Chapter 225
Zhang Cang froze for a moment, then turned to look at Xiao He.

Half a month ago, under the impeachment of a group of censors collectively under the jurisdiction of Haraji Awachishi, the Heijun Order went home early to take care of his grandson, and Fusu asked Xiao He to concurrently serve on the grounds of "working diligently and in line with my wishes". The position of leveling order.

Xiao He thought for a while and said: "The price of grain in Xianyang is the highest, it has already reached 170 yuan a stone."

Fu Su nodded slightly, what Xiao He said was quite different from what he guessed.

Xianyang is big, and living in it is not easy.

Now it is coming to the season of shortage, and because Xianyang City has gathered a large number of non-agricultural population, the price of food is naturally the highest in the world.

As for the 170 coins that Xiao He mentioned, it refers to five baht coins, not half taels.

Fusu took a sip of his tea and said, "Since this is the case, it's time to issue the tiào order. Starting tomorrow, the official warehouses will be opened, and the counties in Guanzhong will sell grain at a price of 150 five baht per stone. The county sells the stored grain at the price of fifty and a half taels per stone."

"When selling grain in the counties of Guanzhong, let the people of Hengshui Duwei come to the scene, set up an exchange point for exchanging half taels for five baht coins, and exchange half taels in the order of three to one."

The Ping Tiao Order that Fusu mentioned refers to the fact that the government buys unlimited grain from farmers at a certain price during the harvest period, and then sells the grain at a low price when it is too late to harvest.

For example, in Qin State, the official minimum price for grain was [-] renminbi per shi, and the highest price was [-] renminbi per shi.

However, in some private transactions among the people, the purchase price of grain is generally more than 20 yuan per stone.

Well, this lower than the official money is the service fee of the grain merchants.

After all, grain merchants go directly to the field to collect grain, while the official warehouse needs to be delivered by Qianshou himself, and the person in charge of the warehouse will pick and choose to profit from it.

Looking at Xiao He's quick records on the bamboo slips, Zhang Cang frowned and questioned: "Your Majesty, is it a bit early to issue the order of flat sale now? In previous years, the order of flat sale was not issued until one or two months later. .”

Fu Su shook his head slightly and said: "It's not too late, if it's later, some people should sell their sons and daughters..."

Some places in the Guanzhong area were hit by disasters last year, so even the grain reserves in the official warehouses have declined slightly compared to previous years.

And according to Fusu’s knowledge from some gossip, some grain merchants who are engaged in grain trade and have official umbrellas are quietly hoarding grain, and they are waiting for two months to go, and the grain stocks of the heads of Guizhou are almost enough to eat. time, sell at a high price.

Fusu would be understandable if they were just doing it for profit.

But I'm afraid that the government and businessmen will collude, buy people at a low price, and force them into prostitution!

In this era of slow carriages and horses, other counties and counties in the world Fusu seem to be powerless.

But the Guanzhong area is the basic territory of Qin State, and there is absolutely no room for loss.

For this reason, the first stop after Hou Feng and others left the customs was Sanchuan County. First, they came to rectify the administration of officials, and second, they rushed to Xingyang Aocang.

Now, the grain gathered from the counties and counties in the Central Plains is being shipped there, ready to be sent to Xianyang City at any time.

If not, fight a food war!

The grain stored in the official warehouses of Ao Cang and Xianyang is enough to bankrupt all the grain merchants in Guanzhong!

Zhang Cang heard something from Fusu's words, so he sat up straight and said: "Since your majesty is worried, why not throw out the censors after the ministers go back, and catch two typical hoarders?"

Fu Su nodded and said: "I just have this intention, let the censors make a move, monitor the world, and take a look to see if there are any relics like Hu Xiao."

The evening before yesterday, Hou Feng and others sent a report saying that Wei Bao accidentally fell into the water and died while crossing the river, so they asked him for punishment.

Fusu's reply was that they didn't do their job well, so they were fined one month's salary, but they were rewarded with a thousand dollars for meritorious service in handling the case, and they were promoted to a rank of noble.

As for the male members of the Xu family, they were sent to Shangjun to dig coal, and the female family members were sent to Xianyang to work as textile workers.

Only the Bo Ji mentioned in the letter made Thief Cao feel a little overwhelmed. If Qi Ruier, Lu Zhi, and Bo Ji were to be arrested again, it would be a good time to make a mahjong table!
After Zhang Cang and Xiao He got clear instructions, they sat for a while and got up to leave.

Fusu continued to sit in the quiet room, flipping through the reports sent from outside, as well as the annotated edition of Shang Jun's book by the First Emperor.

He didn't plan to return to the Lanchi Palace in a short time, it wasn't because he was vain, but the process of making villains was very happy, but if making villains for the sake of making villains, it would be very boring.

So he was going to show off that crazy, omnipotent woman who poked XP too often, and she would probably be pissed off!


Mangdang Mountain.

This is the only mountain group on the Eastern Henan Plain, but it is different from the later 5A-level scenic spots. The current Mangdang Mountain is full of barren grass, inaccessible to people, and is full of countless insects and beasts.

It is no exaggeration to say that if one hundred and eighty thousand people were thrown in, not even a single wave could be stirred up.

In a valley among the mountains, several men in ragged clothes who looked like savages escorted a sturdy man bound by vines, and staggered all the way.

"Brother Fan Kuai, take it easy, for the sake of me following Liu Ji to rescue you..." The man tied up by vines couldn't help pleading.

Fan Kui turned his head and put a butcher knife in his hand on the man's neck: "Kong Ju, if you want to run away, brother will not stop you. Liu Ji also said that gatherings and dispersal are impermanent. But if you want to go to the government to sue for adultery, that's it." Don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Kong Ju said with a face full of fear: "No, I didn't!"

Fan Kui slapped him with the butcher knife and said: "Don't try to deny it, don't think I don't know, your brother's name is Kong Yu, and now he is a close minister of the Dog Emperor!"

Kong Ju rolled his eyes: "We haven't seen each other for many years! Whether he is doing well or not has nothing to do with me. I just feel that the mountains are too bitter and I want to go out..."

Fan Kuai kicked him on the ground, spat and said, "Don't fucking argue here, I'll kill you and drink with you after meeting Liu Ji!"

While Kong Ju kept crying for mercy, they came to a very secret cave.

On a big rock in front of the cave, Ji sat a big man with a high nose bridge and a bamboo crown. Because of his current sitting posture, a large bunch of grapes was clearly visible.

He took a sip of the stale wine brought by his concubine a few days ago, found a lice in his torn clothes, crushed it to death, threw it into his mouth, and served the food and drink.

As for where the wine comes from, the big man never asks. Anyway, the folk customs in Chudi are open, everyone is willing, as long as the baby calls himself Daddy, other things don't matter...

Seeing Fan Kuai and his party coming from a distance, the big man wiped the wine from his beard, staggered two steps forward, and said in his unique Peisi accent: "Who is this? Why did you put me in the hole?" Brother Ju is tied up?"

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Entertaining People and Self' and 'Wright'!

(`) Compare the heart
(End of this chapter)

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