Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 211 In that far away place

Chapter 211 In that far away place

In the moon of mid-spring, the sun is in Kui, in the faint arc, and in the star of Danjian.Its sun is Jiayi, its emperor is big, its divine sentence is awning, its insect scales, its sound horns, a bell is included in the rhythm, its number is eight, its taste is sour, its smell is mutton, it is sacrificed to households, and it is sacrificed to the first spleen.

Xianyang City, south of the Wei River, Zhangtai Palace.

One of His Majesty's audiences was reading aloud the new round of spring ban.

In this month with less precipitation, it is not allowed to burn mountains and forests with fire, and it is not allowed to use dry rivers and lakes. At the same time, this month is also the season for fish breeding, so you can catch everything except fishing. The fisherman who catches the fish, and the rest are not allowed to fish.

Guibi was used instead of cattle and sheep during sacrifices;

When the first Ding day of this month comes, the ceremony of releasing dishes to worship the ancestors will be held, and the emperor will personally lead the ministers to inspect the school.

While Fusu was drowsy, another visitor began to read out the second edict.

Appoint Lang Zhongling Meng Yi as the governor of Nanjun County;

Appointed Li Xin, the prefect of Longxi, as the doctor's order;

Appointed Wang Qing, Marquis of Tongwu, as governor of Longxi County;
He ordered Meng Tian to go to the Jiuyuan Army to control the troops of Beidi County, Shang County, Jiuyuan County, and Yunzhong County to prevent the Xiongnu from attacking the south and extend the Helan Mountain Great Wall westward to Salt Lake.

Phew, the second item is completed...Fu Su cheered up, straightened his back and waited for the last item.

Receive the Yue people from the south.

These people donated hill-like southern native products to him, um, mainly for their children's school fees in Xianyang.

As the saying goes, wealth can pass through the gods.

Therefore, these rulers and elders of the Yue people, who are equivalent to the level of village stingers, are allowed to do three obeisances and nine kowtows at a distance of [-] steps from Fusu.

Well, it really looks like a monkey, take your time, just like the son-in-law of Chaozhou in the later generations improved the blood of the Thai people... Fusu began to feel dark in his heart.


At the same time, on the Dongfang Road in Sanchuan County, a large group of travel-stained and ragged heads of Guizhou were sitting on flat carriages heading towards Hangu Pass.

These are the first batch of immigrants from the counties of the Central Plains to respond to the call of Fusu and go to Huangzhong to settle down.

If you take a closer look, you will find that there are only a few of them with families.

Well, it is no exaggeration to say that out of these [-] households, at least [-] households are single...

So, without knowing who started it, the immigrants began to sing in unison:
"In that distant place, there is a good girl. When people pass by her tent, they all turn their heads and look nostalgic..."

The singing echoed over the wilderness, startling a group of crows and birds looking for food to hover in the sky, not daring to land for a long time.

Although the style of this song is quite different from the folk songs of this period, including the various "winds" in the Book of Songs, everyone still sang them with great enthusiasm.

Especially when I sang 'I wish she would keep hitting me lightly with a whip every day', the singing voice was several degrees higher...

After a song, the anxiety in the hearts of the immigrants suddenly disappeared.

Most of these bachelors are the second sons in their families. Even though they are past the age of marriage, they still cannot find good girls who are willing to marry them because of their poor families.

So they packed their bags and prepared to cross the westernmost point of the empire so far to find the girl who beat them with a whip.

Along the way, the black-clothed and black-faced petty official had repeatedly explained to them that when they arrived in Jincheng County, their household registration would be changed from their original civil registration to the military registration.
Exemption from corvee service within three years and garrison soldiers within five years, they only need to receive regular military training in the county, and then serve as a county soldier for one month every year.

The immigrants expressed their understanding on this point. After all, Jincheng County is a border county, and a small group of barbarians may come to rob at any time.

So when you serve as a soldier in the county, you also protect your neighbors.

As the saying goes, everyone is for one, and one is for everyone!

In fact, in the eyes of these poor immigrants who are almost dying of their children and grandchildren, it is a gift from the imperial court to transfer them to military status.

After all, only those who are soldiers can serve as soldiers and enjoy the policy dividends brought by the [-]th rank military merit system.

You can get land and homesteads by killing the enemy.

This system is not applicable to them who used to be "registered household Qimin" status.

"Have you heard that the court has won another battle!"

"When was the imperial court defeated?"

Everyone echoed, they grew up listening to stories about Qin Jun's invincibility, but in those stories, the image of Qin people...

He is a big villain who has been defeated repeatedly and finally won!
"That's not the point, the point is to capture a lot of Hun women!"

"Women? How many?"

After singing a love song just now, everyone who was in a state of excitement suddenly regained their spirits.

"I heard from that Qin official that there are tens of thousands!"

"There are so many, it would be nice to send me one!"

"You're thinking about farting!"

"Do you think there is such a possibility that we borrow some money from the government to buy a healthy Hun woman as a wife, and then we are not from the military, and it happens that Jincheng County is a border county, and the head of a barbarian around is cut off. If not, you can redeem your mother-in-law as a commoner!"

Amidst the exclamation of everyone, the young man with long stature and hands continued triumphantly: "As for the thousands of dollars owed to the government, it's easy! Didn't the imperial court say that we would be exempted from taxes for five years? In five years, as long as we are willing to Do it, you can save thousands of dollars no matter what!"

"good idea!"

"It's really you, Shentujia!"


Xianyang City, Lanchi Palace.

Fusu got off the golden root car and was about to climb the steps of Qinzheng Hall when suddenly there was a rush of horseshoes from a distance.

Who is this, dare to ride a horse in the forbidden palace!Tired of work, right...Fu Su looked in the direction of the sound of horseshoes, and suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.

The one who charged towards him on horseback was none other than Ying Yinman who was staying in Lanchi Palace.

However, she is very self-aware, so what she rides is not a tall horse in the stables of the palace, but a tribute from Liaodong County. Horses' ponies.

This kind of horse is not big, and its height is no more than three feet. Converted to the data of later generations, it is only about seventy centimeters.

It is named as "the horse under the fruit" because it can ride under the fruit tree.

Fusu vaguely remembered that in the later generations, the peninsula and Guo Xiama were equally famous, and there were Silla maidservants.

Compared with dismounting horses, Silla maidservants are more docile and easy to ride.

Fusu's idea of ​​raising horses in the palace is to enrich the harem sometime, and then imitate the sheep cart Wangxing of the later Jinwu Emperor, and build a carriage Wangxing... Well, it's so beautiful!

It's just that Fusu suddenly discovered the problem was not easy.

His stupid sister seemed to have startled the horse, and along with the hoofbeats there was a squeal as if water were boiling.

"Ah... Brother Emperor, help me!"

ps: Thanks to 'Confused Ugly Man' for the reward!Thanks for the monthly pass of 'Book Friends 2018...9347'!

(`) Compare the heart
(End of this chapter)

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