Chapter 18 Ollie is a Good Thing

As night fell, the clan members, led by a group of soldiers holding torches, walked quickly to the outside of Lanchi Palace.

Although the specific investment and distribution of income share still needs to be discussed in detail with Mr. Zongzheng, but everyone is convinced of the huge income that is about to be obtained.

Planting sugar cane and using sugar cane to make sugar is indeed a profitable business. The price of sugar is too expensive, and even many such clan children are reluctant to eat more.

"Why don't you say that Your Majesty is benevolent!" A clan member touched the brown sugar in his bosom.

Before they left, Fusu gave them all the newly made brown sugar. Anyway, in Shaofu's warehouse, his natural honey was piled up like a mountain, and he couldn't look down on a little brown sugar!

Serve one person with the world...

In other words, being an emperor is one of the best jobs in the world.

Just now, when Prince Dagon left, he deliberately stopped for a while, suggesting that Fusu expand the size of the harem, and vaguely said that his wife had a niece who was fourteen years old, beautiful and virtuous...

...Practice, just practice hard! ... Fusu pretended not to hear anything, and walked straight to Hanzhang Hall.

I got up late in the morning, and after dinner, I started to watch people cook salt. After lunch, I met Ren Xiao, and was almost taken into the ditch by the other party.

So I didn't read the 120-jin memorial today!
Ma Dan, being an emperor is really tiring!


In the early morning of the next day, with two dark circles under her eyes, Fusu emptied her bladder, which had been pent up all night, by the toilet behind the screen.

The bright sunlight shines obliquely into the Hanzhang Hall through the window screen.

On the bed inside the main hall, there was a Sleeping Beauty lying lazily, with blue hair like a quilt, a white and slender neck, and skin as coagulated as grease, looking like a jade woman under the sunlight.

... Hongxiu Tianxiang reads at night, the most difficult thing to bear the grace of a beauty... Who can refuse a woman with such exaggerated pectoralis major muscles? ... Fusu thought of Tian Ji who had been holding on to her last night, and secretly admired her willpower.

Despite all kinds of hints or teasing from the other party, I still insisted on approving the 120-jin bamboo slips, and of course I had a great time afterwards!

It is indeed the pre-Qin period when folk customs were open!
He recalled the famous old Siji in history, Mi Bazi, Fusu's great-grandmother.

"When the former king sat on me, I felt exhausted. If he lay his whole body on me, I would feel less heavy..."

As soon as this remark came out, the envoy on the other side was scared on the spot. Old Si Ji, I can't afford to provoke you...

"Your Majesty..." Tian Ji woke up, saw Fusu staring at her with a strange smile on her face, and shyly pulled the quilt over her chest.

...Hey, don't block it, didn't you have a fever last night? ... If it weren't for your lack of posture awareness, I really doubt that my home is already a grassland! ... Fu Su said with a smile: "Well, you woke up, did you sleep well last night?"

"Hmm..." Tian Ji snorted and pulled the quilt over her head.

... Heh, this should be the so-called caring for the head and ignoring the buttocks... Really white!Fusu forced himself to look away, and he had to go to the Lishan construction site to inspect later, so there was no delay.

"I'll give you a name!"

"Huh?" Tian Ji lifted a corner of the quilt, revealing a pair of bright peach blossom eyes, which reminded Fusu of the madness of last night.

"I'll call you Yourong from now on, Tian Yourong..."

"Thank you, Your Majesty..." Tian Ji smiled charmingly, and said in her heart that she was blessed by His Majesty, and even asked His Majesty to give her a name. After seeing Zhao Ji, she will tell her in detail, and she will be mad at her, hum!

"Go on to sleep, I still have something to do, so I won't have breakfast with you..."

After Fusu finished speaking, he took another look at Tian Ji's clothes that were thrown on the ground, and said to himself that he would tell the people of the Imperial Palace to rush to make a few pairs of underwear and distribute them.

It's a pity that there are no cotton clothes yet...

But I vaguely remember that Asian cotton had spread from India to southern China at this time... It seems that Ren Xiao needs to search the counties in the South China Sea.

Before crossing, he happened to be in a beautiful country when he was a demon, so he knew something about cotton.


In the afternoon, Fusu arrived at the Lishan construction site under the escort of hundreds of soldiers, sitting on the safety car used by the First Emperor.

This was his entire impression of the construction site, especially after seeing the looming lump of 'Olige' in the grass, his brows were furrowed even more.

Somewhat absent-mindedly, after listening to Zhang Han's report, he immediately returned to Xianyang Palace and summoned Zhisu Neishi Zheng Guo, eunuch Meng Tian, ​​and Neishi Wang He (son of Wang Jian).

After asking them about the sewage discharge of Xianyang City, the whole person is not well.

Xianyang City is okay. When it was first built, there were ceramic sewage pipes built under the foundation of the city. Rainwater and sewage would flow into the river through the sewage pipes. The people of the country were told that they were not allowed to draw water from the sewage river and that special personnel were arranged to manage it.

But the builders would never have imagined that Xianyang City would become what it is now, the most populous city in the world.

Therefore, this kind of drainage area gradually became palaces, government offices, or the residences of high-ranking officials and officials. However, those wealthy households who moved later, as well as ordinary Xianyang residents, did not have underground water networks for sewage drainage. of.

So where does their daily sewage go?
The answer is simple, 圂.

It is to build a toilet on top of the pigsty, feed the human oligo to the pigs, and throw the pig oligo into the field, and the output of the field will be eaten by others, forming a closed loop.

This may be one of the reasons why scholar-bureaucrats are reluctant to eat pork...

But there are still drawbacks to this!
That is the ground of this period, not the concrete floor of later generations, but still the soil road surface. When it rains lightly, feces will seep into the ground with the rain; when it rains heavily, the feces will even flow into the drinking water with the rain.

The former will only slowly pollute the groundwater, eventually making the 'water all salty, not very pleasant'.

This is an important reason why the capitals of Qin, Han, and Tang were not in the same place even though they were in the same area!

And the latter is more powerful, it will invade the water source together with the germs in the feces, and finally form a plague.

For example, the cholera that ravaged London was caused by feces polluting water sources.

Thinking of this, Fusu combined the information he had turned over when he was the keyboard king and when he was in a passionate match with others.

Although some don't want to admit it, Ollie is actually a good thing.

For example, Pei Shu, the governor of the Shaofu in the Tang Dynasty, once came up with an idea to ask the court to make money by selling horse dung, which can earn 20 guan a year!
...Well, I can set up a special department to collect the feces of Xianyang City, and then dump them outside the city for composting, and then use them to fertilize the official fields first, and then sell them to farmers who need them at a low price after people see the actual effect !

It doesn't make money from it, as long as it can produce more food and feed the people, after all, it is less than a year since the Daze Township Uprising in history!

(End of this chapter)

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