Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 207 Public Transport Rail: Crossing the River and Destroying the Bridge!

Chapter 207 Public Transport Rail: Crossing the River and Destroying the Bridge!


Feng Jie frowned, staring at Zhang Cang gloomyly with slightly closed eyes.

"The important affairs of the country are enshrined in Rong. Today, His Majesty the Emperor came to sacrifice to Xiannong in person, and sleeping on such an important occasion, is it also a small festival?"

Zhang Cang's chubby face, which was always full of smiles in the past, also became gloomy, and he stared at Feng Jie without showing any weakness, but he didn't answer his question.

On the other side, the censors in charge of picketing discipline also stood still. It stands to reason that they should follow the boss's order, take the public transportation track down, and then punish them according to the law.

But Zhang Cang, who is sitting in the third place, is their immediate boss. As the saying goes, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. If you offend this smiling tiger, you will be suffocated into a three-inch golden lotus!

In the dilemma of these censors, Prime Minister Zuo Wei Liao laughed, stepped forward and pretended to persuade a few words, both inside and outside the meaning of trivial matters.

Seeing this scene, Ting Wei Yao Jia also stood up and argued loudly.

As a result, when officials from different factions joined in, the discussion was not limited to the right and wrong of the public transport rails in the ceremony of making up for the plowing, but also brought out many old sesame seeds and rotten millet. .

Those censors who were stunned wanted to take care of it, but seeing one of their boss blowing his beard and staring at his eyes, and the other was smiling, so they shrank their necks and looked at their eyes, nose, nose and heart.

Gradually, the commotion spread to Fusu who was in charge of placing the plow in the farmland. He looked back at the group of old men with red faces and thick necks, and shook his head as if he hadn't seen them.

Meng Tian handed over a poor plow horse to a Zhong Lang, and said gloatingly, "Your Majesty, don't worry about it?"

Fusu smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, as long as there is no fight, let them go! But if there is a fight, it will damage the prestige of the empire, hehe, I will go to the Zongtian beside the temple to weed go!"

In fact, what he didn't say clearly is that the tofu fell into the ashes and couldn't be beaten, what should I do?
Only when they face each other can they know which side a certain person's butt is sitting on, which bowl of rice they want or are eating!

While Fusu was watching several engineers adjust the frame method, Feng Quji, who had been closing his eyes for a long time, finally couldn't hold back anymore. He coughed twice, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Shut up!" ! We are here today to sacrifice to the gods, not to settle old scores! We have offended God, who of you can bear this responsibility!"

When Prime Minister Zuo, who was nominally under one person and above ten thousand people, spoke, everyone could only shut up, and then rearranged according to title and salary.

"The driving equipment is ready, the emperor will start farming!"

A ceremony official shouted loudly, and the voice of Lu Chuan was relayed to all directions.

In an instant, Huang Zhong Dalu's voice resounded through the sky!

"let's start!"

Fusu shook the whip in his hand, and the two ragged horses dragging the plow immediately started exerting force.

As a servant, Meng Tian has never driven a carriage for Fu Su, so today can be regarded as making up for his regret a little.

At this moment on the farmland, Fusu is supporting the plow, Meng Tian is leading the horse, welcoming the sunrise and sending off the sunset...

Then a scene that shocked everyone happened.

Fusu didn't look like he was holding a plow at all, he seemed to be strolling in the courtyard with ease, and his speed was far faster than that of a Quyuan plow pulled by an ox.

Feng Jie said with a smile: "Your Majesty is a nobleman after all, it is really hard for him to let him plow the fields!"

Yao Jia echoed in a low voice, "That's right, at such a speed, the plowshare probably won't hit the soil at all! You see, the handrail doesn't wobble at all!"

Hu Wujing shook his head and said: "Oh, you can see, your Majesty's personal farming is always more meaningful than actual effect!"

Listening to their discussion, apart from Gong Zhugui's disdainful expression, even Zhang Cang and the others smiled and shook their heads in silence.

What Hu Wujing said is right, the emperor has a lot of things to do every day, and he couldn't and shouldn't focus on how to cultivate the fields.
But soon, everyone realized that the problem was wrong.

Because the location of Fusu's plowing field is not far from them, they can clearly see that Fusu is really plowing the field, because the color of the soil turned up by the plowshare is completely different from the surface soil.

Although they almost never work in the fields in their lives, if they can't even make such a simple judgment, they should go home early and take care of their grandchildren!
So Feng Jie frowned tightly: "What... what's going on? Why is the land plowing so fast? Could it be that the one pulling the plow is a war horse in the army?"

Yao Jia shook his head slightly and said, "Absolutely not. The old man has studied horses quite well. Those two are just ordinary prairie horses!"

Zheng Guo took a step outside, looked at it intently for a while and said, "Could it be a new type of farm tool like Quyuanli? What about the public transport rail? Could it be that he hid somewhere and slept again!"

Gong Chugui came out of the crowd with a smile: "How dare you! I don't know what Zhi Su Nei Shi wants me to do?"

Zheng Guo pointed to the plowshare in the distance and asked, "Do you recognize this thing?"

Gong Chugui nodded: "Of course, the one His Majesty is holding is Tianzi No. [-] conventional plow!"

"A conventional plow?"

Hearing this, the surrounding Sangong Jiuqing, as well as officials above Qianshi all cheered up.

Although they each have their own little calculations in their hearts, even if this new type of plow is used in their own farmland, it is something that can create more wealth for them!
So for a moment, everyone surrounded him on the spot, and vaguely found the feeling of selling glass that day, but at that time, he was surrounded by a large group of Ying surnames who had retaliatory consumption after getting rich. Clan.

Have you seen the ancestors, craftsmen also have spring...Gong Chuai forced back the tears in his eyes, sucked his nose and said: "This is a newly built according to the blueprint drawn by His Majesty. It is a combination of plowing and plowing. The plow! The biggest difference from the curved plow is that there is a movable sleeve at the joint of the plow shaft and the plow mirror, which can make the plow shaft swing left and right."

"In this way, you don't need to shake the handrail frequently when using it, which can save you more effort. Moreover, you only need to hold the handrail, and the width and depth of the plow blank can be kept constant, always at an optimum place!"

"The only disadvantage is that it is too heavy, and it is only suitable for large fields cultivated by animal power. There is also a new plow with five plowshares loaded underneath, but that requires four strong swallow horses! Hey, don't go Ah, I haven't finished yet..."

Gong Shugui looked at the Gongqing who walked past him in a group, and suddenly turned into a bitter wife.

The ritual officials of Fengchang Mansion wanted to stop it, after all, it was not in accordance with the etiquette system, but seeing that their boss was following behind, they just pretended not to see it.

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'People who passed by' and 'If you want to read novels, you have to pay more'! (`) than heart
(End of this chapter)

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