Chapter 230

"The wind is tight, scream!"

The strong man beside Zhang Liang roared, and guarding Zhang Liang began to break out.

They were ambushed by Qin Mo today. Who would have thought that a group of farmers pulling weeds in the fields would be disguised by Qin Mo!

And the reason why they wanted to run away was not because they couldn't beat Qin Mo, but because this was the place in Guanzhong, and Qin Mo had a skill that they didn't have.

Tell the teacher!

If their expectations were correct, the nearby pavilion soldiers and the county soldiers from Xi County should already be on their way.

At that time, surrounded by long halberds and shot at with force, no one will survive!
Run away if you can't fight, no, it's the gentleman who hides his weapons in his body and waits to move. It's the reason why Zhang Liang has been able to roam the world for so many years without being arrested and brought to justice.

Zhang Liang swung his sword, parried a blow from Qin Mo, and immediately rushed forward, jumping out of Qin Mo's encirclement.

Immediately afterwards, he jumped a few steps forward abruptly, and after climbing over the ridge of the field, he fled forward with vigorous steps.

If Fusu had been around, he would have discovered that Zhang Liang's steps were a bit like the prototype of Parkour in later generations.

After Zhang Liang's death, Chu Mo was divided into two groups, one of which was a group of lizards with their tails cut off, swearing to entangle Qin Mo to the death, covering most of Chu Mo from the battle.

After a while, more than a dozen Chu Mo fell down, but they accomplished their goal.

The leader, Qin Mo, wanted to go forward to follow him, but suddenly a fallen Chu Mo grabbed the corner of his clothes. Chu Mo's mouth overflowed with blood, and he murmured, "The destiny cannot be violated..."

"Melon skin!" Qin Mo, the leader, cursed, kicked him away, immediately took off his scarf, took out a copper whistle from his bosom, and blew it vigorously.

If Fusu was there, he would have recognized at a glance that this person was the clan of the Qin State, the son of King Xiaowen Yingzhu, his uncle, and the Young Master Yan!

Gong Ziyan took out a handkerchief, wiped off the blood stained on the long sword, and then retracted the sword into its sheath with a sense of ritual.

Chen Mao, who was squatting on the ground, looked at Gong Ziyan with contempt in his eyes.

"Tian Sheweng, I'll kill you again!" Young Master Yan scolded with a smile.

"Gaoliangzi, how could Naigong be afraid of you?" Chen Mao stood up from the ground and responded with a smile.

Scholars in the pre-Qin period all carried swords. If anyone thinks that the muscles of peasant scholars are cultivated while plowing the fields, it can only show that you are too naive.

Gong Ziyan continued to smile and said, "What is Nanban Gege doing in Xianyang? Show me the biography and show it to Naigong!"

Chen Mao smiled and shook his head, with a proud face: "I didn't bring it, it's in the carriage! Besides, it was your second emperor who invited Nai Gong to Xianyang!"

Gongzi Yan said solemnly: "It's not my emperor, but the emperor of all the people in the world. You must know whether the whole world is the king's land, and whether the land on the coast is the king's minister..."

Chen Mao interrupted him and said, "What you said, Zhang Zifang who ran away just now must disagree!"

Gong Ziyan sneered: "Don't worry, he can't escape! In order to arrest Zhang Liang, Qin Mo dispatched nearly 3000 people!"

Chen Mao frowned suddenly, and jumped up and shouted: "He assassinated the emperor again? Oh, I have warned him a long time ago. After the world is destroyed, there will be millions of floating corpses and bloodshed for thousands of miles! Oh, this reckless man ! The old man has just entered Xianyang..."

Gong Ziyan glanced at him contemptuously, then sighed and said, "Zhao Ping is dead..."

"What?" Chen Mao took half a step back in an instant, with a different kind of light in his eyes. Although he was dressed like an old farmer at this moment, the aura he exuded was worthy of the title of farm leader.

Gong Ziyan sighed again and said, "Zhao Ping is dead, and Ju Ziling has also fallen into Zhang Liang's hands. What kind of destiny are those people from the Yin Yang family advocating. The world, I'm afraid there will be chaos again!"

Chen Mao gasped, and after a moment of silence, he said quietly: "What do you think they are planning?"

Gong Ziyan lowered his eyes and said contemptuously: "What is the picture? Of course it is to control the world!"

"That idiot Zhang Liang thinks about loyalty to the emperor, trying to restore Korea; Chu Mo, that group of brains, wants the world to go back to the time when Zhou Tianzi ruled the princes; the Yinyang family's melon skins, trying to borrow the destiny Theory, re-integrate Fang Jijia and Mathematician, and then he is the only one!"

"The Mandate of Heaven?" Chen Mao smiled, his expression full of contempt: "Heaven's deeds are permanent, and they don't exist for Yao, and don't perish for Jie. After all, it's still human will!"

Gong Ziyan looked sideways slightly, and said with a smile: "Hey, this is what Xunzi said. Is it possible that the descendants of Chen Xiang have returned to Confucianism?"

Chen Mao shook his head: "Do you know the whereabouts of Fu Sheng? If it comes to destiny, they are still good at the Gongyang School!"

Gong Ziyan said with a smile: "His name is listed in the order issued by His Majesty a month ago to collect relics from the sea. I think he is already on his way to Xianyang to become an official again!"

Chen Mao sighed and said: "Your emperor is really different from his father..."

Young Master Yan said seriously: "Say it again, that is the ruler of Wanfang, your emperor!"


On the road to the south of Xi County, many soldiers dressed as pavilion soldiers are gathering.

A brawny man dressed in a crimson red robe and dressed as a pavilion chief, but with a black and white mark on his collar, shouted loudly:
"Don't leave Zhang Liang! Send an order, Zhang Liang, the No. [-] most wanted criminal, will be rewarded with [-] yuan per catty!"

In the grove, Zhang Liang and his party, who were walking quickly, couldn't help chuckling when they heard this voice.

By the catty?Could Qin Ting be joking?
The humiliation is so far, the Qin Dynasty will never be forgotten, and the laws of nature will not be tolerated... Zhang Liang cursed in his heart, and took off the green skirt on his body, and changed into a gray blouse. He hesitated, and took out a short dagger from his arms , decisively cut off the long beard that was vertical on his chest, and trimmed it into a messy short beard like ordinary Guishou.

While running, he carefully put a few pieces of silk cloth into his arms. These were drawings he had stolen from Lantian County, which recorded the detailed dimensions of the plow.

At the start of plowing ceremony that day, apart from another great victory of the Qin people, what shocked him most was the farming tools displayed by the Emperor Qin.

So he felt that after the restoration of Korea, Koreans should also have such good things!
For this reason, he did not hesitate to expose his whereabouts, and was followed by Qin Mo.

Behind Zhang Liang, the strong man and Chu Mo were also quickly changing their outfits, completely different from the original ones.

A moment later, when the group of them reappeared on the official road, they were no different from pedestrians on the side of the road.

"Stop, take out the biography!" A pavilion guard stopped Zhang Liang, who had been disguised, and other heads of Guizhou on the road.

Zhang Liang imitated the appearance of the people around him, while cursing Tingzu for being blind, for not being able to recognize his relatives and neighbors, he took out the fake certificate he had prepared long ago from his waist.

But in the next second, Zhang Liang suddenly jumped up, kicked the pavilion pawn away, turned around and fled into the woods again.

Behind him, those men and women pretending to be passers-by took out their hidden weapons and chased after him.

"Pass down the order, the one with the short beard and the gray coat is Zhang Liang!"

(End of this chapter)

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