Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 215 Wang Li's Ambition

Chapter 215 Wang Li's Ambition

In February of the first year of Qin II, Dingmao, Chongtu, Shadong; it is advisable to sacrifice, bathe, and have hands and feet trimmed; avoid opening the market, moving, and repairing.

On the grassland to the north of Yinshan Mountain, there is a cool breeze, and the fine rain mixed with a little bit of snowflakes is drifting to the ground one after another.

Han Xin folded the telescope carefully and put it in the saddlebag.

If he guessed correctly, the three goshawks hovering in the sky were raised by the Huns to serve as eyes and ears.

So what he was most worried about happened.

The Xiongnu Shanyu's army should have arrived, and it was following behind the Jiuyuan army at this moment, like a hungry wolf on the grassland, ready to launch a surprise attack on the Jiuyuan army at any time, and take back the kidnapped women and sheep.

Han Xin began to regret it. He should have directly advised the chariot general Wang Li not to stay too long by the Nuo River, but to drive the prisoners and herds away after cleaning the battlefield and before the Huns regrouped. leave.

Although the morale was high at this time, the bodies of the soldiers had actually reached the end of their strength after fighting and marching for many days. If the Huns rushed forward, the Jiuyuan Army would surely win another victory, but they would certainly suffer considerable losses. .

It seems to have won, but it is actually a loss.

However, when Han Xin looked back in the direction of Nuoshui, he remembered the "Yongzhen Xiongnu Monument" that was erected on Dongshan Mountain. Although many days had passed, the blood in his chest was still surging.

Worth it!

Unlike Han Xin's worries, Wang Li also noticed the Huns' trail, but he didn't take it to heart.

Under his command, the whole army was divided into centurions and formed a huge semicircle formation. It seemed that the Huns who were driving cattle and sheep were hijacked in the middle of the army, but when the Huns launched a surprise attack from the side and rear, The formation will turn around in an instant, forming a front and arrow formation against the Huns.

And the impact produced by the cavalry of the Qin army equipped with stirrups and iron shoes cannot be resisted by the Huns riding on barebacked horses!
Although Wang Li has the title of Chariot General, it is a temporary title. After the battle is over, he will still be a general of the Nine Plains Army.

The so-called general of chariots and cavalry refers to the fact that the army under his command is mainly composed of cavalry or chariot soldiers, just like the general who commanded the water army served as the general of the building and boats.

So he has another plan in his heart, which is to take the opportunity to fight another big battle, so that his title can climb up a few levels!

After all, he is only the third-level hairpin now. Although he commanded the army to defeat the Huns in this battle, he can get the third-level title.

But it can be converted into a sixth-level official!

It's nothing more than a noble duke, although he has the right not to pay homage to officials, but he is still two ranks behind the title of public ride that can use official carriages for free!

And what he inherited before was the No. 20 Marquis of Che in exchange for Wang Jian's meritorious deeds of destroying the country!
An extremely human minister, hereditary does not replace him!
Therefore, Wang Li, who took back the telescope in the same way, hoped that the Huns would not be cowardly, and make another wave!
Unfortunately, his wish came to nothing.

Until the former army had seen the Great Wall Fortress from a distance, the Huns never showed up, but followed them all the way like a cowardly idiot.

Amidst the melodious sound of horns, the gates of the Great Wall Fortress opened, and the Nine Plains Army who stayed behind in the fortress poured out like a tide, coming to meet the comrades who were fighting outside the fortress.

In an instant, the drumming of the whole army was loud.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!"

The cheers of mountains and tsunami echoed on the vast grassland.

What surprised Han Xin was that many Hun women on horseback also imitated Qin Jun's appearance at this moment, raising their arms high and cheering loudly.

"This is the way of survival of the Huns, you Qin people will never understand!"

Huyan Punu walked past Han Xin on horseback and raised his arms to join the cheering sequence.


At the same time, in the Xianyang City School, there were bursts of music.

"Sile Panshui, thinly picked its celery. Lu Hou Lizhi, said to watch his flag."

"Its flag is whistling, and the sound of luan is whistling. No matter how big or small, follow the public and step forward."


Accompanied by the "Book of Songs · Lu Song · Panshui" sung by the actors, the ceremony of offering sacrifices to the ancestors officially began.

However, different from the sacrifices to Confucius in later generations, the state of Qin in this period worshiped a wooden sign with a complicated character written in small seal script, 灋!
灋 [fǎ] those who, law also.

Just like what Guan Zhong said, 'The law is the formula of the world, and the appearance of the world'.

Since the promulgation of the Narrow Book Order, the State of Qin has pursued a pragmatic policy of teaching the law and using officials as teachers.

Therefore, under the attention of everyone, Fusu respectfully put water celery representing young students, turnips (turnips) representing talent, red dates representing early determination, and plumpness and solidity under the wooden sign. , respectful corn.

Well, there is no meat at all!

This is a new rule established by the first emperor after the unification of the world. If the previous Zhou rituals are followed, a few pieces of dried meat and two live rabbits will be placed.

That's why Fusu sometimes thinks that Confucius and Mozi, who have countless disciples, must also run a large butcher shop at home...


Amid the shouts of the officials of ceremony, Fusu led all the ministers and ministers with a rank above a thousand stones to bow their heads in worship.

Of course, those students who are authorized to participate in the dish release ceremony need to bow three times and knock down nine times.

Fusu noticed their abnormalities from the moment they came in. These officials and nobles replaced the silk and satin all over their bodies with coarse linen clothes, and the priceless jade worn around their waists were also replaced with Ordinary Yu Jue.

Well, pretending to be poor, you all thought I was the same boy who used bamboo slices to go to the toilet... Fusu stood up straight, which indicated that the dish release ceremony was over.

After a while, when the sacrificial objects were removed, it came to the part that Fusu later generations hated the most, but now loves it very much.

Leader inspection.

Under the leadership of several masters, Fusu took a quick look at the neat and tidy teachers, and watched an archery performance that had been rehearsed for a long time.

"Student Bai Peng, hit all nine arrows!"

"Student is strict, hits all nine arrows!"


It's so boring, and I have to nod and smile from time to time... Fusu complained in his heart, especially when the students were performing fencing, he understood why Xiang Yu gave up learning fencing for a moment.

During this period, whether it was the school of Qin State or the previous official school, the swordsmanship taught was the sword of the nobility.

It's like the kendo of later generations.

The emphasis is on both ritual and fighting, well, the former is more important.

After all, on top of many banquets, the aristocratic lords who are drunk will dance swords in person to add to the fun.

What you want is an elegant demeanor, natural and generous!

As for lethality...

Are the diners raised by the nobles all eating dry food?

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'The Defying 03' and 'Zhan Feng 2005'! (*╰╯`)

(End of this chapter)

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