Chapter 202
In the sky, snowflakes are falling.

Han Xin, who was taught the art of military strategism by a different person in his childhood, has his own understanding of this sentence.

The so-called "the invincible, keep it" means that if you find that there is no chance to win, you should hide yourself and don't let the opponent find a loophole.

Although the army's morale is available now, the whole army is holding back their energy to go out and fight a tough battle with the Huns, but this will inevitably cause a lot of losses.

Horse sticks and flails can also kill people!

But now as the defender, Qin Jun has the cover of night, and in the same situation of bad battles, the advantages of equipment will be infinitely magnified.

It is also blind, and blunt objects are hit on the body. With the excellent iron armor as a buffer, most of them are not fatal, but the assassination of swords and halberds can easily pierce the fur of the Huns and cause fatal injuries to them!
So it is necessary to wait until "the winner can attack", that is, wait until the opponent reveals his flaws, and then attack to win.

As the head coach of the right army, Han Xin has his own views on this battle, that is, "if the rules are not enough, there is more than enough to attack." If you know that you are not strong enough, you will defend, and you must have an overwhelming advantage to be able to attack!

And his surplus was the Central Route Army led by Wang Li.

Counting the days, no matter how procrastinated, the Central Route Army should arrive within half a day.

At that time, the central army will outflank from the outside, and the right army will counterattack from the inside, at least half of the Huns will be left behind!
So after seeing the Huns gradually approaching, Han Xin raised the command flag in his left hand and waved it twice.

"Arrowers prepare!"

Accompanied by the voices of the village chiefs, there was a series of drumming sounds.

According to the usual time, the rain of arrows has already begun to cover at this time.

But all the soldiers of the Qin army knew that they were standing behind the ice wall, and the Huns would not dare to rush over as usual.

After all, with the barrier of the ice wall, the Huns could only dismount and fight on foot.

Although the charge on horseback can be approached quickly, it can easily become a living target for the Qin army. When the horse is hit by an arrow and falls to the ground, it is difficult for the rider on the horse to survive.

So the Huns stopped outside the range of the crossbow arrows of the Qin army, took off the wooden round shields covered with animal skins from the horses, and began to line up.

Han Xin saw through the telescope that many Huns' shields had cracks.

Without the Helan Mountains and Yin Mountains, the Huns could not get enough wood to repair their weapons, and this was also reflected in their dilapidated ox carts.

Han Xin looked at the Huns marching slowly from the north and west, and fine-tuned his deployment again.

However, he was not worried that the Huns would attack the Qin army from the east and south, because there was Nuo Shui, and the Huns did not have large boats, so they could only swim with arms when they launched a surprise attack, and entering the water this season was courting death!

"Everyone cheer up Nai Gong, whoever doesn't listen to orders and shoots arrows privately, Nai Gong will wring his head off and use it as a chamber pot!"

In the Qin army's formation, a village chief with a big arm and a round waist yelled loudly.

They are now fighting a defensive battle, and they have no logistical supplies. They only carry so many crossbows, and they have no conditions to go outside to dig them back after shooting.

Well, just like what is often said in later generations, the arrows of this period were made of bronze, so what was shot was not only arrows, but also money!

And the cost of the arrow shaft is even more expensive than the arrow!
Therefore, during the Hanwu period, Li Ling carried 50 arrows (some say 150 million) when he attacked the Huns, which can only be said to be rich and powerful!
woo woo woo woo!

The horns of the Huns changed from low and desolate to loud and passionate.

The Xiongnu warriors marching in formation began to change from slow walking to trotting, and then accelerated again, changing from jogging to fast running.

"Rush! Rush over!"

All the Huns know that soon they will be hit by the terrifying and impenetrable arrows of the Qin people. Only with the blessing of the wolf god and running faster can they survive!
"Ah ah ah ah..."

Suddenly, there was a burst of howling and howling among the Huns who were charging, and many Hun warriors jumped around and cursed loudly.

If someone is sharp enough, they will find that there is a three-inch long spike under the sole of their foot.

This was a small gift prepared by Han Xin for the Huns. It was buried under the snow and covered with withered grass, so it couldn't be seen even in the daytime.

When the Hun warriors in the front row became timid, the herdsmen and slaves who followed them became even more afraid.

Han Xin put down the binoculars and sighed slightly, but it was a pity that there was not enough time. Otherwise, a large formation of caltrops would be placed in front of the ice wall, which could hold the Huns at least for two or three days!
However, there are advantages and disadvantages to this kind of thing. When the central army rushes to help, the wood thorns will also slow down their own attack speed.

Soon, the Hun warrior realized that there were no more spikes in front of him, so he raised his shield to his chest and began to thrust again.

As soon as the sound of Qin Jun's drum changed, the impatient crossbowmen who had been waiting for a long time tapped their hanging knives and shot out the crossbow arrows that had been wound for a long time.


The sound of crossbow bolts splitting the shield sounded one after another, and a large number of Hun warriors in the charge fell down like wind blowing wheat waves.

At the same time, the herdsmen who followed the Hun warriors began to shoot arrows while running.

In an instant, countless locust-like arrows flew out of the torrent formed by the Huns, drew a complete parabola in the sky, and fell towards the Qin army with powerful kinetic and potential energy.

"Raise your shield!"

With the order of their respective commanders, the well-made shields were lifted above their heads in unison.

Immediately afterwards, a series of crackling sounds sounded.

It's just that except for some unlucky people who were shot by arrows falling from the gaps in the shield wall, the rain of arrows from the Huns was basically blocked.

And most of the Qin soldiers who were shot had only skin trauma.

The armor on them is mainly used to resist flying arrows on the battlefield.

Under the wolf flag, the right-hand man jumped into a rage: "Rush over there, and strangle the Qin people to death!"

The few thousand chiefs around him looked slightly sideways. Most of the people who died on the battlefield were their followers. If it wasn't for the fear that the right-hand man was the Chanyu's cronies, and his headquarters was breached by the Qin people, that would be It's his own bad luck, it's none of their business!

Outside the Qin army's barrier, the Huns approached the ice wall step by step against the dense rain of arrows.

At this moment, from the vast grassland in the distance, a melodious horn sounded.

"The Central Route Army has arrived!"

"General Wang Li has brought someone here!"

The Qin army in the barrier cheered loudly, and then crossed the ice wall with the sudden sound of drums, and launched a countercharge against the ashen-faced Huns.

In the distance, under the flag of the wolf, a horse riding a horse seems to be flying to the north.

(End of this chapter)

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