's it!" Peter nodded quickly.

"It feels...just like falling asleep."

Steve Rogers shook his head and laughed at himself: "Hehe, if you really want to find out, I think SHIELD should have drawn a lot of blood on my body before I woke up. Less research..."

"If anyone knows what's going on with me, it should be S.H.I.E.L.D., not myself!"

That's right, you're not too stupid!

Li Ming and Peter looked at each other, feeling a little embarrassed, and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After all, they came to contact the captain more or less with the same purpose of wanting to find out what happened to him.

"Don't worry, I'm used to this kind of thing..."

There was a hint of reminiscence in Steve Rogers' eyes: "When Professor Erskine was killed, the last super soldier serum was destroyed, and I became the only successful experimental subject, Colonel Phillips basically left me in the Blood drawn all day in the lab..."

"At that time, I almost thought that I was going to be drained by him and made into an experimental specimen!"

"Um...that doesn't sound very good..."

Peter complained, and laughed again: "Fortunately, you were not locked up in the laboratory like that, otherwise there would be one less hero in this world."

"A hero...?"

Steve Rogers smiled noncommittally: "Let's talk about psychological counseling!"

He looked at Li Ming: "I would like to bet and admit defeat. You won just now, so how are you going to help me with psychological counseling and integrate into this era?"

"I guess you must be thinking in your heart that you don't belong to this era..."

Li Ming thought for a while, "So I think, the most important thing is that you first have to find your goal of living in this era."

 I have a terrible toothache at night, sorry for the low efficiency, so I went to have it pulled out on weekends!

  In addition, today's Double Eleven, it just happened to be chapter 222, even the chapter name is even, and we are still single... Gan!

(End of this chapter)

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