Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 226 Your Majesty, the spectacle misleads the country!

Chapter 226 Your Majesty, the spectacle misleads the country!

The four seas share the same cold food, and Qianqiu is one person.

At this time, the Guanzhong area is approaching the annual Cold Food Festival.

However, in the current state of Qin, the origin of the Cold Food Festival has nothing to do with Jie Zitui, it will have to wait until after the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Well, it’s not just the Cold Food Festival. In fact, many festivals only existed after the Eastern Han Dynasty, such as the Lantern Festival.

But the custom of prohibiting fire and cold food had already existed before Jie Zitui.

"Zhou Li" records: In the Mid-Spring Festival, fire repairs with Muduo were banned in the middle school.This is the responsibility of Si Xuan, the official in charge of the fire ban, and Mid-Spring is Mid-Spring.

However, Chinese festivals are mostly turned into a dinner party.

In the past, people mostly ate some things like Qingtuan, but this year is different. In order to cope with the cold food festival, Fusu reproduced several ways to eat cold noodles as early as many days.

There are meat and vegetables, and abundance and frugality are up to people.

In order to allow everyone to have a better dinner together, except for some necessary departments in Qin State at this time, all the cold food festivals will rest for seven days.

Of course, although the person on duty does not have double wages, they will usually be rewarded with spring wine.


Shanglin Garden, on the bank of Changchi, Tingchao Hall.

Early in the morning, after offering sacrifices to the ancestors in the Ji Temple, Fusu's car drove to Shanglin Garden.

At this moment, Fusu looked at Tian Ji who was pinching a snake with her stomach upright, so she asked, "Why are you pinching that thing?"

Tian Ji looked at Fusu with a pair of peach blossom eyes and said, "Huh? Your Majesty doesn't know? Oh, by the way, in previous years, Your Majesty spent the cold food festival in the palace with his father."

Tian Ji paused for a moment, pointed to the face rabbit in Zhao Ji's hand and said, "Snake coiled rabbit, you must be rich! This is the concubine who is looking forward to the prosperity of the Qin people!"

This doesn't fit your vase personality!Besides, the country will be rich and strong if you pinch a snake-faced snake, what do you need the ministers to do... Although Fu Su complained in his heart, he still said with a smile on his face: "Yes, there is progress! After the cold food festival is over, think about it." What to eat, I will cook for you myself!"

Tian Ji put the snake down, parted her red lips slightly, and said coquettishly, "I want to eat fried chicken!"

Zhao Ji's delicate and charming face was full of praise: "I want to eat it too. Your Majesty's fried chicken is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, juicy and juicy. It's a hundred times better than the chef's in the palace!"

That’s not true, back then I relied on this skill to lead the girls into the rented house, fried chicken, beer, horror movies, the first half of the girls ate my fried chicken, and the second half of the speech would be caught... … Fusu thought about the past for a while, and immediately said firmly: "No! The fried chicken is too greasy and easy to get angry, so it is not suitable for you two pregnant women to eat!"

Seeing that they were all angry with their mouths flattened at the same time, Fusu said with a smile: "Let me make roast chicken for you, it's delicious too!"

Zhao Ji blinked and asked, "Roast chicken? What is that?"

Tian Ji licked her plump lips, but said nothing, she never questioned Fusu's food.

Well, except for stinky tofu!
Fu Su said with a smile: "It's just to spread honey on the chicken, fry it first and then marinate it. Believe me, it's delicious!"

Seeing them continue to knead the dough with great expectations, Fu Su couldn't help but think of the scene of receiving the "good news" that day.

First ecstasy, then sadness comes from it...

This means that for a long time, either one out of ten will fight, or they will never be imprisoned.

Fu Su looked at Qi Ruier who was huddled in the corner and playing backgammon with Ying Yinman. Today she was dressed the same as Ying Yinman, both in moon-white palace attire, but different from Yunying's unmarried Ying Yinman, Qi Ruier On the head is combed an elegant and generous yet lively and lovely bun.

Maybe because she noticed Fusu's gaze, Qi Rui'er raised her head. Under the sun, her fair face seemed to be shining with light, her face was full of fine details, and her face was indescribably elegant and beautiful, like a peach bud about to bloom. With resentful eyes, it looks a bit like cross-eyed...

Too young, too young...Fu Su looked away, but a voice couldn't help but came out from deep in his heart, asking the prime minister to come up!
No, I'm not such a person... After Fusu persuaded himself, he grabbed a memorial and read it.

Yes, he is a special group of people who bathe endlessly during the Cold Food Festival.

After the Ping Tiao Order was issued, although there was a short-term rush to buy, the head of Guizhou and the grain merchants saw the continuous supply of grain from the imperial court, so the former bought as much as they ate, while the latter honestly and cheaply. Sell ​​food.

According to the data reported by Xiao He, the private grain merchants in Changyang Street South City sell grain at 140 nine yuan per stone, which is one yuan lower than the official price of the imperial court.

Well, thanks to the fact that the smallest currency in the state of Qin is one qian, otherwise these guys would definitely come up with something like nine cents...Fu Su put down the memorandum and picked up another one.

This letter was also sent by Xiao He. Based on the grain storage in the official warehouse and the grain price in Xianyang over the years, he calculated the time when the Xianyang grain warehouse could be used for trade in Guishou.

Fusu turned directly to the end, and found that according to Xiao He's estimation, all the stored grain should be sold out around June when the new grain enters the warehouse.

Of course, this is a theoretical value, that is, all the grain bought by the official warehouse in the capital of Guizhou is eaten by itself, and the grain from the grain merchants is allowed to rot into the warehouse.

This also shows that the land of Guanzhong is worthy of being the land of abundance!
In an agricultural country where food is paramount to the people, stabilizing food prices is basically tantamount to stabilizing everything.

Then, since the stored grain in the Guanzhong area is enough to eat the new grain harvest, the grain transported from Sanchuan County can be used for other purposes.

For example, build a national gymnasium on the basis of the original Efang Palace!

Daqin in the west can build a grand arena, and Daqin in the east will also have one!
This is not Fusu's whimsical idea, but the announcement of holding the first Cuju competition named Daqin Cup, which has spread to all counties in the world.

If there is no mistake, in the few days of the Cold Food Festival, the counties and counties will start the first round of selection competitions, and wait until the Lantern Festival (Lantern Festival) before the national finals.

For this project, Fusu rewarded No.1 with 100 million dollars!
As for the county magistrates, sheriffs, county lieutenants, and censors in the county where they are located, each of them can have one of Ze's sons become a Langguan.

If tea is aimed at Wuyue and Chu, then Cuju is aimed at Qilu counties.

"Warring States Policy · Qi Policy" records: Qi people in Linzi enjoy playing Yugu and Se, playing qin and building, fighting cocks and running dogs, and playing six games.

In other words, the 100 million yuan is very likely to be taken by the participating teams from the four counties of Qilu!
And what Fusu has to do is to operate in the dark, let the representative teams with a strip of water eliminate each other, and then use the new rules to blow the whistle and manipulate the result of the game.

In this way, when their area becomes dark, the pressure on Fusu's shoulders should be much less!
(End of this chapter)

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