Chapter 101
The north wind blows the ground and the white grass folds.

At this moment, on the desert grassland at the foot of the west side of Helan Mountain, the whistling wind whipped up white particles all over the sky.

On the vast wasteland of hundreds of miles, there is a vast expanse of whiteness among the withered and yellow grass leaves. Hundreds of Huns in furs are scattered among them, picking up the salt blocks on the ground into the sheepskin bags in their hands.

A few days ago, under the leadership of Mao Dun, they fled from the south of the big river in a hurry, joined the nomadic shepherds who stayed in the north of the river, and returned to the royal court of Mobei together.

On the way, the soldiers of the Huns, who had nothing to gain, complained, and some of the chiefs who were attached to the Huns quietly led away with their troops. With the people go west.

The grass valley of the Qin people can't be beaten, but the grass valley of the Yuezhi people is determined by him!
Mao Dun was helpless, in order to gather the hearts of the scattered people, he had to bring everyone to this salt pond that was passed down from generation to generation by the Hun Shanyu, and distributed the wealth that belonged exclusively to the Shanyu to everyone free of charge.

At this moment, Mao Dun, who had made a decision against his ancestors, was wearing a golden eagle crown symbolizing the status of the Great Chancellor, standing outside his white felt tent, staring blankly at the goshawks circling in the sky.

Once upon a time, where Shan Yu's eagle flag was located, the people who controlled the strings watched the wind and watched the scenery.

But now, he actually wants to use this humiliating method to get all the Huns to gather by his side!
Just like in summer, in order to recuperate, he gave his most beloved Yanshi [yān zhī] to the arrogant Donghu people!
"Great wolf god, please bring glory and victory to your offspring!"

Mao Dun raised his hands, and then bowed down to Helan Mountain, which was covered with silver and white frost and snow.

On the east side of the majestic and majestic mountains, on both sides of the river rushing northward, there was once the most beautiful pasture for the Huns, and it was also the birthplace of him, Maodun Shanyu of the luán dī clan!
Mao Dun, who worshiped with all five bodies, swore in his heart that he would kill all the Qin people there, take away their wives, daughters, cattle and sheep, and regain the rich pastures bestowed by the wolf god to the Huns!

Suddenly, the goshawk in the sky uttered a high-pitched scream.

Mao Dun stood up with a jerk, stretched out his majestic and powerful arm with a leather sheath, and caught the goshawk that was shot down by electricity.

Immediately afterwards, a desolate horn horn sounded from a distance.

This is the alarm from the rangers dispatched around the salt pond.

"Who is it? From the Yue family? Or from the Zuo family?"

While muttering in his heart, Mao Dun took out the inner arc knife and curved bow from the felt tent, then whistled, turned over and jumped onto the red horse running towards him.


The rhythmic horn sounded again. According to the agreement of the Huns, this represented that the enemy was coming from the east.

"Come from the east? It's from Qin!"

Mao Dun only felt that his eyes were dark for a while, and he was afraid of something!
The Huns mining salt in the distance exclaimed loudly, and staggered towards the camp with two ring-legged legs.

In the vast wasteland, how would the people of Qin know their location?

"Kunmo!" Mao Dun picked up his bow and set his arrows on his horseback: "Bring your people, come with me!"

The one called Kunmo is King Wusun, the son of Nandoumi. Ever since Wusun was driven away from Hexi by the Yueshi, Kunmo brought the remaining Wusun people with the Huns to show his loyalty. Liao Touman was Shanyu's father, and after Touman's death, Maodun came to power, and Kunmo also called Maodun his father...

"Father, the people of Qin came prepared, let's escape!" Kun Moce stepped forward immediately, and stopped Modu.

"You who are as cowardly as a marmot, let me go!" Mao Dun struggled a bit, but did not break free, then pulled out a horsewhip from his waist, and scolded as he beat him: "It must have been the fox that fed you back then, not the fox. Wolf!"

