Marvel debt king, love to make friends

Chapter 223 Steve's Past and Verified Conjecture

Chapter 223 Steve's Past and Verified Conjecture (Two in One)

"...The goal of living in this era?"

Steve Rogers' eyes were full of confusion, "This kind of thing, if only I could think it through so easily..."

"Once my goal was to defeat Hydra and win the war...but now the war is over, this era doesn't need a veteran who should have died more than 70 years ago..."

"That's not what I said. It's not easy for people living in this era to find their life goals, let alone you..."

Li Ming smiled: "But take your time... In this era, it might be a good start to find the people and things you were familiar with in the past, and find your own belonging through them."

"Familiar people and things?"

Steve Rogers was a little puzzled.

Li Ming took out his phone and pressed it a few times, called up some information through 01, and showed it to him.

"I don't know if Nick Fury told you that your girlfriend back then, Peggy Carter, hasn't died...even though she is very old."


Steve Rogers quickly took Li Ming's cell phone and flipped through the short message on it.

He carefully read every word, and never saw the final date of death of the other party.

What Li Ming showed him was only some superficial information dug out from the S.H.I.E.L.D. database with his own authority and a little help from 01.

Although 01 can find more, this is for Steve Rogers after all, enough is enough. If there are too many, Nick Fury will have to jump.

The superficial information here is also true enough to be used to prove that the man Steve Rogers dreams about is not dead yet.


After hungrily reading the content presented by Li Ming, Steve Rogers took a deep breath and showed a firm expression: "I'm going to meet her!"

Then, he looked at Li Ming.

"Look what I do?"

Li Ming shrugged: "I'm just giving you a suggestion, and the information I'm showing you is just superficial information that doesn't involve confidentiality! I really want to find the residence of the founder and veteran of S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury would do it."

"Okay! I'll call him!"

Steve Rogers took three steps and two steps, and quickly came to the gym bag he had thrown aside, and pulled out a Nokia from inside.

Called Nick Fury.

And at this time, compared to the state of Li Ming and Peter when they first arrived.

This Steve Rogers has more mood swings and more of a sense of being alive.

Peter, who was a bystander, was surprised when he discovered this.

When the other party walked aside to make a phone call, he bumped into Li Ming's shoulder, gave him a thumbs up, and said in a low voice, "Why didn't I know you still have this ability?"

"I have a fart!"

Li Ming rolled his eyes: "I'm just trying to stimulate his spirit in different ways. It's up to him whether he can come out."

"Ah this..."

Peter was stunned, and choked out a sentence: "When a blind cat meets a dead mouse, you're amazing!"

Not long after, Steve Rogers came back with his mobile phone and signaled to Li Ming: "Sir, I have something to tell you."

Li Ming didn't hesitate, took the phone and put it to his ear: "What's the matter?"

"I asked you to help Steve with psychological counseling in the way of a young man, to integrate into the times... Is that how you help?"

There was no emotion in Nick Fury's voice, but Li Ming could clearly feel the temptation in his words.

It is true that Li Ming had his own ideas when he took the initiative to mention Peggy Carter, but that did not mean that he had any malice towards this lady.

He was not guilty, and said sternly: "Steve Rogers feels too disconnected from this era. He needs the help of some old friends, and Peggy Carter is obviously the best candidate."

Hearing this, Nick Fury replied after a moment of silence: "Okay, you convinced me... But I have to ask the person first if it's convenient... Please let him wait a while."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Seeing that Li Ming had just picked up the phone, Steve Rogers couldn't wait to ask: "How is it?"

"Uh... Nick Fury agreed, but he said he needed to ask Peggy Carter first."

Li Ming answered casually, returned the phone to him, and added another sentence when he saw the other party's nervous expression: "Maybe it's because that person is old and his health is not so convenient..."

"'re right..."

Steve Rogers nodded, forced a smile, and the whole person fell into a state of extreme tension.

