Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 23 The Qiang people rebelled, Habayashiro Hanxin

Chapter 23 The Qiang people rebelled, Habayashiro Hanxin
In the early morning of the next day, surrounded by thousands of soldiers, a six-horse security vehicle stopped in front of the county magistrate's mansion.

Different from the time when we came here, there was a girl dressed as a bride, Qi Rui'er, on the car at this time.

Although Fusu spent the whole night reviewing the memorabilia and was not lucky enough to be with her, Qi Ruier still insisted on dressing up as a woman, and left the small door shyly, and Fusu stepped into the car first.

When Fusu chatted briefly with the 'old man' Qi Ji, and boarded the car, the first thing he smelled was a faint sweet scent of bluegrass, and then he saw a slim figure.

Qi Rui'er was bending her back to him, her clothes were soft and close-fitting, and her little buttocks, which looked greener than Tian Ji's and were not round enough, were looming under the hem of the skirt.

Fusu coughed lightly, Qi Ruier immediately turned around quickly, raised her eyes to look at Fusu, then lowered her head and said timidly: "Your Majesty."

After Fusu sat down, he tapped on the carriage with his cane, and Yang Xi, the order of the CRRC Mansion, immediately started to drive.

Amidst the twitching of cars and horses, Fusu picked up a memorial that had just been delivered from Xianyang.

On this bamboo slip, Li Ping, the supervisor of Sishui County, bypassed the original procedure and sent it directly to the Shaofu, and then sent it to Fusu through the order of the minister.

The main content in it is to request the imperial court to send troops to arrest a certain pavilion chief and his family who have fallen into bandits.

Fusu glanced at Qi Rui'er, who was kneeling in the car and dressed as a bride, and suddenly thought that if someone arrests the family members of a certain pavilion chief and sends them to Xianyang, then he will be able to see Lu Zhi's demeanor!
Fusu recalled the remaining memories in his mind.

Well, in my 30s, wife, mother of two...

Thief Cao was actually myself!
Fusu smiled slightly, picked up a brush, and wrote on the bamboo slips: Yes, escort Xianyang.

Then he took out another silk book and danced on it.

Then he opened the window of the car, and handed the bamboo slips, silk script and a seal letter for dispatching troops to Gan Fu who was guarding beside the carriage with a halberd:
"Take three hundred soldiers and go to Sishui County, and hand over the silk book to Kong Zhuang, the governor of the county."


Fusu closed the car window and picked up another bamboo slip, but suddenly felt something strange on his outstretched calf.

He moved away the bamboo slips and took a closer look, but it was Qi Rui'er who was gently kneading his calf with ten green fingers.

As if sensing Fusu's gaze, on Qi Rui'er's porcelain-like beautiful face, her eyelashes trembled like small brushes, and a blush quickly spread from the base of her ears.

Are you coming?Is Your Majesty going to greet me in the car?Qi Rui'er began to tremble slightly.

Alas, being an emperor is indeed a first-class job in the world...Although I spent all night reviewing the memorials yesterday, I only took a nap at the desk at dawn...Fu Su broke the ambiguity at the moment, pointing at Jinse, who was placed in the car, asked, "Can you play?"

"Yes." Qi Rui'er replied with a trembling voice, then straightened up and added a little sandalwood in the incense burner, and briefly adjusted the jinse.

Ten slender fingers caressed the brocade violin lightly, and when they fiddled with it, quiet and elegant music flowed out from between the fingers.

Qi Rui'er closed her eyes slightly, and parted her red lips lightly.

"When the moon rises brightly, it's so bright. When people are careless. When you're relaxed and carefree, when you're busy."

"The moon rises brightly, and the outstanding people are beautiful. Comfortable, comfortable, and laborious."

"The moon rises and shines, and the people are scorching. Shu Yao is showing, and the heart is miserable."

Chen Feng·Moonrise, Mochizuki conceives a person... Is this accusing me of being unmoved by the beauty?Fusu smiled slightly, and continued to recall the memorabilia in his hand.


At ten o'clock in the day, the convoy finally arrived at the destination of the trip, Wuguan.

