Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 218 Standing firm, I started to pretend

Chapter 218 Standing firm, I started to pretend
Hearing Fusu's question, Meng Tian frowned and said, "Why does Your Majesty ask such a question?"

I stood firm, and I began to act aggressively... Fusu said with a smile: "The riverbed in the upper reaches of the Bahe River has a slope, um, the drop is large, and the current is so fast that the riverbed sways from side to side and the river has many bends. Once it is in a flood period, it is very easy to fall. Blow off the embankment, break the bridge."

"So this is what the servant said that the Bashui River is not easy to build bridges."

Meng Tian nodded in confusion, in fact, he learned the way of military strategist, and building bridges and paving roads is purely to catch ducks on the shelf.

But as long as the emperor can come up with a proper way to eat the emperor's salary and loyalty to the emperor, he will fight wherever he points!
"But the Wei River can build bridges. In my opinion, the two sides of the Wei River are densely populated, and there are canals built since the Zhou Dynasty to irrigate farmland."

Fusu thought of the Weishui River whose silt content was comparable to that of the later Yellow River, and suddenly felt dizzy. He pondered for a while and continued:

"So if you want to build a bridge on the Bashui River, the first thing you need to deal with is the upper reaches of the Bashui River!"

"I plan to find a suitable time this year to build canals in the upper reaches of the Bashui River. On the one hand, the flow of the Bashui River can be dispersed, and on the other hand, it can be used to irrigate the farmland!"

Meng Tian frowned slightly again, he felt that Fusu was a little flustered, and began to have a tendency to become overjoyed.

Before, he had heard from Zheng Guo that Fusu would build a canal leading to Hangu Pass, and a canal running parallel to the Wei River from Xianyang City to Chencang County.

Now they are thinking about building canals in the upper reaches of the Bashui River and building bridges in the lower reaches!
Although these are some feats with merits in the present and benefits in the future.

But starting a project of this scale at the same time is too much of a waste of people's power!

Meng Tian said: "Your Majesty, I think this is inappropriate!"

Fu Su turned his head slightly, looked at Meng Tian and asked: "What's wrong, please teach me?"

Meng Tian clasped his fists and said: "I don't dare to be a teacher, but please forgive me for my innocence."

Fu Su smiled and waved his hands and said: "This is not the court, you and I don't have to be like this, it's okay to talk if you have something to say!"

Meng Tian thought for a while and said: "When the former emperor was here, he conquered Baiyue in the south and conquered the Xiongnu in the north. He built the Great Wall and built the roads. The world has long been overwhelmed."

"And now, after recuperating for less than a year, His Majesty is going to..."

"So that's what you're worried about!" Fusu waved his hand to signal Meng Tian to listen to himself and said, "When I build canals, canals, and bridges in Guanzhong, I naturally use the power of the people in Guanzhong, and have nothing to do with the counties and counties in Shandong. The eunuch thinks, what is the difference between the Guanzhong land at this time and the previous emperor's time?"

Meng Tian looked at Meng Yi, who was also in a daze, and shook his head slightly.

Fusu pointed to the green wheat fields in the distance and said: "Most of the land in Guanzhong at this time is planted with winter wheat. The dry fields can grow a season of soybeans."

"Compared to the widely planted corn in the farmland last year, this year's Guanzhong can harvest one more season of grain!"

"After the autumn harvest, not only the food in Guishou's home, but even the food in the official warehouse will double!"

In the sudden realization of Meng Tian and Meng Yi, Fu Su went on to say: "My plan is to start surveying and mapping and calculating the engineering quantity from now on, and start digging the canal after the autumn sowing is over and the heads of Guizhou have entered the slack period for farming."

"In this way, at least tens of thousands of acres of irrigated fields can be added upstream, and millions of catties of grain can be increased!"

People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry!

No matter which dynasty or generation it is, enough food must be prepared before the construction of the project.

And this can be regarded as taking from the people and using them for the people.

As for the wages, wouldn't it be enough to melt the copper mines!
If you don't want to be so tricky, you can also send some salt and silk cloth.

Compared with the compulsory corvee that is paid by the imperial court, the independent recruitment system that manages the full wages will not stir up civil uprisings!
Well, pay attention to keep warm during construction in winter!But when I unlock the wool spinning technology, there will be no problem... Fusu looked at Meng Tian and Meng Yi who were thinking in the opposite side, and asked, "Do you think my idea is feasible?"

The two of them looked at each other, and bowed to the ground unanimously: "Your Majesty has a far-sighted vision, and my ministers can't match it!"

Meng Tian straightened up and said, "I'm going back to Xianyang City right now, and invite the public transport rails to discuss the construction of the Bashui Canal together! Try to come up with a preliminary plan before sunset!"

Fusu put on a mask and said in a low voice, "I don't worry if you do things."

What the Qin State in this period pursued was the one set by Shang Yang back then.

Those who rule by the sun are kings, those who rule by night are strong, and those who rule by night are destroyed!

A country that can handle all government affairs on the same day can become king in the world; if it is delayed until the end of the night, the country can also be strong; but if it is delayed beyond the night and it is handled tomorrow, such a country will be weakened!
Of course, as for the quality of government affairs handling, that is another question...


at dusk.

Hanoi County, Wenyi County.

Two men and women in Chinese clothes got off the carriage, walked through the alley, and walked to the back house of Xu Wang, the magistrate of Wencheng County. Door.

After a while, the door finally slowly opened a crack, and a servant in soap clothes saw through the narrow crack, and saw a man in his 20s outside the door, with a burly figure and a dignified face. The most important thing is a piece of jade on his belt, which is worth a thousand dollars!
So the servant hurriedly opened the door and walked out to salute:
"I don't know where this gentleman came from? Why do you want to find my master?"

Gentleman is a good name for a man, such as the sentence in the Book of Songs, when you see a gentleman, Yunhu doesn't like it.

The man nodded back and said, "I'm Wei... Whoops! Why are you pinching me!"

He turned around and stared at his wife who had just passed the door, but his angry face was full of doting.

The soap-clothed servant stood aside with his hands crossed, turning a blind eye to the flirting and cursing of the couple.

"This is my beloved, named Zhong Bao. I heard that the lady of your mansion is good at meeting people, so I came here to pay a visit. This is a source of divination!"

After the woman finished speaking, she took out a piece of horseshoe gold from her sleeve and handed it over.

Well, one delivery and one receipt, without a trace of fireworks...

After a while, they walked into the county magistrate's inner house under the leadership of the servants.

Different from the old looking outside, the inner house has pavilions, terraces and pavilions, gardens and bamboo forests, and dozens of slave boys with green capes and fine clothes and maidservants in beautiful clothes and thin skirts have been raised.

Luxuriously decorated, the hall filled with lacquerware is brightly lit with plaster lamps, and behind the yarn-woven screen in the middle sits an eleven or twelve-year-old little girl carved with jade.

The couple sat down below, and before the man could speak, the little girl who was playing with a jade plate in the screen said first: "The Gongsun of the Wei State dared to enter the county magistrate's house of the Qin State on his own initiative. long?"

(End of this chapter)

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