Chapter 216
Zhiyang County.

"Selling steamed buns..."

On the edge of the Baqiao, people were buzzing. Fusu looked at a man who was walking down the bridge carrying a load, and wished in his heart that there would not be an old woman selling melons near his house...

"Steamed buns?" Meng Yi frowned slightly: "This is a diet in the palace, when did it spread to the people?"

This is the old calendar from a few months ago. It seems that you have never visited the big market on Changyang Street... Fusu took out a mask from his arms and put it on: "Is this not good? The merchants are prosperous, the head of Guizhou is rich, and everything is peaceful." image!"

This is not to worry that the travel codes of the people around are red, but to prevent the catkins from fluttering around.

Two rows of weeping willows are planted all over the embankment beside the Baqiao.

At this moment, the cold spring breeze is blowing, and the white catkins are flying all over the sky, like the heavy snow of goose feathers in the middle of winter.

The color of willows is like smoke and snow, which is the "Ba Liu Fengxue" which is called one of the Eight Scenic Spots of Chang'an by later generations.

But this scene is beautiful, but it should only be seen from a distance. For Fusu who is in it, it is not so beautiful.

Seeing Fusu put on a mask, Meng Yi was speechless for a while, resisting the urge to roll his eyes, and hummed with his mouth closed: "Your Majesty, is there anything else?"

Fusu shook his head, indicating that the landlord's house had no food left...

Today he was out of the palace for a stroll, no, he came here to investigate the people's sentiments, and accidentally met Meng Yi who was about to go to Nanjun to take up his post.

As for Meng Yi delaying his departure for so many days, it was mainly because there had been no auspicious days this month...

Yes, an auspicious day for the zodiac!
According to Mr. Lu Simian's words, the Qin Dynasty in this period was a world of ghosts, gods and numerology.

Under the vigorous order of holding books back then, the only books that would not go away were books on medicine, divination, and tree planting.

The book of divination is the "Book of the Sun" that has been unearthed in many places in later generations.

Well, it is equivalent to the almanac of later generations.

No matter whether they are officials big or small, or ministers in the head of Guizhou, everyone arranges their lives according to the Japanese scriptures.

For example, 'Jian' day is a good day, on this day you can apply for a small official in the government;

The day of "removal" will be miserable, not only can't catch the escaped slaves on this day, but also can't win the robbers who occupy the mountain as king;
The 'Ying' day is not bad. On this day, stables can be repaired, houses can be built, and women can also force men to pay public rations. So every time this day comes, Fusu becomes miserable...

You can't do anything on a 'broken' day!

In the chapter "Officials", under the control of mysterious forces, officials will become moody.

For example, on the day of 'Zi', if you go to see your boss in the morning, he will listen carefully, and if you see him at night, you will stop listening. If you go to see him at dusk, he will ask you to come back another day;
On the 'ugly' day, go to see him in the morning, he will lose his temper with you, and he will be praised if you see him in the evening;

On 'Yin' day, go to see him during the day, he won't see you at all, you can only come back at night;


As in work, so in life.Food, clothing, housing, transportation, weddings and funerals, birth, old age, sickness and death are all related to good and bad times.

Therefore, it is not unforgivable for Meng Yi to delay his appointment for so long...

"Your Majesty always leaves the palace in casual clothes, which makes me very worried!" Meng Yi covered his mouth and said in a low voice.

"I think so too!" Meng Tian on the side also echoed, but he didn't cover his mouth, but let the catkins hang on his lips with a grin.

After seeing off Meng Yi today, he will leave for Shangjun before dark.

As a master of dog dao, can I tell you that the man selling steamed buns just now is actually a swordsman with one against ten?And that short man who walked across the bridge again is actually a fighter with lumpy flesh...Fu Su smiled and shook his head:
"Only this time, the next time is not an example!"

After finishing speaking, Fusu looked at the creaking Baqiao, turned to look at Meng Tian and asked, "I think it would be better if the pontoon bridge is demolished and replaced with a stone bridge."

"Stone bridge?" Meng Yi looked at the wooden bridge across the Bashui River, and fell into deep thought for a while.

"Your Majesty is a little, uh, whimsical!" Meng Tian thought for a while, but decided to use harsh words.

After all, the bridges in this period were mainly pontoon bridges, which were usually used for people to pass. When ships came, the pontoon bridges were untied so as not to hinder navigation.

The reason why a fixed bridge of stone and wood structure can be built on the edge of the Wei River is mainly because the Wei River has a large amount of cement and sand, which no longer has the function of navigation.

But Bashui is different. There are many tributaries of Bashui, and the river is curved. After summer, the rainfall increases, and Bashui is very prone to flood disasters.

For example, last summer, Bashui rushed out of the embankment and flooded the Zhiyang Palace built by King Zhuang Xiang...

"What the servant is worried about is that the Bashui has too much water, which is not conducive to building bridges?" Fusu asked, looking at the Bashui with a layer of catkins floating.

Meng Tian nodded and said, "It's one of them. But more is that the cost of building the bridge is too high, and the gains outweigh the losses. The existing pontoon bridges are already good enough, and there is no need to build a permanent bridge like the Weishui Bridge."

Seeing Fusu's eyes with disapproval, Meng Yi changed his angle and said, "Does Your Majesty know how much Weiqiao spent?"

Fusu shook his head. It was something that happened during the reign of King Qin Zhaoxiang. At that time, it was to connect Xianyang Palace and Xingle Palace, and a bridge with a load capacity of only a few tons should not cost much, right?

Meng Tian took up the conversation and said: "As far as I know, when the construction was first started, it was said that it would be completed in three years and cost only a million dollars. But in the end it took ten years to complete the construction and cost more than [-] million yuan!"

"So many?" Fusu exclaimed. At that time, Qin's currency was still very valuable. After all, the world was united and there were different types of money circulating in the market. Adding impurities to the coins to reduce the content of precious metals was a death penalty. the behavior of.

But Fu Su immediately nodded and said, "It's worth the money!"

Meng Tian opened his eyes wide, with some approval in his eyes: "Why does Your Majesty make such remarks?"

"The servant is testing me!" Fusu smiled and continued: "King Zhaoxiang built the Wei Bridge at the beginning to connect the north and south palaces, but he continued to invest in it to get out of Wuguan and pass through the bridge. Bashu!"

The two north and south palaces he mentioned refer to the period of King Qin Zhaoxiang, when Xianyang City began to gradually expand southward, and palaces such as Ji Temple, Zhangtai Palace, and Shanglin Garden were built on the south bank of the Weishui River.

Therefore, the palaces represented by Xianyang Palace in the north of the Weishui River are called the North Palace, and the Zhangtai Palace in the south are called the South Palace.

Most of the palaces on the north side of the Weishui River were the emperor’s bedroom, so the forbidden army guarding the palace was called the Northern Army, while the south bank of the Weishui River was mostly government agencies, and the army managed by ministers was called the Southern Army.

The Northern and Southern Forbidden Army of Han and Tang continued from this period.

In the Qin State, the army led by Wei Wei Yang Duanhe was the Northern Army, the Xianyang Garrison under the command of Lieutenant Xin Sheng, and the Lantian Camp led by General Huben Yang Xiong was the Southern Army.

As for the Habayashi Army and Qimen Army created by Fusu, they are his personal army, and they are only loyal to him, and they are not included in the ranks of the national army.

(End of this chapter)

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