Chapter 228 Ohara
"It's called Wuyi, Master Wang Yuxing..."

In the north of Yiqu County, the prefecture of Beidi County, a place called Dayuan, a convoy of tens of thousands of people came singing.

They are the victorious divisions who defeated the Xiongnu in the north before and were granted land here.

Around them, there are also countless flocks and herds of cattle.

Of course, a considerable part of them had already been bought by Fusu with money, so there were also some officials from the Shaofu who followed in the convoy.

If Hou Feng were here, he would have discovered that Qin Yannian, who had his pants stripped and spanked because he hit eight out of nine arrows, was the official of the Shaofu who was in charge of receiving cattle and sheep.

After all, from his surname, it can be seen that he belongs to the clan of Qin.

Riding side by side with Qin Yannian, Han Xin was in charge of leading the army back south.

It's just that unlike Qin Yannian, who was despised by the "killers" of the Nine Plains Army because he was young and held a high position, Han Xin's actual actions won the respect of the soldiers.

After climbing over a ridge and reaching the highest point, Han Xin couldn't believe his eyes.

Compared with those beams and hills surrounded by ravines for more than a thousand miles, this place seems to be a flat and endless plain. At this moment, I can't believe that I am walking on a plateau!

Qin Yannian said in admiration: "It's a good place, if it is reclaimed, at least one hundred thousand Qianshou households can be resettled!"

Han Xin nodded and said in agreement: "Yes, it is indeed a rare and good place!"

Qin Yannian glanced at the lush greenery in front of him, and said with some doubts: "Lieutenant Han, you said such a good place, why did the Zhou people move away from here before?"

Han Xin smiled contemptuously and said: "Farming requires water. Although Dayuan is flat and has a soft loess layer, it is a blessing and a curse. The loess layer is suitable for farming on the one hand, but it cannot hold water on the other." The water flow is all under the mountain, but the farmland is on the mountain, so how can the conditions that are almost dependent on the sky compare with the Guanzhong land that guards the Weishui River?"

Qin Yannian opened his eyes wide and said in amazement: "Master Han Xiaowei, I never thought that you are not only proficient in the art of battle, but also so proficient in the art of farming and herdsmen!"

Han Xin shook his head and said: "The words I just said are almost all the original words in your Majesty's edict! Your Majesty said that this place is fine, and the loess plateau west of Liupan Mountain is the real population trap..."

Then you pretend to be a chicken feather... Qin Yannian slandered in his heart, but asked without changing his face: "What is a population trap?"

Han Xin shook his head and said: "I don't quite understand this. Your Majesty said that these terrains are flattened planes, what kind of plains and gentle hills are lifted up to form plateaus, and then continue to be eroded by flowing water. The flattened planes are divided and destroyed. The core part is like a plain, while the edge part forms a cave, a hill..."

I understand, but I don't fully understand... Qin Yannian listened, his eyes gradually became the same as Han Xin's mosquito-repellent incense, he laughed twice and said: "Your Majesty is really knowledgeable and talented, you are really a god!"

"Yes, yes!" Han Xin nodded heavily, and immediately took out a neatly stacked piece of bamboo paper from his saddlebag: "You see, His Majesty even drew on it how to solve the problem of draft water and irrigation of farmland. ..."

Qin Yannian waved his hands stiffly at the corner of his mouth: "You can just look at it yourself, Captain Han. I will mark some livestock, register them and return to Xianyang City..."

Han Xin was stunned for a moment and said, "Didn't Your Majesty ask you to take the cattle and sheep away?"

Qin Yannian spread his hands: "Could Captain Han be joking? With just three or two of us, we can drive away thousands of cattle and sheep?"

Han Xin blinked: "Then what about the cattle and sheep?"

Qin Yannian said: "Your Majesty said that we should register and register first, and then some servants will send people to drive away the flock of sheep. As for the cows, Your Majesty said that they should stay at Qianshou's home to send samples, and then rush to Xianyang City after autumn." Go. During this period, let Qianshou serve as an envoy, but he cannot be killed!"

Han Xin suddenly realized: "You guys are just here to send some money?"

Qin Yannian nodded, and said with a smile: "How about saying that Han Xiaowei is so smart!"

Han Xin turned his head away and suddenly didn't want to talk.


"Your Majesty, you are rude!"

In front of a palace with carved beams and painted buildings in Shanglin Garden, Li Rou'er was wearing a narrow-sleeved Hu suit with a huge, somewhat exaggerated longbow on her back, and was pacing anxiously on the spot.

She is Li Xin's only daughter, but she was raised by Li Xin as a son since she was a child, so she is proficient in bow and horse, and has the ability to pass through Yang with a hundred steps.

However, she came today not to discuss archery with Fusu, but because of a rumor, she came to the door to verify it.

At this moment in the kitchen, Fusu heard the roar of the tigress outside, but pretended not to hear it, and was concentrating on cooking a loving meal for her two pregnant women.

The Cold Food Festival has passed, according to future generations, today should be Qingming Festival, so we can light a fire and cook.

Not only that, but later today, officials in Xianyang City with a rank of more than a thousand stones will come to Fusu to have a Qingming banquet!

Fusu felt that perhaps the most important thing to do as an emperor was to invite ministers to eat and drink...

Eating in your mouth, holding it in your hand, your pocket can't be empty!

However, today's Qingming banquet is different from the past. It doesn't need to be solemn and solemn. It's just because I ate cold food for a few days before, so I need a hot meal to make up for it!
That being the case, Fusu simply set the venue of the banquet at Shanglin Garden.

As for the ingredients for the banquet, it is the Bamei pig that has been raised in Shanglin Garden for a long time.

Ever since they were eunuched by Fusu, they have no worldly desires at all, except to eat and sleep, so they gain weight quickly, which greatly shortens the time from being cute to delicious.

As for Fusu's love meal, the main raw material is the jio of the pigs. He is going to make a dish of pig's foot ginger that he loves in honey sauce in future generations.

Although this is a confinement meal, whatever it is, it's delicious and it's over!
"Your Majesty, I know you are inside, come out!" Li Rou'er's voice sounded again.

Fusu let out a long sigh, and asked the chef standing in the kitchen to take good care of the casserole on the fire, while he wiped his hands and walked outside.

Seeing him walking out, Li Rou'er strode closer: "Your Majesty, is it true?"

Fu Su frowned slightly: "What is true?"

Li Rou'er said with a bit of tears: "I heard that he is not as tall as me, like a weed in the wind..."

Fu Su measured Li Rou'er, he was close to 1.9 meters, Li Rou'er was about 1.8 meters, and Han Xin was about 1.7 meters, so he nodded and said, "It's a bit too much for the wind in the wind! Where did you hear the rumors?"

"Meng Ying said it!" Li Rou'er immediately said shyly: "How about I marry Your Majesty! This is what you promised when I was a child!"

Fusu looked at Li Rou'er who looked like Zhang Fei with a sticky beard in front of him, denied it three times, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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