Chapter 208 Hongling Messenger
"Shut up!"

Meng Tian reined in his horse and stared blankly at Wuyang Wuyang's ministers and ministers who were walking towards him. He turned around and looked at Fusu and said, "The start-up ceremony is not over yet, and they are too unruly!"

Fusu nodded and said: "The servant's words are reasonable, when the edict is passed down, each person will be punished with a pair of armor as a punishment!"

Meng Tian suddenly saw that his younger brother was also among them, so he turned to intercede and said: "Punishment is too heavy, I think it is better to reprimand, after all, they are all ministers, and we still have to take care of the face of the whole empire!"

Fusu cast a sideways glance at him and said nothing, the emperor spoke like a king, a word is worth a fortune, how can he change it just by saying it?

In a short while, Feng Quji and others walked three steps away from Fusu together, folded their hands and bent down to salute.

Fu Su and Zhang Cang behind the crowd looked at each other, the latter nodded slightly, his eyes were narrow and long because he had gained a little weight again, revealing a look of control.

What does he mean by winking at me...Fu Su frowned slightly and asked, "Why did you come here?"

Gongzi Zongzheng walked out, stared at the plow in Fusu's hand and said, "I heard that Your Majesty has made a new plow, so I came here to congratulate Your Majesty!"

Whether it is the later generations or the current state of Qin, for farmers, good farm tools are a tool for creating wealth.

However, Fusu understands that although the son is very righteous in official terms, according to Fusu's private investigation, his family alone has occupied at least 30 mu of cultivated land through the method of holding it on behalf of officials. Most of them are irrigated fields near ditches!

And these ministers who looked eagerly at the plow in his hand, the land occupied by the family would not be much less than that of Gongzi Dagon!

So when a certain pavilion chief in later generations admitted that the military merits of the Qin Dynasty were also counted in the Han Dynasty, the old Qin people in Guanzhong raised their heads and helped a certain pavilion chief unify the whole country again.

Hey, let's seek common ground while reserving differences. After all, if we talk about it in detail, I am the biggest landlord and slave owner in this country... The big boss of a certain exploiting class sighed deeply, and started the "product exhibition" mode to the small bosses who surrounded him.

Although the other officials on the viewing platform were puzzled about the process of the ceremony, they didn't say anything. After all, it was the group of people who gathered together on the farmland who had the right to explain.

And on the background panel farther away, a middle-aged man in green looked around and found that compared to other previous activities in Qin State, the 'security' level of this event had improved.

The heads of Guizhou who attended the scene were organized into rows strictly according to the township where they were located, and some military officials preached to them the method of sitting together in advance.

And between every Qianshou phalanx, there are soldiers patrolling with strong crossbows and spears, and everyone's every move is closely monitored.

As a result, Zhang Liang had no choice but to let out a long sigh, and once again reminded himself in his heart that a gentleman hides his treasures in his body and waits to move...

In the other Qianshou phalanxes, many strong men dressed in the same clothes as those around them, but with a white handkerchief in their arms, also pretended to be nothing, just looking at them secretly with sinister eyes. Soldiers on patrol.

Although everyone is angry and the world is silent, but facing such tight security, if they are not fools, they will wait for the end of the grand ceremony honestly like the new Mohist giant Zhang Liang, and then prostitute Qin for a little wine and meat.

Well, this can be regarded as weakening Qin's national power in a disguised form...

Suddenly, there was the sound of horseshoes in the distance, and a group of knights beat their horses like flying, rushing towards the altar with billowing smoke and dust.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

For a while, the heads of Guizhou were talking about it.

Soon, the cavalry rushed past them. The leader was a knight in black armor and black clothes, with three red flags behind him. He was Qin Jun's Hongling messenger.

However, they are not worried about any major events happening. After all, Qin's national strength is strong, and it is the moment when the sun is rising!

If someone told them at this time that there will be a garrison rebellion in July this year, and then the people of the world will win Liang Jingcong, and in a blink of an eye, the entire old place of the six countries in Shandong will be full of wars, they will not drag you to see the officials at all, because you are crazy No one will take it to heart!

But some people are different.

At this moment, Zhang Liang, who was hiding in the crowd with his head down, suddenly raised his head, and the sharpness in his eyes showed a sharpness that was not commensurate with his attire and appearance.

"Could this be the opportunity that the Man of Destiny said!" Zhang Liang clenched his fists, fearing that his sudden change would attract the attention of soldiers from the Qin army.

So even though he was short of breath and his heart beat faster, he didn't change his expression, instead he showed a warm and jade-like smile to a Qianshou beside him.

It's just that he overlooked one point, that is, he is dressed like Zhang Fei now.

So the head of Guizhou silently moved half a step to the outside, with only three words written on his face, not doing anything...

In a short while, Hong Ling's messenger rushed to the side of the altar, and several Zhonglang stepped forward to search him repeatedly. The messenger, surrounded by two teams of soldiers, continued to run towards Fusu.

Fusu glanced around at the Gongqing who was either puzzled, nervous, or expressionless beside him, and then turned to look at the travel-worn Hongling messenger.

Um?It's him!

After Fusu recognized the person, the huge stone in his heart fell.

This is Zhang Han's younger brother, Zhang Ping, who used to be a Lang Guan by his side.

If it wasn't for Zhang Ping who was sent to the Jiuyuan Army to practice, he really thought that after he crossed, the world line would also end, and the XX township uprising happened ahead of schedule!
"Jiuyuan Great Victory!"

Hong Ling's messenger knelt down on one knee, handed the bamboo slips on his back to Han Rang who had snatched up, and fell down suddenly with relief.

"Look what's wrong with him!" Fusu didn't care about reading the battle report, and directed his attendants to check Zhang Ping's status.

Good things can be dealt with later, but bad things must be done as soon as possible.

"Return to Your Majesty, the messenger is fine, but passed out from exhaustion!"

"That's good, take him to rest under the awning over there."

Fusu nodded, indicating to submit the battle report.

The Shangshu ordered Li Cheng to go over and take the bamboo tube from Han Rang. After seeing that the lacquer seal was correct, he opened the bamboo tube and took out a thick roll of silk cloth from it. hands.

This is the aftermath left by the Qin court since Jing Ke assassinated King Qin...

Therefore, based on the principle of being careful and making no big mistakes, Fusu also kept this set.

Well, in fact, he is wearing a very finely woven chain mail in his suit today...

Fusu opened the silk cloth and browsed it hastily, and said loudly to the people around him: "Northern victory, beheaded [-] people, captured [-] women and children, and captured a million cattle, sheep and horses. On the east mountain of Nuoshui, set up a monument to the Xiongnu in Yongzheng Town!"

Meng Tian and the others immediately bowed their hands and bowed: "I congratulate Your Majesty!"

In a short time, when the battle report reached Guishou, who was watching the ceremony, there was a roar like a tsunami.

"The Qin army is mighty!"

"Daqin Wannian!"

(End of this chapter)

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