Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 19 How to Grow Crops Without Gold!

Chapter 19 How to Grow Crops Without Gold!
In Xuanzheng Hall of Xianyang Palace, Fusu recalled while explaining to Zheng Guo and others the magic function of feces.

Of course, I heard it from a traveling peasant scholar when he was serving as the supervisor of the Jiuyuan Army.

This was a very normal thing at the time.

The Qin State was dominated by Legalists. After the Confucian scholars who advocated enfeoffment were brutally suppressed by the first emperor, the scholars of various schools also suffered.

After a while, Fusu, Zheng Guo and others reached a consensus.

300. In Xianyang City, select 15 good families who are good at riding carriages. Under the leadership of Tingfu (responsible for the cleaning of the pavilion) under the pavilion chiefs in Xianyang, they are responsible for collecting excrement in the city every morning, with a daily salary of [-] yuan and their own vehicles. horse.

1. One qian per car of excrement is distributed according to the population of each household.

6. Use official slaves from Neishi County to build [-] sites for composting in the official fields outside Xianyang City, public food, [-] qian per day.

[-]. The above-mentioned expenses shall be allocated by the Shaofu directly from the emperor's internal funds, without the use of state funds.

……Ah.Old Fox, I really have you! ...Fu Su took a look at Zheng Guo, who looked old and trembling.

When he proposed to use money to buy manure and use it as fertilizer, Zheng Guo began to say vaguely about the emptiness of the treasury, obviously he didn't want to spend money from the treasury, and supporting Fusu was said to be the method heard from the farmers.

However, this cannot be entirely blamed on Zheng Guo. Although the history of China's use of manure for fertilization can be traced back to the Shang Dynasty, it is not common and widespread.

During this period, fertilization used more animal manure and less human manure.

And the way of using manure as fertilizer is relatively rough.

That is to throw it directly into the field. This method of use is relatively simple, and the effect is mediocre. If it is used too much, it may even have the opposite effect (incomplete fermentation of manure will lead to secondary fermentation of manure in the field, and the temperature of the land will rise, resulting in root burn phenomenon).

Therefore, the yield per mu during this period was actually very low. In the Guanzhong Plain, known as the Land of Abundance, the yield per mu was only a stone and a half...

During the Song Dynasty, after people mastered the technology of mixing water in manure to solve the problem of fermented roots, the yield per mu gradually increased to 2-3 shi.

Fusu knew that even though he was the emperor now, it was almost impossible to persuade a veteran like Zheng Guo to change his inherent views in a short period of time!

So what he has to do is to speak with facts and prove himself with the final result.

...I want to work hard quietly, and then amaze everyone! ... If you start composting now, it will be just in time for the sowing of winter wheat ... After a while, water mills will be built in various counties of Naishi County, so that the "Qianshou" of this era can also start from the "grains" that are not easy to digest ', transformed into 'pasta' which is more conducive to human absorption.

"Your Majesty, there is a report from Wang Li, saying that the Great Wall in the North is about to close..." Meng Tian waited for Zheng Guo and the others to leave, and said: "He asked if the construction period should be stopped first, and we can wait until after October. Helong..."

……Um?Why wait until October? ... Fusu frowned slightly, and suddenly thought that the Qin system used October as the beginning of the year.

In other words, it is still the 37th year of the First Emperor, and it will not be considered the first year of Qin II until after October this year.

If the dragon is joined after October, it will be recorded in the history books that it was Qin II who finally built the Great Wall.

... I like the spectacle construction, but I don't know if the adjacent Great Wall has money and culture bonus... Fu Su pondered for a long time, instead of killing Wang Li, he appointed him as the commander of the Jiuyuan Army temporarily, so his behavior now, Is it considered reciprocating, or in other words, submitting a certificate of confession/repentance?
Thinking of this, Fu Su nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

Then he added: "The eunuch can think about how to arrange the heads of Guizhou and the criminals who built the Great Wall... Also, for the dragon closing ceremony, you can go on my behalf..."

"Here!" Meng Tian saluted and left.


At the Prime Minister's Mansion on the right, Prime Minister Feng Quji, Doctor Yushi Feng Jie, Tingwei Yao Jia, and Zhi Su Neishi Zheng Guo sat opposite each other.

Zheng Guo explained in detail how Fusu summoned him.

Feng Jie let out a long sigh: "Your Majesty is addicted to the small way, and if you don't follow the way of the king, the world is in danger..."

Yao Jia raised his eyes to look at Feng Quji, and said, "I heard that His Majesty has retrieved the files of the Dongjun meteorite case, and seems to intend to investigate again..."

Feng Quji took a short breath, and glanced at Feng Jie unobtrusively.

As the censor Zhongcheng, he was the one who investigated the case at the beginning, but in the end he couldn't find the person behind the scenes, so he had to kill all the surrounding residents and dispose of the meteorite.

... His Majesty's move, could it be that he noticed something? ...Feng Quji thought about it calmly, then grabbed a roll of bamboo slips and said, "This is the melody that Ren Xiao just sent, let's take a look."

"The story of Xiaoba and Ju... Fengyue people's leader 'Chenbangjunchang', 'Chenbangjungong'...Use the Yue people to rule the Yue people, and the Qin people to rule the Qin people?"

Feng Jie slapped the bamboo slips on the table, frowning tightly: "Your Majesty is trying to test our attitude towards enfeoffing princes! No wonder I heard that His Majesty asked a few days ago if the old prime minister Wang Wan is still alive! "

"If there is such a thing?" Zheng Guo asked.

"Of course, I have an eyeliner in the palace. Your Majesty will leave the search for Wang Wan to Shu Suntong, the doctor of the Taizhong!"

Yao Jia nodded and said, "Wow, these Confucian scholars really have a wicked heart, and they want to confuse His Majesty and advocate Zhou Rituals!"

"I'm afraid Your Majesty has this intention long ago. You can remember that His Majesty offended the late Emperor because of this incident, and was sent to the Jiuyuan Army as a supervisor!" Feng Jie said loudly.

Yao Jia let out a long sigh and said, "I'm sorry, I should have met Li Shi at the invitation of Li Si."

"Huh?" Feng Jie suddenly turned around: "Li Si also invited you?"

"That's right. At the beginning, the letter only said that the late emperor was seriously ill and feared that something might happen, so he invited me to go to Lishi to discuss the big plan." Yao Jia nodded, "I had a vague guess at the beginning, but I only thought he wanted to Supporting a certain young master, but never thought that they would keep their mourning in secret..."

"If we had gathered in Lishi back then, it must not have been..." Feng Jie shook his head and said.

"Speak carefully!" Feng Quji interrupted him, pointing his eyes at Zheng Guo, whose eyelids were drooping, as if he was asleep.

"Then, what should we do with Ren Xiao's memorial?" Yao Jia asked, bringing the topic back.


Mangdang Mountain.

Somewhere in a deserted valley.

A woman wearing wooden bracelets and carrying a bamboo basket staggered forward.

Although the sackcloth on the woman's body is slightly old and has obvious repair marks, it can hardly conceal the woman's plump beauty.

"Liu Ji..." She walked to a hole and shouted loudly.

"How did you find me?" A scruffy, almost savage man emerged from the cave.

Behind him, followed by more than a dozen tall and thin people who were also indistinguishable from savages.

"Do you know that where you are, there are clouds in the sky! When I saw the clouds, I found you!" The woman looked at Liu Ji and said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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