Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 203 Warm water boiled frog

Chapter 203 Warm water boiled frog

Lanchi Palace, Qinzheng Hall.

Although he worked hard for half a night, Fusu still started to crow. After taking two simple bites, he continued to read today's memorabilia.

On the top is an urgent memorial sent from Yiyang to Shang Shu's door by the public transmission rail.

Although there are only a few hundred words, there is only one main body throughout the article.

Play money!

Well, to be precise, it is a request for food allocation.

According to the Gongshu track record, in addition to the original craftsmen and craftsmen in Yiyang's iron and steel workshop, more than 1 households with a population of nearly [-] workers were gathered.

Fusu took a look at the map. If the original plan was followed, it would be equivalent to adding a large county with ten thousand households between Yiyang County and Lushi County!

It’s no wonder that many cities in later generations have factories first, and then cities... Fusu thought of his hometown, which should still be a vast ocean, just like the pancakes in the north and pancakes in the south, they are all still under the sea It's sinking!
Based on the monthly consumption of two shi per person, the food needed by these 7 people is 14 shi per month!

Thirty kilograms per stone is 4000 or two hundred tons of grain!

More than 5 tons a year!
In later generations, this is a completely insignificant number, but in Qin, where the yield per mu is more than 100 catties, it is a number that can make everyone's hair tingle.

It is no wonder that the beginning of industrialization in later generations was the textile industry, rather than metallurgy and chemical industries.

After all, compared to the capital-intensive heavy industry that requires a huge amount of capital to build roads, blast furnaces, and train skilled workers from the beginning, the textile industry only needs to recruit dozens or hundreds of women and even children, and prepare dozens of spinning machines.

But this is true for ordinary traversers, but not for the emperor Fusu.

Because what he has to consider is not just whether to make money or not.

It's that everyone has work to do, and everyone can earn a living by their own labor!
In Fusu's view, the turmoil in the last years of the Qin Dynasty was the same as the demise of other feudal dynasties, that is, the problem of land annexation had reached a very serious level.

If the report sent by Hou Feng is true, then you can see the whole leopard at a glance, the counties and counties in Shandong have long been the land of the rich, and the poor have no place to stand!

Although the total population of the Qin State at this time should not exceed 3000 million, unlike the feudal dynasties in which the Jiangnan area was continuously developed in later generations, most of the population of the Qin State at this time was concentrated in the Central Plains area of ​​​​the Yellow River Basin.

Take Nanjun near the Guanzhong area as an example. There are only about 15 households and more than [-] people there.

And according to the law that the further south, the smaller the population, the specific distribution of the tens of millions of people in Qin State can be imagined.

In addition, the terrain in the Central Plains is flat, so it is impossible to build large-scale water conservancy projects according to the situation like Guanzhong or Shu County, so the food production that depends on the weather is naturally extremely unreliable.

The land is narrow and the people are crowded, coupled with the exploitation of corrupt bureaucrats, so it is not difficult to understand the prosperity of winning food.

Fusu guessed that in the original history, after his stupid Oududou succeeded to the throne, in the face of such a tense situation, he chose to strictly implement the Qin law, that is, to enforce the land restriction order in the Shandong counties, and prepare to The private land occupied by those powerful households was taken back and redistributed to the bankrupt owner farmers.

It's a pity that just like the phrase "cut off people's wealth and kill their parents", when the land restriction order was issued in the world.

The powder kegs on the Central Plains were instantly ignited!
On the corpse of Qin, the powerful and wealthy established a brand new dynasty: Han!

So after the establishment of the Han Dynasty, the central government of the Han Dynasty changed from a big government like Qin that managed everything to a small government that only took care of the one-third of an acre of land in front of its own house.

Well, they call it doing nothing...

In terms of the national system, it has also changed from the county system to the county-state system.

So there is an old-fashioned problem, that is, when the princes can wantonly occupy the land of the self-cultivating farmers, the powerful and powerful families can also legally occupy the land of the self-cultivating farmers!
As for those self-cultivating farmers who have gone bankrupt under heavy taxes, they can only be blamed for being lazy!
Even if the Han Dynasty successively introduced the Mausoleum Relocation System and the Suanyi System, they were nothing more than a temporary solution, not the root cause, and to a certain extent, this was a disguised form that accelerated the speed of land annexation.

After all, most of those who can become powerful and powerful families occupy a place in the imperial court.

Even in the later order of suing, it is not difficult to have the funny situation of "who in the hall sues this official".

Fusu dipped a brush in ink, and wrote his edict on the memorandum, allowing the public transportation to allocate grain from the Ao warehouse in Xingyang County, and take out the ocher clothes stored in the official warehouse in Sanchuan County, and distribute, no, yes Sold to workers in the workshop.

It’s almost summer now, so men’s and women’s suits cost 55 yuan a set, and children’s suits cost 44 yuan.

Let these migrant workers pay for a uniform first, so that they will not be willing to leave until they earn back the money for the uniform.

When they realize that being workers for the emperor is more promising than being tenant farmers for big families, even if they want to whip them, they won't be able to run away!

This is one of the reasons why Fusu established a heavy industry in Sanchuan County, not just to manufacture more ironware, and then improve the overall productivity of society.

Moreover, through the characteristic that industrialization requires more people, it is necessary to attract bankrupt farmers who work for big households.

When there are fewer people and more land, those rich and powerful households who own a large amount of land will either let their fields go to waste, or raise the wages of tenant farmers so that they will not go to work in the factory and stay in the fields to cultivate.

Well, this is like the Ping Tiao Order of this period, and the minimum wage standard of later generations...

In this era when the land was as big as the sky, what Fusu had to do was to recognize the land occupied by powerful families, and then use legal means to separate the population controlled by them from the land.

Wait until they only have land and no one else, and then slowly clean them up!

To the north of Yanshan Mountain, Donghu Royal Court.

Kuai Che was sitting in a wooden house that was extremely gorgeous according to Donghu standards, but looked dilapidated according to Qin people. Beside him was the son Jiang Lu who had lost a lot of weight.

Although Kuai Che was the deputy envoy to Donghu this time, everyone in the envoy knew who was the one who had the final say.

Young Master Jianglu took a sip of the slightly sour fruit wine: "Let's just wait here, don't you want to see King Donghu?"

Kuai Che smiled and shook his head: "Young Master, don't worry, just wait patiently!"

Young Master Jianglu sighed: "Wait, how long do we have to wait?"

Kuai Che said confidently: "Wait until the messengers from the Donghu people come from the west!"

(End of this chapter)

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