Chapter 201
Boom boom boom!
The earth is shaking!
In Han Xin's sight, the Huns poured in from the north and west sides of Nuoshui, vast and endless, like a vast ocean.

Tens of thousands of horseshoes stomped heavily on the ground, and the snow that was raised was like a sandstorm, covering the entire place as far as the eye could see.


Han Xin smiled coldly, put down the binoculars in his hand, and ordered the flag bearer to raise the dog flag. This is to order the crossbowmen of the whole army to move under the ice wall and prepare to shoot outward.

This ice wall, neither high nor short, can be used to restrict the Huns cavalry from coming and going like the wind.

Of course, this is not to say that the cavalry of the Qin army cannot defeat the cavalry of the Huns, but that the offensive and defensive forces are changing. Now in the barracks of the Qin army, countless cattle, sheep, horses, women, and money are imprisoned.

If Han Xin ordered to abandon the camp for mobile combat, I'm afraid it would be useless even if he had Shangfang Zhanmajian in his hand!

So the Xiongnu prisoners of war built an ice wall along the Nuo River under the supervision of the Qin army, and dug trenches in the camp.

In this way, if the Huns want to attack, they need to dismount and fight on foot.

And when dismounting and fighting, the tall and long-armed, hard-wearing Qin people, after eating a lot of beef and mutton, it is no exaggeration to say that each of them can fight ten short, bow-legged Huns. people!

When the Huns riders gradually approached the outer ice wall for a few miles, they stopped advancing, sat on horseback and waited for orders from their respective leaders, and checked their weapons from time to time.

It's just that compared with the gleaming iron armor on Qin Jun's body, and the sharp halberds and short swords in his hands, most of the Huns held horse sticks and flails for driving cattle and sheep.

Only those Huns with the first level of leadership are holding inner arc knives made of bronze.

Only the higher-ranking Qianchang and the one-in-a-million eagle shooters used copper-made feather arrows in their quiver.

This is the reason why the Han Dynasty people of later generations can proudly say 'one Han should be five Hu'.

The fun of bullying the poor has existed thousands of years ago.

Unlike some film and television works of later generations, the physical fitness of grassland people of the same class is far inferior to that of Central Plains people of the same class.

This is especially true for the feudal dynasties whose capital was in the Guanzhong area.

Let Gansu, Shaanxi, Hebei, and Shanxi be full, and the world will be peaceful.

The men in these four provinces have enough food and clothing, and even without strict military training, they can fight the Huns and Turks, crying for their fathers and mothers, and running around!
And the collapse of these feudal dynasties is mostly because the people in these four places can't eat enough, and then people from Henan and Shandong provinces beat them four. The people in the north resisted twice symbolically, and then waited for the change of dynasty...

So when those Huns in leather jackets saw the Qin army waiting in the distance, they all showed hesitation on their faces.

What the Huns are best at is to use the mobility and flexibility of the cavalry to detour and attack from the flanks. This requires a lot of combat space, and the opponent does not form a tight battle formation.

But now?

A thousand chief came to the side of the right-handed household and said, "Should we surround them first, and then attack when the army of the Great Chanyu arrives!"

Another Qianchang also came over and said: "I remember Li Zhi said that ten will surround them and five will attack them. Now our number is not five times that of the Qin people, so we should not take the initiative to attack!"

The right-hand man was furious, and whipped each of them vigorously with a whip.

"You two cowards, are you marmots who only know how to hide in caves?" You Dahu yelled loudly: "If you are afraid of the Qin people, put your head in your crotch and run away, I am not afraid of them !"

A Qianchang who was beaten muttered in a low voice: "Don't be afraid, when the Qin people attacked, you ran faster than yellow sheep!"

"What?" The right big man roared angrily again, swung out the bronze inner arc knife in his hand, and beheaded that Qianchang on the spot with one knife!

The right-hand man raised the bronze inner arc knife dripping with blood and shouted loudly: "If you don't obey my order, this will be the end!"

A Hun warrior standing under the banner of the right-handed wolf suddenly blew the huge horn in his hand.

woo woo woo woo!

The horn made a low whimpering sound, like a wolf howling at the moon.

In a short time, a series of horns sounded, and the horns sounded bursts, like a pack of wolves responding to their own wolf.

The sound of the horn was also mixed with the sound of barbarians and louder and louder shouts of killing.

"No guts!"

On the high platform in the Qin Army's fortress, Han Xin sneered again, raised his right hand and waved violently, and the war drums under the high platform suddenly burst into a loud sound.

The voice rolled away like thunder, suppressing the shouts of the Huns in the blink of an eye.

The Huns in the distance, urged by the sound of the horn, lined up and slowly approached the Qin army's barrier on horseback.

This is their homeland, the homeland they depend on for their livelihood with lush water and grass, without this place, they cannot live!

In the fortress of the Qin army, the sound of drums from the Chinese army exploded in the hearts of every soldier like spring thunder.

After the halberd soldiers in the Qin army responded to the orders of the Chinese army, they changed from squatting to standing, walked forward and walked behind the crossbowmen, forming a flesh and blood Great Wall with their bodies.

In their immature or vicissitudes of life, there is no trace of cowardice or retreat.

Some are excited, some are longing.

Like a hungry wolf seeing meat!
At this moment, in their eyes, the Huns who were slowly moving toward them were no longer human beings. They were land, houses, and titles enjoyed by their neighbors!

There was a shout of killing from nowhere.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of Qin soldiers shouted in unison:

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After a while, the shouts of killing gradually ceased, replaced by a battle song that had been sung by the people of Qin for hundreds of years:

"Why don't you say no clothes? The same robes as your son. Wang Yuxing's teacher, repair my spear. I share the same hatred with my son!"


Under this battle song, the people of Qin rose from the wilderness of Longxi, gradually grew from a small country of barbarians to a powerful Qin that the world admires, and finally fought the survivors of the sixth generation to bring the world into one!

But now, these Guanzhong children in the Jiuyuan Army who have inherited the glory of their ancestors, are they going to hide behind the ice wall and wait for the enemy to attack?

As a result, some military officials who were encouraged by the battle song looked at Han Xin one after another.

They are waiting for the general order of the Chinese army, waiting for the order for them to take the initiative to attack!

As long as the order allows, they will surely go forward, even if they die nine times, they will not regret it!
On the high platform in the army, Han Xin directly ignored these fiery gazes.

As Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, those who are invincible must defend; those who can be victorious must attack.If the rules are insufficient, there is more than enough to attack. Those who are good at defending hide under the ground, and those who are good at attacking move above the long sky, so they can protect themselves and win all.

(End of this chapter)

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