Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 222 My boat is notoriously fast!

Chapter 222 My boat is notoriously fast!

In the early morning, Xiaoyue is still high in the sky.

At the Deshui Ferry in Wenyi County, Wei Bao got off the prison cart, with dozens of catties of shackles wrapped around his hands and feet.

Under the control of the Qin army's spears, Wei Bao walked in the mud with one foot deep and one foot shallow. He inadvertently saw the seedlings growing in the field, and thought of Jin Jinggong who was destined not to eat new wheat. And sing.

"The millet is separated, the reality of the land. Walking and walking, the center is like choking. Those who know me say that my heart is worried, and those who don't know me say what I want. The heavens! Who is this?"

"Yuyou heaven! Who is this!"

Wei Bao sang as he walked, his voice panicked, and Bao Ji, who got off from another prison car, heard it and burst into tears unknowingly.

Walking down behind Bo Ji, there was also a little girl carved in pink and jade with a flustered face, and several gorgeously dressed ladies with tears on their faces.

The little girl is naturally Xu negative, and those ladies are Xu Wang's wives, concubines and daughters-in-law.

Under Hu Xiao's report, the farmlands that Xu Wang embezzled were confirmed one by one through the method of Li Chen acting on his behalf over the years. Therefore, according to the law, the men were punished as Cheng Dan, and the women were punished as pugs.

Embroidered clothes Lang Bai Wuji poked Guan Gao beside him, and said in a low voice: "Tingwei Youcheng is not very murderous today, I thought I would kill hundreds of people in one go like in Luoyang City!"

Guan Gao patted the floating dirt on his body, and said with a smile: "I heard that because the amount involved in the case is not large, so the extrajudicial grace is granted, so as to let the wrong people know their way back, don't go all the way to the end, and end up misunderstanding Has……"

Bai Wuji frowned, stared at Guan Gao and said, "It doesn't sound like what you said. Don't you usually approve of minor crimes and heavy punishments that implicate the whole family?"

Guan Gao looked around and whispered, "People always change! And these are the exact words His Majesty told You Cheng when he left Xianyang that day..."

Bai Wuji looked at him and smiled, then walked forward and shouted loudly: "Men from the Xu family board the ferry on the far left, female relatives board the ferry in the middle, and Wei Bao boards the boat on the right alone!"

After a while, after all the prisoners boarded the ship, Bai Wuji smiled and said to Guan Gao: "Brother Guan Gao, see you on the other side!"

Guan Gao smiled and shook his head: "No, you and I will cross the river together."


Bai Wuji looked at Guan Gao in a little surprise, until the other party and the boatman who operated the boat winked and ordered him to back down, Bai Wuji suddenly realized.

After a while, the boat arrived at the center of the water.

Wei Bao looked at Guan Gao who was rowing, and frowned slightly: "I said why the speed of the boat is so slow, so you are rowing? Look at those boats, they have already reached the other side!"

Guan Gao smiled and said, "Don't worry, my boat is famously fast!"

Before he finished his sentence, he swung his oars suddenly, and the ferry was immediately horizontal on the water, and the black canopy on the cabin blocked the sight of everyone on the other side.

For a moment, the ferry shook violently, and then calmed down.

In the next second, Bai Wuji wiped off the blood-stained Guanhong Knife, ran to the bow of the boat, and shouted loudly: "It's not good! The boat is leaking, come and save people!"


On the wharf of Wenyi County, the deputy county magistrate Linghu Xiao watched the clumsy performance on the water, and looked back at Hou Feng: "Why do you want to do this, escort Wei Bao to Xianyang, isn't it good for the Ming Dynasty to punish you?"

Hou Feng shook his head slightly and said, "This way, your majesty's benevolence will not be harmed. Besides, the boat capsizes in the middle of the water. This is a natural disaster. It is God who punishes the immoral, and it has nothing to do with you or me."

Hu Xie smiled and said, "Brother Hou, I didn't expect that you, a legalist student, would be so clever."

Hou Feng Zhengse said: "The study of governing the world should not stick to the opinions of one family, and the right way is to listen to and learn from others."

Hu Xiao's complexion changed, and then she straightened her clothes and said, "I would like to be taught!"


Xianyang City, Lantian Camp.

The drums of war are like thunder, and the armor is shining toward the sun, shouting to kill and shaking the sky.

Fusu was wearing a golden bright armor, standing tall on the commanding platform, surrounded by Taiwei Qiang Lun, Lang Zhongling Li Xin, Wei Wei Yang Duanhe, Lieutenant Xin Sheng, Huben General Yang Xiong, and a group of soldiers. A large group of officers, large and small.

And above the school field, there are [-] heavy infantry fully equipped with new equipment.

They were wearing heavy armor made by Fusu after imitating the infantry armor of the later Song Dynasty.

Each piece of armor weighs forty catties (Qin Jin), which is about one-third lighter than the original version of the later Song Dynasty.

This is mainly a matter of material. After all, high-quality iron ore was gradually exhausted during the Song Dynasty, and the remaining mineable iron ore contained relatively high sulfur content.

This also led to the fact that at that time, the Song Dynasty used the same technology to copy Xixia's cold forged armor one by one, but the quality was not as good as Xixia's. The only reason was that the iron ore on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was of high grade and good ductility.

In the era when Fusu traveled over, the average grade of iron ore in the world was over 40, but only over 30 in China.

Therefore, it can be basically concluded that the reason why the average iron mine in the world is more than 40 is because the Celestial Dynasty has dragged down the whole world by its own strength...

Fusu nodded, signaling the start of the drill, but looked straight to the south, across the endless mountains and seas, vaguely saw a large island with countless marsupials growing there.

I heard that the iron ore there is dug casually, and the grade of more than 60 is everywhere. You know, iron ore is a compound, not pure iron, and the highest grade in theory is only [-], so the ore dug out there is casual Once practiced, it is good steel!

Thinking of this, Fusu nodded mechanically, affirming the uniform array below, and at the same time filled up the appearance of the Jackdaw in his mind.

As for the Fuchuan of the Ming Dynasty, he really didn't have much impression.

Although the shipbuilding industry was developed in later generations, sail-powered wooden ships were no longer used for sea-going ships, and due to games such as "Total War" and "Assassin's Creed", Fusu was to Europeans, to be precise, the one made by the people of the corrupt country. Set of ship grades, a little understanding.

What he was going to transform was the prototype of the Jackdaw, a brig with a total length of 23 to 50 meters and a tonnage of four to five hundred tons.

Such a ship is just suitable for sailing along the coast of Southeast Asia, spreading the light of civilization to this ignorant place.

While dumping industrial products, he taught the language of the Qin people, who were no different from savages, and advanced farming techniques.

After all, you can't just cut leeks without fertilizing!
Then when the time is right, the Nanyang Protectorate will be established, so that they can connect with Daqin, and finally realize... well, a body with a common destiny for mankind!

As for today's military parade, it was mainly because Fusu heard that in the southwest of Gudao County, there lived a group of Di people named Baima.

As the saying goes, how can you allow others to snore and sleep on the side of the couch!
So when this military parade is over, Fusu intends to completely eliminate them, and the counties and counties will deal with them!
ps: No typo.

(End of this chapter)

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