Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 206 The Conventional Plow

Chapter 206 The Conventional Plow

"The emperor's agricultural work is first, and Meng Chun is the only one. Zai Lei and Si, Xin and Nanmu."

"The seedlings are planted with cloth. The emperor bows and pushes three times, and the earth anoints and thunders."

"Hundreds of craftsmen work side by side, and they cultivate the marshes. The age is about one year, the virtue of Emperor Qin."

"I craft my millet, and I collect my millet. For sweets and cheese, consider auspicious rituals."


Amidst the ceremonial officials' rich emotions and ups and downs, Fusu walked up to the Xiannong God's seat again, and led the ministers and ministers to bow three times and kneel down nine times.

At this time, the musicians played "The Chapter of Xianfeng", which is the third step of the sacrifice, Ya Xian.

"There is nothing called virtue, but sincerity is worthy, and the gods are willing to keep it alive, but it is only a sign of concubine. How is it different from the ancient times, the gods have given it, and now it eats everything."

In the distance, the dancers representing Wen began to dance to the sound of the music. The musical instruments made of pheasant feathers and bamboo pipes in their hands were used to show Qin's Wende.

Well, under the guidance of this kind of culture and virtue, the kings of the six kingdoms of Shandong were inspired to join the Qin Kingdom on their own initiative...

Amidst the melodious music, Fusu received a wine-filled jue from a visitor and saluted. After the second toast, the gift of Yaxian was considered complete.

At this time, the musicians played the "Chapter of Great Harvest" again, and began to perform the final gift.

"The scorpion, the scorpion, and the scorpion are all bestowed by the gods, and they are used to feed the gods. They are eaten by the common people, and the gods protect them. They protect us in Guizhou and Li. There are many things in all directions. This is the three pushes."

Amid the chants of the actors, Fusu dedicated the fine wine to the God of Xiannong for the third time, in order to make him shake his hands after drinking high, and have a good year this year...

Well, the next step is the pragmatism that the Chinese have continued for thousands of years... After Fusu once again led the ministers to bow three times and kneel down nine times, they entered the fifth part of the sacrifice, removing the food.

So the music changed again, and the actors sang "The Chapter of Repeated Harvest" in unison.

"Qingzhi is in charge, soil ointment pulses, donates auspicious hail every day, raises plowing rites, God rests in Yu, I don't want to abandon it, the deacon is dismissed, and I will raise my toes."

Amidst the chanting, the offerings that had just been placed in front of the Xiannong god were carried away by the ceremony officials.

In official terms, this is an ancient ceremony, and the emperor and officials who participated in the sacrificial offerings must share the sacrifices, expressing the blessings of the gods being sacrificed.

So Chen Ping, who was dressed in black, came up from the steps and began to cut up the sacrificial pigs, cattle and sheep.

Well, his technique of dividing meat has always been very good...

When all the sacrifices were taken away, Fusu again led the ministers and ministers to kneel in front of the God of Xiannong, bowing three times and kneeling nine times.

This is the sixth step in the sacrificial process, sending off the gods.

During this period, the musicians played "The Chapter of Baofeng", and the actors began to sing in unison:
"Bandits are here to stay, bandits are here today. Spiritual rains adore the court, and Tian's family is rich in gold. Examination of bells and drums, singing of zithers and zithers. God listens to it, and there will be a great year."

When Feng Quji waited for a group of veterans with pale faces and cold sweat on their foreheads, the sacrificial process had reached the last stage.

Wang Yu (wàng yì).

At this time, the musicians played "The Chapter of Qingfeng".

"The altar of susu, illuminates the sky, and the gods go down to the gods, and the wind is awe-inspiring. The jade version of Cang coins is buried to pray to the gods. God listens to it, and it will last for a long time."

This is basically unilaterally declaring that this year must be a bumper year. Xiannong God would not renege on his debts. After all, he enjoyed all the sacrifices, silk, and fine wine...

Fusu picked up a thin slice of beef head meat, looked at the ministers and ministers standing in front of him, and after admonishing him, he stuffed the meat into his mouth and started chewing.

Although the pigs, beef, and sheep used for the sacrifice were all undercooked, but his piece was completely cooked, so it was not only effortless to chew, but also had a faint milky aroma...

After sharing the sacrifices, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the first farmers will officially come to an end, and next year, people will use the same method to pray for a good harvest...

Well, it's so annoying... Fusu continued to walk down the altar with square steps, her stomach full.

What happened next was an out-and-out political show.

Pro farming.

The fat man who wanted to be unconventional everywhere, but did not make changes to this one activity.

Since the emperor had to personally carry the Leisi agricultural tools, put them between the right side of the chariot and the royal, and then lead the princes and officials of the Sangong and Jiuqing to plow the fields in person.

The Son of Heaven pushes it three times, the Sangong pushes it five times, and the Jiuqing and princes (Chehou, Guanneihou, and Lunhou) push it nine times.

Then the work was over, and everyone took them back to Zhangtai Palace for a good meal, which was called 'Lao Jiu Banquet'...

However, in this year's Ceremony of Initiating Farming, Fusu wants to set an example to the subjects of the world. Although the emperor was born with a golden spoon in his mouth, he has to get involved in farming!
Well, the main purpose is to show off the newly made plowshare to everyone!
This is a kind of plow called the common plow that Fusu saw in the Atlantic Monthly in later generations.

It is a kind of plow that the British made on the basis of the plow transformed by the Dutch who copied the Chinese Quyuan plow, which can both plow and plow the land.

The conventional plow was one of the most important supporting agricultural implements in Europe and America until the advent of tractors using internal combustion engines in the late 19th century.

The article also sighed at the end that without the common plow, agriculture as we (the Angsa gang) know it would not exist in northern Europe or the American Midwest!
Therefore, when several soldiers walked into the farmland carrying the plow, the officials who were waiting not far away to push the plow a few times were stunned.

Right Prime Minister Feng Quji wiped off the sweat from his face and asked, "What is this? Is it a plow? Why does it look so weird?"

Zhi Su Nei Shi Zheng Guo was supported by two envoys and kept panting heavily, so he completely ignored Feng Quji's inquiry.

Feng Chang Hu Wujing glared at Meng Tian who rolled up his sleeves and walked down, and murmured: "This, this is not proper manners! The emperor hasn't finished plowing by himself, what is the eunuch going to do?"

Lang Zhongling Meng Yi waved his hands to the crowd looking towards him: "Don't look at me, I don't know anything!"

Although he and Fusu had already decided where to go, because it was now in the spring plowing period and there was not so much manpower in Guanzhong to transport supplies to Nanjun, Meng Yi had to serve as Lang Zhongling for a while.

So, all eyes were on Jiang Zuo Shaofu Gong Shigui, who shrank behind.

Gong Shugui, who was leaning on the tree trunk to catch his sleep, woke up suddenly. At this time, he was stared at by a large group of high-ranking officials with two thousand shi. He asked nervously, "What, what is it?"

Feng Jie, the official censor, suddenly became furious: "You actually fell asleep on such an important occasion? Where is the censor!"

Seeing this, Zhang Cang, the censor Zhongcheng, came out, waved his hand to make the censor who was in charge of discipline step down, and smoothed things over with a smile: "Do not be so angry, doctor censor, he will be working diligently on the state affairs of the young mansion, and he rushed from Sanchuan county overnight. Come back, Your Majesty has specifically instructed you not to criticize him with small details!"

ps: Thank you for the monthly pass of 'Xidai'! (=^▽^=)
(End of this chapter)

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