Chapter 229
In the moon of Jichun, the sun is in the stomach, and the seven stars are in the evening; the day is in the morning of the unicorn; the sun is Jiayi; the emperor is big; the divine sentence is awn; the insect scales; the sound horn; the rhythm is the guxi; the number is eight, and the taste is sour. ; Its smelly smell; it worships households; sacrifices the spleen.

Sitting on the boat, Fusu picked up a big fish in the water with his own hands. This was a sacrifice to the ancestral temple to pray for the fullness of the wheat.

And as far as he could see, the first brig was already getting its keel laid.

He was particularly fortunate that the Qin kings of all dynasties had dug a huge artificial lake, Changchi (Kunming Pond), in advance in order to plan the royal garden of Shanglinyuan.

Well, it is the Qixi Park of later generations.

During the Han Dynasty, Liu Xiaozhu practiced the navy in Kunming Lake in order to get rid of Zhao Tuo.

What Fusu wants to do is also to train the navy here, but what he wants to train is for sailors for long-distance voyages.

After all, sailing ships that rely on wind power to advance are very different from galleys that were mainly driven by oars during this period.

Fusu estimates that after three to five years, an ocean-going fleet that can travel along the coastline can be formed.

You can talk about catching Xu Fu or something else, first go hand in hand with Liaodong County on land and water, and take back Xuantu and Le Lang since ancient times!
"When the emperor catches fish, the world will be rich!"

A ceremony official yelled loudly, holding up the tray with both hands, and took the big fish that was barely alive.

Fusu faced the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty, and after drinking the sacrificial wine with them, the whole ceremony was considered to be over.

After a while, when everyone dispersed, Gong Shugui walked over with a few followers, carrying a huge sand table.

"See Your Majesty!" Gong Shugui bowed and saluted, with an unstoppable smug expression on his face.

"Get up, what's that?" Fusu raised his chin, curious and anticipating.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, this is the water conservancy map of Guanzhong that Jiangzuo Shaofu rushed to work overnight!" Gong Shugui beckoned, and the attendants hurried forward and presented the sand table.

Fusu walked over and took a closer look, although compared with the satellite images of later generations, this sand table was so rough that I don't know where it went.

But whether it is the Weishui, the Jingshui, or the Luoshui, it is clearly visible.

Especially the Zhengguo Canal connecting Luoshui and Jingshui, the whole direction is exactly the same!
The rainy season is coming, and according to Fusu's estimates based on previous years' rainfall, this year's precipitation should not be small.

Therefore, it is necessary to plan ahead, inspect the dams in advance, and dig ditches.

In particular, if the several irrigation canals in the upper reaches of the Bashui River can be dug well this year, not only can a lot of water be added to irrigate the fields, but also the water volume of the Bashui River can be reduced, reducing the chance of the Weishui River flooding.

Fusu looked at the black lines drawn on the upper reaches of the Bashui River, which had been repeatedly verified by the Metropolitan Water Supervision Bureau and were suitable for the construction of irrigation canals.

"Has the manpower for digging irrigation canals been prepared?" Fusu asked, looking at Shi Shiling behind Gong Shugui.

Shi Shiling stepped forward, bowed his hands and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, since the recruitment order was issued, Guanzhong and Qianshou have signed up enthusiastically. In just one morning, they have recruited enough manpower!"

It seems that everyone's leftover food has been eaten... Fusu sighed slightly, and said to Shi Shiling: "Be careful during construction, and anyone who dares to deduct food wages will be punished!"

Shi Shiling bowed his hands again: "Here!"

After Shi Shiling left, Fusu looked at the sparkling Changchi in the distance and shook his head slightly.

The food situation in Guanzhong calculated by Xiao He is a theoretical value in an ideal state. The government has food in their hands, but the heads of Guizhou have no money in their hands!
Even after the Pingtiao order was issued, food prices stabilized, but this is beneficial to those middle-class people, for those whose pockets are cleaner than their faces, and the rats wipe away tears after jumping into the rice vat. That being said, it was still a very difficult time.

So what Fusu has to do is to build a project, so that the government can manage food, and each person can have a ration of two shi per month, and can also get a salary of twenty five baht per day. In this way, they can survive It's time for the summer harvest.

As for government money?
Well, most of the stored grain sold in the official warehouses is the land rent collected from the head of Guizhou free of charge. Including the labor costs of storage and logistics, the cost per stone may not exceed ten yuan...

Fusu looked at the recruitment situation, and felt that the income and expenditure should be basically the same.

Then the next thing to do is to use the engineers and craftsmen who have accumulated experience in excavating Bashui irrigation canals to build more irrigation canals.

After all, whether it is in later generations or now, agriculture depends on the weather, and only with stable irrigation canals can we achieve guaranteed harvest in drought and flood.

He beckoned, took the brush from Han Rang, and began to draw lines on the sand table.

Come on, Liufuqu!
Come on, Longshouqu!
Come on, Cheng Guoqu!

Fusu sketched in large strokes on the sand table, it was great!
Gongshugui was dumbfounded, dumbfounded, stupid!

Just as stupid as Gong Shugui, there is also Chen Mao, the leader of the farm family who was kidnapped from Boyang County by the "good disciple" Lou Jing.

In fact, it can't be called kidnapping, it can only be said to be half-hearted, willing to accept or refuse.

After all, the highest goal of scholars of all schools is to serve the king and realize their ideals.

Under Lou Jing's 'hostage', Chen Mao went straight into Xianyang City along the Chi Road in a two-horse cart painted with red lacquer.

What made Chen Mao stupid was that when he entered Xi County, he saw the wheat fields growing on both sides of the road, which were taller and stronger than the ones he planted in his hometown. Close inspection of farmland.

So, it was a tragedy.


Chen Mao let out a cry, squatted down with his head in his hands, and remained motionless.

Beside him, there are about a hundred strong men in black and white clothes fighting hard.

Gold and iron clashed, and blood spattered everywhere.

It's just that, apart from the shouts of waving weapons vigorously, many of them didn't utter a single wail even though their hearts were pierced by sharp knives and their stomachs were pierced.

Surrounded in the middle of the crowd was a man wearing a green curly train, with a beautiful beard and a face like a jade crown. Beside him was a strong man over ten feet tall holding a hammer in his hand.

This is the new Chu Mojuzi, Zhang Liang.

And the one who surrounded Zhang Liang was precisely Qin Mo who was cleverly used by him to get rid of Juzi Zhaoping.

Compared to Chen Mao's fear, Zhang Liang was much calmer.

Since Mo Di's death, Mohism has been divided into three factions. Before the unification of Qin, such scenes of fighting often happened. The largest one was the battle of destroying Chu.

Chu Mo and Qi Mo joined forces to fight against Qin Mo, and the three parties dispatched tens of thousands of people to fight in the wilderness.

So, Wang Jian sent troops to stew it with a spoon...

ps: Thank you for the monthly tickets of 'Ying Gong', 'Ding Mao Nian Xuyue Eight Coins', 'I also have a small goal'! ()
(End of this chapter)

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