Chapter 20
Lanchi Palace, Hanzhang Palace.

After finishing his morning exercises, Fusu bid farewell to Zhao Ji, who had blurred eyes, and headed for Lantian under the escort of doctor Ling Mengyi, servants Meng Ying, Li Cheng and nearly a thousand soldiers.

In the evening of last night, the memorial of the public transportation track was delivered, saying that according to the silk script, the iron-making blast furnace and water row required by Fusu had been built by the Bashui River.

The reason why it was so fast is that Fusu mobilized [-] prisoners for the construction of the Lishan Imperial Mausoleum, which were used to mine ore in various parts of Xianyang and transported along the river to Lantian.

In this regard, Prime Minister You went to Lanchi Palace to express his dissatisfaction.

As a well-educated Fusu, the best way to deal with such accusations is to actively admit his mistakes, but never repent.

Time will prove who is right and who is wrong!

Moreover, after he reviewed the Dongjun Meteorite Case and some old files secretly presented to him, he came to the conclusion that the Feng family and his son had very likely two faces.

For example, about the private release of a certain pavilion chief surnamed Liu, the official document reported by Sishui County, as soon as it entered the right prime minister's residence, it disappeared like a mud cow into the sea!
Fusu was unsteadily reviewing the bamboo slips on the carriage, and Yang Xi, the official of the CRRC Mansion who was driving for him, turned around and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Zongzheng is asking to see you."

……Um?He is not staying in Xianyang, what is he doing here? ... Fusu put down the bamboo slips and said, "Let him come up."


In a few moments, after the carriage came to a complete stop, Gong Zigun, who was dressed in a straight black train, walked into the carriage, saluted and sat down.

"Where is Zongzheng going?" Fusu asked.

"The minister's wife and younger brother are sick in bed, and the minister and his family went to visit." With a little worry on his face, Young Master Dagon asked instead, "Where are you going, Your Majesty?"

...the guy with a 14-year-old beautiful and virtuous daughter?It seems that he has a good relationship with his brother-in-law... In this era of underdeveloped medical care, a single cold may kill someone! ... Fusu sighed in his heart, and then said:
"I'm going to Lantian to watch iron smelting!"

Ironmaking? ... Gongzi Gon frowned slightly. He heard from Prime Minister You that His Majesty had transferred the criminals who built the imperial mausoleum. Could it be that...

"I wonder if Your Majesty can bring your ministers to go with you?" Prince Dagon asked with his hands clasped.

……Um?Are you not going to visit your brother-in-law? ... Fusu smiled and said, "Yes."

"Your Majesty, Rong Chen got out of the car and told my family to go to Shang County on their own." Young Master Dagon patted the car wall.

...Shang County? ... Fusu asked: "Could it be that the one who is sick is Gao Wuhou Qi Ji?"

"Exactly..." Young Master Gun was full of doubts: "How does Your Majesty know?"

"You said you were going to Shang County, so I guessed it." Fusu said perfunctorily, thinking, it seems that the 14-year-old beautiful and virtuous niece he mentioned should be the relative who was cut into a human pig by Lu Zhi. Ma'am, it's so miserable!

Since Young Master Dagon intends to curry favor with me, why not give him this opportunity to take Mrs. Qi into the palace in advance, and I like to raise loli and so on! ...According to Tai Shigong, Mrs. Qi is good at dancing... Well, that's all.

"After watching the ironmaking, Zongzheng would like to accompany me to visit the old place of Shangyu?" Fusu found an excuse for staying in Shang County, and by the way, he could inspect the defense of Wuguan.

Wuguan is a gateway to Xianyang. At that time, Liu Bang followed Li Shiqi's strategy and entered Xianyang directly from here, finally destroying Qin State...

"Stay true to your wish, but dare not ask for it!" Young Master Dagon jumped out of the carriage, cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty will go first, and I will be there in a while!"


After the sentry post of the Lantian old camp found Fusu and his party, they blew a heavy horn.

Russian hectares.

Tens of thousands of soldiers in colorful clothes and black armor were lined up outside the camp.

At this time, General Huben Yang Xiong is in charge of the old camp in Lantian.

"The general really lives up to his name!" Fusu stepped down from the carriage, helped Yang Xiong who bent over to salute, and patted his broad shoulders to show his affection.

"Your Majesty's praise!" Yang Xiong was a little panicked.

After the first emperor became emperor, he attached great importance to legality, and would not have such intimacy with generals of his level.

Zuo Xiao ordered the public transportation rail to come forward and said, "Your Majesty, as shown in your picture, the blast furnace has been repaired on the bank of Bashui, and the ore, coke, coal powder, etc. are also ready."

A moment later, on the bank of Bashui, under the command of Yang Xiong, tens of thousands of Lantian soldiers surrounded the construction site within ten miles.

After a while, Fusu saw the vertical blast furnace built strictly according to his requirements.

The furnace body is tower-shaped, with a maximum inner diameter of three meters. In order to prevent collapse, there is a support frame at the bottom.

The furnace wall is thin at the top and thick at the bottom, and the belly is as thick as half a meter. The innermost layer is made of newly fired refractory bricks. At the same time, there is an air supply port, and a water row standing on the side acts as a blower.

In order to improve the efficiency of ironmaking, Fusu purposely put the public transport rail on the other side, and built a feeding equipment pulled by two donkeys, including a climbing wooden rail and a special feeding cart with a movable door at the bottom.

After the trolley climbs to the top of the furnace under traction, the buckle at the bottom of the trolley will be inserted by the hook, thereby opening the discharge port and dumping fuel or ore into the furnace.

For this era, the system has been regarded as the top technology.

Unlike shaft furnaces with large openings and low heat, once a blast furnace is put into production, it will not stop operating for a long time. It must continuously input fuel and ore, and its output is much higher than that of a shaft furnace.

For this reason, along the Weishui and Jingshui, the boatmen delivering materials to the Bashui River were busy almost without rest.

Not only that, Fusu also opened the warehouse of Shaofu, took out many big logs that were going to be built for the palace, and summoned the craftsmen of Naishi County to make all-out efforts to make inland river cargo ships.

Not only to improve the efficiency of transporting ore and fuel to the blast furnace, but more importantly, the waste left over from ironmaking is just used to burn cement!
Fusu looked at the vertical blast furnace standing by the river and asked, "Are you familiar with the process?"

"Return to Your Majesty, I have rehearsed dozens of times, and there is no mistake!"

"If that's the case, let's get started!"


After Gong Shugui finished speaking, he walked to the blast furnace and shouted loudly: "Start!"

With his order, nearly a hundred craftsmen began to get busy, heating the hot blast stove, opening the baffle of the water drain, so that the water in the ditch could flow evenly, and large pieces of coal were thrown into it and poured with oil, burning blazingly the woodpile...

Soon, there were waves of billowing heat waves blowing in the blast furnace, and with the addition of raw materials such as iron ore and coke, billowing thick smoke began to emerge from the furnace.

"Is this what His Majesty said about ironmaking?" Gongzi Dagon looked at everything in front of him dumbfounded.

Meng Yi and others beside him also had the same expression.

"Of course, but what is produced now is only pig iron. It can be used to make some iron pots, plowshares and so on. The performance is still not ideal. If you want good iron, you still need to go through forging or further steelmaking..."

Fusu casually perfunctory Young Master Dagon, silently thinking about what to do with the iron he trained earlier.

(End of this chapter)

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