Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 223 How to Lose the Flying Dragon Riding the Face?

Chapter 223 How to Lose the Flying Dragon Riding the Face?
Qiang Yan glanced at the excited warriors around him, and slowly approached Fusu, shouting loudly: "Your Majesty! Your Majesty!"

There is no way, now that the war drums are rumbling, if he doesn't speak loudly, Fusu can't hear him at all.

Fu Su turned around and asked, "Why is the Taiwei calling me?"

Qiang Lu continued to speak loudly: "I heard that Your Majesty is going to use troops against the Di people. I wonder if it is true or not?"

Um?oh!It seems that my secretarial team has completely emptied the Ministry of National Defense...Fu Su nodded and said: "The news of the Taiwei is really well-informed."

On Qiang Lu's ravine-ridden face, there was a bit of aggrieved expression.

Fusu just pretended not to see it. This is the fate of the fence-sitting faction.

The forces in Feng Jie's family are gradually falling flat...

Well, at least on the bright side, when things are gradually flattening, isn't it a reasonable thing for the fence-sitting faction to be hit hard?
Loyalty is not absolute, it is absolutely not loyal!
Qiang Lu didn't care about his face, he looked at Fusu slightly with a sarcasm and said: "The Di people came quickly and kept a low profile, unlike the Qiang people and Huns who harassed us from time to time. I don't know why your majesty treats the Di people Using troops?"

He wants to ask clearly, such as what is the name of the army, what kind of combat goals are he going to achieve, and most importantly, how will it end after the battle.

Only after asking clearly, will he decide whether to let his children and grandchildren take this troubled water, how much benefit they can get from it, and most importantly, to show their loyalty!

Fusu looked at the old official of the Five Dynasties. After all, when Qiang Lu was out of office, the king of Qin was the King Zhaoxiang who had been waiting for a long time.

"Every man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade." Fusu said lightly: "The place where the Baimadi people live is at the intersection of the Qinba Mountains and the Qinba Mountains. It is the throat of Bashu and the key of Qinlong!"

"To the north, you can invade the homeland of our Qin people, the west county of Longxi County, and if you go east, you can cut off the old road leading to Bashu at any time!"

"Therefore, this battle is a battle to protect the main traffic routes from being invaded by barbarians!"

The place where the Baima Di people mentioned by Fusu is roughly the Wudu District of Longnan City in later generations. Although Wudu County was established in this place during the reign of King Zhaoxiang, but outside the county seat, it is all Di people. sphere of influence.

Because the road is uneven and there is no good arable land, it is tasteless to Qin Ting, so as long as the Di people keep their own place in the mountains, the Qin people will just ignore it.

But it's different now. The previous indulgence of the Di people was because they couldn't beat the surrounding counties with their strength.

However, with the launch of the second wave of plantation projects in Fusu, there will soon be an endless stream of convoys on the old road leading to Bashu.

Compared with the county town with city wall guards, the convoy is undoubtedly a piece of fat walking.

The most important thing is that because the Di people are closest to the Qin people, they have mastered the skills of farming and building houses, and have their own customs and habits different from those of the Qiang and Qin people.

If you don't attack them while they are still relatively weak, Di people will be one of them in the chaos of the Five Hus in later generations!
As for the second reason, it was Fusu's advantage as a traverser.

Although Wudu County has many mountains and looks barren, it is called a "complex treasure zone" by Mr. Li Siguang, with countless mineral deposits.

Moreover, the land surrounded by river valleys is also very suitable for growing cash crops such as pepper, citrus, and tea. After opening up the trade route from Central Asia to Mediterranean countries, you can also introduce local olives, turning barren mountains into golden mountains!

This is what Fusu said, it is a crime to conceive Bi.

Qiang Li nodded slightly, since Fusu had said everything for this sake, he also knew what to do.

So he cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Confucius once said that you can't avoid enemies with external actions, and you can't avoid sons with internal actions. Therefore, the old minister wants to recommend someone for His Majesty regarding the attack on the Di people."

"The youngest son of my minister, Lang Qi Qiang Wu, is exceptionally brave. He is used to fighting in the mountains. He once served with His Majesty in the Jiuyuan Army. I think that he is the best choice for this battle!"

hehe!Qiang Wu, I have a little impression... Fusu looked at Qiang Lu who was trying to make an exchange with him, and said with a smile: "In that case, let Qiang Wu go."

Anyway, the equipment is crushed, the troops are crushed, and the level of the generals is not bad.

The advantage is mine!

Fusu looked down at the soldiers in heavy armor who were still walking like flying, and decided to add another sharp weapon for the upcoming mountain battle.


Although things like leggings have appeared during this period, they are more similar to high socks.

The leggings that Fusu mentioned were military leggings that appeared in the 18th century.

In the era of limited mechanization, soldiers relied on their legs most of the time for long-distance marches.

After walking for a long time, blood will sink to the legs, which can easily cause muscle soreness, swelling, and even special conditions such as varicose veins.

When Napoleon discovered the benefits of leggings, he listed them as essential equipment for soldiers.

And as the French army was invincible everywhere, the powerful French army became the object of the modernization of the armies of various countries to imitate, and leggings also became the individual equipment of the armies of various countries during this period.

Even in many cases, not only people have leggings, but even military horses and military donkeys that need to travel long distances with the army also have leggings.

But here's another problem.

That is a pair of leggings, about 20 catties worth of corn!

In the state of Qin, the soldiers who were conscripted needed to prepare their own travel expenses, food and clothing on the road, and their own close-fitting clothes, but the armor and weapons on their bodies were allocated from the arsenal.

So, are leggings considered the clothes that soldiers prepare for themselves?Or are they weapons and armor issued by the government?
If it is the former, there must be people who have people and people who don't. After all, the families of the guards are divided into rich and poor.

For example, the well-known toilet waiter Heifu, in his original history line, the one who became famous in history was the document that asked his family for money.

If you don't send money, you will die!Hurry up hurry up!
So it seems a bit harsh to ask the guards to prepare their own leggings.

But if the imperial court distributes them, these two small strips of cloth will obviously not look like armor, and they can still be used after repairing and replacing with new armor pieces.

That is to say, the leggings will be consumables, and I am afraid that at least two pairs will be needed before the soldier's military service period ends.

Qin's standing army is about 30 people, that is to say, 60 pairs of leggings need to be prepared.

It is equivalent to 120 million catties (city catties) of corn!
The output of about [-] mu (Qin mu) of farmland!
If you count the preparations for military horses...


Of course, the installation of leggings can be done step by step, just like the fifteen thousand infantry armor.

ps: The price of the leggings is from the TV series "The Right Way in the World Is the Vicissitudes of Life", but it was in the Northeast during the War of Liberation. A pair of leggings costs [-] catties of rice.

So in Qin, where productivity is even lower, it shouldn't be a problem to double it.

(End of this chapter)

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