Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 100 Thank You Your Majesty

Chapter 100 Thank You Your Majesty
It was already the cold winter season, and the winter in Guanzhong was fickle. When there was no wind, the sun shone on people and people were still sweating, but when the wind picked up in an instant, the wind whistled like a wolf howling, and it blew on the face like a knife.

Fusu didn't feel anything in the golden root car, but when he came out, he suddenly felt the chill hit him. He tightened his sable fur cloak, surrounded by a group of Zhonglang who were wearing iron armor and held knives on their rings. Next, go to the workshop in the distance.

Meng Yi followed Fusu, also wearing a sable fur cloak, but not as thick and shiny as Fusu's.

These sable furs were sent by Donghu people as a tribute to celebrate Fusu's coronation, but because of the long distance, their envoys did not arrive in Xianyang until not long ago.

So Fusu ordered the sable fur to be made into a big cloak, which was given to the Meng brothers, Wang Li, Li Xin, several clan chiefs and the father-in-law as field leave.

As for the envoys from the Donghu, Fusu conveniently detained them in the Dianke Office, under the pretext of being good-neighborly and friendly, but in fact wanted to hear from them some facts about the Xiongnu and other tribes in the north.

By the way, let's discuss about opening a market on the northern border and trading Donghu specialties.

After all, Fusu is a kind-hearted person, so it doesn't matter that they live in poverty. They want to exchange the salt collected from the Hedong Salt Fields for some local products such as ginseng, mink, cattle, and horses that they don't need.

"Your Majesty, is this the newly built Liuli Workshop?" Meng Yi looked around curiously in private.

"It's a glass workshop." Fusu corrected, but then shook his head and said, "It's not wrong to call it a glass workshop."

It is said that the technology of making colored glaze in China existed as early as the Shang Dynasty, but the colored glaze at that time was a by-product of casting bronze wares.

Therefore, when choosing funeral utensils for the first emperor, Fusu ignored the objection of Young Master Yan of the Shaofu, and replaced many bronze wares with many glazed wares collected in the palace.

If it wasn't for worrying about the large amount of work, Fusu even wanted to replace all the parts of the emperor's mausoleum that were sealed with copper with cement.

Firstly, it is necessary to have enough precious metal reserves in order to implement the Qin and Han system, and secondly, Fusu wants to wait for a while to cast two bronze cannons for fun...

As for the production of glass, it is relatively simple.

First of all, you need a high-temperature-resistant crucible, but in this era when bronze casting is very developed, it is not difficult.

Followed by raw materials, quartz sand, lime, soda ash.

Among them, quartz sand and lime are everywhere in Guanzhong, and simple selection and treatment will do.

The most rare thing is soda ash. Considering that Lingdong is approaching and the natural soda ash precipitated from Shangjun Salt Lake is still on the way, Fusu had to use a stupid method.

That is obtained from plant ash.

Fortunately, the Neishi area was densely populated at this time, and firewood was mostly used for cooking, so it can be said that as much ashes are needed!

When they heard that the imperial court wanted to use money to buy plant ash, the heads of Guizhou in the Neishi area went crazy with joy!
After a large amount of coins were distributed, public support increased significantly, and Fusu also obtained enough raw materials for making glass.

When Fusu and Meng Yi arrived at the workshop, it happened to be just in time for the glass to be fired.

Meng Yi looked at the hurried engineer who was holding a pot of coarse salt in his hand, turned his head to look at Fusu and asked, "Your Majesty, do you still need salt to make colored glaze?"

Fusu thought for a while, and felt that he couldn't explain clearly in a few words, so he walked up to the front with him, watched and talked.

"After the glass is fired, there will still be air bubbles in it, which will make the strength of the glass, um, not durable and easy to break."

Fusu pointed to the regenerator and said, "You will understand when you see the finished product."

Meng Yi was confused, what kind of air bubbles and strength? He only saw a strange building in front of him. Several craftsmen were taking turns pulling a big bellows. The sky is warmed by fire, one side is hot and the other side is cold...

Not long after, an engineer ordered to open the lid of the crucible furnace, and suddenly a gust of heat gushed out of the furnace, and the furnace was full of tumbling viscous liquid.

"Escort!" Meng Yi shouted in a low voice, blocking Fusu's face with his body.

Several Zhonglang who followed behind also stepped forward together, standing shoulder to shoulder together, forming a human wall, completely blocking Fusu from the furnace.

Fu Su felt a little funny and touched, reached out and patted Meng Yi's shoulder, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's fine."

The engineer stepped forward to apologize in fear, Fu Su waved his hand and said, "It's because I got too close, it has nothing to do with you! Continue!"


The chief engineer bowed to the ground, not knowing whether it was the heat wave or something, his face was flushed, and then he shouted in a slightly trembling voice: "Quick, anneal first, then scoop a little and pour it into this mold!"

A small pot of glass solution was poured into the annealing channel to cool down. A craftsman took out a mold, made of wrought iron, with a layer of charcoal powder mixed with tung oil on it to prevent the mold from sticking to the glass.

Another craftsman scooped up some of the glass solution and poured it into the mold, then depressed the mold press, forcing the glass liquid to form in the molder.

The liquid glass solidifies very quickly, and it takes a few seconds to solidify after being pressed, forming a square glass plate with a length and width of four feet.

'It's slightly green, it should be because it contains a small amount of iron, how to clarify... Oh yes, manganese dioxide or saltpeter are needed... It's so troublesome, just use it! '

Fusu stroked his beard, anyway, he didn't plan to use this batch of glass to make mirrors or other items.

"Your Majesty, I have another question!" Meng Yi asked again, clasping his hands.

"But it doesn't matter." Fusu nodded slightly.

"The glazed items I have seen are all so beautiful, I don't understand why you press such beautiful things into thin slices?"

If it weren't for the fact that the person standing in front of Meng Yi was the master of the entire empire, he really wanted to scold such an inappropriate behavior.

Fusu smiled again, without explaining, but asked someone to present the lattice window that had been built long ago.

Several craftsmen stepped forward, slightly trimmed the glass piece with a diamond cutter, then embedded it in the lattice window, and finally fixed it with wooden strips, and a glass window was completed.

"Of course it's for the renovation project of Lanchi Palace!"

Fusu looked at the glass windows that had been made according to the specifications: "Ling Dong is approaching, so we need to replace the original screen windows with glass windows, um, double-layered inside and outside, so the effect of keeping warm is good!"

Meng Yi looked at Fusu's complacent expression, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

ah!Prodigal son, fist, fist is hard...

"Oh, by the way, I'll send someone to Lang Zhongling's mansion later to measure the size of the windows, and then replace your screen windows with glass windows."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

(End of this chapter)

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