Wuguan leans against rocky cliffs in the north and Juejian in the south. The river surrounds the east, west and south sides. There are four high and steep mountains in the east of the city.

Under the protection of soldiers holding large shields, Fusu climbed to the top of the city step by step in military uniform.

General Huben Yang Xiong followed closely behind him, standing with his sword on his back, looking around with eagle-like eyes, ready to deal with possible attacks at any time.

Lang Zhongling Meng Yi walked on the other side of Fusu, he pointed to the place covered by the mist in the mountains and said:
"Please look, Your Majesty, there is Muhu Pass, to the east of us is Fushui Pass, to the south are Baiyang Pass, Zhulin Pass, Jingzi Pass, and Manchuan Pass, and to the north is Iron Lock Pass. Guan and Jitouguan."

Fusu nodded and thought to himself, Wuguan is worthy of being called the "Four Fortresses of Qin" along with Hangu Pass, Xiaoguan, and Dashan Pass. Unexpectedly, this place is actually composed of a series of defense lines.

After a while, Fusu looked at the merchants and pedestrians who were blocked from entering, and decided to end his trip to Wuguan as soon as possible and return to Xianyang.

After all, for his safety, Yang Xiong can't wait to throw all unreliable people thousands of miles away!

At this moment, a messenger with a small flag tied behind him came quickly.

After being stopped by Li Cheng, he stuffed the bamboo tube on his back into Meng Ying's hands, and then fell down and passed out.

After a while, the bamboo tube was delivered to Meng Yi, and after verifying that the wax paint and other items were correct, Meng Yi opened the bamboo tube and transferred the silk script inside to Fusu.

"Go back to Xianyang!" Fusu glanced a few times, then handed the silk book to Meng Yi, and walked towards Anche under the guard of a dozen generals.

Yang Xiong walked over from the side and asked, "What's the matter?"

Meng Yi closed the silk book and said: "The Qiang people have invaded the frontier, and Longxi is urgent!"

"Longxi? With Li Xin here, how dare the Qiang people invade my territory?" Yang Xiong frowned.

"Last year it snowed heavily, and the Qiang people were already in disaster. It is said that in the spring, they were invaded by the Yue clan. I didn't expect them to have the courage to come to Daqin to make up for the loss... Hehehe, could it be that they think that the emperor is not here, so they can be unscrupulous ?”

Meng Yi sneered, and quickly walked down the wall with Yang Xiong.


In Xianyang City under the darkness, the sound of carriages and horses suddenly sounded in the silence, followed by the sound of barking dogs, which made all the Qin people who were awakened from their dreams start to feel uneasy.

The last riot was the news of the death of the First Emperor brought back by Meng Yi, who was in charge of internal affairs at the time. This time...

After taking a bath in a hurry, Fusu changed into his court clothes again, and under the guard of hundreds of cavaliers, he drove to Prime Minister You's Mansion by car.

During the Qin and Han Dynasties, the prime minister was in charge of the prime minister's assistant to the emperor Wanji, and his status was almost equal to that of the deputy emperor.

Every time there is a major event in the country, the emperor needs to go to the prime minister's mansion to discuss it in person.

Of course, if the first emperor was here, it would not have to be like this, but Fusu, the second emperor, had to abide by the rules.

When Fusu arrived at the main hall of the Prime Minister's Mansion, the Right Prime Minister Feng Quji, the Left Prime Minister Wei Liao, the Taiwei Qiang Yan, the Wei Wei Yang Duanhe, the Langzhong Ling Mengyi, the Taifu Mengtian, and the general Zhang Han had been waiting for a long time. up.

It is worth mentioning that Fusu deliberately did not let Feng Jie, the imperial historian who is called the candidate for the prime minister, to attend the meeting, but separately notified Zhang Han, who will be the young mansion, and those who followed him into the main hall were also from Shang Habayashi Lang and Han Xin who rushed back at Lin Yuan Kuiye.

PS: After signing the contract, there are two updates every day, please recommend tickets, dear!
(End of this chapter)

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