Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 209 Young people go to the north!

Chapter 209 Young people go to the north!

Amidst the roar of mountains and tsunami, Fusu let Meng Tian and others continue to complete the ceremony of starting farming, while he reopened the silk cloth and looked at it.

Unlike Guishou, whose brothers and grandchildren mostly served in the Jiuyuan Army, he was both happy and worried.

Naturally, one should be happy after winning the battle, but for the placement of the victorious army, one's life is at stake!
After all, each human head represents the land, the house, and the city!

So, young man, go west, no, go north!
The corner of Fusu's mouth was smiling. He planned to place the title lands of these victorious troops in the east of Jingshui and south of the old Great Wall, um, roughly between Zhenyuan County and Huan County in later generations.

In this era, the forest coverage rate there is not bad, there is almost no soil erosion in later generations, and the soil everywhere is also deep and soft, very suitable for farming!

However, those who do not plan for the whole world are not enough for a moment; those who do not plan for the overall situation are not enough for a region.

As a traveler, Fusu knew that in the near future, after the average temperature drops that year, the place will become dry and rainless, gradually becoming the Loess Plateau in the impression of people in later generations.

So agriculture can be developed there, but only a little!
After thinking for a while, Fusu decided to carry out the three-field agriculture mainly based on animal husbandry.

A piece of land is divided into three parts, one is sown in spring and the other is sown in autumn, and the rest is planted with grass and the like for raising cattle and sheep.

In this way, without crops as a major water consumer, the soil erosion there should be slowed down a lot!

After all, Fusu heard in later generations that for every kilogram of grain harvested, one ton of water is consumed!
It happened that quite a few shepherdesses, cattle and sheep were captured, so it is enough to build a house and divide the fields...

Well, that's the Loess Plateau, let's build caves!

After all, compared to building a few brick houses, repairing cave dwellings requires more manpower!
But after the cave dwelling is repaired, its service life is longer than that of a brick house!
After all, one thing Chinese people like to do is to think about future generations...

The imperial court used money to buy part of the spoils they seized, namely cattle and sheep.

Then when they have money, they can just hire others to build cave dwellings for them.

In this way, everyone has work to do, and everyone will naturally have food to eat.

Fusu thought for a while, turned around and walked to the viewing platform beside him, and ordered Han Rang to prepare paper and pens immediately.

He plans to reproduce the cave dwelling in his memory, and then upgrade the existing cave dwelling technology to a higher level.

Well, in fact, there are already cave dwellings at this time.

When the ancestors of the Zhou people, Bu 窋 [kū], led their people to settle in Beibin [bīn], they lived in cave dwellings.

The Tao Fu Tao cave in "The Book of Songs Daya Mian" refers to the excavation of cave dwellings in the original settlement.

Of course, the cave dwellings excavated by the Zhou people are only a little better than the natural cave dwellings of the primitive people, at most they can be regarded as youthful cave dwellings.

Although Fusu was not born and raised on the Loess Plateau, he used to live in cave dwellings there for several days when he went on a red tour in later generations.

So what he reproduced is part of the pro plus max version.

After all, cave dwellings have different excavation and construction skills depending on the soil, but they are always the same, and they can always improve the technology tree by a large margin!

Fu Suxuan sat in front of the long table with his eyes slightly closed. The northern battle basically crippled the Huns. According to the battle report, after the battle, the Huns could not recover within five years.

The cattle, sheep and horses lost by the Xiongnu can be snatched from the surrounding nomadic tribes, but the population is not so easy to recover.

And with the flapping of Fusu's wings, the original history has begun to deviate.

After the Yuezhi people belonged to the Qin State, once the Huns attacked in a large scale, the Jiuyuan Army could go around at any time, and together with the Yuezhi and Jincheng County coalition forces, they would attack from both sides, making the Huns unable to eat and walk around!
The Dingling people in the north of the Xiongnu (not Maozi, Maozi is a Slav), the reason why they were called Gaoche by the Xianbei people later was because they were good at making and widely using high-wheeled carts.

This also shows one point, that is where they live, the grass is tall and tall, the snow is deep, and there are many swamps.

In this environment, even if they all belong to the Huns, they will not be able to replenish the population of the Huns.

Therefore, the threat facing the empire is the Donghu tribes in the northeast.

After all, according to the experience of later generations, when the barbarians in the west are disabled, the barbarians in the east will start to rise.

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, a tribe named Xianbei rejected Dingling in the north, Fuyu in the east, and Wusun in the west. They occupied the hometown of the Xiongnu, covering more than [-] miles from east to west and more than [-] miles from north to south.

So there was the Southern and Northern Dynasties...

Later, when the Tang Dynasty concentrated on dealing with the Turks on the northern front and Tubo on the western front, Shiwei, Khitan, Bohai and other tribes in the northeast had a great opportunity to rise again.

Shiwei was later Mongolia.

Therefore, it is still necessary to be the captain of the ball...Fu Su smiled, took a deep look to the northeast, and immediately began to draw.

What was overlooked by Fusu's eyes was that Zhang Liang echoed the tsunami-like cheers in the phalanx of representatives of public opinion, and two lines of hot tears filled his phoenix eyes again...


Donghu Royal Court.

Kuai Che sat under the head of King Donghu and the high priest, and took a sip of sugar cane shochu (rum) brought from the palace.

He handed out a box in front of him: "We are here this time to make friends with you, Your Majesty, on behalf of the Emperor!"

King Donghu opened it and saw that there were two completely transparent wine vessels wrapped in yellow silk in the box, and he couldn't put it down to play with it immediately.

"This is the sincerity of the Great Qin Emperor!" Kuai Che said with a serious face: "It is said that this is polished with two almost transparent dragon balls. Even in the treasure house of His Majesty, it is one of the best treasures!"

The high priest waved his hand and said, "You people from the Central Plains have a saying that when you show courtesy to others, you must ask for something! So I'm afraid you are not just here to make friends!"

Young Master Jiang Lu said in surprise: "The high priest actually knows elegant words?"

The high priest showed a look of surprise: "When the old lady was young, she used to be a hostage in the country of Yan..."

For quality?I'm afraid it's a slave... Kuai Che said with a normal face: "In that case, then I will speak directly."

"I'm here for two reasons. First, Qin Guo is willing to form a brotherly alliance with Donghu, and the two sides will not invade each other!"

"Second, His Majesty the Emperor wants to open a market in Youbeiping County, using cloth, salt, and tea from the Central Plains to trade ginseng, antler, and fur from Donghu."

"Ginseng? What is this?" The high priest frowned, his face full of doubts.

(End of this chapter)

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