Chapter 13 Baking
Fusu continued to look at the congratulations sent by the counties, thinking about which ones to keep and which ones to reward the clan and ministers.

Suddenly, he thought of where to send that 'Ink Dragon Ball'.

According to the Dibao sent by Jiuyuan County, the Huns Da Shanyu at this time was the one who killed his own father, Touman, Maodun!
Now the Huns have not fully recovered after being beaten up by Meng Tian, ​​and are in the stage of pretending to be grandsons in front of the Donghu people, preparing to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers.

So now the most pressure on the border is Youbeiping County, which faces Donghu, and Liaodong and Liaoxi counties.

However, as a time traveler, Fusu knew that the Donghu would soon decline from prosperity and completely become a vassal of the Huns. Not only that, the entire Western Regions would also open their doors to the Huns, and the Huns would harass the Central Plains. will last for hundreds of years.

So Fusu planned to call Dian Ke Dunwei later, and ask him to arrange someone to send this priceless 'Ink Dragon Ball' to the Huns in exchange for cattle, sheep and horses that they don't need.

He couldn't bear such a self-luminous treasure, so let's use it to decorate the big Chanyu's tent!
Fusu glanced at the list of ministers and ministers who needed rewards again, sighed secretly, and decided to think of a way to get some wool back from those unemployed clans who need to spend huge state funds.

Suddenly, he thought of a guy who used to call himself the emperor's great-great-grandson.

It is said that the ancestors of his family were dismissed from the Marquis position because of the insufficient fineness of the gold that was offered to the ancestral temple to help sacrifices. This method of killing his relatives was exactly the idea of ​​Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty Liu Che.

It's just that the Tweeting Order is useless in the Great Qin Dynasty, because the title is not hereditary. Above the rank of Qing, all the next generations will be demoted to public servants, and the next generation of the Doctor and Sergeant will be downgraded by two levels to inherit the title.

Well, I will find Shusun Tong later and ask him to make up some allusions, suggesting that the clan's children need to bring in a pair of jade biscuits every year, as sacrificial ritual vessels, and the white wall must be wrapped in white deerskin!
For well-known reasons, the white deer belongs to auspiciousness, and the folks are not allowed to hold it.

So when the time comes, I will ask the Shaofu to open a shop in the foreign market, specializing in selling white deerskin and jade bi!

The clan bought the jade bi and white deerskin for sacrifices. After the sacrifice, the jade and white deerskin were collected and stored in the warehouse, and sold to the clan at the next sacrifice!

The perpetual motion machine method of making money, I am such a clever little ghost! ... Fusu laughed twice in his heart, and ordered Han Rang to prepare the car and go to Lanchi Palace for the night.


"Your Majesty, Zhao Meiren (the third class below the queen and wife, with 800 stones annually) asks to see you." Han Rang walked slowly to Fusu.

What should come still cannot be avoided... Fusu sighed, although his eyes were fixed on the bamboo slips, his thoughts had already drifted away.

Zhao Meiren, the daughter of Zhao Guogong, one of the women in Fusu.

These days, he has been staying in Xianyang Palace under the guise of dealing with national funerals, government affairs, and enthronement, and has never returned to the original Prince's Mansion. What he is worried about is the current situation.

To, or not to, that is the question!
Come on, there is always a shadow; don't go on, this woman married Fusu at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and now he has traveled through time, put her in the cold palace, and ruined the lives of these poor people, it seems too unkind!
"Let her in." Fusu continued to stare at the bamboo slips without raising his head, recalling Zhao Ji's appearance when he left Xianyang and went to the Jiuyuan Army.

Perhaps it was because she was still young and had not matured. At that time, Zhao Ji was tall and tall, but she couldn't tell the difference between the front and the back. She looked like a normal junior high school student.

... so young, he can do it?

"Your Majesty!" The crisp voice with a bit of Zhao's accent sounded: "The concubine stewed lotus seed soup for you..."

Fusu raised his head and looked at Zhao Ji who was bowing profusely in the hall.

In her 20s, she is no longer as young as she used to be. With big eyes and a small nose, after applying a little makeup, she looks extremely pure, which makes Fusu have a strange feeling.

...You look a bit like a certain fairy sister in your teenage years...I didn't expect that after so many years, you quietly developed into this appearance!

"Come!" Fusu put down the bamboo slips and said only one word.


It was high in the sun, and Fusu sat in front of the bronze mirror, letting Zhao Ji, who was still blushing on her cheeks, comb her hair for him.

After a night of absurdity, his mentality has completely changed.

The empire has accepted it, so what is a woman?
Well, by this time Yu Ji should have arrived by Xiang Yu's side.

But I would rather send someone to find Lu Zhi...

Not only because I am a tauren, but compared to the external appearance, Lu Zhi, who can help Liu Bang get Han Xin, is more admirable...

Well, Liu Bang has become a bandit now, so Lu Zhi should be guarding the vacant house in Pei County alone! ...Lonely young woman!

"Your Majesty, Young Master Yan and Zuo Xiaoling have left the palace." Han Rang's voice sounded outside the door.

"Let them see you in Lanchi." Fusu put on his clothes and walked out the door: "Declaration, make Zhao Ji his wife, and rank as high as a thousand stones."



The waterwheel used for the experiment had been dismantled, and replaced by many black, fist-sized balls piled up in the open space.

This is the coal that Fusu dug up after sending the prisoners who repaired Afang Palace to Guiyi, and transported it to Lanchi Palace on the front of Jingshui three days ago.

Coal is divided into three categories, the size of a fist, the size of a fingernail, and coal dust produced during transportation and excavation.

Those fist-sized balls are briquettes made by mixing coal powder, water and yellow mud.

On the other side, a firewood-saving stove was built with mud bricks.

The so-called wood-saving stove is to thicken the furnace wall around the hearth so that when the fuel in the hearth burns, the energy will not leak to the surroundings.

Moreover, the chimney of the energy-saving earthen stove should be high.

Because the high chimney is easy to produce a siphon effect, which sucks away the flue gas in the furnace, and also automatically sucks in air from the air inlet, which is helpful for combustion.

On the wood-saving stove, there is a bronze cauldron of just the right size.

In the wooden box on the other side is a box full of coarse salt.

At this time, Gong Ziyan and Gong Shugui were staring at everything in front of them.

Gong Ziyan pounded the road with his arm and asked, "What is this for?"

Gongzhugui frowned: "What do you ask me for?"

Gong Ziyan looked surprised: "You are a descendant of Lu Ban, if you don't ask who do you ask?"

... I am a descendant of Luban, but I mainly do carpentry. You have to open your eyes and take a good look. Apart from the pile of firewood, what is there to do with carpentry? ...Gong Shugui slandered in his heart, but he didn't show it at all on his face.

Because the other party is not just one of the nine ministers, counted according to seniority, Gong Ziyan is still the uncle of His Majesty today...

(End of this chapter)

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