In Li Ming's view, this appearance is very similar to the appearance of Peter worrying about gains and losses before confessing to Gwen.

All of a sudden, the whole person came alive, without the gloomy air before.

"I think if you minored in psychology in college, you might be able to get an extra diploma now!"

Peter, who saw everything in his eyes, couldn't help but praised Li Ming in a low voice.

"What are you thinking about, it has nothing to do with me, it's just that that person is too important to Rogers..."

Li Ming took Peter with one hand, and said in a low voice behind Steve Rogers' back: "If you don't see anyone, or if the result is not good, I'm afraid it will have the opposite effect immediately!"

" seems to be the same, so let's hope that there will be no problems!"

Peter crossed himself and prayed silently.

On the other hand, Steve Rogers may or may not have overheard their conversation, but is completely unresponsive.

He is now fully focused on the phone he is holding tightly.

As if the news that Nick Fury was about to bring was nothing but his verdict.

Not long after, the phone rang.

Steve Rogers, who was holding the thing tightly, quickly let go of it and turned it over, about to answer the phone.

But because he was too eager, he was in a hurry, and instead made the phone fly out.

He was about to reach out to grab it, but the other hand firmly grasped the phone that was about to fall faster than him.

Li Ming smiled as he handed back the ringing mobile phone to Steve Rogers.

"Don't be nervous, hold your mobile phone, you should trust that person will not refuse to see you."

"Um, thank you... I hope so..."

Squeezing out a smile, Steve Rogers took the phone and answered the call decisively.

"Are you guys engaged in a battle for mobile phones? Why did it take so long to answer the phone?"

Nick Fury's voice sounded, causing a little embarrassment on Steve Rogers' face: "Sorry, my hand slipped just now."

"Okay, Captain, I can understand how you feel..."

Nick Fury slammed his lips twice to comfort him, and then continued under Steve Rogers' nervous expression: "Ms. Carter was very excited to hear about you, she is willing to meet you, you just go to this address... ..."

This sentence came out through the mobile phone, and Li Ming and Peter saw the tall, handsome, nervous man suddenly punched, and the expression of excitement suddenly appeared on his face.

After communicating the address, Steve Rogers hung up the phone.

There was still faint excitement in his calmed down expression, he looked at Li Ming: "The officer gave me an address, did you drive out?"

"Of course!"

Li Ming and Peter looked at each other and nodded happily.


"'s a nice manor."

Li Ming drove the car, glanced at the buildings in front of him, and couldn't help but praise him.

"Peter, what do you think about buying Aunt May a house of the same specification in the future?"

"In the past, I might not have dared to think about it, but with the current development momentum of our Gospel Technology, maybe in the future I can really give Aunt Mei a manor one day!"

Peter replied with a smile, there was no conflict in his expression, only confidence and eagerness to try.

In the past two years, Gospel Technology has achieved a real take-off.

Although Peter's shares are not large, he is one of the shareholders of Gospel Technology anyway.

In the past two years, even the dividends given to him by the company's feedback were enough to allow him and Aunt Mei to get rid of the previous tight life, and the quality of life has greatly improved.

His pockets are no longer empty, and his living conditions have become more prosperous, so many of Peter's concerns have been resolved.

After two years of growing up in college, he doesn't have to worry about trivial matters in life, and now he can show enough confidence in every aspect.

Even recently, Peter revealed to Li Ming.

He already had the idea of ​​proposing to Gwen after she graduated.

You see, this kid can move forward courageously in love without being financially troubled, instead of being timid and looking forward and backward!
Li Ming couldn't be more supportive of this.

Spiderman is the most conscientious hero in this city, Li Mingke really doesn't want to see this guy grit his teeth to face enemies from all sides, and at the same time experience the beatings of life!

As the person who helped Peter step by step to the present, seeing this guy completely get rid of all the miserable states in his memory, Li Ming felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart!
"Now that you have graduated, it's time for you to set up your own laboratory. After studying for two years, you should have an idea for your next research, right?"

