Chapter 213 The New Great Wall
"Baa baa..."

A Qiang sheep with slightly protruding eyes, protruding nose, and white except for the head and limbs was pushed down by the river.

Amid its protests, two Qiang women took out a pair of special scissors from their aprons, and began to shear the sheep almost close to the body of the Qiang sheep.

After a short time, a large pile of thick wool piled up on the ground, and the bare Qiang sheep turned their grief and anger into appetite and ran to the grass to eat grass.

After the next victim was knocked down, two burly Qin people held wooden forks and lifted the wool piled up on the ground to the open space on the river bank.

There, a large group of Qin people compacted the wool, put it into sacks, weighed it, and transported it to a temporary wharf, preparing to go down the Huangshui River, transport the wool to Longxi, and then transport it to Xianyang City.

Chai Wu, who was riding side by side with Zhang Han, the guardian of the Qiang Zhonglang, vaguely felt that something was wrong, so he asked curiously: "General Zhang Zhonglang, why are some sheep's hairs cut off, and some sheep's hair is shorn? Still have a layer of short hair?"

Zhang Han said with some embarrassment: "Well, this is because some sheep are under the name of Shaofu, and they just sent samples to Qianshou's home, while some sheep belong to themselves..."

Seeing that Chai Wu was still puzzled, Zhang Han went on to say: "It's cold in Huangzhong, and the breeding time of mosquitoes is later than in Xianyang, so even if you cut all the wool, you don't have to worry about being bitten by mosquitoes, so..."

"Oh, I understand." Chai Wu suddenly realized, and nodded vigorously: "So the sheep in Shaofu can shear more wool and send it back to Xianyang for His Majesty's use!"

Zhang Han opened his mouth, and his face became more and more embarrassing: "You are mistaken, the Qiang sheep that have been shorn bald are their own, because the imperial court buys them by understand!"

Chai Wu scratched his head, he couldn't laugh or cry, but immediately, another doubt arose in his heart.

"Why do you think His Majesty needs so much wool?"

Zhang Han thought for a while and said: "It should be for making 'skin weaving', that is, weaving wool into blankets and the like. After Mu Gong, the Qiang people often pay tribute to Da Qin."

What he didn't say is that the Qiang people's tribute is not the norm. Usually, the Qiang people are inspired by the abundant martial arts of the Qin people and take the initiative to pay the protection fees owed for many years!

Chai Wu looked at the streaking sheep that turned a blind eye to him and buried their heads in hard work, and couldn't help sighing: "But this is too much! Don't you think it's disgusting, Your Majesty?"

An adult Qiang sheep can shear at least a dozen catties (Qin Jin) of wool, and there are thousands of Qiang sheep running in Huangzhong!

When he rode past the flock of sheep, he could smell the strong smell of sheep!

If these ten or 20 catties of wool are sent to Xianyang...

Zhang Han shook his head, then said with a smile, "His Majesty likes to eat mutton very much. Maybe he loves mutton, so he doesn't think it tastes too good."

He remembered that when he was in Xianyang, every time Fusu gave a banquet, there would always be one or two delicacies made of mutton on the table.

Chai Wu looked at a pink Qiang sheep running past his horse, shook his head and sighed, "For a little money, I cut it like this... hey!"

The deputy envoy of the mission immediately stepped forward and said with a smile: "You are not a sheep, what is the sorrow of An Zhiyang?"

This is Chai Wu's roommates in Caishiguan, Cai Yin, Chen Liuren, who have been apprentices to Keiko's descendants, and what they have learned is mostly the theory of "white horses are not horses", and they are famous masters in Caishiguan...

Chai Wu turned his head and smiled at the deputy envoy: "Your son is not me, how do you know that I don't know the sorrow of the sheep?"

Amidst the rebuttals of Chai Wu and Cai Yin, Zhang Han shook his head and smiled, thinking in his heart, after all, he is a fledgling Gao Liangzi. This is a very important matter, said General Zhonglang, the guardian of Qiang who dismounted from the herdsmen.

Especially for Zhang Han, since Fusu has mastered the technology of artificially hatching chickens, there is one more indicator for this year's assessment, that is, each household must raise five chickens or ducks and geese on average...


Qinzheng Hall of Lanchi Palace.

Meng Tian, ​​who was about to go to the north, sat in the hall and took a sip of the strong tea sent by Han Rang.

After half a year of baptism, at least in Xianyang City, everyone has formed the habit of drinking tea.

Those who have money buy some high-quality tea, and then drink it carefully with tea sets that are more expensive than gold and jade, while those ordinary people who have no money buy some tea foam and drink it with boiled water in clay pots.

People always want to pursue a little appetite, and the tea brewed with tea foam is always better than well water.

Looking at the maps all over the floor, Meng Tian was secretly startled.

In the north of the original Great Wall of Qin, a thick winding line encloses the entire Monan Grassland.

"Could this be..."

Meng Tian groaned, thinking of the scene in Ganquan Palace many years ago, but at that time Emperor Shihuang used a long sword to delineate the border with the Xiongnu on the map.

So it didn't take long for him to lead an army of 30, but the Huns were [-] miles away.

At that time, Fusu was driven back to Gaoquan Palace because of a few rounds of confrontation with the first emperor, and was then thrown into the Jiuyuan Army to supervise the army.

The palaces of the Qin State are arranged according to the stars, among which the Xianyang Palace corresponds to the Emperor Star, and the Gaoquan Palace where Fusu lives corresponds to the Taiweiyuan, which means "Prince".

So Meng Tian knew about Shi Huangdi's arrangement from then on.

As for the father and son who meet each other and hate each other, it is quite normal.

For example, when he sees Meng Ying now, he can't help but want to kick his ass!

"His Majesty is here!"

A servant's sharp voice came from outside the palace gate.

After a while, Fusu walked in from outside the hall, after Meng Tian stood up and saluted, he took a look at a fine mark under Fusu's cheek, and moved his eyes away somewhat indistinctly.

Uh, do you believe I said it was caught by a cat...Fu Su smiled a little awkwardly, and went straight to the point: "Does the servant know what the black line on the picture is for?"

Meng Tian thought for a while and said, "Could it be that Your Majesty wants the Nine Plains Army to advance northward and include the grassland north of Yinshan Mountain?"

Damn, you really dare to think... Fusu shook his head and said: "I plan to build a Great Wall here, and drive away the small nomadic tribes of the Xiongnu from here!"

"The Great Wall?" Meng Tian was taken aback for a moment, then frowned and asked, "I wonder how large the Great Wall Your Majesty wants to build?"

Unlike the most common Badaling Great Wall in later generations, the Great Wall of the Qin Dynasty was mostly made of rammed earth and existed like a wall.

Passes will be built and troops will be stationed only in some dangerous places.

As for those beacons for early warning, most of them are independent, and there is no phenomenon that one beacon supports another beacon along the Great Wall.

ps: Thanks for the reward of 'ninety-nine less than a hundred'!Thanks to 'Prince Zhaoming', 'Guan Yuliang', 'Nan Xier_' for the monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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