Chapter 22 Qi Ji
The melodious music played, and the dancer in a toga with large sleeves flew up her sleeves, almost wanting to ride the wind and leave.

The ethereal and melodious singing sound also came out from the dancing.

"Tonight, when is the middle of the river, what day will I be in the same boat with the prince today..."

"I am ashamed to be shamed by the good ones, and I am annoyed to know that the prince..."

"Mountains have trees, and trees have branches, and my heart says that you don't know..."

Chu Yun... It seems that they are trying to curry favor with me, whose mother is a "Chu daughter"!Fusu looked at the woman doing the 'sleeves and waist' dance.

If his expectations were correct, the girl leading the dance should be the daughter of Marquis Gao Wu Qi Ji, Qi Ji.

With the rhythm of the music, the dancers' waists twisting, their toes falling lightly, and their sleeves fluttering, not only give Fusu visually beautiful enjoyment, but also stir up the most primitive desire in his heart.

Especially Qi Ji, the lead dancer, seemed to be immersed in the story described by Chu Yun. Her beautiful almond eyes were covered with water mist and sparkled in the candlelight.

Then the tune changed, and Qi Ji took off the large sleeves of the toga she was wearing outside, revealing the red skirt she was wearing underneath.

The movement of bending and dancing made the red skirt fit close to the body, and a seductive arc was instantly revealed under the tightly gripped waist. On the side of the white and delicate neck, a strand of black and smooth hair fell slightly.

Qi Ji's beauty is different from Zhao Ji's pure and charming, at first glance, it is as pitiful as seeing her first love;

It is also different from Tian Ji's enchanting and charming, making people just want to indulge in sex between the beds.

The beauty of Qi Ji lies in her elegance and elegance, with a bit of noble and glamorous air, like the independent snow lotus, which makes people forget the vulgarity.

"Cough..." Young Master Dagon coughed feignedly, and after attracting Fusu's attention, he glanced at the lead dancer surrounded by stars in the center like stars holding the moon, with an expression on his face that he knew everything about. .

Just like when Emperor Wu of the later Han Dynasty went to watch dance music at Princess Pingyang's mansion, he got up and pretended to go to the back hall to change his clothes, and by the way, he visited Wei Zifu.

At this time, Fusu only needs to stand up and say the word "change clothes", and Qi Ji, who is leading the dance, will follow in step by step, and let you pick and choose.


It's true that Fusu is an LSP lolicon, but a lolicon is about appearance, not age!

Although Qi Ji looks well developed, she is only 14 years old!
14 years old!
Sentence, there are more and more judgments these days!
Fusu was unmoved, just nodded with a smile.

Gongzi Dagon was a little puzzled, and didn't understand why Fusu, whose eyes were full of aggression, restrained himself.

In his understanding, it is a great favor to the courtiers to have the daughter of the emperor's favor, because from then on, the foreign ministers will become relatives and gain more trust.

This is a profitable business for both the monarch and his subjects.

However, Fusu's smile still reassured Prince Dagon. As long as Fusu is willing to accept Qi Ji into the harem, it means that Fusu has begun to trust the clan again.

On the other side, Qi Ji, who seems to be immersed in the music, is full of thoughts.

Before she came to dance for Fusu, she had been repeatedly told by Qi Ji and Mrs. Qi what might happen later, and she was also temporarily instructed by the wet nurse on how to cater to Fusu.

Although the atmosphere of the Qin Dynasty was open, the Zhou Rituals that were still used were set up in every February in February, similar to the blind date meeting of later generations. In this kind of blind date meeting, as long as men and women look at each other, they can hold hands in the grove that day. ...

But... After all, Qi Ji is just a 14-year-old girl. She only has some ignorant yearning for the relationship between men and women, and she doesn't even say anything about the tough arrangements of her parents, but her heart is full of reluctance.

However, the moment she saw Fusu, the sleeping deer in her heart quickly woke up.

In front of him was a young man in black clothes with slender eyebrows and slender eyes, and his calm and majestic face carried a bit of the delicate elegance of a Chudi woman, especially when he looked at him, the corner of his mouth smiled inexplicably, and his eyes were full of tenderness.

Coupled with the fact that my uncle, who was one of the Nine Ministers, was always aloof in the past, and his respectful demeanor in front of Fusu at this moment made Qi Ji, a 14-year-old girl raised in a deep boudoir, feel the power for the first time. What.

While waiting for the music to play, Qi Ji recalled her mother's words:
"Your Majesty has no heir at the moment. If you can get His Majesty's favor and give birth to a prince, and with the full help of my uncle and others, you will definitely be able to become a queen. At that time, not only the Qi family will benefit, but I will also enjoy it." All the glory and wealth...'

So when Fusu stared at her with aggressive eyes, Qi Ji was actually full of anticipation in her heart.

She was expecting Fusu to stand up from behind the desk, walk up to her, grab her arm, lead her into the inner room, and then forcefully tear her dress...

And she can only bear it silently like a weak little white rabbit...

However, this scene did not happen until the end of the song.

Qi Ji, full of resentment and unwillingness, bowed and retired gracefully with all the dancers.

'Your Majesty didn't like me... What should I do? '

Qi Ji was a little panicked and didn't know how to respond to her parents' inquiries.

At this moment, a slightly shrill voice sounded: "Please stay."

Qi Ji looked up, and found that standing in front of her was a man wearing a mountain crown, with a white face and no beard.

"You are?" Qi Ji asked, she vaguely remembered that this man stood beside Fusu during the dance before, and the mountain crown he wore on his head also confirmed his identity as the emperor's valet.

"Eunuch Order, Han Rang. Please follow me."

Qi Ji followed behind Han Rang without saying a word, and the little deer in her chest started to rampage.


The back hall of the county magistrate's mansion.

Fusu walked into the house and saw Qi Ji who was wearing a goose-yellow dress and worshiping on the ground. At this moment, he remembered what Gongzi Gun said when he was parting: Rui'er is young, and there are inappropriate things. I hope your majesty will forgive her. ...

Did you know that you still arranged this show when you were young?Fusu complained silently in his heart, and directed his attendants to put the remaining nearly one hundred catties of memorials on the desk.

"Go to bed first, I still have memorials to approve." Fu Su picked up a roll of bamboo slips and said without raising his head.

Qi Ji hesitated for a moment, and said in a slightly disappointed tone: "Yes, Your Majesty."

Fusu smiled silently, there are many reasons for accepting Qi Ji, the happiness of ravaging Bingshan beauty, the cultivation of a loli, and the pity for what happened to her in history...

More importantly, through the means of marriage, the power of the clan was re-bound to his chariot.

In this way, even if one day he turns against the veterans of the former court headed by Prime Minister Feng Jie, relying on the clan and the military power headed by the Mongolian and Wang families, it can be guaranteed that the court will not be too aggressive. too turbulent.

As for that Qi Rui'er who was lying in her clothes but staring at him unblinkingly with her round almond eyes...

Let's keep it for another two years.

(End of this chapter)

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