Chapter 234 Emperor Ze Wanwu
"Your Majesty, don't play tricks on me!" Tian Yun said with a smile, "Although I was born in a Gaoliang family, I am a farm student! How can there be such a miracle in the world?"

Like a sister, like a brother... Fusu just smiled without saying a word.

The earliest record of grafting in China is the "Book of Fansheng" in the Western Han Dynasty. The author is called Fan Shengzhi. The grafting technology in it is very mature. There are 10 gourd [hù] seedlings grafted into a vine to form a big gourd. Methods.

Gourd, also called gourd, is something that looks like a gourd. It is native to Africa, but it appeared in China as early as 7000 years ago.

Grafting herbaceous plants is much more difficult than grafting woody plants.

Therefore, Fusu thinks that grafting technology should appear earlier than Fanshengzhi. After all, in this era of per capita illiteracy, it takes a long time span for a technology to mature from its appearance.

And the reason why he brought Chen Mao to see the grafting of persimmon trees first was to test Chen Mao, the 'Xia Kui' of the farm family.

Chen Mao walked around the persimmon tree twice, and said with some uncertainty: "Could it be that what your Majesty uses is the technique of connecting trees?"

Hearing what his teacher said, Tian Yun frowned and asked, "Mulianli? Teacher, what is Mulianli?"

Before Chen Mao could answer, a deep and vigorous voice sounded behind them: "The so-called Mu Lianli is a tree with different roots, whose upper branches grow together. In the 31st year of the First Emperor, the history of the governor of Langya County stated that there are six trees in the mountain. The auspicious auspiciousness of the wood connected, this is the heaven's celebration for the great martial arts of the former emperor!"

Tian Yun turned around abruptly, and found that it was Zuo Prime Minister Wei Liao who came, so he stepped aside and waited until Wei Liao saluted Fusu before going forward and bowing his hands.

But Chen Mao bowed on his knees, after all, when it comes to official position, Wei Liao is the Prime Minister of the left, and he is the head of Guizhou, and when it comes to age, Wei Liao is much older than him.

Fu Su waited until they had finished seeing the ceremony, then looked at Wei Liao and said with a smile: "What is Prime Minister Zuo doing here?"

Wei Liao shook his head and sighed, "I'm old and I can't drink, so I went out for a walk."

What he didn't say was that since Fusu left, the ministers of the Manchu Dynasty showed their apes and began to drink dirty jokes...

Fusu guessed something, but he didn't bother to pay attention to it, and asked again: "Who is the censor who presents the six-tree connection, and where is he an official now?"

If two trees form a state similar to grafting, it may be said to be a coincidence, but if six trees are connected together, it must be man-made!
So, this is a talent!
Wei Liao lowered his head, took a few steps on the spot and raised his head suddenly: "Reporting to Your Majesty, that person seems to be the current governor of Kuaiji County, Yin Tong!"

Hearing Wei Liao's words, without waiting for Fusu to react, Chen Mao immediately changed from his previous gentleness, courtesy, and frugality, walked up to Wei Liao, opened his eyes wide, and asked in a hoarse voice: "Who is it? Can you say it again? "

Something is wrong, there must be a story here... Fusu suppressed the gossip in his heart, and looked at the scene in front of him expressionlessly.

"Yin Tong?" Tian Yun lowered his head in thought, and murmured, "Could it be the peasant traitor who killed Master?"

Holy crap, it's getting more and more exciting... Fusu's heart was jumping with joy, he didn't expect to show a grafting technique, and there would be an unexpected harvest.

Wei Liao twirled his beard lightly, frowned slightly and said, "Yin Tong, the governor of Kuaiji County, when Wang Ben destroyed Qi, he was granted the title of doctor because of his contribution to the city. In the 29th year of the First Emperor, he was recommended by Prime Minister Wang Wan as the censor of Langya County. In the 32nd year of the first emperor, he was promoted to the prefect of Kuaiji because of his meritorious deeds, and was rated as the "best" in the past years, so he has been re-elected to this day."

When Wei Liao was telling Yin Tong's experience, Chen Mao's expression was cloudy and uncertain, and he gritted his teeth from time to time.

Fusu waved, called his uncle and asked, "How much do you know about all this?"

Tian Yun lowered his voice and said: "I just heard from my fellow apprentice that there was a young boy named Yin Tong in the farm family in the past, after the surname of the son of the Shang Dynasty. When I started, Yin Tong had already switched to other schools. , As for the matter of killing the minister and master, the fellow martial uncle is also vague..."

Heh, what do you want... Fu Su waved his hand, indicating that the uncle who is no longer worth using can go.

However, he didn't call Chen Mao to ask what happened. Although his gossip spirit was burning, it was not easy for him to ask about such matters involving personal privacy, unless the person involved said anything about it.

Chen Mao took a few deep breaths, bowed in groups and said, "I lost my temper, please punish me, Your Majesty!"

Fusu shook his head slightly, and said with a smile: "Let's talk about the farmer's knowledge about Mu Lianli."

Chen Mao stabilized his emotions and said: "The farmer does have the art of wood connection, but it is used to trim branches. It is the first time I have seen two different trees connected together like Your Majesty."

Fusu nodded secretly, which vaguely matched his guess. Now that everyone has a basic understanding of grafting, the next thing will be easy to handle.

He pointed to the transplanted Junqianzi, that is, the black jujube tree, and said, "Although wild persimmons are sour, there are some varieties that are big and sweet..."

Fusu saw that Wei Liao and others were a little puzzled by the word variety, so he reorganized the language and said: "The relationship between wild persimmons and sweet persimmons is like Liuxiahui and Liuxiazhi. Although they are of the same species, they are of the same species. Since the behavior is different."

Well, in fact, Liu Xiahui was much earlier than Confucius, and his brother Liu Xiazhi would not be alive at the same time as Confucius, and Yan Hui died before Zilu, but the allusions say that Zilu died, and Yan Hui was with Confucius.

So this should be a fable made up by Zhuangzi, who is a joke master and only wants to be a turtle in the mud.

After seeing Wei Liao and the others suddenly realized, Fusu went on to say: "It is extremely difficult to transplant persimmon trees. In the past few years, Yong County has only cultivated seventeen sweet persimmons, which are not enough for sacrifices. It was for Qianshou to eat."

Therefore, there is a long way to go to realize the freedom of persimmons, and persimmons, like elm money, will serve as food reserves in many later generations.

"So I suddenly wondered, can we graft sweet persimmon branches to Junqianzi, which is very similar to wild persimmon trees? After all, compared with persimmon trees, Junqianzi is resistant to cold, drought and barrenness. It is resistant to humidity, has well-developed fibrous roots, and most importantly, it can be propagated by seed."

Fusu pointed to the newly grown branches and said: "If the experiment is successful, there will be thousands of sweet persimmon trees in Xianyang City by this time next year! This will not only enrich the diet of the head of Guizhou, but also save lives in the lean season. grain!"

Wei Liao bowed to the ground: "Your Majesty has the world in mind, it is really my great Qin's blessing!"

(End of this chapter)

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