Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 210 Tribute is an advanced form of alliance

Chapter 210 Tribute is an advanced form of alliance
"What is deer antler?"

"It should be the horns growing on the deer's head!"

A leader of Donghu gestured twice on his head. If this gesture was done by a girl, it would look cute, but it's a pity that he is a man with a beard.

"The people of Qin want that thing? Haha? It's so hard that it can't be chewed?"

"Don't make it!"


Kuai Che took out a roll of silk cloth from his arms again, unfolded it, pointed to the very abstract pattern painted on it and said:
"The so-called velvet refers to the young antlers that have just grown out of the deer, not the ones that grow on the head and can kill people!"

"As for ginseng, well, it probably looks like this. Well, there should be a lot of people from Sushen or Buyeo."

Kuai Che read the annotations on the cloth almost according to the script, and he was a little confused. This thing was obviously similar to the ginseng produced in Shangdang County, but His Majesty the Emperor still came to trade with the Donghu people.

The Shangdang County ginseng he was referring to was actually the Codonopsis ginseng in later generations. The ginseng in the northeast region did not appear in the cognition of the Central Plains until very late.

Seeing the Donghu people gesturing the ginseng and deer antler on the silk cloth with their palms, the young master said, "Do you still have the sable fur and pine nuts that you sent to Xianyang last time? If so, I'll take them all!"

This was specially ordered by his uncle, asking him to take advantage of the opportunity to buy some high-value local specialties at a low price and bring them back to Xianyang, and then sell them to make a profit.

Although he always felt that his status was a bit low, considering his current situation... making money, it's not shabby!

"Send?" The high priest raised his head, with a bit of grievance and anger on his furrowed face.

"Huh?" Young Master Jiang Lu was full of doubts, he thought to himself, could it be that he said something wrong again?

What he didn't know was that the reason why the Donghu people were so generous in congratulating Fusu on his succession was because before that, Yan Zhan, the governor of Yuyang County, led five thousand riders to cross the Great Wall, and just beat up the Donghu people. pause.

As for the reason?
It should be because he dislikes Donghu people who slap their mouths while eating, making him sleep because of the noise...

"I have two eagles, do you want them?" asked the Donghu leader who was gesturing antlers on his head.

"Condor Eagle?" Young Master Jiang Lu pondered for a while, thinking that Fusu often went hunting in Shanglin Garden, so he nodded and planned to buy the Condor Eagle.

Although he is not rich, as long as he can coax his elder brother well, he will have as much money as he wants!
So he picked up a glass bottle containing sugar cane shochu, and walked out accompanied by an interpreter, ready to pay with one hand and deliver with the other.

The high priest glanced around at the heads of the Donghu tribes who were full of excitement, and then whispered to the king of Donghu who was carefully playing with two glasses.

Compared with the Huns who own the salt lake, Donghu's demand for salt is more urgent.

After all, no matter whether it is a person or a captive livestock, salt is inseparable, and the latter has a greater demand for salt!

The only thing they were worried about was that they would repeat the same mistakes they made when they traded with the Yan Kingdom. The things were delivered, but the money was never seen. Instead, they were beaten severely, and a large number of people and land were taken away...

So, they decided to be more cautious.

The high priest looked at Kuai Che and said: "Since the emperor of Qin wants to form a brotherly alliance with our king, then we might as well go a step further and form a good relationship between Qin and Jin!"

"My king happens to be short of a wife. I heard from a businessman from the south that the emperor of Qin has a younger sister who is just old enough to find a man. How about..."

What kind of beast is he, to actually want to marry His Majesty's own sister?He didn’t even piss and take pictures... Kuai Che frowned, but then he put on a professional smile again, he waved his hand, interrupted the high priest’s words and said:
"Princess Yunyang is the younger sister of the Emperor's mother and compatriots. His Majesty has always regarded her as the treasure in his palm, and will never let her marry far away in Donghu!"

"Although I am an envoy of the Qin State today, I have deeply felt the enthusiasm, hospitality, hard work, and bravery of the Donghu people during these days in the royal court, and I have even more appreciated the vastness of the Donghu territory and the fertility of the land!"

"But I have a question in my heart, that is, with such a people and such a land, why are the Donghu people so poor, starving and precarious!"

The high priest glanced at him and didn't speak, thinking that he couldn't beat the Yan people, who wouldn't want to live in a warm and prosperous place in the south!
Later, the Yan people disappeared, but a more ruthless one came...

After listening to the translation, King Donghu put down the glass in his hand, imitated the etiquette taught to him by the high priest, and sat up as straight as possible: "Please teach me sir!"

Kuai Che shook his head slightly and said, "If you don't dare to be a teacher, let's say it for the time being, and let the king listen to it."

"In the Central Plains, there is a saying that each performs his duties. Farmers cultivate, shepherds graze, and craftsmen make utensils...so the country is prosperous, the people are rich, and the monarch has inexhaustible wealth!"

"What the king's subjects are good at, one is nomadic, and the other is fishing and hunting!"

"This time, His Majesty the Emperor wants to make an alliance with the King and open up a border discussion field, just to exchange what is needed, so that both parties will become rich..."

The high priest interrupted Kuai Che and said: "The envoy of Qin said something, what we are best at is fighting!"

Kuai Che shook his head and asked, "Eastern Hu and the Xiongnu, who is stronger and who is weaker?"

The high priest said without hesitation: "Of course we are stronger!"

Well, if you say yes... Kuai Che asked again: "Who is stronger and who is weaker, Donghu or the former Yan Kingdom?"

This time, not only the high priest was silent, but even the chiefs of Donghu who were booing became silent after hearing the translation.

Kuai Che smiled and looked around for a week: "Whether it is the Xiongnu or the former Yan Kingdom, they are all vulnerable to the Qin army! So when it comes to fighting, the Qin people are even better!"

"As an alliance with Qin, with the military deterrence of the Qin army, no matter whether it is the Xiongnu or other tribes, they will not dare to invade the territory of Donghu. Therefore, the subjects of the king can concentrate on herding sheep and hunting fur, and then sell them to the Qin people, so that they can Live a better life!"

"So you and I form an alliance, which can be said to be beneficial and harmless!"

King Donghu listened to the translator, looked at the glass in his hand, and thought of the many good things brought by the mission, so he waved his hand to stop the high priest's arguing, and asked, "Then what should I do?"

Kuai Che clapped his palms and smiled: "Your Majesty can send a prince to study in Xianyang, and to show the sincerity of the alliance, I suggest that Your Majesty once again present a batch of special products such as sable fur to His Majesty the Emperor..."

The high priest finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Sending hostages and offering tributes again, is this an alliance? It's clearly a tribute!"

Kuai Che said with a smile: "There is a saying in the Central Plains that paying tribute is an advanced form of alliance..."

ps: Thanks to 'Eyue Observer' for the reward!Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Wandering Wind aaa', 'Kan Tutu', 'Fire Merchant', and 'Mist Village'! (*^▽^*)
(End of this chapter)

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