Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 12 People's Hearts Are Available

Chapter 12 People's Hearts Are Available
"Brother, let's sue for adultery!" One of the young men in his 20s teased.

"I want to go to you!" The middle-aged man stared, then smiled and said: "Shang, just let that wrestler smash your dog's head with a hammer! It will save you from nagging in my ears all day long!"

"Wisdom? Hammer?" The young man's eyes widened. "Could it be that the man in green is the son of Zhang Ping, the prime minister of the old Han, who once assassinated Zhang Liang's ovary in Bolangsha?"

"Green curly train, accompanied by strong men, and free to come and go in Xianyang City. Who else can there be except Zhang Zifang?" The middle-aged man stroked his beard and sighed: "Zhang Zi is a great talent, what a pity..."

"Don't sigh..." Seeing that the execution was over, the young man rolled his eyes: "Go to Shusuntong quickly, brother, we only have 7 yuan left..."


After a while, the two went to the Langzhong Commander's Mansion, expressed their intention to the guards at the gate, and showed their "inspection (identity card)" and "pass (introduction letter)" in turn, and were temporarily arranged to enter the guard room at the gate.

"Brother, do you think we will be made officials of hundreds of stones by His Majesty?" The young man continued chattering along the way.

"Well, me, I may be awarded a doctorate, with a rank ratio of six hundred stones..." The middle-aged man twisted his beard and stared sharply: "As for you... Humph! Don't shut up, let your uncle and grandson play the role." Your Majesty Ming, I want you to be a Huangmenling (eunuch)!"

"Pfft..." The young man hurriedly sat upright.

After Japan and China, after participating in the enthronement ceremony, he moved to the Taizhong doctor (ranking more than a thousand stones), and Shu Suntong, the Duke of Jin, hurried back and saw the two people who had been waiting for a long time in the value room.

"Li Shiqi, I have met the doctor of the Taizhong." The middle-aged man hurriedly stood up and saluted, and the young man also stood up and saluted.

After the ceremony, the two parties sat down together, and Shu Suntong looked at the muscular young man: "This is?"

"Li Shang." The young man didn't wait for Li Shiqi to answer, and reported his family name first.

"My younger brother is rude, Mr. Haihan."

"It's okay..."

Immediately, a roar in the abdomen interrupted Shu Suntong and Li Shiqi's polite conversation.

"Hahaha..." Shu Suntong smiled:

"It's my fault that I didn't order the waiter to prepare the meal. Come with me to Changyang Street, and taste a kind of food that recently appeared in Xianyang..."

"Mr. said, but the 'noodle restaurant' in Changyang Street Outer Market?" Li Shiqi asked.

"Exactly!" Shusun Tongshen whispered mysteriously: "I heard that it is placed by His Majesty today, and it is run by the Taiguan Cheng."

"To tell the truth, sir, we went there yesterday, but..." Li Shiqi was a little embarrassed: "There are too many people queuing up there, and only those who have not changed their titles or above are accepted..."

"That's right, if you don't want to be entertained, tell me earlier, only when you're at the front of the queue..."

Just when the three of them were about to leave the door, there was a sudden uproar in Xianyang City, and the roar of thousands of people came like thunder.

"What happened?" Shu Suntong frowned and listened intently.

"Great Qin Wannian..."

"Your Majesty, ten thousand years..."

Shu Suntong breathed a sigh of relief: "So that's how it is..."

He figured it out, but brother Li Shiqi froze in place, full of doubts.

"The two of you came out of Xianyang, and you don't know much about it yet. Let's talk as we walk..."

Shu Suntong took them out and ordered the waiter to prepare the car.


In Xianyang Palace, Fusu changed into a black uniform and walked towards the side hall where congratulatory ceremonies from various counties were placed. He also heard the roar echoing in the sky of Xianyang.

... The people's hearts are available... It's just that the oral tax has been reduced for one year, and the people of the country are so excited. If the agricultural tax is adjusted to the same as in later generations, the tax will be [-] for [-], [-] for [-], or even not collected at all and given subsidies... ... Fusu's footsteps became much lighter.

Although the royal family's income will be cut in half after the oral tax is reduced, the oral tax is collected together with the summer tax, and it is already September.

In other words, what is reduced or exempted is the oral tax for next year.

In this era of no tax rebates, at least until next summer, the royal family's spending will not be affected.

As a time traveler, coupled with the resources I have now, if I can't survive because of the little money I got out of the mouths of the Chinese people, I'd better find a piece of tofu and kill me as soon as possible! ...Well, there is no tofu now... Fusu suddenly stopped, her eyes widened, and she suddenly thought:

Yes, although there is no tofu now, there are beans!

Soak the beans overnight, grind them into a pulp with a stone mill the next day, boil them, and you will have soy milk to drink!

Then add gypsum water, and there will be tofu to eat!
Well, first open a few state-run tofu shops on Changyang Street, earn back the patent money, and then distribute the technology, and strive to let most Chinese people realize tofu freedom within two years, so as to make up for the lack of meat in this era. Insufficient protein!
"Let Shang Shicheng's people come and see me!" Fu Su said to the servant Li Cheng who was following him.


Although he didn't know what His Majesty was going to do again, Li Cheng knew that after Shang Shicheng came last time, he realized the freedom of noodles!

Thinking of this, Li Cheng swallowed a mouthful of saliva and quickened his pace.


The side hall of Xianyang Palace.

Fusu saw the rare treasures that almost filled the entire palace, all of which were sent by the counties in the world, congratulating He Yi on his succession.

In the introduction of the eunuch Ling Han Rang, there are still many things that are not suitable to be placed here, such as the hundred prairie horses sent by Jiuyuan County, which are temporarily placed in Shanglin Garden.

"Keep ten horses, and the rest will be rewarded to the generals." Fu Su said to his servant Meng Ying: "You and Li Cheng each go to pick one."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Meng Ying, the son of Meng Tian, ​​bent over and saluted.

Fusu picked up a box, opened it, and found a glistening bead the size of a fist inside.

There will be no radiation!Dare to treat this kind of thing as He Yi? ... Fusu closed the box and put it far away.

"Who sent it?" Fusu asked.

"Return to Your Majesty, it's Nanhai County Wei Renxiao." Han Rang thought for a while, and replied: "This thing is called Molongzhu, and it is said that it was transformed by an ancient black dragon..."

...Well, this is a serious nonsense... Ren Xiao, is that the southeast first lieutenant who controls the three Lingnan counties (Nanhai County, Xiang County, and Guilin County)? ... I have criticized his memorials before... From this point of view, his original intention is to flatter, no, to flatter the dragon, not because someone wants to assassinate the king! ... Fusu breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed.

"Announce him to have an audience at Lanchi Palace tomorrow afternoon."


Fusu had heard Ren Xiao's name at the previous enthronement ceremony.

The reason why he was called to Lanchi Palace was because although September had already entered, the Guanzhong area was still very hot, so Fusu planned to stay in Lanchi Palace for a few days. The things that have been transported to the Lanchi Palace along the Jingshui River.

(End of this chapter)

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