Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 217 To be rich, build roads first

Chapter 217 To be rich, build roads first

Seeing Mengtian's approving expression, Fusu said: "Relying on Xianyang City, our Daqin has built a transportation network leading to the whole country."

Well, later generations will call this a national road... Fusu shook his head and smiled, temporarily putting aside the idea of ​​road numbering: "There are three main roads on the north bank of the Weishui River."

"One is the Puguan Road, which crosses Deshui from Pujin to the east, and leads northward to Hedong County, Shangdang County, Taiyuan County, Yanmen County, Dai County, and Yunzhong County."

"The second is the Western Road leading to Longxi, which is separated to the northwest and southwest along the north bank of the Weishui River and the (wéi) River. The northwest is the Huizhong Road, which crosses Longshan Mountain and reaches Jincheng County. In the future, it will pass through the territory of the Yuezhi , to the end of the sky!"

Hearing Fusu's words, Meng Tian resisted the urge to praise him. Although he and Fusu were regarded as monarchs and ministers, they had a teacher-student relationship.
Well, deep in Meng Tian's heart, he still regards Fu Su as his own son.

After all, Meng Tian was the same Geng as the First Emperor, and he was the one who watched Fu Su grow up.

Meng Yi was much more straightforward, he clapped his palms and praised: "Excellent! What an end of the sky!"

While applauding, he watched the man selling steamed buns walking around empty-handed. For a moment, Meng Yi understood something.

This must be because the business is so good, so I also sold the pole!

Fu Su smiled and waved his hands. He knew very well that Meng Yi's praise was simply because the emperor of Daqin said the same words.
Therefore, it is said that a person's virtuousness is like a mouse, and it depends on where he is!
What Hamster said made some sense, Fusu decided to take a look at his father-in-law, Taishan, whom he hated because of love.

"From Yongxian County to the southwest, because it passes through Guxian County, this road is called Gudao. It is the smoothest land passage from Guanzhong to Shu, and in the southeast direction, there is another slope. Navigation..."

Fusu said while sighing in his heart, a few years later a major earthquake will cut off the connection between Baoshui and Xieshui, and Baoxie Road will completely become a land passage.

The uncanny workmanship of nature...

"The third is the straight road to the north. Thanks to the work of the servant, he cut the mountain and cut the valley, so it can go directly from Xianyang to Jiuyuan County!" Fu Su smiled and nodded at Meng Tian.

Although Fusu was wearing a mask, Meng Tian couldn't see his smile at all, but he still cupped his hands and said: "Your Majesty's absurd praise, this is just the duty of a minister!"

"Pretentious!" Meng Yi muttered, and then shut up in the eyes of his elder brother who wanted to kill someone.

Fusu shook his head and continued, "There are four main roads on the south bank of the Wei River."

"One is the Hangu Road going east along the Weishui River, um, it is the Dongfang Road that goes directly to the coast of the East China Sea. Along this road to the east, you can control the fertile land between the De River and the Huai River, and to the south, you can control the land of Fujian. The more you take it into your pocket, you can go north to Yuyang County and Youbeiping County, and then control Liaodong and surrender to Jizi Korea!"

After taking down that peninsula, you can cross the Sea of ​​Whales (Sea of ​​Japan), arrest Xu Fu and question him, and help the locals develop silver mines that they don’t need...Fu Su’s praises from Meng Tian and Meng Yi continued:

"The second is the Wuguan Road going southeast along the bottom of the valley formed by the Danshui River and the Bashui River. From here, you can go to Nanjun, Hengshan County and other old Chu places, and then go south to the three counties of the South China Sea. .”

"The third and fourth are the Ziwu Road and the Tangluo Road that cross the Qinling Mountains and enter Shu through Hanzhong."

"And in the period of King Zhaoxiang, in order to connect Xianyang City with the north-south roads of the Wei River, it is necessary to 'determine the four directions of the week' and 'the world by latitude and longitude', so there is a Wei Bridge across both sides of the Wei River!"

Of course, according to Fusu's understanding, King Zhaoxiang may have built the Wei Bridge just because he wanted to go to Weinan for fun.

As for "Zhou Ding Sifang" and "Jingwei Tianxia", it was mainly the idea of ​​the first emperor.

After all, one emperor through the ages is not in vain!
"Your Majesty's words are not bad at all. The Wei Bridge came out of the Great Qin Dynasty and swept the world. It is indeed a great contribution!" Meng Yi nodded heavily and praised: "But this does not seem to be the same as changing the Baqiao from a pontoon bridge to a stone bridge. How much does it matter? After all, with the Wei Bridge, the north and south of Xianyang have changed!"

Meng Tian looked at his younger brother "Bao Jing" in surprise, for the first time he had a sense of approval for him for abandoning the art of war and switching to the study of famous masters, and then shook his head slightly, sighing in his heart: If I had known back then, I would not have mixed with my father doubles...

Fusu looked at the smug 'Gang Jing' and said: "If we are still in the age of disputes among the nations, it is naturally enough to have a bridge connecting the north and the south."

"But now that the Great Qin has swept Liuhe and the world is unified, it is not enough to rely on a Wei Bridge with five carts running side by side!"

"Do you know how much time it takes for a carriage to travel from the north bank of the Weishui River to the south bank of the Weishui River at this moment, compared to last year?"

Not only Meng Yi, but even Meng Tian, ​​the eunuch who controls the national traffic, shook his head one after another.

"I've calculated that it takes about an incense stick of time to line up for the bridge, and if a horse pulling a cart is startled, or a carriage breaks its axle, it will take at least two hours for the entire Wei Bridge to resume traffic!"

Fusu raised a finger and said, "You need to know how many official documents are sent to the official office of Zhangtai Palace every day, and how many official documents have to cross the Wei River and be sent to all parts of the empire!"

Of course, what he didn't say was that another reason for the blockage was that as the weather got warmer and the spring plowing was completed, a large number of clan children who had invested money in the sugar project, the princes of Qin State, began to go south.

And their first stop was to go to Xianyang to buy the materials they got, such as hacksaws.

Therefore, the blockage of the Wei Bridge is actually cyclical, and it will be fine after a while.

But Meng Tian and others didn't know about it, and what Fusu had to do was to use the information gap to persuade Meng Tian, ​​who was in charge of building bridges and paving roads, to agree to his suggestion.

After all, Meng Tian can use the financial budget to repair the bridge if he passes it here, instead of letting Fusu advance funds from his own small treasury...

"The construction of the bridge on the Bashui River can firstly relieve the traffic pressure on the Weiqiao Bridge, and secondly, it can facilitate the transfer of products from the Lantian Industrial Zone." Fusu pointed to the pontoon bridge attached to the water and said:
"With this pontoon, the supplies from Lantian will either be transported to the upstream wharf and transferred by land, or the pontoon will be temporarily untied after waiting for fewer people to cross the bridge, and the ship will go downstream!"

"Come and go, dismantled and connected, connected and dismantled, what is this plan!"

This is different from repairing and digging in later generations, and digging and repairing to stimulate GDP. The time wasted is all money!

Meng Tian nodded first, and then asked: "But the Ba River is different from the Wei River. The water flow is too large. How easy is it to build a stone bridge?"

Fu Su said with a smile: "Have you ever thought about why this is so?"

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'wanwu Sangzhi', 'Misty Village', 'Book Friends 2021...8244'! (>^ω^<)
(End of this chapter)

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