"Father, even if you beat me to death here today, I won't let you go!" Kunmo yelled loudly against Mao Dun's rising whip, without dodging or evading:
"The Huns can live without me, Kunmo, but they can't live without you. They can't live without the plow and Gutu, and Maodun Dashanyu!"

Mo Dun looked at Kunmo's flushed cheeks, and the whip in his hand began to hesitate.

When he was a hostage with the Yuezhi people, he once heard a story told by a Qin merchant. In order to revitalize his own country, he did not hesitate to be a slave to the enemy, and finally destroyed the enemy's country!
From then on, he vowed to endure humiliation and live like this great king.

So not long after, he became the Shanyu of the Huns, and in the future, he will become the lonely Shanyu of the whole world!

Thinking of this, he immediately put down his whip and shot Ming Di in the direction of the northern wilderness.

Ming Dy, this is a sounding arrow invented by Maodun. It is composed of the tip of the arrowhead and the arrowhead collar. The cross section of the arrowhead collar is circular and has two hollow holes.

When Maodun Mingdi killed his father, he used this kind of loud arrow.

It's just that Touman has already turned into ashes, so the purpose of Modun's shooting arrow is to order all the Hun cavalry to flee to the northern wilderness.

Although it is vast and thousands of miles away, there is not enough water and grass, and it is impossible for the Qin people to attack from there.

But when the Huns entered the desert, it was like a fish entering the water, and they would disappear without a trace in the blink of an eye!

Seeing Shan Yu's order, many messengers who followed him quickly blew their horns.

The sound of the trumpet was melodious, and it spread throughout the entire salt lake in the blink of an eye.

Then the Hun cavalry scattered in various places whistled, and quickly gathered at the Da Shan with more than a dozen pack horses behind them.

The Hun warriors who fled in a hurry didn't even care to pack their tents. Anyway, for them, the most precious thing was their lives, followed by horses and weapons.

But it is different now, their most precious thing is the salt carried on the back of the pack horse!

The reason why the Suojia clan became the king of the Huns has been passed down from generation to generation.

It is because the location of this piece of salt lake has always been in the hands of the Suoda family, and then they have mastered the salt trade of the various ministries of the Huns.

"Follow me!" Mao Dun held up his whip and took the lead in rushing into the depths of the wilderness.

The Huns warriors followed without hesitation.

It's not their unconditional trust in Modu, but only the Shanyu of the Shuo family can accurately find the way out of the wilderness.

After the Huns fled into the desert, a cavalry force of about 2 people came overwhelmingly.

The first person is dressed as a Marquis of Guannei, wearing a double long jacket, colored armor on the outside, trousers, pointed shoes with square mouth, and a dark purple hé (hé) crown with double feathers on the top.

It was Meng Tian, ​​the general who reintroduced the northern garrison!
Next to Meng Tian was Wang Li, who was wearing a general's armor, but was stripped of his title because he failed to stand in line, so he only covered his head with a black cloth.

He jumped off the horse, looked at the hot horse manure on the ground, and said impatiently:
"General, let's chase after him!"

Meng Tian smiled slightly: "Don't worry, vote for recommendation first..."

ps: The sentence Zuo Dadanghu hits Caogu is a narration added by the author. If anyone insults me, I will, I will cry for you (╥╯^╰╥)
ps1: The salt lake mentioned in the article is the Jilantai Salt Lake.

ps2: About Wusun King Kunmo. "Hanshu·Zhang Qian Biography" Wusun King Kunmo.Kunmo's father is hard to get around, and Ben and Dayue Zhi are both in Dunhuang, Qilian, a small country.Da Yuezhi attacked and killed it hard, and seized its land, and the people fled to the Huns.When Zi Kunmo was born, Fu's father Bu put Linghou in his arms and put him in the grass to ask for food. When he saw the wolf's milk, he also flew the meat beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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