Chapter 16 Sucrose
Lanchi Palace, Yuhua Palace.

The dusk after the rain was extremely sultry, and even the noisy cicadas on weekdays seemed weak.

Zhao Ji sat opposite a woman in a crimson dress.

Judging from the same style of Wangxian Jiuhuan bun on the head of the woman in the crimson red dress and Zhao Ji, both of them belong to the level of 'madame'.

Unlike Zhao Ji, who was pure and innocent, the woman in the crimson red dress had a standard vixen face.

The hot weather made her look a little tired, and she unconsciously leaned closer to the ice bowl on the table. This action made her heavy chest rest on the table.

Then, in Zhao Ji's mouth, there was a faint creaking sound.

...Tian Ji, this woman with big breasts and no brains! ...Zhao Ji looked at the bulge that she could barely grasp with one hand.

"Ma'am, the eunuch ordered Han Rang to come." A little maid said timidly.

"Let him in!" Tian Ji and Zhao Ji said in unison.

"This is my maid, how can you answer the conversation?" Tian Jijiao scolded.

Zhao Ji snorted softly and ignored it.

"I've seen the two ladies." Han Rang bowed and saluted.

"You are not serving His Majesty, why are you here?" Tian Ji asked angrily.

"Your Majesty asked me to send some rare items for you ladies to try." Han Rang waved his hand, and several servants standing outside the door filed in.

"What is this?" Zhao Ji walked out from behind the case, and carefully touched the things held in the hands of the servants.

"Returning to Madam, this is Xu Yu. Your Majesty calls it a coconut. It was just sent by Nanhai County Wei Renxiao." Han Rang replied.

"Are they all for us? Have they been sent by other wives?" Zhao Ji looked at the coconut curiously, and somehow remembered something, with the expression of a little girl on her face, which became more and more elegant and refined.

"Sent it off, because neither of you is in your bedroom, so..." Han Rang lowered his eyelids, not daring to look more.

"Where's Your Majesty?" Tian Ji asked, with a slight twist in her tone.

"Your Majesty has just summoned Ren Xiao, and now he is summoning Yi Zongzheng's son Dagon and those who have no position above the Duke's title in the office." Han Rang replied, and then said: "Your Majesty said that it may be possible to discuss matters with the clan. It is very late, so let me inform the ladies that there is no need to wait for Your Majesty."

Zhao Ji looked at Tian Ji's vixen face that collapsed in an instant, and felt inexplicably happy in her heart, so she asked Han Rang to step down, and sat back in the case in a dignified manner.

"What are you laughing at?" Tian Ji raised her eyebrows.

"I think of something very happy." Zhao Ji covered her mouth.

... Hmph, after I give birth to the heir and make me a queen, I will definitely let you drink my footwashing water! ... Tian Ji thought bitterly, her eyes turned to the coconut unconsciously.

"Why don't you open one and have a taste..." Zhao Ji asked.

"Hmm." Tian Ji said with a whimper.



Fusu looked at the clans arranged in order of big and small clans. As the emperor plus clan, he naturally didn't need to salute to any clan that was above him.

In front of him, the bronze cauldron that had been used to boil salt was relocated on top of a blazing wood-saving stove.

The hundreds of catties of sugar cane that Ren Xiao sent had already been ground into juice by him with a stone mill. Although he lacked the corresponding tools, it caused excessive loss when squeezing the juice, and he didn't know that these sugar canes were used for sugar extraction in later generations. Is the sugar cane a type, but this time he mainly demonstrated the production of sucrose in front of the clan.

Because as long as it is sugar cane, it can definitely be made into sucrose!
"Let's start." Fusu ordered.

The two servants who had experience in cooking salt immediately stepped forward and poured the sugarcane juice that had been filtered out of impurities in the wooden barrel into the bronze kettle.

After a while, the sugarcane juice reached the boiling point and began to roll up and down, and the air was filled with a sweet smell.

"Isn't this Zhejiang?" A clan member stretched his neck: "It tastes better with some ice cubes! Why do you put it in and cook it?"

"Zhejiang? What is it?"

"You don't know this? When Tongwuhou Wang Jian brought it back when he conquered Chu, the taste is sweet and sweet...Have you heard of this sentence? The turtle [ér biē] cannon lamb has a bit of zhejiang... "

"Shut up, Your Majesty is here." Another clan beside him said.

It's easy to know what it is... Fusu looked at the fat sheep he had summoned, and he felt more confident.

Just like the European colonization of the Caribbean in later generations, thanks to the unique plantations there, a large amount of sugar cane, coffee and cocoa can be produced.

Therefore, in Fusu's view, the counties in the South China Sea, and even the entire Indochina Peninsula, are to the Great Qin at this time, just like the New World was to Europe.

If you want to develop the counties in the South China Sea, any tough measures will only have the opposite effect. The harder you use, the stronger the rebound will be!

Just like the Taoists often say that softness can overcome strength, people's pursuit of a better life is the inexhaustible motivation to explore the new world!

And what Fusu has to do is to fool these wealthy and leisurely masters into following the rules he set to devote themselves to the cause of Lingnan Development.

Fortunately, although Daqin at this time emphasized agriculture and suppressed commerce, it did not reject the way of merchants.

After all, there was Prime Minister Lu Buwei in the past, and Wu Shiluo and Widow Qing in the future... The latter seems to have some ambiguity with Brother Zheng...

"Bring up the things." Fusu glanced at the few clan clans who were whispering.

After a while, a large thing covered with silk cloth was lifted up.

The silk cloth was opened, and there was a yellow-red lump inside.

"Isn't this the stone honey offered by Minzhong County?" Zongzheng Gongzi asked.

"Exactly." Fusu nodded and asked, "Do you know where Shimi comes from?"

"Could it be made by Zhejiang?" Gongzi Gun blinked and guessed, "It's like dried yee (maltose)?"

"That's right." Fusu nodded again and asked, "What do you think of the counties in the South China Sea?"

"The wild land..."

"The smoke is everywhere..."

"You drink blood, you don't know etiquette..."

"The people there are all monkeys growing on trees..."


Fusu looked at the clansmen and smiled for a while, then pointed to the bronze cauldron and said, "The sugar cane that produces Zhejiang comes from the remote place that you talk about."

Young Master Dagon stopped laughing: "I don't know how much stone honey can be produced from a catty of sugar and sugarcane?"

... You've stopped me by asking this question, I'm just an engineering man... Fu Su thought about it, why is the sugar content of sugarcane juice also 10%?
So he said, "There's always eleven."

Gongzi Dagon remained silent, thinking: If this is the only way, it would be a bit unprofitable. If you don’t sell firewood for a hundred miles, you don’t sell millet for a thousand miles, and you don’t know how much it will cost to transport sugarcane from Hainan back to Guanzhong... …

"Zongzheng is thinking about how to transport the sugarcane back to Guanzhong?" Fusu understood how people in this era thought.

(End of this chapter)

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