Chapter 17 Lingnan Development

Young Master Dagon nodded unobtrusively.

"Why do you have to transport it all the way back to Guanzhong?" Fusu smiled: "You must know that people are cheap and things are expensive away from home. This thing is as cheap as weeds in the local area, and it is naturally worth more than gold and jade when transported to Guanzhong..."

"My proposition is to directly establish several large-scale sugarcane plantations and sugar mills in the South China Sea, plant, harvest, squeeze juice, boil sugar...that is, stone honey, transport the sugar back to Guanzhong, and then sell it to all counties in the world , Compared with transporting sugar cane back to the customs, the profit is more than ten times!"

"Your Majesty speaks highly, and I would like to be taught!" Young Master Dagon bowed his hands.

"I would like to be taught!" All the officials bowed their hands.

"What is Your Majesty doing?" A young man in the corner asked.

"Should you want to open a store in Xianyang to sell stone honey?"

"Like a noodle restaurant on Changyang Street?"

"Have you been there? How was it? Is it as delicious as the rumors?"

"Beautiful is beautiful, but it's too expensive. A bowl of mutton noodle soup, two meat buns and a hand-meat meat, it costs 20 yuan!"

"It's only 20 yuan? It's not expensive! I'll try it after a few days when there are fewer people queuing..."

... Oh, it's amazing to be rich!
"Then why did His Majesty ask me to wait here?"

"Could it be that you want me to grow sugar cane to make stone honey?"

In an instant, all the disciples of the clan held their breath and looked at Fusu with piercing eyes.

...Thinking too much, just let you pay some money! ... Fusu smiled, and waited for the sucrose to be boiled without saying a word.

At the side of the wood-saving stove, after pouring a small amount of lime water into the bronze kettle to neutralize part of the acidity of the sucrose, the water in the sugar water became less and less as time went by.

When the sugar water at the bottom became more viscous, turned golden yellow, and was close to solidification, two other waiters who were waiting aside took over from the exhausted waiter who was constantly stirring the sugar water.

After they filtered out the waste honey that could not be condensed, they poured the nearly solidified syrup into a wooden tank, and then kept stirring to use the residual heat to further volatilize the water in the syrup. After a while, the syrup began to 'reverse sand' and became The appearance of brown sugar that Fusu is familiar with.

...Well, it was done once, not bad! ... Fusu twisted the brown sugar that was still warm.

He didn't intend to make white sugar. To be precise, most of the decolorization methods he knew about sucrose used some chemical gases. In this age of bronze and iron, it was undoubtedly extremely difficult.

Coupled with the current sweetness sources of Daqin, mainly maltose, fructose and honey, the brown sugar extracted from sugarcane has formed a crushing situation on the original market.

Especially the production of maltose will consume a lot of precious food resources!

Therefore, before Daqin's per capita grain output has not reached the calorie safety line of 300 kilograms, Fusu intends to follow the Qin law and severely crack down on those who use grain to make wine!

And as for the drinking problem of Daqin people?

Didn't you see the waste honey sitting alone?The famous rum is brewed from this waste honey!

"Try it!" Fusu looked at a large group of stunned family members.

"So sweet!"

"Nonsense, can sugar be sweet!"

"Get out of the way, let the old man taste it too!" Young Master Dagon twisted it a little and put it in his mouth: "Well, in terms of sweetness alone, it is almost comparable to honey and water..."

"I plan to set up another order in the Shaofu, which is the monopoly of sucrose in the counties of the South China Sea. Do you want to join?" Fu Su said with a smile, and immediately saw everyone nodding their heads.

...Sugar Monopoly?I heard Ren Xiao just left!Could it be that His Majesty wants to relocate the population of the Central Plains to the counties in the South China Sea?

Many thoughts flashed through Gongzi Dagon's mind, and he finally decided to be cautious in his words and deeds.

"I don't know what His Majesty is going to do?" a clan asked.

...Phew, someone finally answered the call... Fusu thought about it, and at the same time spoke out his idea of ​​establishing a sugarcane plantation in Nanhai County.

In fact, it is very simple, that is, the Shaofu will come forward to find a few pieces of land near the river and far away from the enemy in the counties of the South China Sea, and then let the clans pay money to buy some prisoners of war or slaves from the primitive tribes on the Indochina Peninsula, and then hire some who know how to The Yue people who grow sugar cane are used as supervisors...

Well, I will develop Lingnan in the same way that Europeans engage in triangular trade in future generations!Fusu looked at the clan with 'can still do this' written all over their faces, and felt that they had really been out of the bottom of society for too long!
"Your Majesty, I have a question!" Young Master Gun cupped his hands and said, "People can't do without food. If we want to build such a large-scale plantation and plantation in Lingnan, let alone the initial expenses, I'm afraid the food problem will not be solved!"

"Zongzheng has never been to Lingnan, so he may not know much about it." Fusu explained: "Although the counties in the South China Sea are full of miasma and barbarians, they are sunny and rainy, and the rice planted there can be harvested twice a year. And in some suitable places, it can even be cooked three times a year!"

"Two to three crops a year? Seriously!" Young Master Dagon was a little excited.

...Of course it is true, you don’t know the famous Champa Rice!That is the rice seed that is commonly grown in Indochina Peninsula. I have already asked Ren Xiao to send it to Xiang County in a hurry, and asked the local staff to collect the rice seed and send it to Xianyang! ... Fusu nodded solemnly and said:
"That's why the former emperor sent troops to the South China Sea."

Prince Dagon heard that this was the first emperor's decision, so he did not doubt him, and asked Fusu about how to solve the safety problem of the plantation.

Fusu briefly talked about the magic revision that he summed up based on the stories of Ba and Ju and the policies of later generations on reforming the land and returning to the natives, as well as what would allow Ren Xiao to integrate the actual situation as soon as possible.

...So this is the reason why His Majesty let the clan participate in the sugar sale?Is he worried that no one in the court will support his new deal?Gongzi Gun suddenly remembered that since the rebellion of Cheng Yu and Changping Jun, the previous emperors did not trust the clan, and instead used people from the six kingdoms of Shandong.

This is an opportunity, a chance for our clan disciples to return to the court!

Thinking of this, Young Master Gun suddenly became a little short of breath, but heard that a son of the clan began to ask Fusu about the share.

Is now the time to talk money!Gongzi Dagon really wanted to kill him with a sword.

Young Master Dagon was about to say something, but he heard Fusu say:
"I will give you the land, and let General Zuo Shaofu send people to build a complete sugar mill. You will give 100 million yuan to buy slave labor and other expenses, and [-]% will be divided!"

...Well, is there any king of land in the world, and I have to draw a few blueprints of the hydraulic sugar press machine. The cost of land transfer plus the patent fee of the workshop, [-]% of the shares should not be too much!Fusu looked at the public office who were staring at each other dumbfounded.

Thirty-seven points!You only need 100 million dollars, and you can get [-]% of the income!

Your Majesty is kind! ...The offices saw the same thoughts in each other's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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