Daqin Fusu: It is difficult to start the battle

Chapter 235 Farmer Chen Mao, willing to obey His Majesty!

Chapter 235 Farmer Chen Mao, willing to obey His Majesty!

On the other side, Tian Yun and Chen Mao also bowed down to worship.

After seeing Fusu accepting it calmly, Chen Mao straightened up and said solemnly: "Your Majesty is worthy of the name of nobility and kindness. The farmer Chen Mao is willing to obey His Majesty's orders!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Mao knelt down on both knees and performed three bows and nine kowtows.

Although the Qin State unified the world, scholars in this period still followed the official theory of the Warring States Period.

A good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a good minister chooses a master to serve!

What Chen Mao saw along the way made him feel that Fusu had a taste of "his own person", so after he heard some rumors from Gong Ziyan, he presented the Chengying Sword, which symbolized the farm family, as soon as he met.

Farmers advocate simplicity and self-sufficiency. Although Fusu’s daily life is full of rich clothes and jade, whether it is composting, curved plows, plows, or the current grafting technology, they are all feats that can directly improve people’s livelihood.

Especially when Fusu said that sweet persimmons are life-saving food, it hit Chen Mao's inner G-spot.

After all, all the remarks of the peasant family are based on those poor people who are struggling to die. It is no exaggeration to say that the reason why the peasant family can do nothing in this era is only because of the lack of a set of horse-bearded theories and the fact that thousands of years ago Out of a teacher!

With the respect of the emperor, Fusu can pay attention to the poor people. This alone is enough to make the peasant family loyal for a lifetime!

Wei Liao bowed at the side again: "I congratulate Your Majesty!"

Fusu waited for Chen Mao to kowtow eight times, and stepped forward to help him up: "It's my luck to have a master who will never give up!"

After Chen Mao stood up, he said with some embarrassment: "Can I ask His Majesty for something?"

Want to be an official?No problem... Fusu nodded and said, "But it's okay to talk."

Chen Mao glared at Tian Yun next to him, and Lou Jing in the distance, and said, "I was held hostage by these two villains, and I haven't eaten a grain of rice for a whole day. Can your majesty give me some food to satisfy my hunger?"

Fu Su was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "It's my fault..."

After a while, in another open space by the side of the long pond, several bills were placed.

Fusu originally wanted to call the group of musicians and dancers, but considering the farmer's consistent urgency, he just ordered the chef to make some simple and filling ingredients for the spring feast.

So, what was placed in front of Fusu was a large bowl of beef noodles, half a leg of lamb roasted in honey sauce, two servings of vegetables fried in lard, and a piece of crispy scallion pancake.

Well, in fact, at the spring feast just now, he ran out to see Chen Mao before he had time to eat.

And next to Fusu, Wei Liao also joined the meal, but he was older, so compared with Fusu, he lacked a scallion pancake.

"Hey, this is too extravagant..." Chen Mao looked at the large piece of beef spread on the noodles, couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and began to feast on it.

People will always change. Compared with Xu Xing's fundamentalism, later peasant scholars also made different revisions because of their different backgrounds.

Hey, it would be even more beautiful if there were chewing gum and garlic... Fusu looked at the amount of meat in the bowl that could last a certain chef for a year, sighed, and started to eat slowly.


South County.

The capital of Chu was originally in Danyang, named Ying, and later the state grew stronger, so the capital was moved, and the old capital was also called Yiling because several generations of Chu kings were buried here.

In the 29th year of King Qin Zhaoxiang, Bai Qi attacked Chu, and a fire burned Yiling into white land. This was the famous Battle of Yan and Ying later.

In the 26th year of the first emperor's reign, the prefectures and counties were all over the world, and Yiling was changed to Wu County.

At this moment, on the edge of the surging river, Meng Yi, the new governor of Nanjun County, wearing a black sacrificial attire, and leading a whole county of officials, is paying homage to the doctor Qu who threw himself into the river in anger.

According to the sacrificial method of this period, the system of sacrificial offerings of husbands, sages and kings is also: if the law is applied to the people, they will be worshiped; if they die and work hard, they will be worshiped; Of.

That is to say, sacrifices will be made to those who are set up as role models by the people, sacrificed to those who died in the line of duty, sacrificed to those who have made contributions to the stability of the country, sacrificed to those who can prevent disasters for the public, and sacrificed to those who can save the people from fire and water. .

Although Qu Yuan was walking along the Miluo River, what he thought about was the world of King Huai of Chu.

But now that the state of Chu is gone, what everyone has in mind should be the world of Emperor Qin.

Just like later emperors of the Qing Dynasty paid homage to Shi Kefa who resisted the Qing Dynasty with great fanfare, and repaired the Yuefei Temple, Fusu wanted to promote the idea of ​​being loyal to the emperor and serving the country in this way.

However, this set of things is mainly for the nobles of the old Chu state who are entrenched in Nanjun.

What the heads of Guizhou valued more were the rice dumplings distributed on the basis of human hair after offering sacrifices to Qu Yuan.

Obviously, cannibalism is soft.

After all, the rice dumplings are made of polished rice!

Standing on the edge of the altar, Meng Yi could clearly sense the crowd around him, and their hostility towards him had dropped significantly.

Especially when Gao Guanbo's Xiong Que appeared on the altar, some people who recognized him couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

In the past, the shabby hukou who made a living on mediocre farming has suddenly become the magistrate of Nanjun County. This is the second person in the sequence of civil servants in Nanjun County!

The county supervisor Yushi is subordinate to Yushi Zhongcheng and is a special commissioner of the imperial court, not in the sequence of local officials.

As a result, the elders and children of Nanjun immediately turned into rabbits, staring at Xiong Que on the altar with red eyes and piercing eyes.

Especially those brats who belong to the same family as Xiong Que and are also from Qu Yuan's lineage, they can't wait to rush up and replace him!
Just as Fusu expected, they were looking forward to the restoration of the state of Chu, but they wanted to return to the life of their ancestors.

As for entering Xianyang, taking the bird position, and becoming the emperor himself?

In this group of old and young, even in the most absurd dreams, there are thoughts that have never appeared before.


"Si Jinju, please do something!"

Under the command of the ceremonial officer, all the personnel involved in the sacrifice mechanically repeated the whole process of bowing, prostration, prostration, prostration, prostration, and flattening.

After a while, a small sacrifice was over, and the officials transferred from the county government began to release rice dumplings for Qianshou who participated in the sacrifice according to their civil registration and household registration.

When the mountain of rice dumplings gradually reduced to the bottom, Meng Yi and Xiong Que threw the remaining rice dumplings into the river.

"Sir Meng, why did you throw the food into the water?"

"Let the fish and turtles not eat Doctor Qu's body, and don't ask why they don't go to the Miluo River, this is His Majesty's order!"

"Then why wrap it in bamboo leaves?"

"Don't ask, asking is His Majesty's arrangement!"

After Meng Yi threw the zongzi into the river one by one, he heard the voices of people appreciating and praising Fusu, and said with a sneer in his heart:
"Qu Zi deliberately chose to jump into the river on May [-]th, the day when the dragon ascended to heaven. It was nothing more than using his own flesh and blood to cast a blood curse on Qin. But now? Hehe!"

(End of this chapter)

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