Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 231 I'm going to be a jerk!

Chapter 231 I'm going to be a jerk!
To the south of the Weishui River and to the west of Lantian County, here is the royal garden including Zhangtai Palace, Shanglin Garden.

Looking around here, there are many flowers and plants, and the light is indistinct. There is no reason to look at it, and there is no limit to observation.The sun rises from the East Marsh and enters the West Pit.

Fusu's motorcade came out of Zhangtai Palace, passing through the sporadic palaces, listening to the sound of cranes and deer along the way, in the faint mist, it seemed as if he was in the Yuntai Heavenly Palace.

It was just beside his ears, besides these voices, there was also a vigorous and powerful male voice:

Spring is here, everything is recovering, and it is the season for animals to breed again. The air in the mountains and forests is filled with the smell of hormones...

Today is the first Si day in March, which is a very important festival. Among the folks, after the social day blind date last month, most of the men and women who see each other will choose to get married on this day.

And don’t worry if the blind date fails, on the day of Shangsi Festival, another fellowship will be organized again.

Young men and women sat together in a mixed manner, throwing pots with six bos and trying to get drunk.

During the period of holding hands and looking at each other secretly, there will be no old master to accuse the two parties of being rude.

When the night falls and the cups and plates are messed up, those who look at each other while enjoying the wine can go to the grove together...

The place Fusu is going to is Yichun Garden, a terrace in the south of Meipi Lake.

Mishui originating from the Zhongnan Valley joins the waters of Hugong Spring and Baisha Spring to flow northward, and accumulates into a lake after passing through Jinxiu Valley. The lake water is sweet and the fish are delicious.

After his stupid Oudou 'suicide', he was buried here according to the etiquette of Qianshou.

Of course, in this timeline, Hu Hai was living as an otaku in the imperial mausoleum, not seeing the sun, eating vegetarian food, besides being a little crazy, he still lived a very nourishing life.

And Fusu came to Yichun Garden today to participate in the activities of the Shangsi Festival.

To be precise, it is whipping with willow branches dipped in orchid soup, no, it is for the school-age girls in the families of princes and ministers, and widowed young women to exorcise evil spirits and bless them.

During this period, if there is something that moves his heart, it will be left directly.

At a later date, Fusu will be in the palace of Yichun Garden and visit her, or they...

And their father and brother will only be grateful and thank God!
But at this moment, Fusu frowned slightly, looking gloomyly at a middle-aged man with pockmarks on his face, Young Master Yan of Shaofu.

"Well, that's how it is." Gongzi Yan said with a little anxiety in his heart: "Zhang Liang finally jumped into the water and escaped, but I didn't catch him..."

Fusu sighed, rubbed his temples and said, "In other words, you used my drawings as bait to catch Chu Mo and Zhang Liang, but the fish ate the bait and ran away! Except for me, And Qin was damaged and got nothing?"

"Oh, by the way, I also killed more than a dozen young men! Are you planning to decapitate the decapitation and let me reward you with some military merit!"

Hearing Fusu's reprimand, Young Master Yan blushed, wishing he could get into the gap of the golden root car.

It's so cool to be the emperor... Fu Su looked at Gong Ziyan's expression and found it a little funny.

Zhang Liang stole the blueprint of the conventional plow, which is actually a good thing.

This is different from the Quyuan plow, which is dual-purpose for humans and animals. The plow is made of iron, and at least two horses or cattle are required. It is easy to use, but expensive.

As an emperor who owns the world, the folks have good farm tools, the yield per mu increases, people's income increases, and the tax revenue of the court will naturally increase.

In a sense, he is looking forward to spreading the technology in this way.

For those who cut leeks, the thicker the leeks, the better.

I am the country is not just talking!
Fusu's anger was because Gong Ziyan attributed all these actions to the internal contradictions of the school.

If he had informed Fu Su in advance, he would be like a martial arts fighter, iron eagle warrior, bed crossbow, or even temporarily buy some black powder, whatever he wanted, how could he just watch Zhang Liang run away!

Well now, even Dasuo Guanzhong is unlikely to catch Zhang Liang.

After all, there is no face recognition technology in this period, and it is close to the naked eye, unless it is someone who is very familiar with Zhang Liang, otherwise, as long as someone slightly modifies his facial features, even if he walks past you, you will not find that he is wanted by the court The criminal!
Fusu looked at Young Master Yan and asked, "That is to say, you are Qin Mojuzi now?"

Gong Ziyan shook his head and said, "No, the Mo family's giant sons were selected by the previous generation of sages. Now Qin Mo's son Zhao Ping died unexpectedly, and Ju Ziling was also taken away by Zhang Liang..."

Fu Su rolled his eyes and said, "You mean that the person who takes back the juzi order may become Qin Mo's juzi?"

Well, at this moment he thought of the holy fire order in Yitian.

The one who finds the juzi order is the Mohist juzi!

Well, there is quite a quack air, interesting, interesting!
Gong Ziyan looked surprised: "Juziling is just a wooden token. If you lose it, you lose it. At worst, you can find a public transportation to make a new one...Juzi must be a virtuous person. How can anyone just hold a broken wooden token? The reason why you can order the Mohists in the world? Your Majesty does not know, for the Mohists, the important thing is the person holding the Juziling, not the Juziling itself!"

oh?The world ink?Your idea is very dangerous... Fu Su sneered silently, stared at Gong Ziyan and said, "Do you think that I am a virtuous person?"

Gong Ziyan nodded suddenly: "Since your Majesty took the throne, you have practiced the laws of Qin, are diligent, know people and do them well, have good internal affairs, and follow admonitions... If anyone says that your majesty is not a virtuous person, I will fight with him." Already!"

Flatterer, but I like it... Fu Su looked at Gongzi Yan and continued: "Then what do you think of me being the Mohist?"

Hearing Fusu's sudden words, Gong Ziyan's eyes were wide open, and he was speechless for a long time.

Fusu continued: "The Mo School advocates universal love, and I regard all people in the world as sons; the Mo School advocates non-aggression, and there is no king in the world, and I will send troops to crusade against non-subjects. This is a righteous war, so it is very non-aggressive!"

"The Mo family also advocates frugality. There are only three concubines in my harem, and there are no more than eight sets of regular clothes for four seasons... If I remember correctly, Qing seems to have taken in another concubine last month..."

"The Mohist advocates advocating the same, I am the emperor of the Qin Dynasty, the cars are the same, the books are the same, and the world is one!"

"The Mohist advocates honoring the virtuous. Since I succeeded to the throne, I have issued an order to seek the virtuous, and just now issued a decree to pick up what is left in the sea. Don't exhaust the virtuous!"


Hearing Fusu's ups and downs, Gong Ziyan felt his head was getting bigger, and he shouted in his heart, the first emperor!Mozi!What should I do!help!

Young Master Yan endured it for a while, and finally couldn't help but asked: "Your Majesty, can I ask you a question? With Your Majesty's respect, why do you want to be a small pawn?"

Little moment?Do you believe what you say... Fu Su Yi said solemnly: "I will not only be a disciple of Mohism, but also a sage of Confucianism, and the leader of all schools in the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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