Li Ming smiled and said, "When the product you developed is on the market, it shouldn't be too far before you buy a manor."

"Well, although it feels like you kid is urging me to work for you, but what you say is really tempting!"

Peter couldn't help laughing as he spoke.

"Of course, the better the Gospel Technology develops, the higher your income will be!"

Li Ming, who was casually talking about the classic quotations of the boss's painting cake, suddenly realized that the two of them were chatting happily, but there seemed to be a person in the back seat who hadn't spoken for a long time.

He looked in the rearview mirror at Steve Rogers in the back seat.

I saw him sitting upright, mouth pursed, looking out of the window in a daze, with a tense and expectant expression, and a little bit at a loss.

Immediately, Li Ming couldn't help but shook his head, and said, "Rodgers, although I don't quite understand your mood, it's a joy to see old friends. It's not good to be so serious!"

At this time Peter also reacted, he quickly turned his head and smiled at Steve Rogers: "Yeah, back then Gwen didn't like the way I was dead all day... It's been so long since you and Ms. Carter, Don't you want to see her with a better face?"

To be honest, although accepting Nick Fury's request is only for another purpose.

But Li Ming felt that he and Peter had really tried their best to help Steve Rogers adjust his mentality.

"You're right. Peggy probably wouldn't want to see me like I am now... Besides, the officer said that Peggy is only recuperating here, and this is not her real estate."

Steve Rogers smiled at them, and slowly his expression relaxed a little.

"Well... But that doesn't prevent us from having a whole set of ideas, does it?"

Li Ming also replied with a smile.

As Steve Rogers relaxed while talking with Li Ming and Peter, the car almost reached the destination.

After passing the verification, they drove into the manor under the guidance. As soon as they parked the car and got out of the car, they saw a young woman with blond hair and a shawl walking towards them.

She first looked at Li Ming and Peter curiously, and then her eyes fell on Steve Rogers: "I am Sharon Carter, Ms. Peggy is waiting for you, please come with me."

"You are also Carter... Who are you to Peggy?" Steve Rogers couldn't help asking.

Sharon Carter was about to turn around and lead the way, but she stopped when she heard this, and turned her head to look up and down at Steve Rogers, looking at the latter uncomfortable.

Then, she smiled and said, "I'm Aunt Peggy's niece... She often told me stories about you when I was a child, but now it seems that you are not as special as she said?"

"I don't think I'm anything special..."

Steve Rogers shook his head: "Please lead the way."

Sharon Carter said no more, and brought a few people to the inside of the manor.

She led them to the reception room first, and said to Li Ming and Peter: "Ms. Peggy didn't say she wanted to see you, so please wait here for a while, and call the attendants outside if you need anything."

Naturally, Li Ming and Peter didn't have any objections to this, and immediately sat on the sofa and said that you just go.

"Then I'll come back to you after seeing Peggy."

Steve Rogers nodded at them and followed Sharon Carter out of the room.

But at this moment, Li Ming's mind was already drifting away.

It's not that he really has nothing to do, and he came here with Steve Rogers, isn't it just to verify the situations in his memory!

If the other party is unwilling to talk about Gu Yi, he can only verify it by himself!

Li Ming frowned slightly as he recalled the various people he met along the way after entering the manor.

Originally, he thought he would see an old man who looked like Steve Rogers butler or a gardener or something.

But along the way, not to mention the old man, even the oldest one, he only looks old because of the hairline extending to the back of his head.

The person Li Ming wanted to confirm did not appear at all.

"Since there is no such person...then is it because we have not experienced such a failure in the future, or is the other party actually going to a parallel world, or is the other party in this era and just avoided us on purpose?"

 I don’t have time during the day today, and it’s too late to see the teeth at night. I can’t support my mental state and there are only two chapters left. I hope you will forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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