Chapter 212

"Mengmeng, stand up!"

"Ah..." Amidst the sound of the water boiling, a pair of Doudou's eyes were full of great doubts.

"I will make you stand up!"

Accompanied by Fusu's loud shout, Ying Yinman mustered up her courage, stood on the ground with both feet, staggered a few times, and saw the horse that had fallen off the fruit pattering towards Fusu. Suddenly, a pair of big wet eyes looked back at her from time to time, as if they were complaining about something.

"Brother Emperor..." Ying Yinman walked over with a smirk on her face, trying to pass the test cutely.

Fu Su waved his hand, and asked people to get off the horse and take away Ying Yinman who was stealthily looking at the distance between Ying Yinman and himself.

"Have you finished your homework today?" Fu Su dismounted instead of Guo and delivered a fatal blow.

"Hey, hey..." Ying Yinman rolled her peasy eyes, leaned over and whispered, "Brother Emperor, let me tell you a secret, Sister Tian Ji is crazy!"

"Don't try to change the subject! I'm asking you, have you recited the Heavenly Questions?" Fu Su was unmoved. Since Tian Ji became pregnant, her brain circuits have become more and more strange. Fu Su doesn't think anything surprising about what she does .

"I recited two sentences again today!" Ying Yinman looked proud.

Two sentences, no more than a dozen words at most, you are so proud...Fu Su glanced at her sideways: "Recite it to me!"

Amidst Ying Yinman's stammering reciting, Fusu led her to the Yugui Palace, he wanted to see what kind of madness that silly woman was going through!


Yugui Palace.

Fusu sniffed, his face full of doubts: "Why is it so sour? Didn't it mean that smoked vinegar is useless?"

Ying Yinman probed the probe, and explained in a low voice: "I don't know where Sister Tian Ji heard that she is sour, so she just..."

Ah, if I'm not mistaken, this seems to be a rumor from me... Fusu pretended to be indifferent, and strode into the hall that smelled of acetic acid, pretending not to see those people seemed to be inadvertent The court lady who showed her style to him.

In the inner hall, Tian Ji was wearing a goose-yellow beard with narrow sleeves and a quiver on her back, and she was posing with a bow and an arrow in front of the bronze mirror.

"The last general pays homage to His Majesty!" Tian Ji held a soft bow in her hand, turned around and bowed to Fusu with fists in her hands.

Ah, she's really crazy, but, it's so big... Fu Su lowered his eyes slightly, and it happened to be two trembling masses that jumped into his eyes.

Tian Ji is preparing to participate in the ritual of offering sacrifices to God.

The so-called God of God is the Spring and Autumn and Warring States version of Songzi Guanyin.

During the month when the swallows return to the north, the emperor will take his harem and concubines to the suburbs to use the gift of the prison to worship the god who gave birth, and hold large-scale social festivals all over the country, um, mainly for Blind date.

During the sacrifice, Fusu had to salute the pregnant Tian Ji, and then put on a bow garment for her, that is, a backpack with bows and arrows, and asked her to shoot a few arrows in all directions, which meant that all the women in the world would be happy. To conceive and give birth like her.

The reason for archery is the rich associative ability of the ancients.

For example, in later generations, Liu Xiaozhu heard the story that Li Guang shot a stone as a tiger, so he changed Gong Tong's name to Tiger Bucket, hoping to enhance his abilities in some aspects.

Later, in order to avoid the taboo of the ancestor Li Hu of the Tang Dynasty, the tiger barrel was changed to a toilet, so there were adjectives such as horse son and ****.

Tian Ji pursed her plump and seductive lips, then turned around and put on a long skirt, wrapping herself tightly again.

You're stingy, next time you just beg me, I won't watch it either!Hmph... Fu Su flicked his sleeves, turned around and walked out of the hall.


Longxi Wasteland.

A convoy that stretched for several kilometers broke away from the Western Road extending westward from Xianyang, and resumed trekking among the hills.

This is the convoy of the former Yuezhi King and the current Guiyihou.

Of course, there were also Hu merchants returning to the west in the convoy, as well as envoys sent by Fusu to various countries in the Western Regions.

Unlike King Yuezhi and Hu Shang, the envoys had just received an urgent document ordering them to temporarily stay in Jincheng County, waiting for the farm students who came from Xianyang by express delivery.

The leading envoy in the mission was selected by Fusu from the Caishi Pavilion, a descendant of a Duke of Qi named Chai Wu.

Well, this is partly due to pillow wind.

But it is more because Chai Wu has a descendant named Chai Shao, who was one of the 24 heroes of Lingyan Pavilion in the Tang Dynasty, the consort of Princess Pingyang, and they have another descendant, who was later Xiao Whirlwind Chaijin...

Bah, it's Chai Rong, Emperor Shizong of the Later Zhou Dynasty.

However, Chai Rong was named Guo Rong at that time. After Zhao Da bullied the orphans and widows, he bullied the dead and changed Guo Rong's name back.

Chai Wu led the horse, panting frequently.

After all, the place where he used to live was Qidi, which is very low in altitude, and now he has set foot on the northern end of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

He was not the only one, and many people in the mission had more or less altitude sickness.

This is one reason why Fusu controlled population migration to the west.

Chai Wu looked at the nonchalant guide, took a breath and asked, "How long will it take to arrive in Jincheng County?"

The guide looked at the surrounding environment and said: "Hurry up, turn over the mountain ridge in front, and it is below!"

After a while, the mission stood still on the mountain ridge.

In front of them is the rushing Huangshui.

Chai Wu remembered what he heard when he met Fusu in Lanchi Palace that day.

Huangshui looks at Longshan Mountain in the east, connects Chiling Mountains in the west, borders Deshui in the south, and connects Qilian in the north. Eight hundred Huanggu Valleys are criss-crossing and contain thousands of rivers. An important place!
Like the embassy, ​​there were also Wang Yuezhi and his party, as well as the Hu merchants who had returned to the west.

What surprised them was that the Huangshui Valley in front of them seemed completely different from when they left that day!
The grassland near the water has turned into a field of farmland, and countless Qin people are driving the poor horses and plowing the land.

On the green grassland far away from Huangshui, there are black and white Qiang sheep and long-haired yaks everywhere.

In addition to the loud and clear crowing of eagles, there is also the cheerful singing of Qiang girls herding herds.

What surprised King Yuezhi was that on the side of Huangshui, the tents that he saw that day were slowly being replaced by forts.

"It looks like the people of Qin have taken root here!"

He couldn't help but start to worry, if Qin people were allowed to enter Zhaowu City, then...

Chai Wu glanced sideways at the worried King Yueshi, sneered softly, and turned to look at the soldier behind him: "Show the flag!"

In an instant, the flags with Qin characters were raised high.

In the distance, the cavalry who came in an attacking formation also lined up again and blew their horns.

(End of this chapter)

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